Loving the Mafia Lord (COMPLE...

By DreameLover

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When Xavier a 25 year old ruthless gang leader of the Italian Mafia comes across sweet Isabella Morano he ref... More

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By DreameLover

Isabella's pov

We got inside the handsome man's car and drove off. Mia laid cuddled on his chest. I wanted to take her but he wouldn't let me. I laid back on the seat and looked at my beautiful baby girl. I can't believe my mother has gotten us into trouble once again. I should probably be used to it by now but I didn't expect her to be doing that stuff in front of my baby.

I'm not happy about the fact that this giant next to me is taking us as payment for my mother's damage but I am somewhat relieved. I noticed out of the conner of my eye that the giant was staring at me as I looked at my baby sleeping in his arms.

"What is her name?" He asked and I looked up to him. He had beautiful blue eyes.

"Mia Camelia Morano " I said with a smile on my face.

"How old is she?" He asked and I looked up at him to see him staring down at my baby girl and played with her black curls in his fingers.

"Eight months old." I answered.

"Where's her father?"He asked and I stiffened. He seemed to notice because he frowned at me.

"Dead. "Was all I said and thankfully he didn't push it. He just kept quite.

"What is your name?" I asked the question that has been on my mind for a while now.

"Xavier."was all he said and started typing on his phone.

"What are you going to do with us?"I asked and he looked up at me.

"You are and your daughter are going to live with me." Was all he said and I didn't bother asking anymore questions.  Truth is that some part of me was to scared to find out. We pulled up at a beautiful mansion and the giant got out and said to follow him. He told the man who was with us to bring our bags.

I followed him and we went up a flight of stairs. We passed a few man who gave us questioning looks. I kept my head down and bumped into the giant when he stopped all of a sudden. He opened the door and sweet stepped into a beautiful room with a queen sized bed and cream white coloured covers. It was larger than my apartment. I watched as he placed my daughter on the bed and stacked big pillows around her.

"This is where you'll be staying." He said and walked over to me.

"You and your daughter are safe here. Make yourself at home. You'll be living here from now on." I looked down but he grabed my chin and made me look at him. He pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Don't ever look away from me Bella." He said as he brushed my hair out of my face.

"Thank you."I answered after a while.

"For what?" He asked and I moved my hand around referring to the bed and everything. He seemed to understand.

"Dinner will be ready at six. I'll come get you. I want you and baby Mia ready by then." He said and walked out leaving me all by myself.  I started packing me and Mia's clothes into our new closet.  It took about and hour up until I finished packing.  Mia woke up and I decided to take a bath with her. I run the bath and filled the bath tub with water.

Once it was warm enough we both got in and Mia started playing with the bubbles. We played for a while and than I washed her hair and bath her. One thigh I love about my daughter is that she loves the water she never cries when I bath her.

After bathing her and myself with much difficulty  we got out . I wrapped a towel around my body , dried Mia and started dressing her in a pink cute little onesie  that said 'daddy's little angel'. I dried myself and changed into a pair of sweatpants , a tank top and my sneakers. I dried Mia's hair and made a few wild curls for her. There was a knock on the door and than Xavier walked in.

He stood behind me and looked down  at Mia. She started giggling and laughing at him and he walked over and picked her up. She looked so tiny in  his giant arms. They looked cute together and that reminded me of how she would need a daddy in her life some day. Pull yourself together Isabella.  You can't think about that right now. I scolded myself.

" You are an angel.  My sweet little angel. " He said to her and she threw her tiny little around his neck and held onto him. He noticed me staring and I felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Come let's go. It's time for dinner." I walked over to him to take Mia but he wrapped his hand around my arm and started dragging me out the door. We got downstairs and three men were seated at the table when we walked into to the dining room. All three of them were huge with bulging muscles. One had blonde hair and green eyes and a naughty smile. The one next to him had dark hair and a look on his face that says 'don't fuck with me'. The last guy has brown hair and a scar on his face.

"Isabella,  this is Rodney, Zach and Nick. Guys this is Isabella. " I greeted shyly and they nodded.

"And this little angel in my arms is baby Mia. " He said as he kissed her on her cheeks and she snuggled into him. We sat down and ate. I started feeding Mia first like I always do. While I was feeding her I could feel eyes on me and noticed that the guys were all staring at me.

I finished feeding Mia and started eating myself.  I didn't eat much. I never do. My plate was full but I dint even eat half of it. I'm not used to eating a lot. Ever since I was young I used to starve because we never had enough food to eat after my dad died. When things got better we could  eat but whenever I ate I only ate half of my plate it made me full. I pushed my plate away after I ate.

"Aren't you going to eat?"a voice asked me and I looked up to see all three guys looking at me. "Is there something wrong with the food?" Xavier asked.

"No, I'm full. Thank you. "I said and they looked at me like I'm crazy.

"You barely ate. Eat your food. All of it . Now!"I looked up at Xavier's angry face .

"Is can't eat more than this. My tummy can't handle any more." I said hoping he would understand. He just nodded. We all finished our meals and Mia fell asleep in my arms. Xavier got up from he's chair and walked over to me and took Mia from my arms. I followed him upstairs to my room. He walked in and placed her on the bed. He kissed her after a while and walked up to me.

"Sleep well Bella."He said as he placed a kiss on my cheeks and walked away.

Hey Amigos

Another chapter done and dusted.


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