Mates Forever

By bookslover16

41.9K 898 48

Have you ever had a secret? I mean, not like a, "honey, i secretly don't like your ties so I threw them all a... More

Friends till the end?
New Day
dress shopping...Darn!
Double Date
Birthday Surprise
What do you mean, Mate?
I can't deal with this
The Pack
Peaceful Tides
Ominous Winds
Secrets no more
Evil plans
Battle Plan
Torturous Surprise
It's Over

Mates, forever, and always

1K 29 3
By bookslover16

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend on here, Clueless_Romantic, for being awesome. I too, am looking forward to eating and writing together haha, I'll meet you halfway :) We shall, we shall support each other, and check out her book, Hiding in the Deep, it's really very good. It's original and I like it very much, she's a great writer :)


I groaned and rolled over, bathing in the one patch of moonlight that shone through the window. I felt Josh beside me, and then i remembered why I woke up. The dream. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.


I was stretched out in the sun when it was blocked. I opened my eyes a crack, glaring at the person who dared disturb my solace, but it quickly changed into a look of fear when I recognized Trevor and Ashton. They smirked.

"Hey baby, are you the sun? Cuz you're smokin' hot," Ashton winked at me, and I cringed.

"What do you want?" I asked, knowing full well. They leaned in, crowding me and pushing me flat on my back.

"Well, we were just wondering where our other pack member is. You didn't hurt him, did you?" They glared at me, and it scared me how alike they were. I swallowed.

"I dunno," I lied through my teeth, and they looked at each other and laughed.

"Aw, she's denying beating the pulp out of our pup. How sweet of her." They suddenly lunged toward me and grabbed one arm each. I struggled, but I was no match for two full grown weres.

"Let me go! If you already know, why bother me?" They rolled their eyes at me.

"Well, isn't it obvious? We've come for your answer to our proposition. So...What's it gonna be sweetie? You come with us, or we hamstring all you love and post their heads in front of your doorstep?" I cringed at the image of my parents staring at me, their faces saying, "it's all your fault." I closed my eyes, already knowing what my answer was.

"No," I whispered. They threw me down, and Trevor sat on top of me.

"No?" he growled, and I shivered. I shook my head.

"No." He threw back his head and laughed.

"Well, there goes any chance of us liking you. We could never like someone who tossed everyone they love under the bus," he shoved himself off me, and paced back and forth. He grabbed my arm again and hauled me up.

"Is that your final answer?" he sneered in my face, and I shook my head.

"No. It's not." I spit in his face. He slowly reached up and drew his hand across my cheek, digging in his nails. I winced, but didn't flinch.

"Oh little tiger, what we are going to do to you, and those you love," He spat on the ground at me feet as he drew away. I stood shakily as he grabbed Ashton's arm and walked away. Just before he disappeared, I heard him whisper, "Beware."

*End of flashback*

I rubbed a hand over my eyes, whimpering.

I suddenly sat up straight. I know what I have, what I want to do. I gazed over to Josh, and smiled lovingly. I gently shook him awake, and pivoted my body so I was lying flush against him, on top. He groaned sleepily, a part of him already coming awake.

"What is it Sam? What's wrong?" He whispered groggily, sitting up, only to find me sitting on him instead. I flushed, glad it was dark.

"I want to. I've made up my mind. I love you." I bent and kissed his neck, and he growled, the vibrations sending shock waves through me now that I've made up my mind. I purred, or that's what it felt like, giving his neck a gentle bite, and pulled the skin in between my teeth. He stilled, and then pushed me away gently. He gazed into my eyes, serious for a moment. I gazed back.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He murmured, and I nodded, pushing him back down. I leaned down and whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe.

"Yes. Mates now, forever, and always." I looked up to his face, and he captured my lips in a passionate kiss, and twined his tongue with mine, our bodies soon following in an age-old dance of time and love.

(Not getting any more graphic than that, sorry.)


I woke up and stretched, feeling sore in all new places, but it wasn't really bad. I had a secret smile on my face, and I looked over at...nothing. Josh's side was empty. I started to panic. "Was it not...god for him, and he left?" I muttered to myself, but then I heard him open a door, and walk into the room from a shower, since his hair was wet, and he was wearing...a towel, that was slung dangerously low on his hips, threatening to reveal...I blushed, thinking about last night, how amazing it felt. Wow, it was the best night of my life. If only it was his.

 I looked at him, and drew back a bit. He gazed at me strangely, then a light shone in his eyes. He came over, and hugged me, whispering in my ear, "It was the best night of my life, and I love you. You know how much I love you. I love you love you love you," He said with each love me gave me a kiss. I giggled. But then a searing bolt of pain shot up my spine, and I gasped.

The same feeling shot up my thighs, and the inside of my arms. What's happening to me!?

The back of my neck felt like it was on fire. In fact, my whole body was on fire!  I rolled onto my stomach, buried my head in the pillow, and screamed, ripping a chunk out of the pillow with my, oh my god, MY TEETH WERE FANGS! WHAT THE HELL!

I bit down again, and a growl rumbled up my throat and burst into the room, making the bed frame shudder. I gazed at Josh with terror-filled eyes who, realizing I was naked and not covered, threw a blanket over me just as his dad ran into the room with a scared look on his face. I closed my eyes and screamed again, my whole body shaking and wracked with shivers.

My eyes were wide, and I could see Josh shouting at his dad, pointing at me, but I couldn't hear anything, I was just focused on the pain coursing through my joints, my whole body. I felt...something...pushing up, tearing it's way from deep down inside my soul, like it's been hidden, but I just found it. I know people can't feel their soul, but right now it seemed like I could only too well. Why, when Josh only said he loved me?

Its claws, if that's what they were, were making gouges on the inside of my body, and it felt like blood was dripping from every spot on my body, and the skin on my body was being peeled and flayed off.

I felt my body rubbing against the bed, shaking, like I was having a seizure, but then my whole body seized up, terror freezing the joints. I reached my hands up to feel my ears because they were aching, and they felt weird. They were pointy and furry! I let out a giant growl that had both Josh and his dad cowering against the wall. What's happening to me? I shuddered, tears leaking down my face. I hurt so much.

Josh looked like he was going to come to me, and I growled at him, keeping him away. I didn't want to hurt him.

"It's okay, You won't hurt him," A soft sweet voice entered my mind, and I flinched, my neck cracking and shifting.

"Who are you?" I whispered, and it let out a gleeful yip.

"What? You don't recognize me? I've been a part of you your whole life. We are one and the same. I am you, you are me. Do you know what I am, Who I am?" I shifted, not longer burning quite so much.

"I think so but...I'm afraid," I admitted, and she growled,

"There's no need to be afraid of your destiny! Embrace me, I love you. No one will harm us, or hurt the ones we love ever again! We are each other, we are a part of each other, a part of Josh. We were made for each other, just like you were made for Josh and I was made for his wolf." The pieces fell into place. This is what I've been missing my whole life, why I felt so empty. She is what i've been missing. My other half.

"My wolf," I whispered, and then... I exploded.


Josh's POV

I gasped as she started shaking. What's happening to her?

I screamed in my head.

"DAD COME TO MY ROOM NOW, SOMETHING'S HAPPENING TO SAM!" I heard him come up the stairs, and threw a blanket on her, covering her nakedness, before he came barreling through the door. He turned to yell at me, which I couldn't quite hear over her growling and whimpering.

"What?" I shouted, and he said it again.

"What's going on!?" I shrugged.

"Well, I was saying I loved her, and she started shaking and this," I said, gesturing to Sam, "Just happened." He thought for a minute.

"Did anything weird happen last night?" He asked, and I blushed, and then blanched, only when I heard her whimpers of pain. I turned back to my dad who had a knowing glint in his eyes.

"So soon?" he teased, but became serious when Sam whined. He turned to me.

"Well, lift up your shirt," he commanded, and I was too stunned to do anything but listen to him. I kept an eye on Sam, but she seemed to be controlling whatever was happening, but she was stiff as a board, shaking her head from side to side.

I heard my dad gasp.

"I thought you said you didn't get the tattoos when Ken asked?" He phrased it more like a question. I shrugged.

"I lied. It felt weird to tell him," I muttered to my dad. He nodded, but seemed fixated on a patch of tattoos that were shifting and changing shape.

"Uh, I don't know much, but I don't think they're supposed to move," he seemed nervous. I stared at them, and then I recognised the configuration. They were the tattoos that was my love for Sam. It seemed like they were splitting into two parts. It felt mildly uncomfortable, but it didn't really hurt. I saw the little hearts coming out of the vines that weren't there before, and then a patch of tattoos extended from the rest and began to take on a new shape.

In about a minute, there were two brand-new tattoos where there was only vines before. One was still vines, but had hearts around the other tattoo, which was of a miniature golden wolf. I've never heard of a gold wolf, like pure gold, not gold-streaked, or gold-tinted. I don't know what it means. I looked to my dad, but he seemed as confused as me.

Suddenly, a jet of pain seared its way up my spine, and I fell thrashing to the floor, moaning and feeling like my back was on fire. I tried to reach an arm back to feel my spine, but I couldn't reach without my shoulder seizing up. All of a sudden the pain stopped, and I lay on the floor gasping, my dad hovering over me, worried. I slowly stood up, and lifted my shirt wordlessly. He gasped when he saw my back. I faced him

"What is it?" I asked, and he smiled.

"You have something on your back. Look in the mirror." I faced my wall mirror, and turned to look at my back, and gasped.

Where there weren't any tattoos last time, there was now one running the length of my spine. It was a golden vine that wrapped around three other colors. Blue, Brown, and Blond. My wolf colors. But the gold one was a mystery. I slowly let my shirt down, covering it, when i heard a low moan from the bed. I was so distracted with my tattoos, I didn't see what was happening to Sam. What I saw then made me gasp.



Scroll down....

and down...

and down........

Nah, I couldn't do that to you guys, I hate it when people do that, so scroll down for the rest of the chapter ;P


Sam's POV

I surfaced from the pain and torment like a rock breaking the waves of the sea. It washed over me, and I didn't feel it. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind something was different. I just couldn't put my finger on it...

Josh's POV

I felt my eyes widen at the glorious sight before me. In front of me, curled up on herself, was a giant glowing golden wolf. She whuffled, and then her eyes met mine, a shade of molten gold burning it's way into my soul. I smiled, feeling amazing. So that's what she is. I knew her wolf would be amazing when it surfaced, but I didn't think it would surface like...this. It was so hard to watch, yet now, staring at this beautiful creature blinking sleepily back at me, I knew I wanted nothing more, nothing less. This is exactly what I always wanted. Her. Sam. My Mate.

I crept forward, and her ears swiveled to face me. I smiled and chuckled at the wary expression on her face as she moved with me while still lying down on the bed, which she now dwarfed. She was as big as me, maybe bigger, which is kind of demeaning

"It's okay Sam, I'm here," I said, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a funny imitation of a wolfish smile. I laughed, and she growled, and jumped off the bed, padding over to me.

"Don't laugh at us," A sweet melodious voice entered my head, and I gasped. She sounded beautiful!

I'm...amazed! So this is what you look like," I gazed at her wolf, and she nodded.

"I know, she's beautiful. I'm so glad I have her. She's mine, like you," She said in my mind, and I hugged her neck, burying my face in her soft neck scruff.

"Can you change back?" I asked, then gasped. She backed away quickly.

"What? What's wrong?" She wondered, and I just motioned her back over, picking up one paw when she came. She growled and bit me gently, playfully. I gazed down at her paw, which was a light brown, but that's not what captured my attention. What I saw was amazing. Cool. No words.

She had winding tattoos that were black, the color around my muzzle, going all around her legs, and spreading out on her chest before extending all down her back. She gazed at the vines silently, before she spoke.

"So that's what the burning was, besides me changing finally," she mused, and I hugged her.

"Yes. Now we are truly one. I love you so much." All of a sudden I wasn't holding a wolf, but a very small, very naked Sam, who was shivering in my arms. I picked her up and gently laid her down on my bed.

I looked into her eyes.

"I love you, forever and always. My mate. You are beautiful. Now I want you to rest, and I will make you breakfast," she nodded, then yawned and leaned back into the pillows. Soon I could hear her gently whuffling, her hair moving in the air she breathed out.

My angel.

I crept away and out the door, realizing my dad left us two alone to have some private time for ourselves. Great, now I have to explain to them what brought this on.

But I smiled the whole way down the stairs.

Sam's POV

I yawned and leaned back into the pillows, getting comfortable.

"You're beautiful," I muttered in my head to my newly-found wolf. She yipped happily.

"Now that I'm here, I'm never letting you go again," I felt mildly puzzled by that. What did she mean by again? And when I shifted back to myself, why didn't it hurt, like Josh when he shifted? I felt myself grow drowsy, and decided to think about it when I'm more awake.


You're welcome, this was a super-long chapter, to thank all the new fans I got and all the votes I gained. I love all you fans, You're amazing! <3

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