The Donatello Twins (Book two...

By mizzmartinez

678K 19.6K 1.9K

(18+ only please. Thanks!) ? STRONG LANGUAGE!!! If you haven't read my first book My Mafioso I suggest you... More

A New boss
House party
Not An Update
Got a problem??
San Francisco
Cao Clan
Day with Enzo
What a joke
Breakfast ;)
Dont get it twisted
Not an update
Beach day
Her hubby
You Changed
My outlet
A Gangster
Helping me forget
Unpaid debt
Add me!! (Not an update)
The docks
A team
Bella's past
Not An Update!! Please Read!!!
That all you got?!
Putting an end to it all
Finally free to be happy
At last
Going home
Messed with the devil
Hail Mary
Getting info
Dealing with it

Birthday party

14K 442 25
By mizzmartinez

Vincent Donatello's POV

It's been a few weeks since our talk with Ton and Sophie about what happened to Isabella and I've had my best guys out looking for the piece of shit Alex.

   They haven't come up with anything yet and it's fucking infuriating. It's like this weasel disappeared from the face of the earth.

   I haven't brought it up with them because it's a downer when we're trying to have a good time. My wife is also doing her own research on the guys. I actually have more faith on her then I do any of our guys. If people don't know by now, she's kind of a bad ass.

"I found him!" Arianna almost yelled.
"Where?!" I asked running to her from across the room.
"The New York area! He was seen there!"
"Are you sure it was him?"
"Don't question my sources Vincent." She said squinting at me.

This fucker is closer to her then we thought.
Isabella's POV

   Today is the twins' birthday so Sav and I have been getting things ready all week for the party. This time it'll mostly be the younger generation since our parents are out of town and the OG's have been partied out.. thank god...

   I was in my room getting ready for the day when there was a knock at my door.
   "Come in!" I yelled as I threw my hair into a high ponytail.
   "The catering and decorators just got in.." she smiled.
   "Kay let's go make sure everything gets set up how we want it."
   "Let's go." Sav sad as we smiled

   Us girls went downstairs and started to direct people around. It took five hours to get everything set up right but it was worth it.

We chose to do a poker night theme because we know how the guys like to gamble for the fun of it. We had it all set up in one of the meeting rooms and it came out perfect.

   "Either the guys are gunna be happy with this or they will say we over did it." Sav said as we looked over at our work.
"They'll say we over did it." I said nodding my head then we both laughed.

We both retreated to our separate rooms to get ready for the party. We had a few hours before people were supposed to start showing up.

After I showered I dried my hair and straightened it. And threw it up into a messy bun. I did my makeup then threw on my dress and heels.

When I was ready I went to Niko's room to see if he was ready. I say in his room but tonight I decided to get ready in my room because I have everything I need in there.

When I entered his room he was just putting on his tie. He looked at me and we smiled at each other.
"You almost ready?" I asked still just peeking my head in the door.
"Yea. Just about." He responded.

I walked in the door and made my way towards him. His eyes lit up at my appearance.
"Damn Bella. You look beautiful. I wanna tear the dress right off of you." He said grabbing my hips when I got to him.
"Not yet. Tonight." I smiled then helped him with his tie.

Niko cupped cheeks with his hands and pulled me in for a soft kiss.
"Your amazing Bella."
"No im not." I did a small smile.
"Yes you are."
"Thanks." That's all I could say. I don't think I'm anything special yet alone amazing. I have a lot of baggage and demons that I wouldn't want anyone to deal with.

I quickly finished with his tie and walked away.
"You should make your way downstairs. There's people here and they're waiting on you. I'm sure Enzo is already down there flourishing on the attention." I giggle getting a chuckle from Niko as well.
"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.

Him doing this and walking into the room full of the other gangs was a big deal. It says he's with me and that it's serious if he's displaying it. I have to say I was excited and nervous all at the same time. If I can work out my demons then this could really work. But in the back of my mind I kept telling myself not to let my guard down. And that was a big problem if we were to take this to this next level. Being public about us.

I told myself to take my hand back but it felt so good in his and my hear responded to his touch so well that I couldn't find myself to do it. So I held on tighter to his hand as we entered the room that the party was being held in.

As soon as we entered the doors everyone was yelling happy birthday and handing him shots. He took a few and handed me a few. We both downed the burning liquid then he kissed me in front of everyone.

I was shocked but happy. This showed everyone I was here with him and he was with me. I was hoping it told the ladies to back off but I'm smarter than that. I knew he'd be having to fight some off and I might have to snatch a few off my man as well. But I'm fine with that. That comes with the life of a taken mafia woman. My mom had to do it as well as Niko's Mom Arianna.

"Did you set all of this up?" He whispered in my ear.
"Me and Sav did. Well we hired people to." I laughed.
"Thank you." He kissed me again.
"Anytime." I smiled.

The rest of the night Niko, Enzo, Luca and the party guests all played poker and drank. Sav and I decided we should have the cake brought out before the guys got too drunk to enjoy it so it was rolled out and everyone started to sing happy birthday.

When the song ended two girls popped out of the cake and everyone laughed and cheered.

Enzo was eager to help the ladies out of the cake and took both of them by the arm. Me and Sav couldn't help but to laugh. Niko walked up to me and planted a hungry drunken kiss on my lips.
"Drink with me amore." He slurred.
"Ok let's go." I said pulling him to the bar.

Niko grabbed a huge bottle of Hennessy because he knew it's my favorite and we took it back to a table with a few shot glasses.

He pulled out a chair and sat on it quickly pulling me down onto his lap.

"I want you right here with me." He said smiling at me.
"Your so handsome Niko." I said placing one hand on his cheek then kissing him.

We drank a lot of the bottle while talking and laughing. We had so many guests come up to us to talk to the Don of the mafia family and me, the woman he's chosen to be with.

Sav and some guy she's taken and interest with eventually joined us and I had to calm Niko down from being rude to the guy for Sav's sake. He's protective over his sister and no one is or will ever good enough for her.

After Sav and her taste for the night left out table I stood up.
"Where you going?" Niko drunkenly asked me.
"To the restroom." I said smiling down at him.

As I said that a few guys came up to him and forced him to drink some more. I smiled at him and walked away to the restroom.

I decided to go upstairs to my room and use that one so I can also touch up on my makeup.

But as soon as I opened my door and flicked on my lights there was a man standing in my room looking out the window.
"Excuse me what the fuck do you think you doing in my..." I paused. I know this figure all too well. The man turned around and like I thought it was Alex. My heart almost stopped...

Heyy guys!! I know I've been slacking on my updating and I'm sorry for that. Honestly after Wattpad deleted She's Mine I lost interest in the app. But I promise to finish these books for u guys then I'll probably be leaving to another app. I think I'll go To inkitt but I'm not 100% sure yet lol. Thank you all for reading. Love you all. Oh and I restarted She's Mine from where I left off. Muahhh

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