One VERY Awkward Morning

By StarFar

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Niall's stuck in London by himself becasue of the weather in Ireland. Harry and Zayn are with thier family an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thiry-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Thirteen

13.1K 195 14
By StarFar

*Niall’s POV*

I was feeling very apprehensive about going to bed that night. Louis had almost kissed me; did that mean he had feeling for me? Did he just get carried away? Or was he just mucking around? Either way, I had butterflies in my stomach as I walked from the bathroom towards Louis’ bedroom.

I opened the door and walked inside only to find Louis pulling a pair of briefs on. Thankfully his back was to me, but all I can say is that his but looks even better without cloths on, if that’s even possible. He turned and looked at me and I quickly looked up at his face hoping like hell he hadn’t seen me looking.

He smiled at me before walking over to his bed and climbing in. He patted the space next to him. I pulled my shirt off followed by my chinos. I looked up at him; he was still smiling at me. I walked quickly over to the bed and slid in next to him.

‘I can’t believe tomorrow’s our last day here.’ Louis said laying on his side so he could look at me.

I rolled so I was also facing him. ‘We could stay you know.’ I said gently ‘We don’t have to be in Sweden for another week.’

He shook his head smiling at me. ‘We all agreed we’d spend the last week together in London.’

‘The boys would understand.’ I replied.

‘I know but we have to be back in London the day after tomorrow.’ Louis replied as a grin began to spread across his face.

‘Why?’ I asked suspiciously.

‘Because I’ve got a surprise waiting for you.’ He replied grinning from ear to ear.


‘If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?’ He replied his grin turning into more of a smirk.

‘I really don’t like it when you get that look on your face.’ I sighed

‘You’ll like it this time,’ His right hand came forward sliding under my waist, his other hand took mine. ‘I promised.’

He was playing with my fingers; he seemed to be running his thumbs over the callouses on my fingertips. I began chewing on my bottom lip as I always did when I was nervous; I really hope Louis doesn’t know that otherwise he would realise that I get nervous whenever I’m around him.

‘What are you thinking about Niall?’ He asked softly.

‘I’m trying to figure out what you’re up too.’ I replied

‘Relax Niall, I promise it’s nothing bad.’ The thumb on the hand which he had on my waist was now massaging my hip, if he only knew what he was doing to me. ‘You’ll enjoy it.’

I looked up at him thinking that I’d see his usual mischievous smirk on his face but instead he was staring down at me softly. He leant forwarded and pressed his lips against my forehead. Needless to say my thoughts were going mental at that point. He’d done that last night too except that had been on the neck rather than my forehead but my body gave exactly the same response. My heart rate sped up, until it was beating so hard and fast I was surprised Louis couldn’t hear it, and my breathing became shallow and uneven. The skin where his lips had touched me was on fire.

Did he notice? Could he fell what I was felling? Did he know what he was doing to me? A million different questions ran through my mind as I tried and failed to regain control of my body. Part of me wanted Louis to move away and stop touching me so I could recover but it wasn’t a very strong part.

I continued to stare into his bright blue eyes which seemed to swim with an emotion I couldn’t recognise or perhaps at that time I just didn’t want to. His face was still only inches away from mine and he had now brought his whole body closer to mine so that I could feel the heat radiating off his skin. His beautiful skin which I wanted so badly to reach out and touch just as he was touching me but I didn’t dare, if I did I didn’t know whether I would be able to maintain what little control I had over my body.

I gnawed on my lip hoping that the pain of my teeth almost drawing blood would be enough to snap me out of the lustful thoughts.

His hand left mine and it immediately felt lonely.

‘Don’t do that.’ He said using his thumb to gently tug my lip out from between my teeth. He didn’t move his hand away leaving it resting with his thumb over my mouth. ‘It looks painful.’ He continued as he began tracing my mouth with his thumb leaving a tingling sensation in its wake.

His fingers lingered on my lips for a moment before it slid around to cup the side of my face setting my whole face on fire.

‘Go to sleep Nialler, take your own advice and stop worrying.’ He said softly rubbing my cheek and jaw line.

His eyes left my lips and drifted back up to mine. He tightened the arm around my waist until my whole chest and stomach was pressed up against his. Louis was completely in control of this situation. He removed the hand off my face and also wrapped it around my waist but not before grabbing one of my arms and draping it across his hips. I forced my left arm down under him so both my arms were also around his waist and tucked my head under his chin.

He chuckled slightly making his whole chest vibrated pleasantly ‘That’s better.’ He sighed ‘I like a good cuddle when I sleep.’

‘Oh I know.’ I replied ‘I’m surprised you ever sleep in a bed alone.’

‘I don’t normally.’ He said ‘I’m usually with Eleanor or Harry.’

Oh that’s right Harry, his cuddle buddy who he never stopped touching. After tomorrow he probably wouldn’t touch me much because we’d be back in London and Harry would be there.

‘Well we’ll be back the day after tomorrow but until then you’re stuck with me.’ I tried to say it jokingly but it came out as more of a hiss.

‘That’s ok.’ He replied rubbing the side of his face against the top of my head ‘You’re a better hugger then Harry is anyway.’

*Louis’ POV*

The next day came and went way to fast. Between washing and packing there wasn’t much time to talk to my sisters or my mother. Most of the day was a blur and before I knew it I was getting up the day after and, after having gotten dressed, zipping up my bag and dragging it down stairs.

Niall was in the shower. We’d had another good cuddle last night; I couldn’t help but think that I was going to miss cuddling him when we got back to London.

For the first time all week all four of my sisters were up and sitting around the dining room table.

None of them looked very happy as I dumped my suit case next to the door and sat down at the table. Daisy imminently climbed onto my lap and hugged me. I hated this, the awkward part before saying good bye where you can’t think of anything besides the fact that you are going to have to say goodbye eventually. Phoebe moved her chair over so it was as close to mine as possible and I wrapped an arm around her as well.

Niall came in and looked around at us, looking awkward. I knew he’d be feeling out of place, like he was intruding in my families’ misery. I patted the seat on the opposite side of me to Phoebe and he shuffled awkwardly over and sat down looking at his hands. I wished I had more arms so I could hug him as well, not to mention Fizzy, Lottie and my mother.

Mum came in silently and smiled sadly at the look on all of our faces as she placed plates in front of each of us with an omelette on each.

Daisy climbed down off my lap reluctantly and sat back in her own chair. I ate awkwardly with one arm still around Phoebe.

We all ate silently; Niall eating more than usual which I knew was because he was still feeling awkward. Fizzy hardly touched hers and so ended up giving it too Niall.

Eventually there was nothing left to do and it was time to leave. We all congregated out the front of the house in, what I have to say was, a rather gloomy looking group. It was fairly early in the morning so luckily there were only four fans waiting out the front and when they saw the looks on our faces they refrained from screaming. To add to the gloom it was cloudy and threatening rain.

I knelt down and hugged Daisy and Phoebe who were both crying by this time, I tried to hold it together but as soon as I stood up to hug Lottie and saw her crying silently I have to admit I lost it a bit. Niall stood awkwardly nearby until Daisy and Phoebe through themselves at him and continued to cry into his shirt. Fizzy had done what she normally did when she was upset and shut down, standing there silently and showing absolutely no emotion. I knew she was upset, that’s just the way she copes with her feelings.

I finally got to mum who smiled sadly at me and hugged me.

‘Take care of yourself ok?’ She said as I hugged her.

‘I will mum, you look after yourself too and the girls.’ I managed to choke out.

She smiled as she stood back to look at me. She smiled and moved to hug Niall who still had both of my youngest sisters clutching onto him as he hugged Fizzy awkwardly around them.

‘When you get a boyfriend make sure you tell me so I can come and make sure he’s worthy.’ I heard Niall say to Lottie as he hugged her. She laughed slightly though her tears.

‘And what if you decide he’s not?’ She asked

‘Well then I’ll use my amazing leprechaun powers and make him disappear.’ He replied making her grin despite the tears streaming down her face.

I smiled too; Niall always knew how to make someone smile even when they didn’t really want to.

Mum hugged Niall and said something too him which I didn’t hear. Before coming forward and hugging me again.

‘I love you Lou.’ She said quietly

‘I love you too.’ I replied before pulling back, I knew if I didn’t leave now I wouldn’t leave at all. Lottie had managed to detach Daisy from Niall as Fizzy attempted to do the same to Phoebe without much luck. Mum seeing the problem walked over and picked her up and carried her to stand next to Lottie.

Niall had picked up my bag and was carrying it to the boot of the car.

‘I love you guys.’ I said looking at my five favourite girls in the whole world. ‘I’ll call you when I get back to London.’

Mum nodded silently and I walked over to my car. Niall came back from putting the bags in the boot.

‘Thanks for having me, I hope I see you all again soon. Oh and there’s something under each of your pillows.’ He said mysteriously before grinning and climbing into the car.

I smiled at them all one last time before climbing in and shutting the door.

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