Love At First Roll

Par Crasieiness

3.6K 176 7

What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... Plus

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
Reunions- Rewritten
Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten

61 5 0
Par Crasieiness

Hey! I hope everyone's having a great summer and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

When it says, it would be great if you could listen to the songs mentioned.

Also, sometimes I might use full names or nicknames for the girls. e.g.

Lottie = Charlotte/Char

Ron = Veronica

Gabby = Gabs/Gabriella

Thank you,

C x



“So Aana, first stage of Mission Kill the Man-Whores is…?” Gabby grinned, getting ready to write the stages on the massive board she got from somewhere.

“Ok Girls, first stage is be the cock-block your man dreads.” I smirked, waiting for Gabs to write it down before I continued with our plan of attack. “So nobody wants to be denied some ‘fun’ once in a while, especially at a club full of whores. So we go to the club and we cock-block. It’s going to make them pissed as shit but I’m in the mood to make them pay.”

“And how do you know they’re going to be at the club?” Ron asked, raising a brow.

“Lottie care to explain.” I ushered her to tell her part of the plan.

“So, I talked to Nate and managed to slyly get some information out of him, which by the way I won’t be doing again. It’s Joe’s birthday tonight so they’re going out to a club called Maine in the centre. I’ve actually been invited though so you guys are going alone.”

“Do I have to come?” Ron whined.

“Yes. Rihana’s coming over in abit as well to get ready. So guys, the dress code is sexy and slutty. If I see a maxi slash midi dress I’m going to kill you. Anyway tips of cock-blocking. Gabby you got this?” I questioned. She nodded and began to write one to five on the board.

“Ok bitches. Number one, know your mission. Make sure at all times you know what you’re doing and what you’re going to do next. Keep your eye on the game and don’t get distracted. Number two, STDS. Use them to your advantage. Tell anyone who even looks their way the infections they’re carrying. Number three. Lies. We all lie; this is the time where you use that skill. There’s no limit on how many lies you tell tonight. If you’re not lying, you’re not doing it right. Number four, make your presence known. Make sure they understand what happens when they make mistakes, make sure they feel the fire. If she’s dancing on him, go on introduce yourself, your baby and the Dad. Who is being danced on. Make a scene girl. Number five, have fun. This is your revenge, feel it.”

“Fucking hell Gabs, how long did that take you to practice?” Lottie laughed. I instantly felt so excited. Our mission was to get revenge and hell this was sweet revenge. What’s a better way to do it but with your friends. “Ok so next step?”

“Next step Charlotte is clothing. You have to show them what they’ve lost. You need to make yourself a hundred times better than the whore they’re going to be dancing with. So we need slutty but classy. Now I’m sure not even I own the clothing I’m thinking about so we’ve got a few hours before we need to get ready which means we hit the mall. Get ready girls, It’s now 1:40, you’ve got twenty minutes to be ready and by my car.” I announced, skipping over the clothing on the floor and to the bathroom. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth and made my way to my wardrobe.

“Aana I know we’re friends but you can’t walk around in just a towel.” Ron scowled, looking me up and down with disgust.

“I have underwear on asshole and you’ve seen me in a towel before.” I winked, pulling out a plain t-shirt and jeans. Putting on my clothes without dropping the towel was such a skill. I scooped up my hair into a high ponytail and slipped on my Converse.

“Aana are you feeling ok?” Ron asked, smirking at me.

“Yeah fine, why?”

“You don’t look like you’re going out on the cat walk.”

“Shut up. Get my phone off charge please and let’s go. It’s nearly two.” I smiled, grabbing my purse of my desk and pushing it into my back pocket along with my phone.

“Aana, somebody is honestly going to take that out one day. Use a bag.” Gabby said, attempting to tie the elastic around her hair once more.

“Fine and it’s not going to go round again.” I pulled out a bag and threw my purse, phone and other stuff in it and went downstairs to the kitchen.

“Morning. Where are you going?” My mum chirped, not bothering to look away from yesterday’s episode of Emmerdale.

“Morning. Me and the girls are going out tonight so we’re going shopping.” I told her, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

“Oh for that revenge thing you guys are planning?”

“Mum, how did you even hear that?”

“When Gabby talks everyone hears babe.”

“Morning Mama Forrester. I heard that by the way.” Gabby chirped, skipping into the kitchen and stealing my coffee.

“Haha good morning Gabby. I love you really hun.” My mum grinned, greeting the Lottie and Ron who walked in after Gabby. My mum loved all of my friends; she talked to Gabby the most for some reason.

“Gabriella, please stop drinking my freaking coffee. You don’t even like coffee.” I growled, popping the cup in the dishwasher. She just smirked and plopped down next to my Mum.

“Ok girls, you ready? Shall we go?”

“Yep, let’s go. Can we stop by the bakery please?”

“Yep if we hurry up.” We all said bye to my Mum and got into my car. As per usual I ignored Gabby’s argument with Lottie about who sits in the front seat. There were always the downsides of having a black car. When the weather was like this, it was literally the equivalent to a sauna in here. I opened the windows and we made our way to the bakery by my house. “Ron are you going in?”

“Yeah I’ll go with Gabby. You guys want anything?”

“Get me an iced Mocha and a cinnamon swirl please. Take my card if you want?”

“No I’ve got it. Lottie?”

“Um just get me an Oreo milkshake please.” 

“See you in a minute.”

“Aana, isn’t Rihana coming?”

“No she’s going to meet us at mine late, she’s busy now.”

“Gabby why don’t you just go nude?” I laughed at her choice of outfit. She had chosen the skimpiest pair of Levis shorts and a blue zip boob tube with the highest black wedges. I think she skipped classy and went straight to slutty. After looking through so many shops I had chosen the same zip boob tube but in red and I already had the black leather skater skirt and red platformed stilettos. In the end Ron left to the food court and left me in charge of getting her dress. Lottie joined her after ten minutes. So I and Gabby were left to traipse around this stupid mall getting more dresses. I loved shopping but when it was this busy and hot, it was horrible. In the end I chose a blue zipper pencil dress for Ron with blue platforms. Luckily we found a really nice dress in the last shop we went to. It was blue Bodycon with embroidered white and blue lace. It was even better that it came with matching platform heels. After we had got everything we needed, we made our way to the food court. I’m pretty sure they were either in McDonalds or KFC.

“Probably KFC, right?” I asked.

“Yup, Char has a weird addiction to it.” Gabby snorted, walking up to a little booth in the corner of KFC where Ron and Lottie were eating chicken like animals.

“When you’re both done, we need to go. It’s like five and we need to be at the club for seven. Hurry up bitches. I’m going to get myself a Krushem.”

“Gabs get me a Malteaser one please.” I grinned. She nodded and walked away. Gabby came back a few minutes later with my Krushem which was heavenly in this weather. Luckily, the girls had finished their food so we could finally leave. The weather had cooled down quite a bit which was so good because otherwise the heat was going to kill me.  

When we had finally arrived home, I realised it we only had one hour to get ready but I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to take that long. Lottie was invited to this birthday bash so Nate was coming to pick her up in half an hour. She didn’t want to go alone but seeing as we weren’t invited she had to, I persuaded her it will be good to have someone on the inside. I pulled out Lottie’s dress and shoes and showed them to her, luckily it all fit and she liked it. The time was flying by and as it did I was getting more excited. I could tell Gabby was as well because that smirk hadn’t left her face all day. Ron on the other hand was obviously dreading it because she looked like she was going to kill herself. I quickly did Lottie’s make up and then quiffed and curled her hair. As if it was almost staged the door went, I left Lottie getting ready and went to open the door.

“Hey Lover boy.” I laughed, ushering him into the living room.

“Hey Aana, you OK?”

“Yep good thanks. You excited to have a wavy night?”

“Not when I’m in charge of my girl.”

“Haha good answer mate.”

“What you doing on this fine summer night then?”

“Erm it’s movie night.” I smiled trying not to act suspicious.

“Yeah cut the crap Aana. I know you better than that.”

“Come on Hylton, cut the crap. I know you didn’t get that from my facial expression.”

“Forever annoying me Forrester. “

“Spill or I’ll have your balls for dinner.”


“Nate.” I growled, bringing my face closer to his.

“Fine, you’re so violent. Lottie told me but don’t worry I’ll keep it hush as long as I’m not a part of your little pranks.”

“You’re not worth my ‘little’ pranks, lover boy.” I grinned, heading back upstairs and saying bye to Charlotte. I’m so happy for Char, Nate is so nice and caring and I know how much he loves her. He’s nothing like the other boys and I get on with him a lot. He’s just like an older brother, always annoying me. So is Mark I guess, although I don’t speak to him a lot. After all, I knew his relationship with Lilly-Rose was a fraud. We only had about half an hour to get ready and I guarantee we’re going to be late, I guess it doesn’t matter. Ron was straightening her hair and Gabs was doing her make up. I quiffed my hair and left it in a high ponytail. I quickly did my makeup and slipped on my clothes and heels. So glad I shaved this morning because it would have got really awkward, real fast. I added some bracelets and an anklet, finally I was ready. I quickly did Ron’s make up and we were ready. I quickly said bye to mum who scolded our outfits and we left. I said let’s get a taxi but Ron said strictly business, no drinking. No fun in that. We finally arrived at the club and had to actually wait in the que because the bouncer didn’t know us here, which also meant I had to actually pay for my own drinks because I wasn’t friends with the bartender. What fuckery. When we finally managed to get in we instantly spotted the guys. We snuck to a small secluded booth in the back where they couldn’t see us but we had full view of them.

“So girls, when they go up, so do we. Also if you want anything, put it on Joe’s tab. What does everyone want?” I grinned, taking their orders and walking around the opposite side of the boys so they wouldn’t see me. I quickly texted Lottie to meet me at the bar.

“Hey, nice time?” I smiled.

“Yeah it’s been nice. Oh yeah, each time the boys come they share a tab, all you need is a password to put your stuff on it. Surprisingly it’s not something sex related it’s just wasted101.” Lottie smirked, waving at me and walking back to their table at the front.

“Hey, can I get three cosmopolitans please?”

“That’s £13.50 please.” The guy smiled.

“Put it on Mr.Luxton’s tab.”

“Password Miss…”

“Wasted101 and Miss Kavanagh” I smiled, using the first name that popped into my head. You can tell I have a slight Pretty Little Liars obsession.

“Thank you, Miss Kavanagh.” He smiled; I nodded and walked back to the table. “Three cosmos.”

“If I remember correctly Aana, I ordered a coke.” Ron rolled her eyes; I laughed and winked at her before sliding into the booth and sipping the cold cocktail.

“Aana, Joe’s dancing with a girl. I think that’s your cue.” Gabby grinned, completely excited. To be honest I didn’t know what I was planning on doing when I got there but I was just as excited. I winked at the girls and sauntered up to the dance floor, hitching my skirt higher and my top lower. I had to say he was looking freaking hot tonight; he was wearing dark blue jeans and a much fitted shirt which hung to his body showing off his abs. His hair was looking hella sexy and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to this. As soon as I reached the dance floor I had someone on my tail.

"Hey, want to see my dick?" The guy grinned. He looked like he was both wasted and high. he wasn't much of a looker either.

"Babe, my heels are bigger than your dick." I smirked and walked further in to the crowd. Before I knew it I had another some guy behind me with his arm around my waist dancing. If I wasn’t trying to make Joe jealous right now this asshole would be on the floor with my heel secured in his right eye. Nelly Furtado’s Say It Right came on and the pace instantly changed from fast beat to slow and sexy. I danced along with this guy, making sure to whine and grind on him and ‘accidently’ hit Joe, who was behind me. I knew I had his attention and I knew I had to make this dance count. The song changed to Jason Derulo’s Trumpets. This was my song which completely shot my confidence up. I hung closer to the guy swaying my hips and pushing down on him. This guy had to be the cutest guy ever; he knew all of the lyrics so he sang along to me. At the instrumental parts he lifted me around his waist and dropped me low keeping my legs fastened around him. Just as I would my head would hit the ground he would pull me up and swing me around his waist. He didn’t look like it but this guy was freaking strong and talented. I managed to glance at Joe who was staring at us wide eyed, completely ignoring the blonde who was trying to get his attention. One point to me motherfucker. The song faded out and the guy placed me back down on the ground. He had messy brown hair and was so attractive. He had the lightest brown eyes and looked classy as fuck. He was wearing denim jeans and a white Ralph Lauren polo shirt with white converse. He grinned at me, not letting go of my hands.

“So what’s the name beautiful?”

“Aana, you?”

“Caleb, nice to meet you.”

“You too. So spill, how did you learn to dance like that?”

“I guess I just picked it up plus you hardly weigh anything so it wasn’t exactly hard. How did you learn to do that?

“Step Up.” I laughed.

“So who’s the guy and what’s the story?”

“Um what?”

“You weren’t dancing like that for fun. You were trying to make that guy jealous and let me tell you it worked. I’m pretty sure if that song didn’t end he would have had his fist down my throat.” He grinned, god he was good.

“That, Caleb is Joe Luxton. Played me blah blah, I thought I’d have a little fun but I guess I got more then I bargained for.”  I explained.

“Hang on a second, you’re Aana Forrester?  I know the story.” He laughed.

“That’s me.” I grinned, continuing to dance with him to the next song.

“Aana he’s so checking you out right now and he just got dumped by another blonde.” Caleb chuckled, holding on to my waist and pulling me closer. Déjà vu by Mike Posner came on and I was pulled away from Caleb into somebody else’s arms. “

“Aw Joe, what a surprise. “ I smirked, dancing with and on him.

“Aana what are you playing at?”

“I don’t know what you’re on about Mr.Luxton.”

“Aana I swear you go down on me one more time, I am not being held responsible for my actions.” That was what I wanted. The song got faster and so did the pace of the dance. I swayed my hips a little faster and grinded on him a little more making sure to go slow so it would drive him crazy. In seconds of me coming back up, he spun me around and crashed his lips to mine. I counted to five in my head, pulled back and walked back to the table not turning back once. I slid back into the booth.

“Damn Aana that was freaking hot.” Gabby laughed.

“I think I made my mark and I found some hottie called Caleb who I will pass my number on to later.” I grinned, flagging down a bartender to get me a coke. No alcohol, just coke. “Both of you, your guys are both in the centre of the dance floor, the twin bimbos just went to the bartender. I say you have about a minute to strut your stuff and make your mark. Gabby grinned and dragged Ron towards the dance floor, telling her the ‘plan’.

“So I didn’t even get a goodbye that shit hurts Aana.” Caleb frowned, sliding into the booth next to me.

“Aw sorry, I had to complete the act.”

“Well Aana, because I am the perfect gentlemen, I came to say goodbye.”

“Where you going?

“It’s my sister’s birthday, I was sent to babysit and now I have to escort them all home.”

“Oh right, fun. Um, give me your phone.” He gave a confused look but slid his phone from his pocked, unlocked it and passed it to me. I typed in my number and saved it under ‘Aana the amazing dancer.’ I smiled and gave it back to him. He bent down and kissed me on the cheek then left. As soon as he left, Mark slid in the booth and glared at me.

“Mr.Cavell, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I smirked.

“Aana, I just had three girls who were insisting on pleasuring me, so why did my Gabby just cause a scene and tell the whole club I have Herpes. Now she’s having fun, dancing with some guy. You better spill.”

“She did that? That’s the best.” I shouted, literally howling with laughter.

“Aana I’m being serious.”

“Cut the shit Mark. You hurt her and I know you were told to but everyone has a chance.”

“Aana, I can’t take this any fucking longer. God damn. I don’t want any of these stupid girls, I don’t want Lilly-Rose. She’s nice and shit but I feel nothing for her. I’ve been looking for Gabriella for seven fucking years and now she’s here, I let her slide through my fingers. I go to work every day and every day the only thing that’s on my freaking mind is her. I can’t watch her dancing with some other guy, especially in those freaking clothes. As soon as I saw her, I wanted her. God Aana, don’t you understand, I love her.”

“Aw you stopped, I was enjoying that.” Gabby chirped from behind him.

“Yeah that was real eye opening Markey warky.” Nate laughed from behind Gabby. Lottie and Ron were behind them grinning as well. Mark turned around to face them and I’m sure he probably died inside about ten times. Instead of running away like I thought he would, he turned towards Gabby, pulled her in and kissed her. I could see them both deepening it, soon they both ended up on the booth with Gabby straddling him. I’m pretty sure I would have to pull them apart for oxygen in a minute.

“Aana, can I have a word?” Joe asked, ignoring the porn scene which was going on opposite me. I nodded and followed him out of the club. It was dark outside but the humidity was lethal. I quickly checked my phone, I had a few texts but I didn’t bother to unlock it. It had just gone eleven and to be honest I only thought it was about nine or ten.

“Look Aana, I’m sorry about everything that happened with Lauren and the news thing. I left you the mess and took the easy option out. I know now that all of it was a big mistake but please can we try again.” He actually looked genuine and upset but I wasn’t one for emotions once I’d had a drink.

“Joe, I’m not Gabby and you’re not Mark. I don’t know how much confidence his little speech gave you and I’m sorry to knock it but I don’t sign myself up for heartbreak twice. Plus, I’ve got my eye on someone else. But you know, we can be friends?” I smiled sarcastically.

“Did you just friend zone me?”

“No. I declined you nicely.”

“I’ll see you soon Aana.”

“You can count on it Mr.Luxton.”

Continuer la Lecture

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