Another Unkillable

By HealthyBubbles

3.3K 38 13

There is a girl that is unkillable and her and Karma are surprisingly childhood best friends and rivals. She... More

Meet Natsumi Nashio
Best Friends Chat
Suprise Visit
The Diary
Class 3-A's Natsumi Nashio
Your Life Flashes Before You
Storm Nashio
Tears Will Fall
Unkillable Killed
Asano and Karma


192 1 0
By HealthyBubbles

Mrs Akabane's POV;

I heard what she wrote in that Journal she has last night. I knew about their deal on him killing her but why did I make Karma transfer? I then head downstairs to smell something amazing! I then see Natsumi there cooking food she then turns to me and then says, "Have you seen a little book anywhere it's leather?" I nod and go upstairs where I grab it from Karma's hug he was giving it. I then head downstairs and then give it to her. She smiles at it and then says, "I assume you read one of the pages didn't you?" I nod and then she says, "Just so you know it wasn't your fault... none of it was your fault okay?" I then tear up and then say, "But you cut... and wishes Karma was there to kill you..." 

She looks at me with a smile and then says, "Even if the bullying does still happen I don't want a death wish that bad anymore... As for the cuts..." She then shows me her wrist on both arms that are covered in scars and I see her crying I then ask, "Hey honey how recent are those?" I ask a little scared, She looks at me and then she says, "Two days ago..." I go silent and then run to the bathroom and grab the bandage and run back and bandage her up. She then continues cooking. Also whenever a knife was involved I would do that. I then hear heavy footsteps and then a deep voice say, "Hey mom good morning!" I am then facing 15 boys... in only boxers and a baggy t-Shirt. Then my son asks, "Mom is Natsumi coming soon to help?" I look at them point at the Natsumi who is concentrating so hard on the food to even notice them. I see all of them blush except for my son. He then walks over to her and helps in only his boxers and t-shirt.

I sigh and then say, "Just sit down at the table please?" They all nod and then I hear Natsumi then say, "Breakfast is ready----" Then a huge shriek. I walk into the kitchen to see Natsumi standing with my son on the ground, arms pulled back and Natsumi with one foot on his back pulling his arms back and then she says, "Don't just come in here with boxers and a t-shirt just cause you wanna!" She then let's go of him and carries some of the food out. 

I walk up to my son and then say, "You can't do that anymore. You are both third years in high school... not in fourth grade!"He nods and then says, "So why is she wearing a sweatshirt and those leggings?" I shake my head in an 'I don't know' matter. He then walks out and then I also walk out but with the rest of the food. I then see Natsumi holding the Journal really tight and smiling. She then grabs a piece of toast and then after she was done I ask, "So is the deal or should I say, 'promise' still going on?" She nods and then says, "Yes it was always on no matter what. And might I just say that it was nice to run into your son at school." I then ask, "Let me guess he ran without saying sorry?" She nods and then I say loud enough for all the boys to hear me this, "So what did you do after that?" Sh then says, "I followed him to his classroom and beat him up. But don't worry only a fist fight and he also got beat up that day for taking my phone."

I laugh and then she says, "Well I got to go..." I nod and then I say, "What o you have to do?" She looks at me and then says, "I hate studying for Exams..." Then runs away... I then say, "Karma you didn't say goodbye to her!" He then says, "OH CRAP!" Then runs out. I look at all the boys and smile then my husband starts entraining them. 

Karma's POV;

I was following her route when I hear, "Weak little turd!" I stop and What I see is terrifying. I see Natsumi getting beat up. I then see her start smiling and laughing...? She then says, "You can't break me down! I already have someone to kill me! Their name is my best friend KARMA AKABANE!" I see them back up and then she says, "Don't even try to say anything... Truth is that I could beat all your butts!" Then they start laughing and when I was going to interfere but then she takes down everyone but a boy in one move she then says, "You die in a hole." She then punches him and then she turns around and sees me. I then say, "I forgot to say goodbye when you left."

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