Conversation of emotion (Baby...

Von peoplegenuinelythink

1.6M 49.7K 130K

(Completed) (Used to be baby boy) (No longer allow translations) Being sold in a bidding room sounds like som... Mehr

🌼description and warning🌼
🌹£850 000🌹
🌹first rule🌹
🌹I'll take care of you🌹
🌹tour in 30 minutes🌹
🌹stupid table leg🌹
🌹first spanking🌹
🌻touching you like this🌻
🌻can't pronounce🌻
🌹please, daddy🌹
🌹three minutes🌹
🌻100% sure🌻
🌻the day after🌻
🌻breaking the ice🌻
🌹thy kisses🌹
🍼stupid Clara🍼
🍼baa baa black sheep🍼
🌻mister Tomlinson🌻
🌹miss you🌹
🌻birthday boy🌻
🍼"Santa's" presents🍼
🌻better be quiet🌻
🍼cold hands🍼
🌻breaking an easy rule🌻
🌹those three words🌹
🌻take your mind off it🌻
🍼goodbye, little friend🍼
🌻lost without you🌻
🌻In a row🌻
🍼broken crayons🍼
🍼fussy little🍼
🌹scolding a grownup🌹
🌹first session🌹
🍼hot days🍼
🌻a midsummer night's dream🌻
🌻at work🌻
🌻bj in the morning🌻
🌹love me tender🌹

🌹here's Johnny🌹

34.6K 1.1K 2.6K
Von peoplegenuinelythink

Louis came home from work around 8 PM. He was kind of sad because he wanted to eat together with Harry.

He hadn't seen his sub much today and he felt rather lonely without him. As much as he hated to admit it.

Harry greeted him from where he was reading a book on the couch. "Hi, Lou. How was work?" He asked, placing a paper between his book and laying it down on the table. 

"Tiring. Wanted to eat with you tonight, love." Louis said, sitting next to the younger boy.

"Well... tomorrow is a new day. I can cook if you want me to?" Harry said quietly, pulling his jumper down his thighs a little more.

Louis nods. "We can watch a movie now, though. It's only 8 PM. Also, next time, don't create a hickey on a place everyone can see. I had to wear a turtleneck to work today." Louis said, turning on the telly.

"Yes, sir." Harry laughed.

His eyes fixed on the screen and he either groaned or hummed when he sees a movie to tell Louis if he likes it or not.

He groaned and squeaked when a horror movie appeared on the screen.

"Oh man! The shining! This is a classic, H. Let's watch this." Louis yelled, excitement clear in his voice.

"D-do we have to? I think mama mia is on too, you know?" Harry answered.

He hates horror. Absolutely despises it. It terrifies him to say the least. The way that people their guts will spill out after a man with a mask will cut them in half with a chainsaw. He hated it.

But Louis was persistent on watching the film and threw Harry a pillow after laughing at him for being such a baby.

Harry pretty much felt like crying after that. Holding the pillow in front of his eyes for nearly three-quarters of the film.

He couldn't block out the sounds of the frightened yells and sound of the scary music though. He could only whimper and listen to Louis' silent chuckles.

Yes, Louis could laugh. He wasn't the one who would sleep alone in a room that wasn't even his tonight. He wasn't the person who was still getting used to being somewhere he didn't even want to be.

Harry didn't want to sleep in his own room tonight after he'd seen the horrible images of the film still playing on the television.

It's only been 2 weeks since he first met Louis and it was just scary in the big, unfamiliar house.

The 17-year-old was basically trembling by the time the film had finished. Tears were filling his eyes when Louis yawned, a sign that he wanted to go to sleep.

"Well, that wasn't too bad. Was it, Harry?" Louis asked, turning on the lights.

Harry jumped at the sudden light, nearly having a heart attack. Louis laughed at him again making Harry feel incredibly tiny.

"W-well I-"

"Though it's like... such a bad movie! They just snatched the scary parts out of the book and made a movie out of it. Like... is there even a real storyline in this movie? Bet ya Stephen King was pissed!" Louis said, enthusiastically.

Harry swallowed and laughed fakely.

"Oh, God! It's already 12 O'clock. You should be in bed." Louis joked.

Harry's face paled visibly. Louis saw but chose to ignore it, because it was probably nothing.

"L- Louis would you mind if I slept in-"

"My rules are clear, Harry." Louis snapped before Harry could finish. "Now let's go to bed."

Harry obeyed and scrambled to the staircase. He swallowed and looked at the gaping blackness upstairs. Who knows what's hiding in the shadows of the closet down the hall. Or if the eyes of that creepy portrait Louis owns didn't actually move.

Still, Harry walked up the stairs with a lump in his throat. When he was on the first floor he flipped the light switch and sighed in relief after seeing what was there.

He walked to his room which was down the hall and stood still in front of the door. He knew it would be dark behind that as well.

Taking a deep breath to prepare to scream, he opened the door and flipped on the lights.

Once again, he was greeted with a quiet room where no murderers were sitting on his bed with a chainsaw or axe.

He walked into his room and pulled off his pants, laying back on his bed with a heavy, pounding heart.

Around 5 minutes later, Louis walked into his room and gave him a smile.

"Have a good night, H. I'll be home tomorrow morning to wake you up. We'll go shopping, alright?"

Harry nodded. "Goodnight, Louis. C-can you lea-leave on the lights in the hallway?" Harry said, begging Louis to say yes.

The dom barked out a laugh and shook his head. "A light won't stop killers. It will actually make things worse. You will be able to see your guts spill out." He said playfully.

Harry crawled further under the sheets and looked at Louis with big green eyes.

"Oh well... Night!" Louis said before turning off the lights and closing the door and leaving Harry alone in his pitch black room.

Harry gasped and bit his lips, hearing Louis' door slam shut. He whimpered and buried his face deep under the covers, hoping sleep would take over.

It didn't.

Harry was wide awake in his bed. Under the blanket like it would protect him. He knew that was bullshit because a chainsaw or a knife would go straight through it, but at least he wouldn't have to see something frightening before he died.

It was hot under the covers. Harry felt sticky all over and the heat made his body tremble even more.

But he simply couldn't find the courage to place one of his limbs on top of the covers. He couldn't. He was sure somebody would cut them off.

Harry just tried to think of happy thoughts but then a scary face flashed in front of his eyes and he couldn't think of anything else but that face.

The young boy shook in his bed whilst softly whimpering his dom's name. Harry froze completely when he heard a loud sound, only to realise it was the wind.

It didn't help his fear though. If anything it made everything worse. Shadows of the tree in front of his window danced over the wall in front of him, the wind created a terrifying sound and the rain made it impossible to hear sounds that came from inside the house.

At this point, Harry started crying. Silently of course. Tears streamed down his face while he trembled and tried to turn as little as possible.

After another 30 minutes, Harry was a wreck. He was scared out of his mind and didn't know a way out anymore.

He flicked on the lamp on his bedside table and sat up in his bed, looking around his room as he panted silently.

He saw nothing, but that didn't stop his heart from beating wildly against his chest.

The 17-year-old gave up. He needed Louis. He didn't even care if the man would give him a punishment, as long as he wasn't alone right now.

So Harry stood up. He turned on the big lights in his room and turned off the small lamp on his nightstand.

He opened his door and peeked down the dark hallway, eyeing Louis' bedroom door, thanking God when he saw light coming from underneath the door.

He took a deep breath before turning off his lights and running down the hallway to Louis his room.

He saw shadows everywhere and his heart was pounding rapidly. The wind howled around the house as Harry's feet padded against the floor, bringing him to Louis his room.

Harry knocked on the door and opened it, feeling like a small child seeking comfort in their parent's room.

Louis looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow at the small lad, who closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

"I-I know I'm not allowed to come here at night time..." Harry nearly sobbed.

Louis frowned upon seeing the boy so scared and didn't comment on the fact that Harry broke a rule.

Harry sighed and finally looked up at Louis.

"Lou, it's storming outside... and... I just can't sleep, I-"

Louis placed his phone on the nightstand, lifting the covers and opening his arms.

"Ssh... just get in." He whispered.

Harry ran towards the older fellow and hopped into the bed. Louis pulled him onto his chest and tangled his fingers in Harry's damp curls.

"You can sleep here tonight." He added and kissed Harry's forehead, feeling his sub shake against his own body.

"Oh, Harry... are you really that scared?" He muttered, sympathy showing in his eyes.

"I really don't like horror movies, Louis. I'm so sorry, but I couldn't sleep and then the wind and rain and-"

"Sssh..." Louis whispered, calming the boy down.

"Darling, you're working yourself up. Relax, you're safe here." He gently told Harry.

"B-but your rule is-"

"Not important tonight. This is my fault, right?"

Harry swallowed and snuggled up against Louis his chest. "Well... a little." He giggled quietly.

Louis chuckled.

"I'm just really sensitive to this kind of t-things. Sorry to bother you." Harry apologised.

"You're not a bother at all, H. It's absolutely fine. I should have known, love. At least I know it for the next time.

The lay in silence for 5 whilst Louis played with Harry's hair. Then he broke the comfortable silence.

"You're the first person I share a bed with. Besides one night stands." Harry blushed.

"Why don't you though?" The younger lad questioned.

"I don't know really. Always thought that it was for when you loved somebody or summat. Pretty lame really. I didn't want to love someone because I thought it was stupid." Louis confessed.

"No, 's not stupid. I am scared of love..." Harry admitted, suddenly feeling even smaller in Louis' hold.

"Why's that?" Louis wondered aloud.

"B-because... I've always thought that I was incapable of loving. Still, do to be really honest."

"What? How is that possible?" Louis spat, genuinely confused.

Harry moved out of Louis his arms and lay down on the pillow beside Louis', watching him stare right back at him.

"I guess that I-" Harry took a deep breath. "I've never really felt family love... my abusive foster family never gave me love. The boyfriend I had only wanted me to so sexual things, which I didn't do.

I never learned how it feels I guess... I've never had a mother who would tell me that I was a handsome young man or stuff like that. I never really learned to love myself." Harry tried to explain and watched how pity took over Louis his features.

"I'm just scared that- that I won't be able to give my own kids things they need just because I never had them. It always feels as if I will be like my foster parents just because they raised me like that. Even if I know that it's the wrong way."

Louis scoffed. "That does not define you as a person, Harry. Their mistakes  aren't yours and if you don't want to make them, then you won't." Louis said wisely.

Tears gathered in Harry's eyes and he tried blinking them away. "But I still miss that kind of love." He whimpered.

"Non-sense." Louis snapped. He placed his hand on Harry's cheek rubbing it tenderly.

"You don't need to feel family love from your own family. Friends, they can also give you that. Your future boyfriend could, his family..."

Louis was trying the best he could to comfort the boy. Harry only really wanted to laugh at what Louis said, he really did.

"And how am I supposed to get those things now, Louis. You bought me. How am I supposed to get a boyfriend if I'm in a BDSM relationship with you?" He cried out, panic ripping through his chest.

"Sometimes things are easier than you make them to be." Louis said, a little hurt.

Harry sighed and sniffled wetly. "Sorry, Lou. I didn't have the right."

Louis breathed out through his nose and placed his hand, which was previously laying on Harry's cheek, on his stomach.

"It's fine, really. I do not fully understand what you've gone through. It's easy for me to say these kind of things. It's just that I've seen the way you were the last two weeks.

You've got a big heart, you want to do new things, try to make other's happy even if you put yourself down by doing so. I don't think your foster parents would ever do that."

Harry smiled at Louis and traced his heart tattoo on his arm. "You too. You're so much nicer than I ever hoped my dom would be. When I'm with you... the feelings I feel are the closest thing to love I've ever been. I feel safe with you." Harry admitted.

Louis bit his lip. "You're perfect, Hazza. Never doubt yourself like that. But we're both tired right now. I do want to talk about this again someday, however. For now, we should sleep."

Harry agreed with a tiny hum and tensed up when Louis clapped in his hands twice, causing the lights to dim until they turned off.

Harry whimpered, fear filling his body once again and he tried to cower back under the covers again.

Only this time, two strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him against a solid chest.

"Love, you get the chance to sleep with me once. Take advantage of that." Louis laughed.

Harry placed his hand on his dom's chest and felt Louis grab it to intertwine their fingers.

"Right... goodnight, Lou." Harry whispered.

"Sleep well, Harry. Good dreams only. Wake me up when you need anything." Louis said as his other hand moved under Harry's shirt to draw patterns on his back.

Harry's eyes fluttered shut and eventually, the scary and horrifying images fled his mind and he felt safe and at peace in Louis his arms.

At that moment he realised.

He never wanted to leave this spot ever again.


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