Silence (JinJi Fanfiction)

By nyeongwichu

31.8K 1K 296

Jinyoung had never met someone like her. He had met so many beautiful female idols, but she was just...differ... More

Chapter 1: Crush
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Dream
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

1.6K 69 11
By nyeongwichu

"Noona! Did you see the group chat? Jinyoung-hyung will come to practice!" Doyoung called his noona, showing the chat to Jisoo. Doyoung and her, along with Akdong Musician members, Chanhyuk and Suhyun, were already in YG practice room. As promised, Jennie would accompany them to become the PD while the maknae line decided to go home as soon as they finished their vocal training. But first, the other three members of Blackpink were having their dinner.

"Ah, yes, I saw! I can't wait for our very first Jinjido Night Out! Jjang!" Jisoo faked a cheerful voice, giving Doyoung a thumbs-up. Doyoung smiled at her but failed to notice that Jisoo had been pacing and fidgeting anxiously for the last 20 minutes. After she received the text from Jinyoung, her heart couldn't sit still. That man, that mysterious, intimidating, but handsome-beyond-words man, who didn't even read her messages for two days, had finally replied.

Wait for me.

Such a simple message, but it successfully made her extremely nervous. And the fact that it was a reply to her, or technically Jennie's, embarrassingly honest text baffled her. Did he really reply to that message? Or maybe he is asking me to wait because I constantly texted him today, she pondered. And how much longer will he arrive?

"Jisoo-sunbaenim, Doyoung-sunbaenim, do you want to listen to my arrangement first?" Chanhyuk politely asked. This time Doyoung was not the youngest among them.

"Oh, yes, yes. I thought we are in the same year, Chanhyuk-ah." Doyoung pat the boy in friendly manner. "But of course, you can call me hyung, too," he joked.

"Yah, Doyoung-ah, are you that happy that you're not the youngest today?" Jisoo approached him, holding Suhyun's hand. As the youngest of the youngest, she became so shy and Jisoo felt the need to help her. "Doyoung-ah, this is Suhyun. This girl has an angelic voice that can make you fall in love!"

"Of course I know about her, noona. Unlike you, she is really young. You're already old!" Doyoung gave Jisoo a sheepish smile, earning him a slap from her.

"Ah, noona. Neomu ahpayo! It hurts!"

"Serves you right for calling me old, maknae-ah," Jisoo laughed at Doyoung's pouting lips. After she realized that the two of them were making Chanhyuk and Suhyun awkward, Jisoo asked them to listen to the arrangement. As Chanhyuk got ready behind the keyboard, Suhyun gave each of them the lyrics sheet.

"Chanhyuk-oppa had put names in every part. If you want to change it, you can just tell oppa," Suhyun shyly told them. Jisoo and Doyoung nodded.

"Alright, Suhyun and I will sing it as a demo."

When the two siblings were singing, Jisoo couldn't help but imagine if it was Jinyoung, Doyoung, and her who were singing. Doyoung's voice was high and powerful, she had heard him singing several times in the waiting room. And Jinyoung's voice is...she recalled his voice. Manly yet so sweet. Honey voice? Is that what people call it? The one that would capture any girls' heart. She began to wonder how many Ahgases had fallen head over heels for him.

"Ah, unnie, someone's calling you." Suhyun suddenly tapped her shoulder, awakened her from her daydream. In an instant, she stood up to take her phone, and when she looked at the screen, her eyes widened. Park Jinyoung was calling her.


"Jisoo-ssi? I'm in front of YG building. Can you help me go inside?"

Jisoo was not sure, but Jinyoung's voice was so weak and his breathing was heavy. She quickly told Doyoung that Jinyoung was already here and both of them made their way to pick up Jinyoung. She didn't realize that she was walking so fast that Doyoung had to run to catch up, trying hard not to get left behind and lost in YG building he was not familiar with.

When they were finally outside, she saw a man in black hoodie and black cap, wearing a white mask. But what caught her attention was the fact that he was looking down, and as she got closer she could see that he was sweating like crazy.

"I'm here. I'm sorry I'm late."


Jinyoung tried hard to endure his headache and fever while Jisoo and Doyoung led him to the practice room. He tried to ignore his blurry vision, and he was pretty sure that he almost fainted midway. When the two people in front of him didn't look he stopped for a while to regain his focus before he followed them again. However, he couldn't hold it anymore once they arrived in the practice room. He collapsed harshly on the floor, making everyone in the room shocked. Doyoung immediately carried him to the nearest sofa, laying him down slowly.

"Hyung, what happened to you? You're drenched in cold sweat, and you have a fever. Where is your manager, hyung?"

"Gwenchana, Doyoung-ah, I'm just tired that's all."

"Jinyoung-ssi, are you sick elsewhere? Have you eaten? We'll bring you a warm tea and an emergency compress," Jisoo asked in panic as she knelt beside the sofa. But instead of giving an answer, Jinyoung groaned in pain.

"Noona, I think he also has a headache," Doyoung said, as if he knew how to translate what Jinyoung was groaning about.

"Unnie, oppa and I will prepare the tea. We'll be right back," Suhyun volunteered and she quickly went out of the room. At the same time, Jennie came in and she rushed to the scene.

"What is happening here? Jisoo?" Jennie looked at Jinyoung and knelt beside Jisoo.

"Jinyoung-ssi is unwell. Jennie, can you bring me a paracetamol? And also a cold facecloth?" Jisoo turned her head to ask Jennie.

Jennie nodded but she stared at Jisoo for a while. The girl's eyes were now glistening with tears and it didn't escape Jennie's notice. She glanced at Jinyoung's face in pity. The man was trying hard to calm himself though his face couldn't hide his pain.

"Doyoung-ssi, can you come with me to take the medicine? Jisoo, I'll call manager-unnie, too," Jennie offered to help, standing up.

"Ah, ne, Jennie-ssi."

They went out quickly, leaving Jisoo and Jinyoung alone in the practice room. Jinyoung was still laying on the sofa while Jisoo sat on the floor beside him. She looked at him tenderly without saying anything as she finally understood the bad feeling she had ever since he didn't reply her messages. All along her gut feeling was trying to tell her about this.

Though they didn't say anything, the silence between them was rather calming. Jisoo noticed that Jinyoung started to feel more at ease. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head slowly to look at Jisoo. Even his stare was weak.

"Jinyoung-ssi, it's fine. Just try to sleep now," Jisoo softly said.

"Can I?" he weakly asked.

"Ne, I'll stay here to watch over you." Jinyoung closed his eyes again, trying to sleep for a few minutes. He felt better now that he could lay down, his headache had eased up. However, he realized that he couldn't sleep because a pair of eyes were staring at him intently. And when he opened his eyes again, he could see the worried look in Jisoo's face.

"I'm really sorry. I'm not that sick, trust me. I will be okay after another 10 minutes and we can start our practice," Jinyoung reassured her. His voice was soft but firm, as if telling her that he didn't want to hear any disagreement.

For a while Jisoo didn't say anything. She honestly didn't know what to do because she would never expect him to come like this.

When he thought she wouldn't say anything, he spoke again. "I didn't come here with my manager. I took a taxi because I thought it would be faster. I'm sorry, my photoshoot and interview lasted longer than I thought. And here I am troubling everyone. I'm really sorry, I feel bad." Jinyoung put a hand on his eyes, covering them in shame.

"I promise after 10 minutes I'll be alright. Laying on the sofa like this has helped me regain my energy," he laughed a little to ease the atmosphere but Jisoo didn't say anything.

The silence was there again. This time it was a bit tense.

Jinyoung cleared his throat. "YG has a really nice practice room. I feel like everyone who practices here will be more motivated to work hard." The room is huge and it has tall mirrors. Ah, the lights are so cool, it feels like you are on a stage every time you practice. This room also has a lot of sofas, I'm sure the boys will appreciate this so much, Jinyoung thought while he waited for Jisoo's response. Any response would be appreciated.

"I trust you."

Jinyoung turned his head. "Ne?"

"I trust you when you said you just need to rest." Jisoo said, now looking straight at Jinyoung.

Unbeknownst to her, those words had an effect on Jinyoung. Whenever he was sick, people would tell him to rest and sleep, to go home and just stay put although he, out of all people, knew his body the most. He very well understood that he just need to gather himself together before he could get up and continue. He didn't need to go back home and sleep. He just need to rest for a while and he would be as good as new. He always thought resting or sleeping would make him even more sick.

But nobody ever believed him. They would keep worrying about him, fussing over a little headache. And the fact that people would fuss about it gave him even more stress, causing his headache to worsen. That was why every time he didn't feel alright, he'd try hard to hide it. That way, he would quickly become better.

Her response, thought, wasn't expected. It reminded him of Jaebum's words the night before.

"I trust that you will get up and practice with us. I can see that coming from you." Jisoo smiled, gazing softly at him. Jinyoung, on the other hand, could only stare back.


"You've always been that responsible and dependable Jinyoung-ssi. So I believe you."

"I just hope you won't keep saying that..that you're okay. I-I mean, I know you'll be alright but at that moment you don't feel okay. Rather than saying that you're okay, why don't you say, 'I have a little headache, can I have a break? I need to take medicine' so that people understand what you're going through."

When Jinyoung didn't give any sort of response, she continued. "Honestly, I understand why you're acting like this, Jinyoung-ssi. Living as an idol is not easy, being sick is not an option especially if you have an individual schedule. It troubles other people, I have to admit that," Jisoo chuckled.

"But still, even if you don't want other people to worry, isn't it a good thing? It means some people actually care about you. I think you should rely more on other people," Jisoo said as she leaned more to the sofa. Their heads were only a few inches apart.

"Normally, I don't get sick very often to the point I start to like it when I get a flu," Jisoo laughed before she continued, "but when I get sick, the three members will treat me like a queen so I don't mind them fussing around me. 'Jennie-yah, please bring me water' or 'Lalisa~ can you carry me to the living room' ~ hahaha, I'm just joking. I'm not that mean."

"I can totally imagine you ordering them like that, though?" Jinyoung laughed, as he put one hand in front of his mouth like he usually did.

"Well, what if the table is turned? What if one of the members of GOT7 doesn't feel well? You will make a fuss, too, right? I remember that time when our maknae was sick. We were panicking so much although it was just a simple flu. I bet you are the one who worries about your members the most."

Shit, that's true, Jinyoung thought. He never thought about it that way. Whenever Yugyeom or Jackson fell sick, he would turn into a mother who worried about the simplest thing. He told them to do eat this and drink that, and the members would always comply. Unlike him who almost started a fight with Jaebum because of his hard-headed tendency to avoid resting, his members would listen to him. He should reflect this side of him.

Behind her cheerful personality, she is actually a level-headed woman. This Kim Jisoo.

But then, as Jinyoung looked at the woman in front of him, he remembered a forgotten detail. Does she realize that 'I am okay' is also her favorite phrase? He thought as he remembered his very first phone call with her. She said he need to depend on other people more but she looked like she was bearing the burden of the world on her shoulder everyday. He noticed that when nobody was around, she hunched her back a bit, and that beautiful smile would leave her face.

We both are actors, aren't we, Jisoo?

"You said you were okay, too."

This time, his words caught her off-guard.

"What do you mean?"

"Last week. You kept saying you were okay but you cried when I called you."

Ah...that. Jisoo was lost for words. She let his words sink in before she laughed sadly. She forgot that she wasn't in the position to talk.

"I see," Jisoo sighed. "So we're more alike than we think."


Jisoo kept quiet as she looked down, realizing that she was being a total hypocrite and it clouded her judgement. She shouldn't try, when she couldn't even practice what she preached. Before Jinyoung reminded her, all she tried to do was to knock some sense in him for overworking, forcing himself. It totally backfired. She felt a bitter taste inside her mouth.

"But I'll do it." That made Jisoo look up, and they were looking at each other now.

"I'll stop saying that I'm okay when I'm not. And you also have to," Jinyoung said and then added, "even if it is just a simple and stubborn headache in between schedules like what I have right now. Or when you are in a bad mood, or someone is making you sad." Hearing that, Jisoo gave him a gentle smile but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm not sure about that..."

"If you can't do it to anyone, do it to me. Be honest only to me. Whenever you don't feel well, tell me. You can text me, call me, whatever. Say what you just told me. Rather than saying you're okay, tell me what is wrong. Will you do that?" But Jisoo didn't say anything.

"I.." she started but he cut her off.

"Just let me share the burden, too. It doesn't mean you're weak. Isn't it much better to share your feeling with someone. I promise after everything you tell me I won't bring it up."

Can I be this selfish? She thought, as hope was starting to blossom inside her heart. Should she trust this man? Should she expose her vulnerable self to this man in front of her? Too late, your heart chose even before your mind did.


Instantly, Jinyoung's face lit up. He threw a kind smile and held up his pinky finger.


Jisoo smiled as she made the pinky promise.


"Jennie-ssi, why are we here? Why don't we go inside?" Doyoung asked Jennie. Jennie, who was peeking through the glass on the door shut him off.

"Shussh! They are talking!" Jennie whispered. Just then Suhyun and Chanhyuk came bringing the tea and apple slices. Before they could go inside the practice room, Jennie swayed her hand, telling them to move behind them. The siblings were confused at first but they complied.

"Jennie-ssi, what they are talking about?" Doyoung asked as he tried to eavesdrop. "I can't hear, they are speaking too softly but I saw them laughing. Ah, they make a pinky promise or something?" Jennie gasped quietly.

"Jinjjayo? Aiya, I will never let this slide." The NCT member smiled that he had caught his hyung and noona right-handed.

"Andwae, you can't! Just let them be, Doyoung-ssi. Let's not interfere, let the universe works to bring them together." But then Jennie gasped in shock as she just let out her best friend's secret in front of her co-worker.

"What? What do you mean 'together'?"

"Ani, don't mind what I just said, Do-"

"What are you all doing?" Just then Lee Sangwon, Blackpink's manager, stopped in front of the practice room, shaking her head. She barged inside the practice room without knocking.

"Jinyoung-ssi, how do you feel? Your manager is on the way here. Do you think you can practice?" manager-unnie asked. Jinyoung nodded, getting up from the sofa as he smiled reassuringly to the people who finally came in. What took them so long?

"I feel much better now." He told them but his eyes glanced at Jisoo.

"Sunbaenim, this is the tea to heal your headache and the cafeteria-ahjuma cut an apple for you." Suhyun politely hand them to Jinyoung. He thanked them before he drank the tea and ate the apple.

"Good, then maybe after 10 minutes we should start the practice because it's already late," manager-unnie told the Inkigayo team.


After AKMU and Jennie introduced themselves to Jinyoung, they went through with the practice. It was an easy task really, the song was not difficult since all of them were the vocalists of their respective groups. The funny thing was that, since there wasn't any dance instructor, they had to make their own choreography. Jisoo, being her usual questionable self, suggested that they should just circle around and do a wave thing while holding hands. Though at first Jennie and Doyoung rejected the idea, they still went through with it just because they didn't know what moves would match the song "Winter Child".

"Where is Lisa when we need her?" Jennie exasperatedly shouted.

"Just admit that my suggestion is better than no suggestion at all!" Jisoo laughed as she said that.

When the practice ended, they went to this famous private BBQ restaurant that Doyoung knew. AKMU, however, politely declined the dinner because they were told by their manager about an urgent meeting. So now it was only the four of them plus their managers, sitting at two different tables. Managers were already casually chatting (Jinyoung's manager shared his crazy antics hours ago) and discussing their difficulties in managing the groups. At different table, Jinyoung sat next to Doyoung. Jisoo and Jennie sat in front of them.

Jisoo observed the place. It was not the way she expected the place to be. When most restaurants that were owned by celebrities tend to look expensive or fancy, this one was rather normal and traditional. In fact, from any point of view, people would guess that it was only owned by an old couple. The place was definitely designed for celebrities who wanted to hang out without getting much of public's attention. Plus, its location was a bit secluded.

"Hyung, at this point I begin to doubt you. Are you really sick?" Doyoung asked Jinyoung while he poured water to the cups and handing them to his sunbaes. Jinyoung chuckled, "I was sick, but now I felt much better. Especially since we're going to eat meat."

"Jinyoung-ssi, honestly when you collapsed, it was the scariest thing ever. You'll give me nightmare tonight," Jisoo joked, but Jinyoung took it too seriously.

"No, please, don't. I'm really sorry."

"But, seriously, what made you sick, Jinyoung-ssi?" Jennie asked, but her eyes were fixated on the meat in front of her. Her hand was busy flipping the beef.

"Well, I didn't know what exactly happen. You could say I turned into a fugitive." When he said, heads turned to stare at him.

"What do you mean, hyung?" Panicking, Doyoung looked around as if Jinyoung was a real fugitive. "Are you sure you can be here? In public? What did you do?"

Jinyoung bursted into laughter. "Aniya, I am not a real fugitive. I ran away from my manager."

"Ah, you did tell me that you came without your manager," Jisoo said, no longer in the mood to eat the meat.

"Well, I had a photoshoot and interview in Allure magazine and the place was a bit far away. The interview also lasted for a while by the time I finished it was already 4 o'clock. And the traffic was really packed, we didn't move from a single spot for 25 minutes." Suddenly, his throat felt dry so he drank first, noticing how the other three were eyeing him intently.

"Then I did something crazy. My manager said that the traffic was only at that road, so I just got off from the car and ran to a less-crowded road and took a taxi." Jinyoung ended his explanation, hoping that it was rational enough.

"Wow, how long did you run?" Jennie casually asked.

"Maybe..700m? I don't know, I just ran. It didn't feel so far, though."

The other three gasped. Jisoo slammed her chopsticks on the table.

"Yah, that's why you're sick. You had a workout before coming here." She even pointed a finger to Jinyoung and that made him chuckle.

"I'm okay, now. Don't fret."

"Wah, hyung, I think you will get an earful from your manager." Doyoung shook his head after he found out that this mature hyung was somehow a bit crazy than he thought.

"Yeah, but he is chill. I will seriously be in trouble if the other manager, Park Noyoung is here instead of him." Jinyoung carefully eyed his manager who was sitting a bit far from his table.

"I would never dare, hyung." Doyoung said. Blackpink girls nodded vigorously.

"I have no choice, I have to come to this practice. Doyoung-ah, don't you want me to come?" He said it to Doyoung but his eyes were on Jisoo. Right, Jisoo-ssi? He smiled at her.

At the same time, caught on to the meaning behind the gesture, Jisoo stared back at him, feeling her heart beat faster than it should. Did he...?

"Of course, lah, hyung."

"And anyway, as I have promised before, this dinner is on me!"


"You don't look sick now, Jinyoung?" His manager asked, his voice was firm and cold. They were now on their way to the dorm.

"I'm sorry, hyung. But everything went well afterwards. I feel better, they gave me this magical tea that healed my headache instantly. Jinjja." Jinyoung turned to look at his manager only to find that his manager was frowning.

"If it's Noyoung-ssi, you will be suspended even from MC-ing in Inkigayo." Manager-hyung sighed. "You should be grateful it's me."

"I am," Jinyoung simply said.

"You can get into a scandal, you threaten my job as your manager, and you sacrifice your health. God knows you can collapse anywhere without me knowing. I hope you have a good reason to risk it all."

Jinyoung smiled.

"I do."



Ah, finally another chapter is up!

There are reasons why I like Jinyoung and Jisoo. It's not because of their looks/popularity. It's just that there is this 'click' feeling. Like you found someone who is so similar to you, that you can relate.

The first time I began to notice Jisoo was when I accidently saw a post that Jisoo never cries in front of camera. When I dig deeper, and watched a few episodes of Blackpink house, I can see that she is someone who can control her emotion well. She can be funny and hyper at all times but she can also be mature. So poise.

I noticed Jinyoung when I watched Knowing brother (I almost watch all episodes of knowing brother) and I immediately thought, "Ah, this idol has a different aura. Intellectual and mature." And I'm not wrong! He is the calmest member in GOT7, and he reads a lot of books.

So yeah, sorry about my rambling. Enjoy the chapter!

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