By aestheticpale

122K 3.6K 235

'I tried so hard to be good.' TEEN WOLF AU Plot - With the Pack finally graduating this year after all the... More

Part 1
Part 2


14.3K 371 11
By aestheticpale


Sounds of thunder erupt from the clouds of the heavens as the gods battle bringing it's hellish sounds on to the surface world of the humans. Lightning strikes the ocean's surface as the gods strike each other with every punch they take another lightning strike appears. The ocean waves are giants having the potential to smash and destroy battleships with it's size and power.

The rain showers the ocean as the wind blows a idiotic fishing boat putting them in the middle of the HURRICANE. "HOLD ON!" A crew man yells as the fishing boat rocks back and forth trying to stay afloat on the humongous waves. The bow of the boat crashes down into a wave as the water splashes everywhere on the deck.

"Captain, we won't make it pass this hurricane anytime soon." John, a young handsome toned and tan man, the Captain's nephew walks into the bridge seeing his Captain worried about the mission and putting his crew members on the line to stay alive. His dull brown eyes see the angry ocean as he brushes his light brown hair with highlights of blonde from the sun and salt water back. "We're stuck here, we haven't moved from this spot, the winds are going in circles. I've never seen anything like this before uncle." John says as he closes the door to the bridge.

"I can't go back empty handed John, you know what will happen to us." The Captain speaks up nervous about going back to Oahu with no game. The mission was to fish, until they got stuck in the hurricane. "I made sure I checked the weather, this shouldn't even be happening." He says as he looks out through the window seeing the storm he's caught his entire crew in. The weather promised him to be simple and calm, this is nothing close to it.

"The crew could get wiped out by the waves, I'm letting them come in and lock everything up until this storm settles itself out. It's too dangerous." John says and walks out of the bridge being the bigger man as he's always had the leader instinct in him. John walks down a ladder to find some of his crew on the main deck dropping a huge load of fish trapped in the net on to the deck floor.

"We need to head back! It's too dangerous!" John shouts trying to grab the attention of his crew to come back in through the loud storm. As John shouts some of his crew members ignore him and stare at the fish trapped in the net as the net begins to move weirdly.

"We caught a big one!" One of his crew says and quickly runs to the net and cuts open the net excited to find his catch. The net is ripped open and falls to the floor as plenty of fish do. As the fish begin to jump around everywhere, a body slowly rises from the pile of caught fish. "What the hell?" The man says confused as he stares at the dull grey skinned creature with bright white hair, and bright blue eyes. The creature looks human, with it's facial structure a bit higher and gills around it's neck. The creature growls lowly as it rises it's webbed claws as it stares at the humans observing them to see if they're a threat.

"You think it speaks?" One of the other crew members asks as they gather around the creature completely forgetting that they are in a storm. They observe the creature they caught and as they do, it's dull grey skin emits a blue light in it's veins as it runs throughout itself.

The creature begins to create a noise, this strange yet beautiful humming that captures everyone's attention. Thunder and lightning go off but the humans are captured by the song of the creature. The humans block out the noises of the thunder, the waves, and the rain as the song is the only thing that they can hear. They hear the sounds of dolphins and whales singing as the creature begins to slowly rise again from the ground revealing it's tail with small spikes around it.

"What is it?" John says confused to the crew wanting the same answer that they want. The crew that opened the net freeing the creature is infatuated with the creature and gets close to the creature laying his hands on it. The creature lays it's webbed hands on the man's face caressing the man's face with it's sharp nails.

"It's beautiful." The man says and pulls his face closer to the creature. The creature stops singing but the song in the men's heads still go as if the creature was still singing. The creature quickly rips the man's neck off with it's teeth and suddenly the men wake up from the song and realize what is happening.

"GET OUT!" John yells and suddenly the lights flicker and the creature begins to jump on every crew member slitting their throats with it's claws and teeth. John runs to the bridge and as he does he hears the screaming of his crew members and the shots of bullets as they fly through the air.

John runs to the bridge where his uncle sits not knowing what happened. John locks the bridge door layering it with a giant shelf to keep out the creature. "John what the hell!" His uncle yells in anger confused by what's happening.

"The thing, it killed them." John says and turns to his uncle as he's covered in the blood of the crew members.

"What thing?!" His uncle yells and then John quickly goes to the camera monitor and shows him the footage of the dead crew members as their bodies have been ripped open with their blood smeared everywhere on the deck. "Make a distress call to the Coast Guards, we'll figure this out." His uncle commands John and John does so.

John's uncle begins to try and sail out of the storm not caring for the fish anymore, but caring for his own life now. "Mayday, Mayday! My men have been murdered by some animal! We need help! We are dead in the water! I repeat, my men have been murdered by some animal, they're all dead!" As John begs for someone to answer the radio call, no one does.

"We're stuck here John." His uncle says and John ignores that and continues to make the distress call. The Captain does everything he can to try and escape but can't find anything that can work. The winds are too strong and the waves will only bring him nowhere.

The Captain looks at the window view of the bow and then sees the creature standing right in front of him as the lightning strikes behind it. The creature growls and The Captain backs away slowly hitting John to get his attention as he's frozen up.

"J-J-John?" The Captain stutters and John drops the radio leaving it on as he freezes up too. The creature screeches loudly and the windows shatter. The two men get down and the creature quickly pounces on to the captain first slashing the Captain in the face murdering him, like an animal. John crawls away from the situation trying to hide but as he crawls he feels something wrap around his ankle.

John looks back at the creature and gets dragged towards the creature. The creature flips over John and lays on top of John putting him down. The creature begins to smell John and growls as John sweats. The creature hears John's rapidly fast heartbeat and is amused by it.

"Don't kill me. Please." John cries as he begs for his life. The creature tilts it's head observing John and makes a rattling noise in it's mouth.

"Don't kill me. Please." The creature creates the same voice as John mimicking him. The creature raises its claws and slashes John's throat and screeches as he feeds off his fear and pain. The creature takes on the shape of a naked John with it's signature silver blonde hair and bright blue eyes, and hears the radio call being answered as the storm quiets down.

The creature ignores the call and drags the dead body of John and throws him off board. The shapeshifter covers himself in the blood of the other crew members to take on the disguise that he's the only survivor.

The imposter creature creates claw marks on itself's skin and hides himself in a locked room in the quarters as he hears the engine of the helicopter float over the boat. He sees the bright light shine through the windows and then sees men walking around.

The men search every room until they reach the quarters where the imposter hides in. The creature acts like he's been traumatized and shakes scared as he stares at the men. He tries to speak but doesn't knowing that he can keep this act up as long as he can. He's a Siren after all, the most mischievous creatures of the ocean.

"What the hell." One of the Coast guards gasp as they see the blood soaked blonde with blue eyes in flesh that isn't it's own. The two men shine their flashlights at the man and the man stares directly at the men shaking and breathing hard.

"There seems to be only one survivor, it looks like an animal tore this place apart." The long blonde haired coast guard, Philip, speaks into his walkie-talkie and then walks towards the Siren taking off his jacket to cover him up. The Siren takes the jacket and covers his blood soaked body with it and looks at the man letting him know he feels trusted.

"I'm only getting signs of three bodies that are still beating on the boat." The walkie talkie speaks and Philip looks at the other Coast guard and back at the Siren.

"Let's get him out of here before this storm gets any worse." The man says and helps the Siren up as they walk back to the helicopter rope ladder. They put the Siren in a cage sending him back up to the cargo area with both Coast Guard men. When the men secure themselves, the rest of the team fly off as the Siren looks out the window knowing his return to land has been long awaited for.

"What's your name?" The Coast Guard asks the mysterious blonde man and the man turns to him slowly.

"Cy, my name is Cy." The Siren says in a unique greek accent and then looks back out at the window clenching his jaw knowing the journey he's about to have.

It's been centuries since the world has heard the song of THE SIREN

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