Perfectly Imperfect | ✓

By pengisaurus

392 128 30

When a group of 9 friends become 8 through tragic death, they learn the true ways of life, To live, to love... More

Author's Note


9 5 0
By pengisaurus


"Hey. Rose, wake up."  I whispered nudging the small figure with my foot. "It's useless. Might as well give up from now." A man's voice called from the passengers seat. "Who are you?" I calmly spoke, trying keep my composure. "Keegan Moore. That's all you need to know. No further introductions, that's Rosealine, the main target and you're Allison...the unfortunate casualty." He explained turning back to face the dashboard. I opened my mouth to speak but instantly shut it back not risking any funny business. "A..Alli?" Rose woke up. She winced at the tighter restraints on her ankles, knees and hands. "What the hell is going on here?!" She yelled out. Frankly, I knew it was no use retelling the story of the goons choice. "Some random kidnapped us and I have no clue why or where their taking us." I casually explain. She contorted her face in utter confusion, "and that's all okay with you?" She cried out, leaning over I glimpsed at the red stained marks on her wrists, this zip ties were too tight.

"I have a tracker on my phone ever since that night with Harley and Tristen's brother. And I told Lucas the procedure if he ever needed to find me in a situation like this." I proudly explain.

"Well you must've hit your head too damn hard, because neither of us have our phones!" She hinted at the bruised and blotchy redness on my dark forehead. I froze remembering everything that went down. I was grabbing a flashlight for the spare tire tools when a large man approached me, catching me off guard he took the flash light while trying to cover my mouth with an intoxicating cloth. My fighting reflexes kicked in, I turned around trying to pry him off of me and before I could scream or show ay signs of struggle I felt a cold hard clink across my temple.

Rage and fury overcame me as I slammed my elbows against the doors behind me snapping my arms free from the zip ties. I grunted in frustration as I kicked at the drivers seat, the car swerved ferociously allowing me to reach over to Rosealine and snap the restraints off of her ankles. A loud bang followed by my piercing screams roared through the vehicle. Blood oozed down my thigh as I winced and cried in agony. Rosealine watched helplessly cursing and screaming at the passenger pointing a gun towards me. "Try some cute shit like that again and it's through your curly little head." He growled.


I huffed in aggravation as my peers ignored me. The sheriff hated when he was bothered on lunch, but this couldn't wait. It's been 11 hours since they disappeared anything, literally anything could've happened to them. And the thoughts and possibilities that crossed my mind we're killing me.

"Sheriff!" I bursted through the door of his cozy office. He sat up nearly choking on his water. "Damn it Detective you ever heard of knocking?" He slammed his food down on the table. "Sorry. I need an APB on two missing girls, Allison Rogersman And Rosealine Addams." I stuck my foot in the door to speak to him. He stood up swiftly, alerting all his fellow units through the Walkie Talkie. "How long ago did they disappear?" He asked rummaging through a few drawers. "Around 7 last night. Allison left all her stuff here including her phone. She stepped out to talk to Rosealine and they were just gone, poof." I explained. "Our HR is going to kill me because it's not your field of interest, but grab your things and let's go, I need to question parents friends and check the cameras, there could be something on there." He pulled out his notepad and keys leaving his food and everything on the counter.

We whipped out of the parking lot, when two officers called in from the office. The girls left minutes after their important talk, the gps tracker in the car they drove leaves their location at Sweetriver Acres. Some posh wealthy neighborhood. Calling for back up we find the car pulled off to the side of the road. My heart pounded with adrenaline and worry, as I neared the scene both car doors were open the hazard lights blinked steadily. "Hands in the air, don't-" I barked, but the car was empty, no sign of struggle or personal items. On the other side of the car were tools and a spare tire. I rounded the back of the car to meet the sheriff as back up arrived. "Hold on Sheriff, there's something..." I trailed off laying down to check the shiny metal object on the floor. A flashlight, dimmer but still on was a couple inches under our vehicle. Dried blood was splattered on the rim of the light leaving a sharp sinking pain in my chest.

"Call these girls up to our priority missing persons. Get back up to bad and check this for DNA. Hopefully that belongs to our suspect and our girls are safe in hiding. I'll go question the neighbors." He conducted smoothly, I walked away to speak to the officers investigating. As much as I hate being the pessimist, I had a very bad feeling about this.


We finally made it to a quiet beach house, with yellow fresh paint and shaded navy blue tinted windows, you could see inside. The scorching Floridian sun didn't help at all, we were both led out of the cramped minivan and tossed towards the door. Still held at gun point Allison limped with tear stained cheeks, clutching the wounded leg as blood trailed behind her. I felt useless, knowing there was nothing I could do to help her. The doors unlocked as a young woman in a skin tight black dress and dangling diamond earrings opened the door, "Mr. Londson is waiting for those two, the others are already taken care of." She bowed her head. I sized her up checking out the suede Black stilettos accompanying her small feet. "Let her go!" A familiar voice echoed from the doors at the end of the corridor. This house was a maze of endless doors, the slick tile shone brightly reflecting the sunlight. "Niko?!" I cried out as the goon behind us waited impatiently for Allison to catch up, poking her roughly with the firearm. "Sorry to keep you lovely folks waiting. How was the car ride?" An middle aged man rounded the corner kissing the woman on her cheek sweetly. "Ooh ew. You should get that dressed. We'll have to tie you back up as well." He pouted innocently motioning to Allison's dripping gunshot. "Rosealine..." Niko stared at me worriedly with tears forming in his eyes. His left eye was bruised and blood dropped down his nose.

We both watched in sorrow as Allison dragged herself out of the room, whimpering with each wobbled step. "Now." The man turned our chairs to face each other.

"Our Romeo and Juliet. Or should I say Bonnie and Clyde? What does it matter, both are dead." He chuckled to himself. "Don't do this to her, she's innocent. Please." Niko begged, I've never seen him so raw, broken. "Look at you. Juliana and Marco never raised such a damn baby, did they?" He pinched Nikos cheek. "No. Not my nephew, the kid I knew was strong and prideful. He'd do anything for his loved ones." He stated straightening his tie. "Niko. I'm sorry." I mumbled staring into his sunken eyes. "Oh don't apologize mi amor." His uncle sauntered over caressing my chin, forcing me to meet his cold eyes.

"This is only a mere lesson, as to what love truly is." He stood behind my r3ting his rather large hands on my shoulder, dangerously close to my chest. Niko jumped in his seat, disgust and discomfort tattooed into his face. "Let her go." He seethed, every vein and muscle in his body strained against the chains he was bound by.

"Oh that's all up to you. You see, my dear nephew." He begun. Niko looked up at his with rage and hatred burning in his eyes. "You can save her life..." he pulled my hair behind my ear with a finger, leaning down to my ear. "Or theirs." He nodded towards a monitor that flickered on the wall.

Two adults sat bounded together back to back, tears running down their cheeks, gray hair straying at their poor heads. They didn't look very old, just used and tired. "Ma? Dad?" Niko whispered with a single tear falling from his chiseled cheek. "The choice is simple kiddo. All you have to do is do your thing, I know you know how to use one of these." He handed him a revolver. "Niko..." I pleaded feeling everything in me shatter.

"And before you think you're ahead of the game." He shot down at the floor, breaking the lock on the chains that held Niko down to the chair. Niko could've lunged at him, he'd have a fighting chance at winning a fist fight, but we both New the old man had a trick up his fancy sleeve. "If you fail to choose, your little casualty will remain wounded and bleeding out in these halls somewhere." He motioned around the room representing the maze of corridors. "Your parents will die of starvation." He pointed to the monitor with the weapon. "And this treasured beauty, will fall lifeless. In my hands." He traces a finger along my collar bones against my neck, I released a shaky breath staring into Niko's beaten face. "It's okay. It's all going to be okay." I assured him. It was the end for me, no one should deserve to choose their loved ones lives. His parents deserved to watch the handsome young man he's grown to become. "Shhh." Niko closed his eyes clicking the gun into place. "Just. Breathe." I shut my eyes tightly ready for the sweet Angel of death to arrive.

An explosive bang rang through the room, everything was black. I couldn't see. I couldn't feel anything. It was silent.

"Let's go!" Niko commanded pulling a blade from his ankle and cutting my irritated wrists free. I opened my eyes to find the rich man lying on the white tile floor with blood pooling around his head. "Oh my God..." I backed out of the room running through the halls. An alarm blared throughout the large house sending a cloudy gas through the vents. "That doesn't smell healthy, we need to go." He grabbed my arm coughing.

"I'm not leaving without Allison..." I ripped my arm from him sprinting down the hall on my left. I will never leave without her.

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