Love Me, Hurt Me (BillDip)

By Kraykray4fanfics

277K 9.5K 8.7K

Years after weirdmageddon Bill Cipher finds himself stumbling upon the Mystery Shack after he's created a hum... More

Human Body
Help me
Morning Sunshine
Mystery Man
Where to Start?
He's Been Hurt
Avenge him
Up All Night
Oh Shįt
Ready For This?
Territorial or Jealousy
Fckin Hėll
Avoiding Difficulties
Another Trip
Still Definitly Territorial
Oh Deer
Dark Start To A Happy Day
Close For Comfort
Hehehe ;3
Having Fun Being a Teen Pt.1
Having Fun Being a Teen Pt.2
The Explained Truth
The Day After
He's Kind Of Clingy
It's Hot
Paz's Invite
But I do
"We're In Danger"
Avoiding More Difficulties
Trynna Get Yo Sh-t Together
Another Day
To First Dates, Am I right? ^_^
Finally Understood
A Whole Fckin Month
What Happened
Can't Stay
Heir to The Throne
Spankings <3
A Second Date


6.6K 226 122
By Kraykray4fanfics

*Dippers POV*

The both of us hopped into the portal and came back out standing in front of a different Mystery Shack, it looked the same as the one I lived in, but I knew it wasn't my Mystery Shack.

I hear voices coming from behind us, so I turn around to, yeah, it's pretty much me.

The odd thing is that I am a deer, half deer I mean.

"Oh, hi?" My other me raises a brow in curiosity as he takes a step closer.

"Pine Tree, don't you dare take another step closer to them! You have to be carful!" A different Bill steps out from the bushes.

But he's a blond in this dimension and wears a riffle over his shoulder.

A black eye patch covers his left eye and he doesn't dress formal at all.

His clothes are a yellow plaid long sleeve and loose jeans with brown muddy boots.

"They seem harmless." Myself points out, his deer ears flattening against his head.

"Yeah, they seem harmless." The blond scoffs, coming over to stand beside my other self.

"Eh, we sort of are harmless, we don't plan to do anything." Bill from my dimension shrugs, making a soda appear in his hand.

"You're a demon! See Dipper we should probably kill them before they do something!" The blond shakes the centaur me by the shoulders.

"Yeah, what's a demon going to do? Nothing bad, I mean we've dealt with plenty of things before and this isn't even that bad..." The me from this dimension shrugged the hands off his shoulders and turned back to us.

"So, what's up? You guys need something? I'm sure there's a reason you're here, I mean demons don't just enter random dimensions just for the fun of it." I gave a nervous laugh while elbowing Bills arm.

"Well, sure we do, plus it's fun to stop by every once in a while." The demon gave a laugh, but stopped short to take a drink of his pop.

"That's kind of...odd." The centaur mumbled, looking to the blond who was grumbling while fiddling with his rifle like a pouting child.

"I made a deal with him so he kind of has to take me to different dimensions because I want him to." I snicker, pointing over to my Bill.

"A deal with a demon, huh? Aren't those like...powerful?" I only nod in response.

"Very." Bill answers aloud, wrapping his arm around my waist making me

It's felt like that for the past few days, when he holds me...

I snap out of my thoughts and smile over at the other Dipper.

"Anyway, is there something you guys wanted to do while you're here?" The other me asked, though looked at the blond Bill.

"I just wanted to look around this dimension." I say, looking around our surroundings.

Not much is different other than the people in this place.

"Are you sure? Only the people are different, not the place." My Bill informed, nudging me a little.

"Well, we could always just walk around town to see what's different about the people." I blow a raspberry, though my eyes land on the Shack.

"We better leave, Ford would freak if he seen versions of us from a different dimension." Myself shudders and starts walking back into the woods, we all follow after him.

I stop in front of Bill, pulling out the camera and he quickly puts up a peace sign with his hand, grinning.

I snap the picture and take the photo out and start waving it so it can develop.

After a few minutes I take a look and can only giggle at Bills face, his eyes are crossed and he sticks his tongue out while holding the peace sign up.

While I only smile at the camera with a small blush.

I grab a book out of my bag and slip the photo into it so it doesn't crinkle up.

"Hey, Dipper! Bill!" I shout after our other selves.

When they look back at us I snap a quick pic of them, centaur Dipper laughs while human Bill just shrugs and keeps walking.

I also take my time to wave the photo and slip it into the book when it's done developing.

We keep walking through the trail and it's not very long until we enter town.

I look at all the people, but the thing is, they weren't normal people, they were monsters, no I mean literal monsters.

I see Robbie walking by in the distance.

His skin is a pale shade of green, a hole in his cheek showing off his yellowish teeth and he only has one eye, the other eye missing, leaving just a socket.

Then Pacifica "walks" by too, except it was more of a slither, below her waist being a snake tail, in this universe she had really, really long hair that was tied into a ponytail, a couple horns sticking out above her bangs.

"Oh, wow, she's a naga!" I whispered, walking over to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, snapping a quick pic before looking at her.

She looked at me confusingly, then her pale blue eyes trailed over to the other three, a sigh escaping her.

"Yet another version of Dipper and Bill, what a shock..." She said with sarcasm dripping in her voice.

"Can I get a full picture, pleeeeeease? You look awesome in this universe!" I pleaded, handing Bill the photo to develop.

The black haired man got the idea and waved it around like a fan.

"I...guess, but only a few." She said with a curious look.

"Cool!" I smiled, backing up a few steps to get her full body in the frame.

I only took three of the blonde, then slipped the camera back into my messenger bag, waving the three photos now.

"Come along now, Pine Tree, we've only got until dinner remember." Bill tugged me along, the other versions of ourselves following along.

"I wonder if Wendy is around...ooh, what does she look like? What is she?" I turned to my other self, beaming with happiness.

"Oh, she's a werewolf with red fur, ehh, she kind of scares me sometimes though." The centaur Dipper shrugged, looking up at his Bill with a soft smile.

The blond looked down at the centaur, ruffling his hair after a chuckle.

I felt curiosity tug at me, my eyes trailing up to my Bill.

I wondered if that's how we acted around people.


"Where to, sweet cheeks?" Bill asked aloud, making both us brunets jump at the sudden out burst.

"Uhh, to the diner I guess." I said a little nonchalantly, quickening my pace to the said restaurant.

When we enter we go to find a seat right away, sitting in a fairly large booth, the centaur me takes up most of the room for his body to be comfortable.

I sit close to my Bill, at least until our arms are against each other.

"So, what did Paz mean when she said another pair of us coming through this dimension?" I ask the two in front of us, they seemed to be playing around, poking at each other and laughing.

They paused to take a look at me, brows raised in confusion, but then it turned to one of remembrance, like something had dawned on them.

"You guys aren't really the first to come here actually, we've had at least two other versions come along, wanting to explore and study." This time it was the blond Bill that spoke up, shifting so that he wasn't facing the other me.

"Two other versions? What did they look like, they must have been totally different." I look at the blond, waiting to hear about it.

"The first version was a demon you," He pointed at me, "and a human us." This time he pointed at himself and at my Bill.

"Human me?" Bill raised a brow, staring at...himself.

"Demon me?" I say, looking at centaur Dipper.

"Yeah, they seemed to just want to look around, not really anything else." My other self looked to his Bill with a weirded out look.

"Those guys were super weird, they really couldn't keep their hands off each other for one second."

"Couldn't keep their hands off...each other?" I question, looking at the blond Bill.

"In a sexual way. I'm not kidding, when ever the human Bill was sitting down the demon Dipper would sit on his lap or they'd hold hands all the time, stuff like that." I feel my face flare up, my other self flushing too.

"Hah, that's predictable." My Bill laughed, resting his face onto his hands, arms lifted onto the table.

"There was also just a reverse version of you guys, a gloomy blue demon Bill and a demanding dominant Dipper. It was super weird to see that, not even the demon Dipper was dominant, he was just kinda just like a flirty possibly horny girl..." The half animal Dipper looked away quickly, making it obvious that he was very uncomfortable saying that.

"Oh, Will, my brother, and of course his master." Bill grumbled making me look up at him, brow raising.

"You never told me you had a brother..." I pout, Bill instantly looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, never really thought of bringing it up, I'd thought it didn't matter." Bill shrugged, patting my head.

"But I'd like to know certain things!" I complain, sitting up to lean my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I have a brother. Now you know." Bill chuckled jokingly, making me glare slightly.

"We're talking about this when we get home." I grumble, his smile fades a little, he seems to get nervous.

"What would you all like today?" I turn to face Lazy Susan.

She has fur covering her body, cat ears sticking out of her hair and her eyes are mismatched, one eye blue and the other green.

Cats surround her, everywhere...

"I'll get Caesar salad and water." My other self says, looking to his Bill.

"I'll get the usual..." The human Bill says with a small shrug, looking at my Bill.

"Eh, I'll get a poutine with an iced tea." Bill says, still resting on his palms, all eyes landing on me.

I give Bill a nervous look, he bolts to sit up, eye darting to look at Lazy Susan.

"Sorry, he'll get a BLT, lemonade and fries, not too much fries though, just half of what you would usually give, extra ice cubes, and extra lettuce on the BLT." He bursts out automatically, voice fast, but I assume Lazy Susan had caught all of that when she just smiles and walks away, the cats all follow after her.

"Does he usually always order for you?" Myself asks, brow raised in curiosity.

"Uhm...yeah, I don't like having to order..." I shift in my spot, sweat beading down my temple.

Bill makes a handkerchief appear and wipes it away, kissing my temple afterwards.

"Don't worry, you'll get over your anxiety." Bill smiles at me, making a small yet nervous smile tug at my lips.

"Thanks...?" I whisper, feeling his arm wrap around my waist, comforting me.

"So you have anxiety, too?" Centaur Dipper asks, ears folding against his head.

"Uhh, yeah." I shrug, leaning into Bill.

"He doesn't like doing certain things, people staring at him bothers him quite a lot, as well as when people look at him when he's eating, it makes him lose his appetite." My Bill explains, using his other hand as for hand motions as he talks, a thing that he does all the time.

"I get anxiety when I have to talk in front of people, even if it is just a small group of them, I also get it when I'm alone, and so on..." My other self shrugs, looking down at the table with a slight frown.

The human Bill goes and rubs his back, making the half creature make a slight purring sound, like a rumbling in his throat.

"Here you are boys." Our orders are on the table and I'm surprised by how fast that was.

"Thank you, ma'am." I whisper, though I don't look up, I just stare down at my plate.

"No problem." With that the lady walks off, probably to another table.

I slowly slide my plate more closer to myself, taking my fork and eating my sandwich.

Bill starts eating his poutine, taking a sip of his ice tea every once in awhile.

My eyes stay on the plate, not daring to look up and make eye contact with the others at my table.

It's very quite while we eat, nobody seems to really talk, but I like it, it's very pleasant.

It's only after we're done eating do one of us speak.

"That was pretty good." My Bill chuckles, his eyes looking down at my plate, he smiles at me when he sees my plate empty.

"I'm glad you finished it." He whispers, ruffling my hair.

I don't mind it and just smile back at him.

"We should get going though, it's going onto four thirty." I smile and nod, getting up while looking over to the others.

They smile back, well Dipper smiles while the human Bill just gives a lopsided smile.

"We have to go, but maybe we'll be back." I say, taking Bills hand in mine, the two stand up and we decide on just walking back to the shack before me and Bill leave.

We take our time walking back to the shack.

We take the same small trail through the woods, this time when I call for the two they turn and wait when I start pulling my camera.

I look up at them and grin, aiming the camera at them.

"Say cheese!" I shout, they hold hands and Dipper smiles at the camera, human Bill smirks, taking his hand back to wrap his arm around the centaurs neck.

I take the picture and give it to Bill.

With that we start making our way back to the shack, but I have to stop when Bill takes my hand and stops me.

"I have an idea." He grins, taking the camera from me, I only raise a brow.

"Go stand with them, I'll be a sec." He mumbles, fiddling with the lens a little.

I call for the two and they stop walking.

"I didn't notice that you guys stopped walking." The blond Bill says, still holding Dippers hand.

I can only give a small smile and shrug, jabbing my thumb in Bills direction.

"Okay! I got it, guys just stand still!" Bill calls, walking closer to us, he throws the camera upon the air.

I panic a little, but stop when it just floats in the air.

My Bill walks over to us, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I look over at the other two, this time centaur Dipper has his arm wrapped around human Bills neck and human Bill has one arm wrapped around Dippers waist, and the other around my Bill.

I look back to the camera, grinning as happiness filled my chest.

I hear the snap and Bill runs over to it, taking the photo he waved it and then passes it to me.

I look at it and smile widely, it's a great shot.

Dipper snatched from me and looked at it with a goofy smile, he then shoved it in his Bills face.

"Look at it, Bill! Isn't it good!" The human Bill laughs and takes it to look at it properly, when he sees it he actually gives a small smile.

"Yeah, looks good." Human Bill smirks, handing it back to me.

"Alright guys, let's get going, I don't want Dippers family finding out we aren't home." My Bill calls, getting impatient.

I giggle and run to catch up, taking Bills hand in mine to walk with him.

We all start heading to the shack, Bill makes me quicken or pace a little.

I just give a laugh.

"Wait!" Dipper calls, we look back and I see his ears twitch, then flatten against his head, concern taking over his face.

"It's Stan." He whispers, walking ahead of us.

"You guys better go now! He doesn't like demons around, heck he doesn't even like humans but he tolerates Bill enough to not kill him!" The other me panicked, shoving me and my Bill away.

"Look you guys gotta go, he has some weird sense of smell, he'll kill you!" Bill quickly opened a portal, starting to tug me inside.

"Dipper Pines!" I hear the Stan from that dimension shout I see a grey blue fly by in front of the portal but not enter.

Then Stan stands there.

He's all stone, like a gargoyle, with yellow glowing eyes.

"Don't you ever come back here you demon!" He shouted just before the portal closed.

I give a sigh of relief, looking around us to see we're back in our room.

I go over to the closet, taking a scrapbook from the top shelf, also grab some scotch tape and put the photos in there.

After I'm done I place the book back on the top shelf, turning back to face Bill.

He's already laying on the bed, eyes closed.

"Come on, Bill. Dinner should be ready by now." I laugh, going to the door.

He soon follows me downstairs.

When we get down there he starts using his Russian accent, as always.

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