My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)

By swallowtt

89.5K 7.3K 1.4K

Singto's cousin left him a bunny to babysit while he and his boyfriend went on vacation. In a twist of fate... More

Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: On the Bed
Chapter 3: One Word
Chapter 4: Pet
Chapter 5: Bossy
Chapter 6: Double Standard
Chapter 7: Together
Chapter 8: Somebody to Love
Chapter 9: Wish Granted
Chapter 10: Do
Chapter 11: Laughing
Chapter 12: Transport
Chapter 13: Medicine
Chapter 14: Declaration
Chapter 15: Crossover
Chapter 16: Useless Muscles
Chapter 17: Scream
Chapter 18: Unconscious
Chapter 19: Flower
Chapter 20: Yes
Chapter 21: Details
Chapter 22: Souvenirs
Chapter 23: Gone
Chapter 24: Peculiar
Chapter 25: Fairy Magic
Thank You!!!

Chapter 26: Love (Finale)

3.5K 289 99
By swallowtt

            Bas furrowed his brows before opening his eyes. "P'Godt?"

"You're finally awake." Godt smiled at the pale fairy. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little dizzy," Bas answered. "Why are all of you looking at me like that?"

"Hey, little one," Boom greeted Bas.

"What are you doing here?"

"To see you."

"Peak is here, too," Bas muttered.

"Hi." Peak waved at Bas. "I'm here to help out Nong Boom."

"P'Peak, you just want to keep your eyes on me," Boom claimed.

"Yes, I do." Peak chuckled.

Why does everyone always flirt in my presence? Singto thought and gently petted the bunny's head.

"Why do you need to see me?" Bas went straight to the point.

"Patience, little one."

"I'm older than you," Bas reminded.

"I know, but I'm more experienced. I'm the one in charge of teaching you the ways of a fairy." Boom smirked. "Plus, you're little in size; not age. That was the reason why I taught you that spell to make yourself heavy whenever you were unconscious. It was to prevent you from getting stolen."

"Bas has been kind of light recently," Godt added. "I don't think the spell is working properly."

"That's because he's too weak," Boom enlightened. "Plus, he's not a very good fairy."

"I'm having mixed feelings about you right now." Bas voiced honestly.

"Don't have feelings for me," Boom warned. "Peak is the jealous type."

"Yes, I am." Peak didn't deny it.

"I don't know why he needs to be jealous," Boom said. "He's the good-looking one. I should be the one who gets jealous."

"That's not true. You're the good-looking one, Nong Boom."

Singto shivered from the fairies' corniness and lifted the bunny into his arms to leave the room.

"Was it something I said?" Boom asked in wonderment.

"I think he has given up hope of getting Krist back as a human," Godt derived.

"Is there a way to make Krist a human permanently?" Bas inquired.

"When there is a will, there is a way," Boom replied. "But we can't discuss it in the presence of humans."

"I'll leave with you," Bas slowly got up with Godt's help. "I'll return soon, P'Godt."

Godt gave Bas a nod of his head to indicate that he understood.

"Here, I'll help him." Peak wrapped Bas's arm over his shoulders and the three vanished.

Godt glimpsed over at Max and noticed that he was still screaming without sound. "They already left. P'Max, you could stop with the crying now. Your snot is getting all over the place."

"Oops!" Boom's sudden reappearance made both of them jolt in surprise. "Sorry. I almost forgot about him." He snapped his fingers to undo the muting spell on Max and turned on his heels to disappear once more.

"He..." That was all that Max managed to say before he passed out on top of Tul.


Tul and Max finally woke up from their slumber, as they would call it, since admitting that they fainted sounded too unmanly. They stayed with Singto for a bit and headed home when Godt left.

"P'Godt," Bas greeted when he showed up in front of him.

"You're back." Godt smiled. "So? Is there a way to turn Krist back?"

A faint smile lifted Bas's cheeks. "Yes, but..."


"I need to regain my energy first in order to use my powers. They are very weak right now."

"Am I the reason they are weak?" Godt brought up.

"You could say that."

"Do you love me, Nong Bas?"

"Yes." Bas nodded.

"Could you stop loving me?"

Without hesitation, Bas shook his head. "Once a fairy loves, they love until they perish."


A month passed. Singto had set up a cushion beside his mattress for Krist. The cage was no longer needed, so he donated it to an animal shelter. Krist was a free roam bunny in the apartment to do as he wished. Tul and Max visited Singto on a daily basis, since their working hours were flexible. They were developers for online games and their current one pretty much sold itself.

"Why are you guys always here?" Singto grumbled. "Don't you have online games to create?"

"We're here to visit Krist," Tul responded as he petted the adorable bunny's head. "Plus, we have our laptops with us. We could work while we're here."

"Even so, you don't have to come over every single day."

"Well, someone has to watch Krist when you're at work," Max defended.

"Despite turning back into a bunny, Krist still has his human personality. He knows when to eat, sleep, use the potty, and he doesn't do anything he's not supposed to. All I have to do is put out the food, fill the water, clean his litter and the rest he does on his own."

"No matter what, he's still a bunny. He could only do so much." Tul pointed out.

"As long as I have him in my life, I'm happy. It doesn't matter anymore whether he's a human or a bunny."

"Do you really mean that?"

Singto thought for a moment and then plastered on a smile. "If this is the way it has to be, I'll have to accept it. Sulking over it won't make things better."

"You're right." Tul gave Singto a pat on the shoulder. Seeing him like this saddened Tul, but he couldn't show it. He had to stay strong, because his cousin was already broken enough.


Godt was busy slicing the green papaya shreds and cutting the cherry tomatoes into halves to make a salad. A pair of arms snaked around his waist from behind.

"What are you making?" Bas took a look over Godt's right shoulder.

"Dinner." Godt reached over for the dried shrimps to sprinkle into a large bowl along with some fish sauce, sugar, chili and peanuts. He then threw in the papaya and tomatoes and mixed it. "The guys are coming over tonight. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I've fully recovered." Bas lied.

Godt knew that Bas was anything but fine, yet he went along anyway. The paleness of the fairy's face was evident even on his fare skin. He was getting weaker by the day, because his love for Godt was becoming stronger.

"Need help?"

"You could go set the table," Godt suggested.

"Okay." Bas forced on a smile, but the instant he turned away, a frown weighed down his face.

In the meantime, a pair of fairies watched from afar.

Bas's energy hasn't recovered at all. Peak looked over at Boom. It's not possible to do what he's planning. Do you think that he'll still go through with it?

Knowing him, I'm sure he will. Boom sighed.

Even if it means, he will lose his...


After dinner, Bas sat down beside the bunny that was residing next to Singto.

"How is Krist today?" Bas petted the adorable white bunny and smiled when Krist twitched its nose. "I'll make sure to keep my promise." His hand gently continued to stroke Krist's little head as he closed his eyes to concentrate.

Hearing Bas coughing, Singto glanced over at him. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine," Bas reassured. "Everything will be fine."


Godt noticed that Bas was standing at the balcony, staring at the evening sky; so he went to join him. "What are you thinking about in that fairy head of yours?"

"You." Bas averted his gaze from the stars to Godt.

"Silly. Why are you thinking about me, when I'm right here?"

"I just," Bas paused momentarily to find the right words to convey his feelings, "want you to know that I'm very lucky to have found you."

"I would have to agree," Godt said in a joking tone. "You're such a lucky fairy to have a handsome boyfriend like me."

"Yes." Bas nodded and beamed. "You're as handsome as I am gorgeous."

"Haha!" Godt looped his arms over Bas's shoulders and leaned in to kiss his forehead. "It's late. You look tired. Let's go to bed."



"Sing. Sing..."

Singto thought that he was dreaming when he heard Krist's voice; therefore he peeked open an eye to test the water.

"Good morning, Sing," Krist greeted him with a bright smile as he straddled the sleepy man's thighs.

Okay. I'm definitely dreaming. Wait. I could feel his weight on me. Singto blinked his eyes wide and reached over to cup Krist's face. "Krist?"

"Yes, I am Krist," he confirmed.

Quickly sitting up, Singto immediately wrapped his arms around the lad. "You're a human again."

"Yes, Krist is human. Bas told me last night that Krist will stay a human forever. Krist will not turn back into a bunny anymore."


"Yes. Bas never lies to Krist."

Singto let go of Krist to take a better look at him. "It really is you."

"Krist is real."

"But how...?" Singto was confused.

"Bas kept his promise."

"Bas?" Singto's eyes rounded as realization hit him. "Nong Godt..." Leaping out of bed, he told Krist to put on some clothes and get ready to go out. He gave Tul and Max a call and told them to meet at Godt's place. Soon, the four of them were seated in Godt's living room.

"What happened?" Singto was worried.

"He..." Godt muttered with teary eyes.

"Little one faded," Boom announced when he popped up out of nowhere.

Max gasped and grabbed a hold of Tul's arm at the sight of Boom.

"'re not going to do that womanly, horror movie scream, are you?" Boom questioned. "I don't want to mute you again."

Max gulped and shook his head, whilst yanking Tul's sleeve to make him do the same.

"How are you guys even scared of us?" Peak also showed up before them. "We're so good-looking, you should worship us like you worship idols."

"Anyway, we're here to give you a message from Bas," Boom explained.

"What did he say?" Godt wanted to know.

"Bas never managed to recover his energy. He decided to stay because he wanted to spend one last month as a fairy with the man he loves. Little one used up his remaining powers to permanently change Krist into a human being. As a result, he lost all his fairyhood and his fairy form faded."

"Is he...dead?" Godt requested the truth.


"Where is Bas?" Even Krist became impatient.

"We...don't know," Peak supplied.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Tul finally braved it out and demanded an answer.

"Oh, you didn't faint this time." Boom was distracted for a second prior to proceeding on. "That is all that we know and could tell you. All right, we did what Bas asked us to do. It's time to leave. Bye." Grabbing Peak's hand, they smiled and vanished.

"Wait..." Singto called out.

"It's okay, P'Singto." Godt sighed. "As long as he's not dead, there's always hope. Nong Bas did what he felt was right. For that, I'm proud of him."


The earth rotated as it always did. Their lives went on as they usually would. Everything continued on as they should. Tul and Max were working on a new role playing game with bunny warriors and fairies. Singto and Krist were, as Godt would put it, making babies. In other words, the two treasured their time with each other, knowing the sacrifices it took for them to be together. As for Godt, he was keeping busy at his restaurant and business was doing well. Regardless of everyone's hectic schedules, they made time to gather on the weekends for food and fun.

"Cutie, could you hand me the carrots?" Godt stirred the soup boiling in the pot and took a taste. "Mm...perfect."

"Carrots." Krist handed the bowl holding the sliced carrots to Godt.

"Thank you. You're so helpful."

"Krist likes to help." Krist cheered giddily.

"I'm sure Singto appreciates your help, too."

"Sing likes to help himself to Krist."

"I know." Godt chuckled.

"Can Krist have a carrot?"

"Krist is so cute that he is allowed to have all the carrots."

Krist happily snatched a piece to munch on. "Krist likes carrots!"

Singto went up to Krist and bit off the carrot that was hanging out of Krist's mouth. "Don't bully my bunny, Nong Godt." Singto warned and kissed Krist's lips.

"Seriously?" Godt voiced his complaints. "The only one bullying the cutie would be you, on his furless butt."

Krist patted his bottom and recited, "Furless butt is for doing."

"Too much doing."

"Jealous much?" Singto scoffed.

"Yes," Godt stated and pouted. "I'm jealous. I have no one to bully or to bully me. Happy?"

Singto regretted his words and became silent. "S-Sorry."

"I'm only kidding." Godt pretended and smirked. "P'Singto is too easy to fool. Haha!"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Singto wasn't convinced.

"Yeah." Godt nodded. "I might not have a lover, but that doesn't mean that I'm not loved. I have you guys."

"We love you kid," Tul and Max blurted from their spot on the couch.

A soft knock came from the door, so Krist skip-hopped over to open it. He was about to shout out the individual's name but was stopped.

"Who is it, Krist?" Singto went over to take a look. "You..."

Now, even Tul and Max were curious and went to see who it was.

"Hey, don't give us that look," Tul ordered. "We're not going to faint or scream, okay? We're so over that already."

"What my baby said," Max concurred.

"Why are all of you crowding at the door?" Godt wiped his wet hands on his apron and walked over to check out what the commotion was about.

The four made way for Godt to get through and smiled when they saw his expression.

"Nong Bas?" Godt mumbled.

"P'Godt." Bas beamed.

"You're back."

"Yes, I'm yours!" Bas tilted his head slightly to a side, and looked at him with raised brows. "Well?"


"Aren't you going to give me a hug?" Bas opened his arms and waited for Godt to come over.

"Ow, go!" Tul gave Godt a push and the lad stumbled a couple steps toward Bas.

Bas rolled his eyes at Godt and decided to take the initiative. He jumped up on Godt, causing the taller male to grab onto his leg to hold him up. "Miss me?"

"What took you so long?" Godt whined.

"Humans can't transport. I had to take a train, ride on a boat, swim across an ocean, fly on a plane, and walk all the way here."


"No. Nong Boom transported me here. My fairy form disintegrated when I used up all my powers. It took some time for me to form back into a physical body."

"So, you're a human now?"


"For how long?"

"Until my life ends." Bas leaned over to kiss Godt's lips. "I could love you as much as I want to without any consequences. Would you like to take advantage of me now?"

"Don't tempt me." Godt chortled.

Singto cleared his throat. "I'm hungry."

"Eat Krist!" The ex-bunny clapped.

"Maybe later." Singto grinned.

"Let's all have dinner!" Max advised. "We could savor our desserts later."

"Sounds delicious," Tul commented with a wink. "My baby is so smart."

"Dinner time!" Godt declared and Bas got off him to hurry inside.



"What is it, Krist?"

"Krist is happy with Sing."

"Well, I'm happy with Krist." Singto caressed a side of Krist's face and smiled. "Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you, bunny." Leaning over, he captured Krist's sweet lips with his own.

A heart filled with love has the power to make the impossible possible. Boom glimpsed over at Peak. Their story is no less than a miracle.

Peak interlocked his fingers with Boom's and rested his head on the other fairy's shoulder. And their story won't be the last.

~The End~ July 30, 2018


Thank you for all the love this story has received.  I've only started being active on wattpad this March, even though I've had this account for over a year.  It is quite a surprise for me to even have readers here.  LOL  I want to make my bday memorable this year, so this is it; the finale to my most read story.  Haha...  Thank you again, my lovely darling.  I hope you enjoy the ending.  *smoochies*

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