ORIGINAL:The Boy With A Touch...

Por Jeanne_Wolf

80.2K 3.6K 5.1K

"Leo pinned me against the wall with his hips; his hands gently gripping my wrists, keeping my arms above my... Más

0. Author's note
1. Introducing Me, And My Crazy Family
2. Nosebleeds. New friends. New boyfriend..?
3. Hospitals, Hotels...Who Knows The Difference?
4. New Member To School, And Support Group?
5. Cute Smile?
6. Let's Go To The Beach
7. We Need To Have An Intervention
8. Trading Notes
9. Study Sesh
10. Pizza party
11. Back In The Hospital
12. First kisses And Flirting
13. Bi, bi confusion
14. Kiss me...?
15. Meeting the Malones
16. My adorable man
17. Beach day-t?
18. Conniving shopping trip
20. Lecture time
21. Hello Mr. heartache
22. Awkward Conversations With The Carter's
23. 2 Weeks Of Sleep
24. Telling him "the" news
25. Stubborn bastard
26. Old Biddies
27. It's (not) just a little thunder
28. Shower (almost) thoughts
29. The funeral
30. The finale
60k Celebration chapter!!

19. Babe? Boyfriend?

1.8K 98 227
Por Jeanne_Wolf

A/N I just wanted to say: Do you guys typically write your books at 2 am? Because that's when I do, for some reason. I just think so much better late at night, or early in the morning.
Is it just me that does this? Probably. 😅

"I'll see you later mom," I said as Drew and I hopped out of mom's car.

"Yeah, see you later," Drew added.

She waved and said, "Bye. I love you guys!"

I put the car back in drive and pulled away from the curb as Drew and I headed to school.

I intended on finding Leo before class so I could give him his clothes back, as I wish I could say that they've been sitting in my backpack since our date on Friday but that was so not the case.
I've -like a creeper- worn his shirt to bed more than once...okay every night...since Leo let me borrow it and I needed to get the damn thing out of my possession so I wouldn't keep wearing it.

"Damn, it's hot out," Drew complained after we entered Oakwood.

"Hot?" I retorted, purposefully glancing down at my black long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans (A.K.A the only kind of jeans I wear).

He glanced down at my outfit incredulously. "How the fuck are you not sweating? It's like 85 degrees outside."

I shrugged and smirked. "Get diagnosed with leukemia and your cold all the fucking time."

He rolled his eyes at me, though he couldn't hide the grin tilting his lips. "Thanks for the advice, but I'll pass." He waved at me as he headed upstairs.

I returned the wave and scanned the faces of everyone in the hallway hoping to see Leo.
I (unfortunately) didn't see him down the main hallway running directly through the middle of the school, so I headed down a hallway branching off of it where my locker was, hoping his was in the same hall.

I saw Leo standing in front of a partially open locker, talking to a brown haired girl I've seen a few times in the halls, or in biology, but I've never talked to her before.

"Hey, Leo," I awkwardly said, interrupting their conversation.

Leo looked over the girl's shoulder at me and his lips curled into a wide grin. "Hey Ethan," he replied as his eyes wandered down my body, causing a hot flush to follow his gaze.

Well, now I'm hot.

"Well, apparently Leo isn't going to introduce me to you, so I'll introduce myself. I'm Ashlee," the brunette said sending a smile my way, then a glare at Leo.

I awkwardly waved at her. "It's nice to meet you, Ashlee. I'm Ethan-" I paused to lean in slightly and I lowered my voice-"don't mind him, he's just an asshole." I sent a smirk at Leo and quirked an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes at me over Ashlee's head. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Leo. Don't forget about Wednesday," she said, then walked away, hugging her book to her chest.

"What's on Wednesday, Leonard?" I asked, then smirked after he sighed when I said his full name.

He dropped a book in his bag, then closed his locker as he rolled his eyes at me again. "I joined the photography club. They meet on Wednesday and Fridays."

"That's cool." I awkwardly bit down on my lip and stared at the floor wondering how I should you give him his clothes back. I could do the whole 'shove them in his arms and walk away' technique, but that would be incredibly awkward.

"You look cute today by the way. You're totally rocking the slightly gothic vibe," Leo murmured after a long awkward pause.

I lifted my eyes to his, and he was staring at me with a lazy grin on his face. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was leaning his hip against the locker.

"Umm...thanks." I blushed and ran my fingers through my hair that I hadn't bothered with styling this morning.

"You do know it's supposed to be in the 90s later, right?" he commented, his lazy grin changing to a teasing grin.

"Yeah, I'm aware, but it has to be in the 100s before I'm hot. The whole leukemia thing kinda makes you cold a lot." A grin pulled at my lips as I felt myself relaxing.

"Yeah about that..." He ran his fingers through his own hair, apology filling his gaze. "I still feel like a douchebag for throwing you in that freezing cold water." He stared at me and nervously fidgeted from foot to foot like he thought I was still pissed off at him.

"It's fine, really. I was freezing for a while after it happened, but with a hot shower and a change of clothes I was fine," I reassured him as I unzipped my backpack, and pulled his clothes out. "Speaking of, here's your clothes," I said as I held them out to him.

He looked relieved as he took the clean shirt and shorts -that I had to wash, as I'd worn it them so many times. "I'm glad you're fine... I...uh...was worried I got you sick, or something."

"No. I'm completely fine, don't worry babe," I assured as he shoved his clothes in his locker.

He froze with the door halfway shut. He turned to me and stared at me wide-eyed.
"Did you just..?" he trailed off, then stared at me with his mouth partially open.

What did I say that he's freaking out about? I just said that I was fine, and told him not to worry, and then I called him...
Oh fuck...

"Umm..." I awkwardly fidgeted under his stare, as I too, realized that I just called him babe.

"You called me babe?" he said after a moment his lips pulling into an amused grin.

"Uh...yeah..." I awkwardly replied and scratched the back of my head.
Wow, Eath. Good conversation skills today.

"Does that mean you're calling me your boyfriend?" he asked, slightly smugly.

Oh, God, please don't do this now...

"Yup," I felt the word easily slip from my mouth.

His eyes widened even further and they sparkled as they changed to a brilliant shade of icy blue. "Really?" he squeaked.

Why was this giving me deja vu?

"Yeah, I mean, we've kissed multiple times, we went on a date, and not to mention the whole situation on the sand, and I've met your parents, and you're so sweet and funny, and..." I trailed off as realized how much I'd rambled on.

Leo grinned widely at me; his smile spreading from one ear to the other. "Well the whole beach thing, which damn, was your fault, but the rest of it is all on me. Especially the whole me being funny and sweet thing," he said with a devilish smirk on his lips, then he bent down and whispered in my ear; "If we weren't in school, I would push you against the nearest surface and kiss those pretty lips of yours like there was no tomorrow."

My heart pounded a fluttery beat in my chest at the "kissing me like there was no tomorrow, and the pretty lips," part of that sentence.
The bell rang directly after he said that, and I muttered, "Shit. I have to go," then I awkwardly stepped around him and headed to my locker.
Hopefully, I would be able to get my book and head to class on time. Not that it really mattered.


Thankfully I was able to grab my book and practically sprint to class, just barely making it on time, but at least I wasn't late; not that my teacher would actually write me down as late.
Yet another plus side of cancer is that you can show up to class whenever you want and your teachers won't even think twice about it.
They wouldn't dare write the kid with cancer down as late.

I slid into my seat just as the second bell rang. I sat there trying to catch my breath as Mr. Smith closed the door and started his lecture on something I wasn't paying attention to.

After I had -almost- caught my breath, I glanced down at my backpack where my emergency pain pills are as my head was already starting to pound at the lack of oxygen flowing to it, and it would probably become a full-blown migraine in the next 30 minutes if I didn't take my meds.

I crossed my arms over my desk and laid my head on it, trying to relax so my brain would get a little more blood flow, and wouldn't start pounding like someone was repeatedly hitting it with a hammer.

A note landed on my desk after I'd fully caught my breath and sat back up while attempting to focus on whatever the fuck Mr. Smith was lecturing us about.

I unfolded the note, already having a sneaking suspicion about the person that wrote it.

You wanna hang out after school, so I can fill you in on everything that you've missed?

The handwriting was neat and tidy, like the other notes he'd given me, and all of the I's were dotted with a heart. Typical Leo Malone handwriting...

'Maybe.. Will there be more than lecturing involved..?' I scribbled down and folded it back up before leaning over and dropping it on Leo's desk.

A delicious salty smell filled my nose when I leaned over; whether he was wearing a different cologne than usual, or the smell was just overpowering his cologne, I didn't know.
Whichever option it was I couldn't tell, but good God, it smelled good.
I needed to find out where that intoxicating scent was coming from, and I felt the sudden urge to lick it off whatever part of his body it was coming from.
Eath... No...
Pay attention. Now is not the time to be thinking about Leo, or the way his dick felt against your ass... especially since you've already thought about that enough.
I felt my pants tighten under my desk, and I bit back a groan as my dick throbbed.

Get a grip, Eath. Jesus.
Just think of old ladies in bathing suits or something, and everything will be fixed and not throbbing anymore.

Another note landed on my desk and I contemplated on not reading it until the situation in my pants was fixed, but apparently, my hand defied my brain as it reached out and grabbed the note.

'Perhaps... ;)' Was all it said.

I glanced at Leo and he was leaning back in his chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him; a devilish look in his eyes that told me the answer to that question was yes.

I rolled my eyes at him and shoved the paper in the back of my book, trying extremely hard not to think about what was to come after school.

Damn, apparently I need to get laid or something.

By Leo... Shut up, now's not the time to fantasize about that... Later... maybe, but not now.


"There you are," I said as I sauntered over to Abby's locker after class.

Abby stopped talking to a few of her fellow cheerleaders long enough to look from Leo to me before saying, "Hey Eath, Leo."

Leo nodded and grinned. "Hey. What's up?"

Abby shrugged and sent a strange look at her friends before vaguely saying, "Nothing much. Just gossiping."
Then she waved at her friends and said, "I'll see you guys at practice later." All 3 of them waved and said something along the lines of either 'bye,' or 'I'll see you at practice' as they walked away.

"I heard you guys went on a little picnic, Friday," Abby commented slyly.

"Yep, and whatever he said about it, it was wonderful," Loe replied, sending a smirk at me.

"It was great, except for the fact that you drowned me," I retorted, sending a smug smirk at him.

"How long are you going to remind me of that?" He bent down and murmured in my ear; "Babe."

My skin burned where his hot breath fanned against it when he murmured in my ear.
I tried to act nonchalant, though my heart was pounding at Leo calling me babe again. "A long while, babe," I replied smugly.

"Wait. Woah. Back up. Babe? When did guys start calling each other babe?" Abby asked her eyes wide as she glanced between my boyfriend and me.

"Umm...we kinda..." I trailed off, not wanting to tell her about our little conversation this morning.

"This morning. Eath, told me that he considered me his boyfriend," Leo replied quietly, though he was visibly vibrating with excitement.

I couldn't help but smile at the adorable boyish grin on his face as his eyes danced with excitement.

Abby glanced at me with an eyebrow raised and I nodded in confirmation. She grinned at both us and said, "Well, I'm glad Eath finally realized that you guys are much more than 'just friends.'"

"Yep," Leo replied unable to hold back the enormous grin on his face as he slung his arm over my shoulder.

There was nothing wrong with his arm around my shoulder, but apparently my brain -being the paranoid thing that it is- decided that there was a problem with Leo having his arm over my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and took a "small" step away from him.

"Damn, Leo. Apparently, he didn't want your arm around him," Abby commented with a smirk.

"Yeah, apparently not," Leo agreed, sending a teasing grin my way.

"We're in school, remember," I reminded him as I leaned against Abby's locker.

"Really? I didn't know that," Leo said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at him and said to Abby, "We're hanging out later, you wanna come?"

"No, I have practice." She shrugged.

"Oh, I get it. You'd rather spend your time with your cheerleading friends over me," I remarked, crossing my arms over my chest and sending her a pouty look.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Oh, poor baby. Besides you have your 'boyfriend' to keep you company." Then she winked at me and said, "I gotta go." She swiftly waved and sauntered off.

"Yeah, we have a lot of lecturing to do later, and I don't think you would want Abby to be included in that lesson," Leo remarked with a devilish look darkening his eyes to a straight silver.

A hot flush ignited under my skin at the lecturing that was to come, but I rolled my eyes at him and remarked, "Damn, apparently I know exactly what you think about during Mr. Smith's sleep-inducing lectures."

"What can I say; you not only keep me awake during his boring ass lectures, but you also keep me up at night, and in the shower..." he remarked with that intense look in his quicksilver eyes, and innocent smile pulling g at his lips.

"Okay, okay, I get it." I held my hand up, silencing him as a hot flush burned under my skin.

He chuckled and shrugged, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Aren't you adorable when you're embarrassed."

I shrugged and felt a smirk pulling at my own lips. "I don't know, but you were quite adorable when you groaned and panted my name the other day." I sent him my own innocent smile and bit down on my lip knowing it would drive him insane.

His gaze dipped to my lips for a few seconds before he dragged his gaze back up to my eyes. "You know that drives me insane when you bite your lip," he murmured as he glanced back down at my lips again, his gaze locked on them.

"Why do you think I did it?" I retorted, sending a devilish smirk at him.

He chuckled and shook his head. "You drive me insane, you do know that right?"

Well, I guess it's payback for you driving me insane.

"Yup." I grinned, glancing down the hall to make sure no one was watching -they weren't- before I stood up on the tip of my toes. "Will this drive you insane?" I murmured as I held my lips inches from his.

He tried to lean in and press his lips to mine, but I leaned back far enough so that he couldn't kiss me. "If you won't let you kiss you, yes. It'll drive me insane," he murmured, leaning in further, attempting to kiss me again, his warm breath fanning against my skin.

I pressed my hand to his chest and pushed him back. "Good, because you're gonna have to wait till later to continue this."
I stepped back from him, a devilish smile curving my lips, and I turned around, leaving Leo standing there probably as frustrated as I was that I ended our little exchange.

At least I had the upper hand this time...

Alright -wow I say that a lot😂- my little loves, another chapter for you. 😄

*Cue the cheesy game show music and swirling lights* Time for a slew of questions from the amazingly humble author (me), to you guys. 😂😂

1. What would you guys do with Leo's -your boy/girlfriends- clothes? Would you sleep in them? Or just throw them in a backpack or box and wait until you could give them back?
I -like the insanely creepy person I am 😈😈- would probably wear them. 😅

2. Clubs. What kind of clubs do you guys belong to?
I belong to my own club -if you bother me, I'll bite your head off- and no one else is allowed to join. 😂

3. How did you guys react when your girl/boyfriend called you babe? Did you squeal in delight -like Leo was practically doing- or did you have a mini heart attack (like Ethan)?
I would probably jump around -incredibly gayly- and squeal. 😆

4. Cologne or perfume?
I wear both depending on the day, and what it smells like. 😋 Being trans/non bi allows you to do that. 😜

5. Do you guys pass adorable little notes to your girl/ boyfriends during class?
I'm mostly just asking this because I'm nosy. 😉😂

6. What do you guys do that bothers your significant other -I'm only saying that so I don't say boy/girlfriend again. Damn, I said it again 😂- and vice versa with them annoying you?
Since I don't have a significant other I don't bother them, but if I did, I would annoy them so much.

7. Wow, we made it to 7 questions. I was worried we wouldn't have very many this chapter. 😋
(This one's more of a statement than I question, I guess) how utterly adorable is it when Leo and Ethan flirt with each other? And when did Ethan become such I flirtatious tease?😙

8. To all of you guys who pay (possibly too much) attention to my book. 😉 Why is Ethan having deja vu in this chapter?
If you guys know the answer leave it in the comments, and if you don't... Well, still leave it in the comments. 😂😂

Okay (see I didn't use the A-word😌) I guess that's all.

I love you!!

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