Blake's Twisted Fate (A Compl...

By gracemadden1234

535K 28.4K 877

Uploaded 02/09/2019 ⚠️Mature Content ⚠️Mature Language Dr. Blake Russo, newly divorced and ready to look for... More

⛔ Before You Read ⛔
Meeting Blake
Meet Henry Chapman
Come With Me Little Girl
Against His Will
House of Lorraine
The Wonderful Mr. Chapman
Doctor Blake
Lady Lorraine
The Death of Him
Game Changer
This Is Love
Lost In Her
Out Of The Bag
Damsel In Distress
Morning Love
The End
Haunting Me (Sneak Peek)
Thank You!


10.5K 608 10
By gracemadden1234

Mateo and Gina met everyone at Henry and Blake's home after her release from the hospital.  She really does feel fine, but nobody believes her, of course.

They don't understand that physically, both she and the baby are great, but emotionally she isn't doing as great.  Especially after talking to Mateo.  He filled her in on Jake and why he was there that night.  She was shocked that she has a half brother and the fact that Mateo knew about Jake.

Gina insisted she rests in bed for the day even though the hospital gave her no restrictions.  She laid in bed bored after a quick shower. 

She was relieved when Henry came in wearing his sweats and climbed in bed with her and pulled her in close to him. 

"Netflix, ice cream sundaes, and a day in bed.  Just what the doctor ordered." He teased.  He flipped on the television and they settled on binging Stranger Things. 

It didn't take long until Henry was fast asleep and everything seemed so quiet.  She tiptoed out of the room and made her way downstairs where she found everyone.  There was also another man sitting in her den.  The man that saved her life last night.  

Gina jumps up from her seat and pulls out a chair for her like she's a child.

"How are you feeling?"  Gina is concerned.

"I'm fine, but I think Henry is in worse shape than me."  Everyone laughs, but Mateo who's in protective mode.

"He deserves the worse hangover ever, after that stunt last night." Mateo shakes his head, evidently still pissed.

"I don't get it,"  Alexander says.  "He never gets drunk, let alone on what he was drinking.  It doesn't add up."

The hero from last night clears his throat.  "That's why I'm here, actually.  We reviewed the entire security footage, and it seems his drink was spiked with something.  We would like to take him for some blood tests.  The two of you, also.  We have MI6 on it too since she is an American."  He looks at Blake.

"I'm sorry Blake, this is Jake Larkin.  He's an operative with the CIA, and his mother was a friend of your father."  Mateo looks like he wants to say more.

"Actually, Maxwell is my biological father,"  Jake adds.

"Wait, then you' brother?"  Blake's eyes light up.

"Half brother, yes.  I started looking for you a few years ago, but I was working overseas on something and didn't want to involve you.  So, I've known about your whereabouts for some time.  I just didn't want to bring any kind of danger into your life.  I'm mostly stateside now, and when I saw your DNA pop up, I wanted to reach out, but my director put me on your case and was ordered not to make contact.

Last night I came on duty as your attack took place.  I'm just sorry I didn't make it sooner."  He looked down and shook his head as he had failed somehow.

She stood up and walked over to him.  He stood, and she looked into his eyes and smiled.  "I guess good old Dad had gray eyes." She giggles, which brought relief to him.

"Yes, I believe so."

She is so intrigued.  She met an aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandmother, but never did she think she had a sibling. "You're also Rominav?"  She asked, and he nodded yes. 

She scrunched her eyes.  "But you're American?"  Again, he nodded yes.

"My mother and father broke up before I was born.  She was English, and had met Robert Larkin who raised me as his own.  Maxwell felt that I would be safer with Robert as my father.  I always knew he wasn't my biological father, and I did have a good childhood.  After college, I enlisted in the Marines, and was recruited into the CIA."   He answered.

"You're a spy?"  He shook his head.  "I'm an operative."  He answered. 

"Do you have other siblings?"  She asked, and he shook his head.  "Just you."  She smiled. 

"Can I hug you?" She asked, and he chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

The changes that have occurred in Blake's life are almost too much.  Now she not only has a brother, but also a child on its way and a husband. 

"Who the hell is that?" Henry came in with a scowl on his face.

"Henry! I have a brother!" Blake lights up, and Henry sees the glimmer in her eyes.

"A brother?" Henry is completely shocked.

"Henry, come meet Jake Larkin.  Jake, this is my husband, Henry Chapman." Henry walked over and shook his hand.

"I'm confused.  Does this mean it was never my wife in danger?"

Mateo shook his head.  "Jake was born to a woman who married an American before his birth.  Nobody knew about Jake.  His mother was a commoner." 

"I'm also married," Jake said. "Her name is Jennifer.  We've been married thirteen years."

"I have a sister-in-law!" Blake was so happy to hear she has family in America.

"You also have a niece and nephew." Jake smiled proudly. "Isabelle, we call her Belle, and Max.  Belle is 11 and Max is 8."

"I can't believe the baby will have cousins."  Henry put his arm around his wife. 

Mateo watches his son, and realizes he may have been too rough on him.

"Henry, Jake is also the man that stopped the attack.  There is a reason to believe you were drugged."  Henry notices the regret in his father's voice.

"I don't understand." Henry has been mostly out of the loop on everything.

"Jake is a CIA operative, and received word there was a hit on Blake.  They were keeping watch, and thankfully, Jake had just come on duty."

"A hit?" Henry is obviously shaken and looks at Jake for answers.

"All it took was a rumor and we were on it, being that she's American and of royal blood," Jake answers, but it's not good enough for Henry.

"How long have you known, and who is it?  Father, I thought this was over." He looked at Mateo.

"All we know is that a man named Del DiMarco hired these men.  The agency is looking for more information." Jake added.

Henry squeezes his wife a bit tighter and kisses her head.  "We will figure it out."

Henry is outraged, but trying his hardest to stay calm.  He loves his wife, and will do everything he can to protect the woman.

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