Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiy...

By HudsonDemon

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A/N: ...So I Been waiting for someone to make a Blazblue X Dragon ball Z or Super fanfic and there was an ok... More

The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!
Chapter 1: A new fatherly bond and Tragedy strikes
Chapter 2: A legendary Power Awakened and an Emotional Reunion!
Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!
Chapter 4: Small Farewells and Future Vision?
Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!
Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!
Chapter 7: Kaka Village and the Sewers!
Chapter 8: Attack from Liquid Seithr and A Doctor!
Chapter 9: Alucard Castle and 3rd trait?!
Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!
Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!
Chapter 13: Revelation and The Incident!
Chapter 14: Memories and a Full House!
Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!
Chapter 16: Wanted and Kids these Days!
Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!
Chapter 18: Setting up a Path of Forgiveness and The Wings of Justice!
Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!
Chapter 20: A Demon Within!
Chapter 21: The Mechanical Soul!
Chapter 22: The Plot Thickens!
Chapter 23: God slayers Cocoon!
Chapter 24: Awakening!
Chapter 25: Against the Godslayer!
Chapter 26: Unexpected Rebel!
Chapter 27: A difference in opinion!
Chapter 28: Ikaruga Arrival!
Chapter 29: Kagura Mutsuki!
Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!
Chapter 31: A Fight Between a Saiyan and the Crused Demi-God!

Chapter 11: The White Void, Ragna and Y/N Vs Hakumen!

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By HudsonDemon

Noel's prospective

I continue to run to find somebody here but no luck.

Noel: There's no one here either...?

Usually there crowd of soldiers but there's not a single one, I'm on guard on what will happen next as I pass down a corridor. I stopped and see someone on the ground. As I take a closer, look I realize who it is.

Noel: That's...Major Kisaragi!

I rushed over to him, and I see that he had major injuries as some parts of his body are bruised up badly.

Noel: Major Kisaragi...Major Kisaragi! Can you hear me?! He's so badly wounded...!

???: My if his body is that badly bruised up, he might have some internal bleeding going on!

He appeared around the corner and I recognize his voice.

Noel: C-Captain Hazama! I looked all over for you- -where have you been?!

Hazama: Whatever do you mean? I've been in here all the while.

Noel:...N-Never mind that- -we need to get Major Kisaragi to safety. Whoever attacked him could still be here.

Hazama: Oh, that's not going to be a problem. Ragna the Bloodedge and his mysterious accomplice did this to him, but they head straight to the basement.

Noel: Huh...? can you know Ragna's the culprit and who is his accomplice?!

Hazama: The accomplice, I don't know he's completely new, I don't think anybody in the intelligence department know who he is, all I know so far he wears F/C clothes with S/F/C clothes and trimmings, H/C colored hair and E/C eyes.
When I saw him fight Jin along side Ragna is that he's extremely skilled in close range combat, not even taken a single hit, and when I saw Jin knock Ragna to a pillar, he gotten angry moved faster than the eye could see and landed 2 devastating blows on him, Ragna landed the last blow, Jin lost, they left. End of story.

Noel: Wait-?! If you saw all that, why didn't you help him?!

Hazama: How much help would I have been? An All-out sword fight between the Major and the Grim Reaper with his accomplice being a powerhouse with the speed faster then anyone can move, is rather above my pay-grade. I don't think I'd be alive to have this conversation had I interfered.

Noel: But, still...

Hazama: Fighting's not my forte, Lieutenant- -hence my posting in the Intelligence Division. Besides, our job is to secure the Major. Ragna's outside the mission parameters, but the accomplice will be investigated to find out more about him when I get back to the department.

Noel: I guess that's true...

Hazama: Besides, I have no Idea what those two are up to. They where in such a hurry to make for the basement. They didn't even finish off their opponent.

Noel: Ah...

Noel's thoughts: Ragna the Bloodedge and the accomplice... the basement... What is this sensation...? I feel like...I'm late for a rendezvous... with people that I've never met... But I...I WANT to meet them... to meet Ragna...but most importantly...HIM...

Hazama: Everything all right, Lieutenant Vermillion?

Noel: U-Um, I...

My own feet started to walk on my own without any consent to the direction of the basement.

Noel: I'm...I'm going after Ragna the Bloodedge and the accomplice. Captain Hazama, please watch over the Major.

Hazama: Going after them?! You can't be serious!

Noel: I Have to!

3rd prospective

Noel then starts running at the direction to the basement.

Hazama: Have you taken leave of your senses, Lieutenant?! (Sigh) That's a rhetorical question, mind you- -of course you have.

After Noel is far away enough, Hazama opens his eyes to reveal yellow colored eyes.

Hazama: Hats off to you, Noel. You make my job so damn's been far to long...I/N.


Y/N's Prospective

After what feels like eternity, the elevator make it to the deepest part of of the basement and we stepped out.

The air feels far more different here, dense, heavy and with the silence, it's enough to suffocate a man.

Ragna: Every goddamn branch...(sigh) would it kill'em to mix up the architecture a bit...?

Y/N: I'm guessing that, every time you go to a branch the basement looks the same.

Ragna: Ya, goddamn right it is! I'm sick and tried of looking at the same damn basement.

As I look what's a head, a catwalk, leading to a giant device.

Ragna: Another day, another cauldron...

Y/N: So that's a cauldron... it's my first time seeing one!

Ragna: We've dicked around a bit to much, but at least we finally made it...

After he said that, he tensed up and I know the reason why.

I feel him, he's here the one that will try to kill Ragna. His growing malice, and aura.

???: It's been a long time Dark One.

He steps out confirming that he arrived his white armor, his faceless mask and his long sword. Hakumen has arrived!

Y/N: So you have arrived.

Hakumen: And so have you, Prodigy of Destruction.

Ragna: Whaddya mean, a long time? I've never met you before.

Hakumen: Your's quivering. Are you afraid? Do you fear me?

Ragna: Dammit! Who ARE you?!

Hakumen: He who will cleanse the world of you.

Ragna: What?!

Ragna stared into space for a second before going back to talking.

Ragna:'re the guy.

Y/N's thoughts: I guess he remembered what Jubei told him.

Hakumen: Darkness pours out of you, infecting our world with its evil. I shall staunch that cutting you down!

He pulls out his long sword and hunkers down into a menacing stance, with his blade at the ready.

Ragna: "Staunch the flow?" What are you talking about?

Ragna pulls out his sword and ready himself for what's about to happen. A beat of sweat trickles down the side of his face.

Y/N: I'm wouldn't let you kill Ragna, so I'm going to take you down!

You cracked your knuckles and got to your fighting stance.

Hakumen: I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand shall I reap the sins of this world, and cleanse it in the fires of destruction.

As he says each line, the ground starts shaking and his body starts glowing.

Hakumen: I am Hakumen. The end has come.

3rd prospective

After he said that, Hakumen charges at Ragna and strikes at him but Ragna blocked the attack with his own sword. He tries to attack him but Hakumen used some sort of barrier and counter attack him.

You then changed at Hakumen and attack him, but he did the same thing and throw you across the room. You got up and was ready to attack but he changed at you and dodged his attack.

You attack some more but, he continue to dodge them and with your last attack, Hakumen kicked your leg, spins and then kicked your face.

Y/N: Guh...

You got knocked back by that last attack.

Ragna: Y/N, you white faceless bastard!

Ragna runs at Hakumen and attacks him, managed to hit him. Hakumen then grabbed Ragna by the neck and changed enough force to shoulder change at Ragna and send him through a couple of pillars.

You got back up and saw what he did.

Y/N: Ragna!(looks at Hakumen)Grrraaahh...!

You change at Hakumen and he was preparing a devastating attack, as a barrier formed in front of him.

Hakumen: Empty Sky Form:...

As you hit the barrier he slashed and you where sent flying!

Hakumen: ...Winter's Repost!

You crashed right next to Ragna and both of you got up and you both are exhausted.

Ragna: Son of a bitch is strong...guh...

Y/N: Ya, I didn't think he was this strong.

Hakumen: What's wrong, Ragna the Bloodedge and Y/N? Don't tell me I've bested you both already.

As Hakumen was about to continue to fight something strange happened.

Ragna: What the- -?!

A bright light engulfs Hakumen, as lightning crackles and grows louder and louder and starts dissolving.

Hakumen: Guagh...! Phenomena intervention? How dare you get in my way...! Damn you, Grimalkin!

Then a bright light engulfed the whole room and as the light faded, Hakumen looks exhausted.

Ragna: Wh-What the hell was that about?!

Y/N: I got no clue.

Hakumen: (pant)(pant)(pant)(pant)

???: You nullified the effects of an intervention?! You've got to be shitting me! Hey, Ragna! RAGNA! Get your ass outta there- -NOW! And you, who ever you are get out of there as well.

Ragna: Get you ass outta my HEAD! Who the hell are you?!

Y/N: I agree, who are you, and why should we listen to you?

???: Doesn't matter! Listen! That guy's better than you any day of the friggin' week! So RUN already! Tager! Where are you?!

Tager: Sorry, Kokonoe, but I'm a little occupied at the moment!

Y/N's thoughts: Kokonoe? Why does that name sound familiar?

Kokonoe: Tager! Tager?! Stupid piece-of-shit communicator!

Ragna: Who are you people?! How come I never have a goddamn clue what's going on?!

Hakumen: It's over. Your times is done, Ragna the Bloodedge, Y/N. The prince of the netherworld awaits your arrival.

Once again, Hakumen lifts his gargantuan sword and got to his stance.

Ragna: Guh...

Y/N: Tch...

You both stood up and thought that there was no way to beat him, but something deep inside both you says to not give up and win this fight.

Ragna: I didn't climb this damn mountain...just to run away from you!

Y/N: You got that right, I make a promise to myself to change fate and save my friends. So god forbid, that I'm just going to run and break that promise and besides, running is never my thing anyway.

Y/N: So I guess it's time to show you my true power.

A/N: This is the part you start the music from the top.

Y/N: Haaaaaaa....!

You power up your Ki as the ground starts to shake and crumble.


Ragna: Y/N?!

As you continue to power up, the debris starts to lift up in the air and a your body starts to glow gold, your muscles grew tighter, your E/C eyes are turning green and your hair starts pointing up. And with one last shout, you transformed into your Super Saiyan form.

A/N: Think of this, But in the dark place and the only people around is Ragna and Hakumen.

Hakumen:....What is this power, it's immense!

Ragna's thoughts: This is Y/N's true power?!

Y/N: Alright, it's time for round 2!

After you said that, you rush at Hakumen he put up a barrier like before but this time you saw it coming, jumped behind him and gave Hakumen a powerful blow.

Hakumen: Gah...

Hakumen's thoughts: Y/N has gotten stronger has he held back his own power the entire time?!

Ragna: Eat this, Carnage...

Ragna rashes at Hakumen and slams his sword with his back turned away from Hakumen, turns around and launched his sword upwards with a wave a seithr.

Ragna: ...Scissors!

Hakumen got launched a few feet, then landed on his feet.

Hakumen: No matter if you gotten stronger, I'll still end the both of you.

He held his blade high up in the air and energy is channeling into the blade.

Hakumen: Empty Sky Form:...

You got in front of Ragna and charged some Ki to your right hand.

Y/N: Let's see if you try this!

Hakumen: ...Summers Advance!

He strike down his sword and a energy wave is coming right at the both of you, at the same time you throw a ball of Ki and nullified the energy wave.

Y/N: Now it's my turn!

You rash at Hakumen once again, and landed two more blows before you vanished right behind him and gave him a devastating haymaker. Launching him back and on one knee.

Hakumen: Uagh...

Y/N: Rrraaa!

Hakumen: No more... Empty Sky True Form:...

A giant barrier formed in front of him and you saw and think this is his strongest attack. You hit the barrier with hardest punch you got and broke the barrier.

Hakumen: What? Impossible...?!

Y/N: Ragna, Now!

Ragna: Got it!

Ragna turned his right arm into a giant hand of seithr, grabbed Hakumen and send a huge wave of seithr on to him!

Ragna let's go of Hakumen and he fell to the ground out cold.

A/N: This is where you stop the music.

Ragna: (pant) (pant)...We did it.

Y/N: (you reverted back to your normal form) Ya, for a second there I thought we are going to lose.

Ragna: Well lets go finish what we came here to do.

After he said that, the ground started to shake and the cauldron starts opening.

Ragna: Shit, the cauldron!

Y/N: I'm going to guess that's bad.

Ragna: We need to go and take care of it like right now.

Then you heard a gun firing in the distance.

Y/N: Hey Ragna, do you hear gunshots?

Ragna: Ya, I hear them we need to hurry, let's go!

Y/N: Right.

You and Ragna started heading to where the gunshots are heard and the last part where your vision ended.


A/N: And there we go, that's all for this chapter. We are only if I have to guess 1 or 2 more chapters before the end of Calamity Trigger phase. And so far on the votes on the love interest pull we got...

Noel: 1

Taokaka: 1

Makoto: 0

Tsubaki: 0

Rachel: 0

Lambda-11: 0

Harem: 0

A/N: So far Noel and Taokaka is neck to neck. Vote by commenting on who should be our love interest. And if there's someone you want on the love interest pull let me know by a commenting.
But anyway thank you for reading this fanfic. Almost 1k views I really can't thank you guys enough for reading this fanfic, again Thank you! This is A/N signing out!

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