
By Teddiesfield

455 13 2

This time, Dranel Arthurs begs a beaucoup times for Alexandria Verano's second chance so that Dranel can cour... More

About the Author
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

41 3 0
By Teddiesfield

Back then or maybe yet around yesterday; I just realized that I woke-up in a hospital bed. My chest hurts like it was pumped with electricity or something, My heart breaks into two as I have a dream that I was caught by some syndicate and they put me in a creepy-cold room so that they can get my internal organs to sell at the black market, and my sheath hurts a lot and I've experienced defloration as the doctor said 'You we're raped'.

But that's not enough to convince me.

Then... I go home alone without money in my pockets, I actually beg outside for money for transport, and it's actually really weird that my hospital bill has been paid.

Why am I at the hospital at the first place?

"Good morning Alexa, it's December 6, 2025." My gadget greets from my bedroom as I cook my breakfast that is buttered fried rice with sliced bits of carrots, small green peas, corn and ground beef.

As I pour it on a porcelain bowl. I remembered that this smell of spiced cooking is what I ate from a friend or from a lover? I get a spoon, insert it to my breakfast, and I go to my bed to eat there.

I sit on the edge of my bed, start eating like someone sad, and I feel like I have amnesia or something. I can't remember a lot of things but not really.

I see on my calendar that seems outdated as it has a heading of April 2024. It has black 'X' marks starting from April 1 to 14 meaning those day passed by. But from 15 onwards it's blank yet my gadget says it's already December of 2025. Almost around a year and a half but it really seems like it's yesterday's-yesterday.

Not to mention the April 28, 2024 with a red 'X' mark that seems to be special but I really don't know why it has a mark like that.

My unit door bells rings and I rush towards peephole to see who's there. I see a delivery man and I open the door for him. I greet, "What can I do for you?"

"You have a lot of mails and... I don't know what's the content of this..." he says. "Bring it down, boys!"

He gives me a clipboard with a paper that I start to sign while I see his three male staffs bring in a three huge black bag that seems too heavy as they're having a hard time. You can see their scrunch face as they are twink bodied. Seems like a working student for extra cash.

"Thank you..." the delivery man says and the boys delivered safely my bags at my living room. They start to leave and I close the door.

I open one of the bags and it has a lot of mails that says I have a beaucoup of dues and penalties for not paying in time. The dates are all from April, 2024 up to November, 2025.

I then open the next two bags and they all contain a paramount of cash. It has a letter that I'm starting to read.


Treaty of Arthurs

Dear Alexandria Verano,

The Actor has failed to make you safe and as amnesty. This half-a-billion cash is all yours. Some are transferred at your bank account; the Actor also paid your hospital bill, and etcetera amenities.

'You will 'really' need this. Use it wisely.'

Sincerely very yours,

Dranel Arthurs

(His signature)


"Hmmmmm... Dranel, I think I know this guy." I mutter to myself.

There's another letter and I read it also.


Dear Alexandria Verano,

You're fired as the second secretary of Johnsen Enterprises and the agreement of the scholarships and work has been breached as ordered by Camerlo Johnsen for your health and safety.

Once you're awake, please go to your office room to get your things. We are also going to be very pleased if you come by.

Sincerely yours,

Carmelo Johnsen

(His signature)

Former C.E.O.

Reniel Johnsen

(His signature)

Recent C.E.O.


"I'm jobless..." I say to myself.

There's no sender back address to this mails and I don't know why the hell did I instantly get rich. I am still in a process of thinking if I shall use the money or not. I also need to be back where I work for answers.

I know a lot of information, about myself, and I'm just really confused.

I ride a taxi going to Johnsen Enterprises wearing a simple blouse and heels. Everyone that sees me are like in a shock then becoming white and they start tattering.

Nothing much has changed after a year except for this seasonal decoration of Christmas trees, balls, lights, gifts, presents, and orchids! The Filipino Christmas spirit is getting feverish! I'm so happy that whenever there's no snow, Christmas is so cool!

The riders left and I enter the elevator, I push the button, and wait till it closes. Why am I always alone whenever I enter this elevator? That's the feeling I always get.

The elevator opens and the breeze of Christmas greets me. I walk-out and I see Hanato and Gracie so shock at first but then they start to run towards me and hug me tight. I am so blessed with friends!

"Gosh... I miss you so bad! Are you okay?" Gracie asks as he caresses my face harshly.

"Alexa, we're so worried about you... what happened?" Hanato asks then he unclasps his hug.

I shake my head that is still habituating to this time of the year and they give me space. I say, "I really don't know... do you know?"

"Have a seat..." Hanato says then he leads me towards the office table where we usually eat.

The office is still the same but just like outside there are Christmas décor. I seat then the two of them also. I ask, "What happened?"

"I think we should be the one asking that..." Gracie says.

"Last year... around April... You were kin'da kidnapped? It's really a blurry news. Then they say they found your body at a dark alley because you escaped." Hanato informs.

"I don't know... really but why am I at the hospital?" I say then I look further more to the surroundings. "I'm going to miss this place..."

"Well they say you have aneurism then you were in a coma until you woke-up yesterday. They say that you're also depressed or making yourself negative and sad." Gracie says. "I don't know... but everything seems fishy; everything seems like there's something hidden."

"Do you want water?" Hanato asks.

I nod then he stands up and go to the pantry.

"I'm in a coma? Okay..." I murmur to myself.

"Do you remember what happened before you end up at the street?" Gracie says.

"Not really... but I've receive a pink candle then... I don't know." I say.

"Gosh... that's the recent trend here. A lot of children are being kidnapped for their organs when they bought a candle!" Gracie reports. "The candle has some mixed-in sleeping and hallucinating powder then you'll become weak and a white van will transport you..."

"Oh my..." I say.

"I'm glad you escaped that... it's usually kids you know." Gracie says.

"Water..." Hanato says as he places the glass In front of me.

I take a sip to refresh myself and I say, "How about some updates... you know. I'm fired by the way."

"We know... but you really need to get a rest, you know. You still have some benefits and a year worth of salary to be transacted at your bank account every month." Gracie says.

"Oh, how about your boyfriend," Hanato vivaciously ask as he lifts a brown box and places it also on my table.

"I-I have a boyfriend?" I ask.

They all become shock and having a declining look on me. I then start to check things up inside the box and there are my resume, two small accessory white boxes, and other office amenities.

"C'mon guys... don't be ridiculous... I've never had a boyfriend and will never have a husband. Gosh... I was just 29 like yesterday and I'm about to hit 31 this Christmas." I chuckle to myself as I open the white boxes and see my 'Verano' necklace and a bracelet that is also a 'Verano' that was given to me?

No one replied.

I stare at them and they're basically doing that to me also. I put out a soft laugh and they shake their head as consciousness hits them. I then start to wear my necklace while I put again the two accessory boxes back at the brown box.

"You really don't remember?" Gracie asks.

"My mind is kinda stuck at April 13, 2024. After our date with Droy. Is Droy my boyfriend?" I ask.

"No..." Gracie answers.

"Then who... you guys are seriously making me look like a fool." I say as I put out a soft laugh again.

I stand-up and carry my box. I say, "I need to go... you know I receive a lot of dollars from a treaty that I don't know what the hell is that."

Gracie looks at me still very shock and I really wonder why. She says as she hugs me again, "I'm going to miss you... stay in touch okay..."

"Bye Hanato, Bye Gracie... I'll contact you and plan some dinner." I say with a smile. I think I look so innocent today.

"Ba-bye..." Hanato farewells while he stands-up greatly.

I enter the elevator and this is probably my last stay here. I am, going to miss this place. It's a bit sad that I lost friends, I lost my work, and that makes me feel so lost.

I push the button and I'm going down. I close my eyes and keep my head down as I don't want to see their gloomy features. That's just going to make me sad even more.

The elevator door opens at the floor where the conference is located. I see Reniel with his investors, give out a smile, and I vow at him. It seems like a meeting has ended.

"Sir... I'll catch up at the restaurant." Reniel says to his colleagues as they enter this small space. He then signals his head with a quick vow that I walk outside as he seems to want a talk with me.

"What's the problem, Sir?" I ask.

He then starts to walk and I tag with him so that we're not disrespecting the entrance and exit of that elevator. He says, "I'm glad you're awake..." He then faces me. "I'm very sorry that you're fired but you really need to take at least a rest."

"Everyone has been saying that to me..." I say.

"Dranel is going to be so happy..." he says with a smile.

"Dranel? Dranel... is that food or maybe a friend of mine?" I say.

"What?" He snaps while he shakes his head like my two co-workers a while ago. "Don't tell me you have amnesia or something. Is your brain working properly?"

"I don't know..." I say.

I can then hear a commotion at my back. He seems to receive a very great news because he's proud of shouting to the world with a raspy-husky voice, "My wife is alive! My wife is awake! You hear that she's awake!"

"I'll see you then..." Reniel says and I'm like here standing-petrified while I turn also to the direction where we came from. "Take care."

I then see a familiar ocean-eyed person hugging, shaking the shoulders, and shouting at the face of he's chosen one, "She's alive! She's awake!"

I can hear his panting breathe from here, I can feel his heart yearning eternal flame for that person, and I'm in high spirits for him even though we're not close and I don't even know who's that person he's referring to.

Our mirror of the soul reflects to each other. He's eyes widen like a kid receiving a surprise superb gift. He's ears like twinkling back and forth. He's smile can reach the heavens above. His mouth opens and his pearly-white teeth are beaming lasers on me. I don't know why he stopped shouting and he's just standing over there breathing while doing what I just explained.

In reply; I close my eyes, cock my head to the right side, and I put out a beautiful toothless smile.

He starts to go towards me and I gladly accept his infectious joy. Hearing him breath hard is so damn sexy! He call with a voice that gives me always a sinister love affection in the past, "Alexa..."

He's not calling me the right polite way.

"Congratulations... Sir! I'm very happy for you and your wife," I say innocently but forgivingly cheerful!

"Huh?" he utters.

I close my eyes with a lip smile again. I say, "Hmmmm... what's your name again? I think it starts with a letter 'D' right?" I open my eyes and like everyone who knew me. He's also making that shocking face. "I think.... Droy? No-no-no... Oh Mister Dranel Arthurs!"

"No..." I hear him utter slowly dying and in a very-very weak tone.

I lastly say, "I really need to go... I'm really happy for you..."

I start to walk and the elevator just opens for the passengers exiting. I can even sense that someone is like going to grab my back-shoulder but it's a miss.

I ride it down and I'm going home.

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