captivated → lashton ✓

By honeylukes

272K 12.6K 4.5K

Luke receives notes in his locker on an almost daily basis from 'x', and he has hopes they could be from his... More



10.1K 522 140
By honeylukes

Luke's POV

"Why were you acting so weird about the nickname thing?" Calum asked once Ashton left to go to his next lesson.

"It's because I got a note in my locker and they called me Lukey, I was just a little shocked."

"So you think it could be him?"

"It seems more likely, I really hope it is. I really like him."

Calum cooed, "That's cute."

I blushed slightly, "Shut up." Calum laughed at me before turning the conversation a little more serious.

"Was the note creepy?"

"A little."

"I'm a bit worried about you Luke, even if the person sending them is Ashton, don't you think he could be a little weird once you find out? Like this whole thing could be an act just to get you to believe he's normal when in reality he's the complete opposite." Calum grimaced at the thought.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Of course I'll worry, this person is practically stalking you. I don't care if it is Ashton or not." Calum now seemed a little angry.

"Cal, calm down yeah?"

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Oh Cal," I pulled him into a hug, "It's alright."

"I know I can be a little overprotective but you're like my brother."

I smiled, "I appreciate it, mate, I really do. You're like my brother too."

Calum smiled back, "Well now that sap is over, wanna get to lesson?"

Nodding, Calum and I made our way to our lesson but throughout it, I yet again didn't pay attention. All my mind seemed to want to focus on was Ashton. Pretty sure it was beginning to get unhealthy and unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you looked at it, my next lesson was English...sat next to Ashton.

"Hi, Lukey." Ashton greeted once I sat down next to him, I shyly smiled at him.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"Are you alright? You've been acting a little weirdly since lunch."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled to try and reassure him; he obviously smiled back and said, "Good."

"Wanna hang out after school?" Ashton asked.

"Y-yeah, s-sure." I stuttered slightly, nervous as this could potentially be a date. Ashton beamed at me.

"Great, I'll meet you at your locker after lesson."

"Ok." I bit my lip and looked down at the desk, trying to suppress my smile. I was going to hang out with my crush; just the 2 of us, to say I was happy would be a complete understatement.

This class was no different from the last meaning I didn't pay attention, not even when Mr Bates yelled at me, which is probably the reason why I had to stay behind after class.

"Luke, I'd like a word with you." He signalled me over to his desk when I was packing my stuff away once the bell had gone, Ashton shot me a sympathetic look but headed out of the room nevertheless.

"Yes, sir?" I was stood in front of his desk, looking down at him in the seat behind the desk.

"What's gotten into you lately, Luke?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never pay attention, always off is some other world. I just want to know why."

"I-I don't know sir."

"I'm thinking I might have to move you away from Ashton and towards the front of the class where I can keep an eye on you."

"No, please, I don't need that." I didn't like the idea of being moved away from Ashton and closer to Mr Bates, I knew for a fact it wouldn't help my situation anyway.

Mr Bates sighed and then said, "Well then start paying attention, I don't want to have to punish you when I know you're a good kid."

"I will, sir."

"Good, now leave." He motioned towards the door and that's exactly what I did, any extra moments spent with Mr Bates were never pleasant. He never brought good news.

I was met by Ashton when I walked out of the room, "What did he want?"

"Just wanted to tell me that he'd move me if I didn't start paying attention."

"Ok well you're just gonna have to start paying attention because I like sitting next to you and don't want you to move." Ashton didn't seem to have much shame in hiding his feelings.

"Er, thanks." I blushed slightly.

Ashton smiled for what felt like the millionth time, "Well, I'll meet you at your locker. See you in a minute." Ashton then rushed off, leaving me to go to my locker myself.

Another note fell from my locker when I opened it, this time I did groan.

'These notes are getting harder to write; each time I have fewer things to tell you. However, I enjoy writing you these notes, I sometimes even have the joy of getting to see you read them. I see the way you move your lips as you're reading, as if you're speaking it. It's quite cute.

This note is rather short and I apologise for that but I find myself too distracted with thoughts of you to be able to write properly, words are hard to form when I think of you.

I'll be sure to write soon, don't miss me too much, Lukey.


I shuddered at the thought of him watching me from so close yet I was none the wiser, the thought of someone watching me made me turn and look down the corridor and that's how my eyes came in contact with Ashton's.

That was weird, I thought.

"Hi, Luke." Ashton greeted me, "Ready to go?"

"Y-yeah." I sounded unsure and Ashton gave me a confused look but continued to smile and seemed to let it slide.

"Great, let's go then." Ashton began to walk, I trailed behind slightly, seemingly a little more wary of the fact he could be 'x'.


A/N: So, this is chapter 4, I hope you liked it. Updates are quite quick because I've almost finished with Sworn to Silence.

I don't really have much to say other than could you please vote for Sworn to Silence in the lashton awards? Thank you if you did and thanks for reading this chapter x

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