Jerrie One-Shots

By For_Legit

678K 15.3K 4.8K

Yeah...the title is pretty self-explanatory. These are requested Jerrie One-shots More

Jerrie One-Shots
In The Morning
Choose Me, Not Him
So Wrong, Yet So Right
Tutoring The Softball Captain
I Get What I Want
Don't Play
I Know You Want To
Texts To My Heart
I Never Said I Didn't Love You
Fun Under The Sun
Hate That I Want You
My Soldier, My Love
The Principal's Daughter
Save Me (Part 1)
Save Me (Part 3)
If Only You Knew The Truth
Can't Live Without You
Winning Her Over
Ghost Hunting?
Ghost Hunting? (Part 2)
Somewhere Only We Know
A Soldiers' Love Is Forever
In The Office
Steal A Kiss
She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)
Let Me Explain
I Love You...And Your Eyes
Be My Captain
Ghost Hunting? 2.0
Ghost Hunting? 2.0 (Part 2)
Black Magic
Insane (Part 2)
Trojan Princess
Meant To Be
On The Sea
Take Care Of Me
It's You
Winning Her Over (Part 2)
An Old Flame
Don't Let Go
She Came To Give It To You
Don't Let Go (Part 2)
Jerrie Time
Benchwarmer & Varsity
The Sisters
Falling Again
It's You (Continuation)
The Sisters (Snippet)
Put A Ring On It
I See You
Random (Part 2)
Wrong Room
The Sisters (Announcement)
My Hero In Shining Glasses
Communication (Beginning?)
Random Part 3
The Door
Christmas List

Save Me (Part 2)

6.3K 163 53
By For_Legit

A/N: alright, here we go...the continued part :) i think there may be one more short little part after this one.


The girl smirks and snaps her fingers, and I'm guessing that she's signalling someone. My mind starts to wonder about who she could be signalling, but then I hear it. Footsteps crunching in the gravel, and the muffled sounds of someone desperately trying to be set free.

I slowly turn my head, my heart dropping to my stomach as I see the one thing I've been trying to avoid this entire time.

Two strong men, each of them standing on either side of Jade and holding her arms, keeping her upright since she can barely stand while also keeping her in their strong hold. There's blood dripping out of her nose and mouth, and her eyes are glazed over with fear.

"Oh, sorry...silly me. I meant to say, 'wouldn't want your friend getting hurt...more than she already has.'", the girl says, the men holding Jade starting to snicker. "Now, you come with us without telling the others, and Jadey here won't get hurt anymore."

My eyes make contact with Jade's, and the pain in her eyes makes my heart clench.

"", she breathes out as audibly as she can.

"Shut up!", the sinister voice barks from behind me, and I hear her snap her fingers once again. I have a feeling that can't be good, and my assumptions are proven correct when one of the men brings his fist up and pounds it into Jade's face, making her whole head snap to the side from the force of the hit.

I watch the guy punch Jade once again, even harder than the last time. Then his hand moves to slam into her stomach, making her start to wheeze and cough violently.

"Time is ticking, Perrie.", the girl whispers behind me, and my fists clench at my sides when I see the man raise his fist once again, getting ready to give her a hard blow to the chest.

"STOP!", I cry out, the man freezing in his position as I turn back to face the demented girl that's behind all of this. "I won't tell the security guards, I won't do anything...just please.....stop hurting her."

She grins wickedly, and nods to the guys. I hear a pained cry, and I quickly turn around just in time to see the same guy's leg move back into it's original position, meaning he had most likely just kicked Jade.

"Hey!", I protest, and the girl just laughs maniacally.

"Whoops.", the guy says with a smirk, and I want to beat the crap out of him.

"Alright, fun times over, boys. Let's go." Suddenly I feel a hand over my mouth, and I also feel a cloth. My eyes widen, and I try not to breath in whatever chemicals are surely laced on the cloth, but the forceful grip makes it impossible for that to work, and I eventually end up breathing in the contents.

I slowly start to black out, and I really hope that this is just a dream...


When I open my eyes, I instantly have to squint to make out where I am. It's pitch black except for a small window that's been covered with a tarp, but luckily whoever covered it didn't do a good job.

The air is stuffy and muggy, and I try to focus my eyes to help me take in my surroundings. It looks like I'm in a basement of some sort. I look around and find an outline of a staircase, a bunch of worn out old furniture around the room as well.

I'm about to stand and move around to get a better look, but I fall back onto the chair when there's a slight tug on my wrists and ankles. I move my hands around, wincing at the tight rope that digs into them, keeping my wrists in place behind the back of the chair. I'm also assuming my ankles are tied to the legs of the chair.

So this is real. It's not just a practical's real. I've been captured by some crazy and demented fan, and I'm stuck to a chair in the basement.

I try my best to wiggle myself free from the ropes, but I give up when the chaffing starts to hurt. I try a bit more with my legs, trying to break free or at least loosen the restraints a bit. While I'm doing that, the tips of my shoes hit something, and I instantly flinch back.

I curiously look down...and that's when I remember that I'm not alone.

Jade lays still on the ground, a bit too still for comfort. "Jade?", I whisper. "Jade?!", I try again, a bit louder this time. Apparently it works, and I hear a small groan of pain. "Jade?! Oh thank God you're alive."

She groans again, and I wait patiently as she slowly rolls over onto her back. When she does, I see the blood that now stains her shirt, and I see the pained grimace on her face.

"Jadey!? Are you okay?", I ask, even though I already know the answer from her small whimpers.

"Fine.", she breathes out through a wince.

"No you're not, Jade. I can physically see the damage they've done to you." She tries to lift her head, but it just falls back to the ground with a small thud, she letting out yet another small whimper that makes my heart crack. "On a scale of one to ten, how badly are you hurting? And be honest."

"Eleven.", she whispers, attempting to open her eyes for the first time. I see her have to adjust to the light just like I did, then she slowly turns her head to look up at me. "They tied you up...", she states, her eyes landing on the rope that keeps me rooted to the chair.

I nod, then notice that Jade hasn't been tied up to anything, the only restraint being her hands tied behind her back. That must mean that they know she's too damaged to move on her own anyway...just the thought makes my blood boil.

"The ropes are too tight, I can't get free.", I mutter, and I see her nod. I watch her slowly but surely force herself into a sitting position (she letting out a few quiet cries of pain along the way, making my heart ace). I itch more and more to get these ropes off, desperately wanting to hold my poor Jadey and help take care of her.

I suddenly feel her starting to rub her head on my leg, and I furrow my brow in confusion. I'm even about to ask what she's doing...but then I hear it.

The light clanking noise of metal dropping to the ground. Jade turns her body and uses her hands behind her back to grab whatever just dropped, and just as her hands are covering it, I realize what it is.

A bobby pin.

Of course. She was using my leg as a way to force the pin out of her hair.

Before I can praise her and her genius idea, we hear muffled voices, and Jade drops back down to her original position, making sure to cover the bobby pin.

The door bursts open, and footsteps race down the stairs. I don't even bother to look up when I feel the presence of someone in front of me.

"Look at me, Edwards."

I ignore the order and keep my head down.

"I said LOOK AT ME!", the voice orders, and soon I feel a hand smack against my face...hard.

"Don't you dare touch her!", a strong voice shouts from the ground, and my heart flutters when I realize it's Jade.

"And what are you gonna do about it, little one? You can barely even move." The girl kicks Jade hard in the stomach, and she winces a bit, but still glares at the grazed girl in front of me.

I feel a hand on my chin, forcefully making me look up. The girl slaps me again, and I can hear Jade growl angrily.

"You will listen to me, Edwards. When I talk to you, you will look at me, got it?" I slowly nod, wincing as her grip tightens before she releases me. "My name is Sarah. You broke the heart of my poor Zayn, and now I'm going to break you, okay?" She spoke in a tone that made it seem as if I wasn't locked in a basement, in complete danger with this psychopath.

"He's the one who cheated on me.", I mutter, which obviously wasn't a good idea.

"Zayn is NOT at fault for your break up, you little brat! You didn't deserve him anyway!", she yells, connecting her fist to my cheek. I whimper from the harsh sting, but then I remember how bad the punches that Jade was receiving looked, and anger surges through my body just from thinking about it.

"Don't. Touch. Her." A shiver runs up my spine at the way Jade said those words, and even Sarah takes a small step back.

"W-what are you gonna do a-about i-it?", she stutters.

I look at Jade's hands, and I see that the rope is loosened around her wrists. I'm guessing she wasn't just hiding the bobby pin, but she was also using it while Sarah was distracted with me.

"You'll find out later.", she spits with a glare so cold and menacing that Sarah breaks eye contact.

"I-I'll be back to finish this...but first, I need to get the right equipment.", the crazy girl says, turning to walk away.

Once the door closes, Jade wriggles out of the rope as fast as she can before moving herself as best she could through the pain to behind my chair. First, she get's my right hand loosened, and I use that hand to loosen my left while she moves down to free my ankles. I get my left hand free just as she finishes freeing my legs.

I quickly jump off the chair and rush to Jade's side. "I really can't thank you enough for protecting me, Jade...but God, you look so broken, and I'm so sorry."

"I'll be fine, but we need to find a way out of here."

I nod and get up to my feet, bending down to carefully help Jade up as well. Once she's up, I gently place her down on the chair I was once tied to, and I pace around the area, looking for something, anything to help us.

Then I see it. A dusty old couch blocking the way of what looks like an old rotting door. I rush over to it, and use the adrenaline pumping in my veins to push the couch to the side. Now that that's done, I can see the door handle, and I quickly turn it, pushing the door open to reveal another old and decrepit room.

"Jackpot.", I mumble, turning to make my way back to Jade. She winces slightly when I lift her into my arms, but she reassures me she's fine, and I quickly walk us through the door frame, shutting the door behind us.

Once inside, I softly set her down on her feet, then run around to move whatever furniture there is inside the room up against the door. When I'm satisfied with my work, I turn around to face Jade again, and I see that she's pointing to my back pocket. I quickly reach around to see what she's pointing to.

My phone. Wow, these guys must be new to the whole 'holding hostage' thing...

I pull it out and immediately dial Jesy's number.

"Come on, come on.", I chant quietly, listening to the phone as it dials.

"Perrie!? Is that you-"

"Yes, it is, but listen Jesy, we don't have much time. I need you to call the pol-"

"You don't think I've already called every single emergency department there is?!"

"Jess, calm down a sec! Okay, look...I need you to call the police, and tell them to come to this location."

"Perrie, what location?!"

"Just give me a second, alright!? I'm going to send you a screenshot of my Google Maps, and that should give you a good idea of where we are."

"Got it."

"I have to go now Jesy."

"Be safe.", I hear her say before I hang up and open the app. There's not much reception, but eventually the app loads, and I take a snapshot.

Now it was a game of waiting for the text to send.

"Come on you stupid phone!", I whisper, hoping it'll encourage my phone to send faster. I hold the phone higher, hoping to catch more signal.

"They're gone?!", I hear Sarah's voice shout from the room over, and adrenaline starts pumping once again as I hold the phone even higher.

"Where the hell did they go?!", another voice shouts, alarmed and frustrated.

"FIND THEM!", Sarah orders.

I hear their steps coming closer, and I know they must see that the couch was moved. Soon enough, there's a banging on the door, and the doorknob starts to twist.

The text still hasn't sent yet, but I can see that it's almost there. The banging becomes more forceful, and the furniture I placed against the door starts to budge.

"Perrie, we need to move.", Jade whispers, tugging on my shirt to try and get me to move, but I know I can't give up now.

The banging get's even louder, and Jade moves so that she's standing in front of me, standing between me and the door protectively.

Just when the text sends, the door flies open and the two guys that help Sarah fall forward from the force. I almost wanted to laugh at how stupid they were, but then I saw Sarah walk in next with a handgun.

"I warned you, Perrie. I told you I'd get you. You're just forcing me to do it earlier than I planned!", she says, lifting the gun up to aim at us. Jade shivers, but still refuses to move from her spot in front of me. "Oh Jade, stop trying to be the hero. Move out of the way so I can kill her!", she barks, but Jade still doesn't move. "What?! You don't think I'll shoot? Is that it?! 'Cause I will!", she shouts, pulling the trigger and shooting somewhere just to the left of us.

We both jump, but Jade still stays rooted to her spot.

"Please Jade, just move. I've caused you enough pain already.", I whisper, tears threatening to spill down my face.

"Listen to her, Jade.", Sarah suggests. The gun is shaking in her hands, but I still have no doubt that she'll actually shoot. "Don't make me have to kill you first!"

"You're gonna have to.", Jade says, straightening out her posture to make it clear that she wasn't going to move.

"You irritating little-"

"Sarah!", one of the guys shouts.



"Shit!", Sarah says, her eyes widening. "Well, what are you doing standing around?! Go get them!"

But they're the police-"

"I don't fucking care! GO!", she orders, and they quickly run out of the room without another word. We hear a bunch of footsteps upstairs, and soon there's gunfire. Then we hear the basement door being kicked open.

"Fine, I'll just have to finish this here and now."

Time seems to freeze as her index finger puts pressure on the trigger, making the weapon kickback as the bullet is fired.

My screams are muted as the police run in and grab Sarah...but they're too late.

Jade collapses into my arms, and tears start to spill down her cheeks from the pain. Her hand clutches at her side, her face stuck in a grimace as her hand becomes instantly covered in blood.

"Well shit.", she mutters.

A medical team rushes in and grabs Jade, trying to take her away from me as I kick and scream, not caring how crazy I looked as long as that meant I would be able to keep Jadey in my arms.

"I'll be okay, Perrie.", she whispers, and I reluctantly let her go to be taken away by complete strangers.

Another medical team comes in, and I assume they think I need to be checked considering my hysterical crying. They carry me out the building, strapping me down onto a gurney. I thrash and scream, trying to look for Jade.

"JADE!", I shout at the top of my lungs. "PLEASE! JADE!"

"Perrie!" It's not Jade, but it's Jesy. She runs over and grabs my hand. "Are you okay?", she asks as calmly as she can.

"Where's Jade?! I need Jade!"

"I'm sorry Pez, but she needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. She's in serious condition."

The terrible news is enough to make my vision go blurry...or it could also just be the needle that was poked into my skin. The world starts to spin, and Jesy starts talking in slow-mo before I black out.


A/N: alright, there it is. so, you guys want a part 3, or should I just leave it here?

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