Who I Am (Infinite x Reader)

By Shaye_Serena

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You were always the quiet one, but it turned into something worse after the war began. You had lost everythin... More

Chapter 1 ~ Mission Briefing
Chapter 2 ~ Space Port
Chapter 3 ~ Gamma
Chapter 4 ~ Search Party
Chapter 5 ~ Lost and Found
Chapter 6 ~ Back in Action
Chapter 7 ~ Witness's Memory
Chapter 8 ~ Pulsing Ruby
Chapter 10 ~ Metropolis
Chapter 11 ~ Fear and Pain
Chapter 12 ~ The Metal Copy
Chapter 13 ~ Files
Chapter 14 ~ Fair Fight
Chapter 15 ~ Our Hell
Chapter 16 ~ Second Round
Chapter 17 ~ Memories
Chapter 18 ~ Lesson
Chapter 19 ~ Cracked Code
Chapter 20 ~ It Begins
Chapter 21 ~ Null Space
Chapter 22 ~ Death Comes
Chapter 23 ~ Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 24 ~ Regret
Chapter 25 ~ Denial
Chapter 26 ~ Another Fight
Chapter 27 ~ Lost Control
Chapter 28 ~ Drowning
Chapter 29 ~ Mistake
Chapter 30 ~ What Could Have Been
Chapter 31 ~ Monster
Chapter 32 ~ Lost Hope
Chapter 33 ~ Split
Chapter 34 ~ Fleeting
Chapter 35 ~ Phantom
Chapter 36 ~ Disband
Chapter 37 ~ Goodbye
Chapter 38 ~ Crimson
Chapter 39 ~ Repentant
Chapter 40 ~ Stirring
Chapter 41 ~ Self Loathe
Chapter 42 ~ Reel
Chapter 43 ~ Questioning
Chapter 44 ~ A Vow
Chapter 45 ~ Dyspnea
RIP Laptop
Chapter 46 ~ Panic
Chapter 47 ~ Procedure

Chapter 9 ~ The Fakes

3.7K 116 74
By Shaye_Serena

"W-who, who are you?" the red wolf questioned, shakily raising his pistol in my direction.

   I notice that how uneven his aim was, the handgun was held ever so slightly to my right. His amber eyes were squinted. Yet my hands raise in surrender anyway. The young soldier either saw the roll of gauze in my fist or any energy he had had worn off. The wolf lowered his gun, eyes almost guilty. They seemed accepting of whatever was about to happen to him.

   With the gun no longer held on me, I rush towards the soldier and wrap his thigh in gauze. Within seconds it turned red. I wrapped it again, overlapping the last, and ensured to keep it tight so that more blood could remain inside his system.

   The young soldier winces. His eyes seemed distant. It must be blood loss, I think. He can die if I don't pay attention to his vitals. I wish I had morphine. Feeling slightly guilty for his pain. I forgot to grab some while at base, again, and now this person is paying the price. I lightly pat his shoulder, assuring him I'll be back.

   I scramble to a pale pink puma who laid on the ground, crying as she held her stomach. I was inches away when the distortion of darkness swooped in, and the girl was sent into a wall. The wind and force of this attack made my eyes go wide and I fall backwards with my uneven balance. The girl left a crack in the stone before she slid down with blood leaking from her skull.

   I stared in shock before standing up and run back to the wolf, trying to get out of the open. Before even getting close, there was a sharp pain in my stomach, a flash of black, and I was flying. I quickly launched my grapple, somehow wrapping around an exposed metal beam poking out of a building before I could hit anything. It stops me from being struck into something, but when I disconnected my knees still crumbled and I clutch my stomach in pain.

   Someone screams. Not long after, the blur came back. I grabbed my Wispon and fired it at the figure before it could come too close. The thing avoids the flames, and soon the blazes disappeared. I pulled the trigger again, fear creeping into my heart.

   Nothing. I toss the flamethrower aside, frustrated. I forced myself up with a grunt, then ran as fast as I could to a nearby soldier who laid facedown on the concrete. I grabbed his assault rifle and pistol, along with his ammunition. He didn't need it.

   The rifle aims out in front of me, ready to fire. The blur stood before me, his arms crossed, no emotion on his face. I froze. It's him.

   The rings on his wrists and ankles confirmed it. But something wasn't right. Shadow's eyes... they were the same red as I've imagined, but there was no light in them. Just flat. His pupils almost looked like slits, it seemed like the dark lighting of night didn't have any effect on them.

   How is Shadow here if Sonic is fighting him?

   Without thinking, I pull the trigger, the recoil vibrated into my shoulder. Shadow vanished before the bullets hit him. I looked around with my gun still raised. Out of nowhere, strong force slammed into me, knocking the gun out of my hands. I went flying several feet away, the crumbled concrete of the ground gave me a harsh greeting then my body rolls. When it's finally over, I whimper in pain.

   I sat up then a huge shot of pain originating from my entire torso. Is this how everyone died? Beaten to death?

   I regret not keeping my radio with me. Now there's no one to call, and nobody will know what happened here, to this squad, to me. And most importantly, nobody will remember Gamma.

   Shadow stood in front of me now. His emotionless face and cold eyes were all I needed to know he was ready to finish the job. Terror filled me, along with adrenaline. I quickly grabbed the pistol I had stolen. Aimed up, and fired.

   Shadow stood there for a moment, perfectly still. His body swayed slightly, then collapsed. A hole was in his forehead.

   I slowly push my body up, in pain and shock, stunned I just killed him so easily. It couldn't be that simple, right? That's Shadow! He can't just die from something like that, right?! I couldn't have just killed him!

   Shadow's body glitched, flickered and disappeared. What? That didn't make sense. My eyes stay fixated on where this happened, trying to piece what just happened into a logical answer.

   Does that mean it wasn't him? Is he an illusion? No, it can't be that simple, he took an actual bullet. He was able to hurt and kill. Where is the real Shadow? Knuckles needs to hear about this, now.

   "H-hey...? Are you still there?" a weak, trembling voice calls through the silence.

   Ah, hell, I think. I forgot about him. I collect my guns, reloaded them and then walked weakly back towards the young wolf boy. I clutch my stomach, the pain worse every time I twisted my body.

   I kneel beside him, patting his shoulder. He looked at me, squinting and blinking. "I can barely see. Can you, uh, get my glasses?" he asked nicely.

   I scan around through the gravel, luckily, they weren't too far. The lenses were cracked, but they were still in one piece. I placed the glasses in the wolf's hand. The boy put them on, looking me up and down with much more awareness. Then his gaze moved to look around us. His eyes widen as he saw the bodies.

   All I could think about was that his team was gone, just like mine.

   The soldier's eyes began to water. I didn't know what to do for him. Leave him alone? Comfort him? No, he doesn't know me, I'm not what he needs. I must know my place.

   I back away from him, leaving to search the casualties for survivors. I placed two fingers over their necks as I move my ear close to their faces to listen for breathing. I checked nine out of ten, all gone. On to the tenth. It was a German Shepard.

   I knelt beside him, listening as my fingers felt for a pulse. I felt a heartbeat. It was slow and weak. I sighed in relief. Then it stops. Nothing. I wait a few more seconds, making sure I didn't misread.


   I quickly flatten the recently deceased on their back then place my hands over his chest. My elbows were locked, I pressed down on his chest. After thirty compressions, I hesitantly blew twice into his mouth, then continued CPR.

   "Felix?" a voice asked. I quickly glanced over to my side. The wolf. He crawled over on his stomach, staring at the person I was trying to revive.

   "Please don't do this to me, buddy," he begged, a tear falling down his face. He looked up at me, eyes pleading.

   Once I begun cycle four, the dog gasped for air. I backed away, slightly grossed out, but still relieved. I lay on my back, catching my breath. The CPR wouldn't have taken so much energy out of me in normal scenarios, but my injury caused me more pain and agony. It hurt to breathe.

   I just brought someone back from the dead, I think to myself.

   Just in time, the pain in my abdomen had begun to overwhelm me. The adrenaline had worn off, now the hits I took are starting to sink in.

   The wolf whimpers as he held his comrade in his arms. "You were dead!"

   Shadow, or whatever that thing was had left a mark. A giant, ugly bruise had already covered my stomach underneath my shirt. I lightly pressed my fingers to it. Other than just pain, nothing. Possibly a cracked rib. But you can't do much about that, not now. You can only hope the bone is in one piece.

   I searched over Felix, trying to find the cause of how he died. Nothing bold, just bruises and some cuts, probably a concussion of sorts. The pain was too much for him, Felix was literally beaten to death.

   Someone hugged me. I saw red and pointed ears. The wolf. I didn't like hugs, especially from strangers, but after what happened, I forced myself not to recoil. It was impossible to not wince from pain though.

   "Thank you, so much," he said. "You saved his life. Probably mine too."

   The soldier let me go, his eyes were drying now. His giant glasses sat atop his snout, making his eyes look slightly larger with the busted lenses. It made him look a bit childish. He looked too innocent.

   I lift Felix, who was too weak to walk, though I likely wasn't in much better condition. I carried him on my back, wrapping my belt around us, just like I did with Silver. After I grab the wolf's arm, wrapped it over my neck for my other arm to hold.

   I moved my feet, beginning the walk. Might as well start now, it will take a while, I'm carrying the weight of myself and two others. My grapple might be able to lift us and that could make the travel faster, but the landing and transitions would not be smooth. It's better to be safe than fast. We're alive, that's a lot, especially compared to the people behind me who don't have what I do.

   "What's your name?" the wolf asked as he limped with me. I merely looked over at him, not even bothering to move my lips. "Do you talk?"

   I shook my head, looking back ahead of me. Thanks for reminding me of my deepest shame, I think sarcastically.

   "Oh... sorry," the boy apologizes.

   For what?

   "My name's Gadget, by the way."


No one's here. The halls are empty are empty. Not even Sonic, who usually runs around base since he isn't allowed to train outside. He must still be off fighting "Shadow". Everyone else must still be in the field.

   There weren't any doctors around, so I had brought Felix and Gadget straight to Knuckles. I hope he or Amy were still here in the bull pen. If not, I don't know what to do next. I'm basically screwed.

   I've somehow made it down the hallway without my legs failing and to the doors of the bull pen. They didn't open. That's strange, usually they open automatically. Did Knuckles lock them? I listened through the door for a moment.

   "Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart or soul," a low, deep voice said. Almost a whisper.

   Did they already know about the fake? Regardless, I banged my fist against the door. Gadget needed stitches, now.

   Voices whispered for a moment, feet shuffled, then the door opened. Vector casted a large shadow over me, Gadget and Felix. My muscles were trembling, I was tired. My stomach hurt. It took most of what I had left to not collapse in Vector's arms. My posture was bending over, the floor seemed like such a comforting thought.

   Gadget waved weakly. "Hi, giant crocodile..." his voice high, and he spoke slowly. Was that intimidation or blood loss?

   "What the? Where did he come from?!" Vector asked, looking at me, gesturing to Gadget. "Wait, what it on your—"

   My legs buckled out from under me. Gadget fell with me. Felix crushed me under his weight. I push my arms down in attempt to lift myself up, but I was too weak. I laid there, wince as I rested on my bruised stomach and cracked rib. My eyes squish shut in pain.

   "Hey... Gadget, look it's a giant, freaking crocodile," a new voice giggled. Must be Felix. That concussion was confirmed.

   "Where— How?!" Vector stuttered, not able to make full sentences.

   The weight of Felix's body gets removes from my back. Gadget's arm also goes missing too. A pair of hands gently grab my shoulder and pull me up. Green eyes stared into mine.

   "You okay?" Sonic asks. I stared blankly at him, pain still in my eyes. It was still hard to breath, my lungs craving more oxygen, but the sharp pain in right side preventing it from happening.

   "Vector, can you get these men to the medical wing?" Knuckles says, looking behind me. "Make sure you call medical personnel."

   I hear the bull pen doors open and close. My gaze moves around the room, everyone was here. Amy, Silver, short Sonic, Charmy, Espio. Knuckles, Sonic, and... him.

   My hand automatically reaches for my holster and my handgun is aimed out in front of me. My sights were locked on the black and crimson figure at the table. Everyone gawked at me like I was crazy, letting out small yells and gasps of surprise at the pulled weapon.

   "Woah!" Sonic instantly jumps back from me, hands up.

   "Stand down!" Knuckles orders, pulling out his own handgun. His shoulders were tense as he aimed at me with one arm. It was obviously that he was willing to shoot me without hesitation.

   I couldn't follow this order. I move my glance back to the thing standing at the table. The looming figure straightens their shoulders, then slowly stepped towards me. They didn't even flinch with the firearm aimed at him. The figure stood in front of me, shoulders broad, back straight, making him look taller. My arm trembled. He looked down at me, red eyes staring into my very being.

   "Pull the trigger," his deep voice bets, taking a single step closer to the barrel of the gun. "I dare you."

   His eyes... they were different, but the same. Hard, tough. Mine showed fear for a moment. No! I'm not scared. Don't show fear, he'll be able to tell instantly. Shadow's pupils were normal, not slits. There was a shimmer, a reflection of light.

   He was real. I lowered my gun slowly, but my stare stayed fixated on him. It was impossible to look.

   It was him.

   Red lights were flashing. Sirens were blaring. It was easy to hear, even through the glass and water.

   A dark figure dashed into the room. He saw me. Though I could barely see him, only his eyes. They blood red, hard, mean. And yet they showed confusion. A blurry figure ran up behind him silently. I was just able to lift my arm and point my finger in time.

   The black form grabbed the canine and threw him into the glass surrounding me. The poor black canine was dead on impact, a sickening crunch filled my ears, the sound of his spine breaking. The glass shattered with their impact. The mystery liquid compound spilled out of the giant test tube, me along with it.

   When I looked up, the eyes were gone.

   It was him... He was the one.

   My eyes widened, and I took several steps back, not moving my gaze from his. I didn't know what reaction my body was having.

   His own eyes narrowed, remembering. "You..." he muttered.

   "What? What is happening right now?" Sonic uttered. It wasn't until then that I noticed everyone's silence. And that there were still others in the room.

   I dashed to my instantly dashed out the doors of the bull pen, hiding out in the hallway.

   What was that about, Shadow?" Sonic asks, voice muffled through the door. I prayed to myself that Shadow wouldn't say anything as I slid down the door.

   My hands were on my head, the scene when I first met him playing repeatedly in my head. It was never ending. I couldn't make it stop.

   "Nothing. She mistook me for a fake," Shadow replies. He was lying.

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