Fight For You

By _the_divergents_

158K 5K 1.1K

The sequel to Divergent High! Enjoy! credits to Veronica Roth :) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Moving On! ;)

Chapter 21

4.3K 146 24
By _the_divergents_

Tris POV

Marcus. I feel sick to my stomach. I secretly came to Abnegation without telling Tobias, and now his father is here.

"H-h-hi" I stutter.

"Hello Beatrice." My father says politely. He looks stressed. He has bags under his eyes and he his sweating a bit.

"Um, Dad can I talk to you and Mom, alone?" I ask.

"Of course. Marcus I will be back shortly, help yourself to anything in the kitchen." My father says to Marcus. Marcus nods and walks into the kitchen.

"What is it Beatrice? You know you're not supposed to be here." My father says sternly.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I ask frustrated.

"Because it's the rules." My father replies. "You should know that Beatrice."

"I know, but I had to come talk to you." I say excitedly.

"What is it sweetie?" My mother says calmly.

I hold up my hand with the ring on it and my mother's smile grows enormous. My father on the other hand, looks astonished.

"Who." My father says through clenched teeth. My mother gives my father a disapproving look.

"Andrew." She says frowning.

"Mom it's alright. Anyways," I look both ways making sure no ones listening. "It's Tobias." I whisper.

"Eaton?" My father says with wide eyes. I nod my head.

"Well, is Marcus coming?"

"Um.. Not exactly.." I say biting the inside of my cheek.

"What? Why!" My father says slightly raising his voice.

"Dad calm down!" I whisper/yell.

"Beatrice I have to go to Marcus." My father says annoyed.

"Wait! Dad!"

My father turns.

"Will you walk me down the isle?" I ask.

My father looks at the ground, then me, the ground, then me again.

"Well see, rules are rules." He says half smiling half frowning. He goes back into the kitchen.

"I think you should go home honey, I don't want you to get in trouble." My mother says kissing my forehead. I nod and head for the door. I give my mother one last glance before I'm out the door and headed towards the tracks, on my way back to Dauntless.

*Time Lapse*

I open the door to Tobias and I's apartment ever so carefully.

"Hey." I hear a sluggish voice say. I see Tobias laying on the couch covered by a blanket.

"Hey." I say back. I walk over to him and peck him on the lips.

"Where were you? I was about to come look for you." He says yawning.

"Erudite. Then Abnegation." I say simply. His eyes widen at Abnegation.

"Careful, if they catch you wandering around, you could get into trouble." He says worriedly.

"Don't worry, I won't do it again, unless I reaaaallly have to." I say kissing his cheek. He smiles and rubs his thumb in circles on my cheek.

"Were you waiting up for me?" I say raising an eyebrow, even though he can't see it through the dark.

"Maybe." He says.

"Alright Mr. lets go to bed." I say.

He gets up and stretches his arms. Then he puts an arm around me and we walk to bed together.

*Time Lapse*

When I wake up, Tobias is right in my face. I scream and push him off. He starts laughing and I shoot him a death glare.

"Not funny." I say crossing my arms and pouting.

"Sowwy." Tobias says kissing my nose. I crinkle my nose and stick my tongue out at him. He laughs,

"Let's go get breakfast shall we?" He asks holding his arm out.

"Whatever." I say playfully rolling my eyes and linking my arm with his.

After getting ready, we walk down to the cafeteria together and sit down at our usual table. The conversations are stupid as usual, until Marlene comes in. Her eyes are bloodshot, she has huge bags under her eyes and she looks weak.

I know I shouldn't show emotion to make it worse, but I can't help it. My jaw drops to the floor. Christina and Shauna run over to her, and lead her to the table. Im in too much shock to do anything. She stares at the plate of food we placed in front of her, but she doesn't touch it

"Mar?" I ask with an eyebrow raises.

She sighs and begins telling us everything that happened last night. It's a lot to take in. And I feel really bad for her, I wish I could've been here to help her, but I had problems of my own. The group starts throwing questions at her all at one time and she doesn't take it in well because she starts breathing heavily, and sweats like crazy. She falls to the ground screaming and clutching her head.

We all run to her side panicking.

"I can take her to the infirmary!" A Dauntless born initiate about my age says. We don't hesitate as he picks her up and runs out the door.

How are you guys liking the story so far? Good? Bad? Eh? Lol anyways I really want to draw but idk what to draw😑😂

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