Life With Superman (Completed)

By iam_adrianaj

66.4K 2.3K 233


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 5

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By iam_adrianaj

Cash's POV

We were at the hospital waiting for the doctors to come out and tell us what was wrong with Crystal. Jr and Quez went to to meet up with Chaz and his lawyer while I stayed at the hospital with Casey. I wanted everything to be alright with Crystal. I wanted to get to know her more. I knew she had trust issues with what happened a couple years ago but I wanted to show her that I was somebody that she could trust. Casey and Crystal's grandmother was crying her eyes out. She kept repeating that it's happening all over again. I asked Casey what she meant by it but Casey didn't know her damn self. We waited for about an hour until the doctor came out and spoke with us.

"Family of Crystal Moore," The female doctor said.

"That's us," Casey said as we all got up.

"Well Crystal is fine but her blood sugar increased significantly. Has she been taking her insulin?" The doctor asked. Casey looked at me.

"I don't know. She never said anything about it," I responded.

"Well it's very important that she takes it everyday to maintain a healthy blood sugar level," The doctor said.

"We'll make sure she takes it when she's suppose to," Casey said. The doctor smiled before leaving. Crystal never said anything about having Diabetes. If she would have said something back in the Bahamas then we could've prevented this from happening. We all stayed at the hospital for a few more hours before leaving. The doctors wanted to make sure that everything was good with Crystal before we all could leave with her. When Crystal came out of the room, my whole world brightened up. She was so beatiful and I wanted to let her know that. Now it was time to get Chaz out of jail. Casey and I headed to the court house where Chaz was sent to. When we got there, the judge dropped the charges for the weed found because Chaz's lawyer had papers stating that Chaz had weed for medical reasons which wasn't true. Chaz knew exactly who talk to. That's how he got those papers stating that it was for a medical reason. It was up to Casey to get the judge to drop the murder charge by telling them that Chaz was with her. Casey was extremely smart. She had the club owner call and verify that her and Chaz was at the club from midnight to three in the morning. The man was murdered around two something so of course they had to let Chaz go. They had no other evidence that he had anything to do with the man's murder. Chaz knew how to handle his business. That's why we worked with him except we didn't sell drugs. We made them and we killed nigga's for our money.

Everything went smoothly and Chaz was out in no time. I admired Chaz and Casey's relationship. Chaz gave Casey anything she wanted and did everything for her with no hesitation. For example, Casey wanted a wedding that was on the beach while it was snowing so Chaz had some construction workers build a building that overlooked the beach. Casey got what she wanted. Point blank. Casey was always by Chaz's side no matter what. She was at every court case and she was there whenever he needed her. I could tell that they was down for each other and that's what I wanted. A girl that was down for me. Since we didn't plan on staying a night in Baton Rouge, we got ready to make our way back to Atlanta. Chaz and Casey wasn't going to be back in Atlanta until tomorrow morning so we left without them.

Crystal's POV

I felt so much better once I got out the hospital. Yes, I knew I had diabetes but I didn't know one day without taking my insulin would cause me to pass out. We were back in Atlanta and I wasn't all that happy about it but it did feel good to be back at home. Chaz didn't want Saige and I staying at the house alone so he made G and the boys stay with us for the night. He told Saige and Quez that they better not sleep in the same bed together but we all knew that they was not about to listen to Chaz when it came to that. I made my way upstairs to my bedroom so that I could take a shower and lay my ass down. Plane rides made me sleepy. I spent twenty minutes in the shower before getting out and putting on some yoga pants and a tank top. Before I could get in my bed, there was a knock at my door. "Come in," I said. It was Cash dressed in blue basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. I began to blush as he smirked at me.

"Anything I can do for you?" I asked.

"Yea. Watch this movie with me," Cash said. Cash wanted to watch The Possession. I wasn't into scary movies like that but I didn't want to tell him no. I just hoped he knew that my cover was going to be over my head mostly throughout the whole movie. I climbed in my bed and got comfortable before starting the movie. Cash sat on top of the covers while my lower body was underneath them. The beginning of the movie started off crazy as hell.

"Oh hell nah. They got me fucked up," Cash yelled out.

"I'm not watching this," I said as I put the cover over my face but he pulled it down.

"Hell nah you watching this movie with me," He said not taking his eyes of the tv. Cash was really into the movie. Me on the other hand wasn't feeling it too much. I just didn't like movies that would have me having nightmares at night.

"Okay now that's over but I got a question," He said.

"I might have an answer," I responded.

"Why you didn't say nothing about you having diabetes?"

"Well I didn't think I would pass out by missing one day of not taking insulin,"

"So it's that bad?"

"Yea I guess so,"

"Gotta take care of yourself shawty,"

"Yea I know,"

"And about the whole thing that happened with you a couple years ago, I'm really sorry about that. I know that you have trust issues and that you're a very defensive girl. My sister is like that because she went through the same thing,"

"Really?" I asked giving him my full attention.

"Yea. She was fifteen. I was fourteen. Everyday we was fighting in school cause someone had found out about it and started running their mouth and I didn't like that shit. She had finally moved with her dad when she turned sixteen,"

"Do you still see her?"

"Yea. She come and visit during the summer but she in college now so I'm not going to see her this summer,"

There was an awkward silence for a moment. I didn't even care about the movie anymore. I was focused on Cash. He made me feel a type of way that I've never felt before and I was liking the feeling but I didn't want to rush anything. I wanted to be his close friend first then possibly get to the point of being more than a friend. I didn't know exactly how he was feeling about me at the moment because he was all into the movie which was cute. Out of no where Jr came busting in my room with nothing but his boxers on.

"Nigga get the fuck out," Cash said throwing a pillow but Jr caught it.

"That's them hands boy and I ain't gotta go no fucking where. This ain't yo room," Jr said plopping down on my bed like a girl ready to gossip.

"Get out Jr," I said giving him a smile.

"Baby mama! You gon' pick this nigga over me? I'm hurt," Jr said making me laugh. I just pointed toward my door. Jr threw the pillow at Cash and walk out after flashing us his ashy ass. Jr needed a girl in his life and I think I might just have the perfect girl for him. All I had to do was move her down here to Atlanta. Cash continued to watch the movie until I hit him with a pillow. He hit me back and that was the beginning of the pillow fight. I grabbed half of the pillows on my bed as he grabbed the rest. I went to the left side of the room and he went to the right. After throwing pillows for a few minutes, I became tired. I sat in the middle of the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. Cash came over and gently tackled me. He was now on top. We looked inside each other's eyes and at that moment I felt and instant connection. I looked away quickly to the side as he got off of me and sat at the edge of the bed. He looked back at me and smirked then said, "Umm I'm gon' go get some sleep." I nodded my head up and down smirking back at him then he left out the room. I grabbed a pillow and put it over my face. Why did Cash make me feel like a little girl at a candy store? I wanted him to stay but I didn't want to do something that I was going to regret in the end. I needed to get to know him more before I even consider doing anything with him but I did have a great night. Hope he did as well.

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