
By danilynn87

70.7K 3K 1K

Emma Swan and Regina Mills have a complicated past to say the very least. Life has dealt them the short end o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Nine

2.8K 137 40
By danilynn87

The car slowly rolls to a complete stop in the dead of the woods. Giant thick trees of green all around swallow them whole into another existence. If anything happens tonight, nobody would ever hear their cries for help, except maybe the wolf hollowing off in the distance.

"I don't like this August," Neal grumbles his protest from the backseat while Emma leans forward to inspect her surroundings.

"This is super shady," Emma comments as her eyes take in every inch outside of the car that's keeping her safe, for now.

"Well obviously it's shady." August rolls his eyes and pulls his key from the ignition. "What the hell did you expect? These people to have Regina held up in the middle of Time Square?"

August pops open his door and kicks it even wider. Emma glances back at her boyfriend who is already shaking his head. The blonde sighs before she turns around and swings open her door. She ignores her instincts screaming at her to stop this madness before she really regrets her life.

Emma climbs out of the vehicle and takes a deep breath of pine trees and cool evening air. She's in search of something that will be a damn clue as to where Regina is being held up, but she sees nothing but trees and dirt for miles.

"August, enough with the games. Where is she?" Emma pleads as Neal stumbles out of the backseat and slams the door.

"Right down that path, across the bridge," her old friend confirms with a weak smile. A smile so fake, it might as well be painted on in Emma's eyes.

An icy chill runs down Emma's spine, forcing goosebumps to scatter across her flesh. She hugs herself closer and gazes up into the midnight sky. She takes in the twinkling stars sparkling a path to safely guide her through the night. She inhales sharply and blows out all her worry about what's to come.

The blonde shuffles her feet against the dirt worn path toward the so called bridge August briefly spoke of. Emma knows the men are following behind as she listens to the steady rhythm of their boots behind her.

"So how far is this...what are we even looking for? An abandon building? A house? A tent?" The blonde scoffs as her tired eyes dart back and forth to observe the forest surrounding her.

"A cabin," her friend confirms calmly.

"A cabin," Emma repeats, never once taking her eyes off the trees ready to swallow her whole.

At any minute a wild animal could pop out and feast on her limbs. She shudders and pushes that thought away before she freaks herself out and runs away like a terrified little girl.

Emma listens intently to the atmosphere around her. Both men are eerily quiet, pushing her buttons even further, as if she wasn't pissed off enough at them for their stunt in New York. Twigs snap beneath their boots, but again nothing else is singing into the night.

"There," August points just ahead, sending a new wave of chills to wrack through Emma's limbs.

A small cabin comes into view. The brown logs lining perfectly to sculpt the cabin, are thicker than her and Neal's bodies combined. From the front, Emma notes two small window panes, one on each side of the front door. There's a wrap around porch, but not one damn piece of furniture to make this home appear inviting.

Emma swallows thickly as a large lump forms at the back of her throat, ultimately cutting off her oxygen supply. She takes a deep breath and pushes forward.

Regina's safety is most important.

"Let's scope out the area first," Neal recommends, instantly earning a head nod from Emma.

Her boyfriend takes the lead, as he pulls his hood over his shaggy hair. He shoves his hands into his pockets and lightly creates a path for Emma to follow in his footsteps. They creep along the outer perimeter of the log cabin as August seems to hang back.

Emma notices the safe distance August created and eyes him carefully. "Look out," her friend whispers causing her eyebrows to pinch together in concern.

"Whatever," the blonde huffs as she steps closer toward the dirty window.

The glass is covered in a thick layer of dust, along with cobwebs and spiders crawling all around the frame. This place must have been abandoned and that's why they chose to bring Regina here, Emma concludes as she studies the building before her. She presses her hands against the cool glass and attempts to peer inside.

It's far too dark on either sides of the glass for Emma to detect anything. She steps back and watches as Neal is shuffling back from the other window as well. He catches her eye and shrugs, confirming his lack of information as well.

Emma jumps off the porch and proceeds to the back of the cabin. She's too invested in finding Regina now to pay any attention to the boys she's leaving behind.

Emma treks through the over grown grass and weeds, fighting away any pesky mosquitos swarming around her. These tiny bugs have formed an elite army ready to attack the stranger invading their privacy. Emma swats and smacks aimlessly until she finds herself at the back of the cabin. Alone.

Instantly, she spots double doors that must lead to a basement, peeking out of the long grass. Emma falls to her knees and yanks on the thick wooden handles. She is absolutely stunned how easily the doors swing open.

Her heart beats wildly against her sternum. Blood rushes and thumps angrily in her ears. Her palms begin to sweat as her fingers tingle with anticipation and fear. Beads of sweat are forming at her hairline and the back of her neck. She's absolutely terrified of what's waiting at the bottom of these doors, but she has to pull through for Regina.

Her Regina.

Her saving grace.

She furiously rubs her sweaty palms against her jean clad thighs and exhales all her trepidation. "Come on Emma, get your shit together," she encourages herself just as that damn wolf hollows again off in the distance.

Emma decides whatever is waiting for her in the creepy basement is far better than being a wolf's midnight snack. So, with that thought in mind, Emma takes one step down. Her leg quakes in horror, almost giving out instantly, but somehow she finds her inner strength and pushes forward.

Emma's Converse connect with the cement stairs below. She takes a few steps down and decides she needs the light of the full moon to guide her way, so against all her instincts, she leaves the doors open wide.

There's the faintest glow from a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Emma follows the soft yellow gleam through the cold damp basement. Her body convulses in terror or maybe it's the ice cold temperatures seeping into her bones, she will never know.

There's a wooden chair across the room, demanding Emma's full attention. The chair is hidden in a corner, behind the shadows of the night. Emma takes a few timid steps forward, silently begging for this to be Regina.

Please be alive.

As she approaches the unknown, Emma assesses the chair. The first thing she notices, the back of someone's head hanging low in defeat. Her eyes drift down to discover arms and legs securely tied in thick ropes to the chair.

"Regina," she breathes as she scurries to the chair. Emma jumps in front of the prisoner and falls to her knees. "Regina!"


Tallahassee: Five years ago....

Emma's head bobs to the over blaring music as she fixes up the old cherry Camaro. She begged Neal for the opportunity to work on an old classic such as this. That's why she's up at two in the morning trying to finish this car before the owner checks on the progress tomorrow morning.

"Well, you're dirtier than I remember..." her voice deeper and raspier than ever drowns out the music pulsating around Emma.

The blonde whips around to discover her long lost best friend, stalking her way toward the cherry red Camaro. Her lips thicker than ever, dressed in a deep shade of red, that matches the car behind Emma. Those sexy full lips curl into a malicious smile that sends waves of arousal to flood Emma's core.

Emma hasn't seen the beautiful brunette in five years now, ever since she was dragged away to Maine. Never to be seen or heard from again. The blonde pushes all those awful memories aside, because the love of her life is here in the flesh, standing before her.

Emma tosses her socket wrench aside, causing a horrible clink against the metal toolbox. She quickly snatches a towel and begins methodically wiping her hands free from the black oil clinging to her fingers.

Emma's eyes rake over the brunette, bottom to top, top to bottom as her mind scrambles for any acceptable words to speak in this moment.

"You're cleaner than I remember," Emma counters with a smug smirk gracing her face. Her fingers begin to grow raw as her nerves get the best of her and she scrubs harder against her flesh.

Regina's modeling a high end, deep red wine colored dress that hugs every curve deliciously in Emma's greedy eyes. Her feet are encased in glossy, black high heels that contain straps that crisscross up her olive tone flesh. Emma's mouth instantly dries up as Regina reaches for the radio and turns down the obnoxious music thumping between them.

"I just came from a business dinner," Regina admits as she finally comes face to face with Emma.

The blonde inhales sharply, absolutely forgetting how to be this close to her most favorite person in the world.

"How did you find me?" Emma whispers as her green eyes droop down to red painted lips.

"I have my ways," Regina muses as she pushes a little closer to the blonde.

No matter what, life always found a way to bring these two back together. They were always destined to be in each other's lives and both young women knew they were meant to be. Even standing centimeters apart, they could feel the forces of nature pulling them together like a magnet.

To Emma's surprise, Regina presses further into her body, firmly molding the blonde's body into the cool metal Camaro behind her. Emma gulps, embarrassingly loud as she continues to gaze upon those sexy lips.

"I've missed you," Regina confesses, almost against Emma's pale pink lips. The blonde relishes in the feel of Regina's warm breath coating her own lips.

"Then why have you been away so long?" Emma mumbles incoherently because her mind is too focused on how Regina's lips would feel after all this time.

Emma imagines how soft those plump lips would feel as they grazed against her own. She wonders if they could still find the same perfect rhythm they always felt whenever they were molded together as one. Emma debates with herself if Regina will still taste the same even after five long years.

"Well, the first two years my adoptive parents forbid me to see you."

"And the last three?"

"You were impossible to track down," Regina pouts as she encloses the gap between them. She almost there, but much to Emma's disappointment, the brunette simply brushes her nose against the dirty woman.

Emma cannot stand another minute apart. With one hand gripping the back of the Camaro, she uses her free hand to drift her fingers along Regina's prominent jawline. Her thumb presses into Regina's soft cheek, while her other fingers become lost in a sea of raven locks. Emma pulls Regina closer and captures those lips she's been craving so desperately.

Regina hums against Emma's mouth, allowing the blonde to claim her as her own. A deep moan erupts from Emma's mouth as she parts Regina's lips and finds that perfect rhythm she had hoped for. Soft, velvety tongues dances together in sync, never wanting to be apart again.

Regina's nails scratch their way up Emma's thighs until she finds the blonde hips. The brunette clenches Emma's hips with all her might and jerks her even closer.

"I love you," Regina mutters into the frantic kiss. Emma instantly freezes as she hears the one phrase she has longed to hear for far too long. Big brown eyes search green ones, that are almost black from lust. Regina reaches up and cups Emma's face as she gazes into her eyes. "I want you to come to New York with me. I want us to be together."

Emma swallows hard as her eyes fill up with thick tears. Her vision blurs while her nose tingles and she fights back those unsolicited tears.

"I love you so much Regina," Emma confesses, inspiring Regina's lips to connect once more with hers. "But," she mumbles against the warm flesh she has dreamed about for five years now. Regina slowly pulls back, just far enough to meet Emma's stunning eyes. "I'm with Neal...and we...we just moved here to settle down and start a family soon."

Regina's eyes flutter closed as she tries to fight against her own tears. Her biggest fear has come true, someone else has stolen Emma's heart. Her heart free falls into the pit of her stomach as she pleads to be transported back in time, where she could make Emma hers.

"Neal...was your...first?" Regina croaks out as that terrifying thought beats into her mind. She knows she should have never asked that question, but the words spilled from her mouth without her consent. Emma can't stomach the thought of hurting Regina, but her head nods confirming the harsh reality. "It should have been me," Regina breathes to herself, even though her claim is unjust according to her past, but Emma hears every word.

"It should have, but you weren't here."

"I'm here now. Dammit Emma I spent three years looking for you, I swear," Regina implores, but her words are cut off as Emma slams her lips against the brunette.

Emma easily flips Regina and pins her against the Camaro. Emma nips Regina's bottom lip ensure to send a wave of arousal straight to Regina's core. The blonde presses her body firmly against the brunette, needing to feel every inch of her sexy body to confirm that she is real. Regina reacts instantly moaning into their passionate kiss that's all tongues and teeth as they rediscover one another.

Emma's black jeans and white tank top are covered in oil and grease, but Regina doesn't bother thinking twice about the stains that will be embedded into her dress. Emma reaches behind Regina and pulls her zipper down her back frantically, in search for some much needed skin. Her tongue pushes further into Regina's mouth, claiming her as she forces Regina's straps to her dress down her shoulders. Her pale fingertips skim across silky, heated flesh, relishing in the feel of Regina.

Regina finds the hem of the ribbed tank top and hastily tears the material up and over Emma's body. There's no time to waste, they have waited too long to be reunited and tonight they will finally express just how much they mean to each other. Regina discards Emma's top somewhere across the garage while the blonde continues pushing Regina's dress all the way down to her ankles. The soft material pools at Regina's feet coaxing Emma to stumble back.

The blonde takes a moment to appreciate Regina's body as she stands proudly in her black lace bra and thong. Regina stretches forward and grips Emma's waistline, she jerks the blonde forward and easily pops open her button. She slowly drags the zipper down and tugs the tight denim down Emma's long toned legs. Emma hops out of her skinny jeans and rushes to clasp onto Regina's hips, not ever wanting to be too far apart in this moment.

"Fuck you're sexy," Emma groans as she releases Regina and moves to close the hood of the car.

The loud thunk echoes throughout the garage as Emma easily lifts Regina and gently lays her down on the cool metal. The sexy brunette shudders at the conflicting temperatures against her flesh. Her skin burns from the desire she craves from the blonde, but the car below is ice cold against her back.

Emma leans down and captures Regina's lips once more fervently. She moans at the intensity of the kiss sending ripples of lust to flow through her blood. Her clit aches for attention, but she ignores the need and slithers down Regina's goddess form.

The blonde peppers wet open mouthed kisses all the way down Regina's neck. The brunette arches off the car, but Emma proceeds knowing how much they both need this. When she stumbles across two heavy breasts, Emma takes her time, alternating between kissing, licking and sucking the heaving flesh.

At first she plants loving kisses all around the swell of Regina's breasts as her fingers find the clasp in the back and free her needy mounds from their prison. Emma's fingertips firmly press into Regina's sides as she nips across the heated flesh, terrified that her lover might disappear right from under her. When she finds her destination, she pulls a perky nipple into her mouth and sucks until Regina is crying out in pleasure. Emma smirks in triumph as Regina grinds against her bare stomach.

Regina pants heavily, but Emma is too focused on discovering every inch of the brunette. She has never seen this much of the other woman before, all her fantasies have been her mind creating an image that she thought would never come true. Now she wants to make sure she memorizes this goddess figure below, her fantasy finally coming to life.

Emma's soft tongue swirls around the taut nipple to soothe her previous attack. Regina instantly buries her hands deep inside of Emma's locks from the overwhelming stimulation. The blonde moans, adoring the way Regina's body is writhing below her. Every time Regina squirms the car's hood pops, only encouraging Emma to continue.

Emma pulls away and watches as the cool air caresses Regina's wet nipple, her olive toned flesh breaking out in goosebumps. The blonde smiles and focuses her attention onto the neglected breast. She drags the tip of her tongue under Regina's heavy mound for simple torture. Her teeth sink into the warm flesh just below the nipple while her hand palms the other breast. Emma sweeps her thumb over the wet nipple while her tongue finds the other bud. Her mouth and fingers work over both nipples producing the deepest moans to stir in the back of Regina's throat.

Emma sucks the hard bud into her mouth and releases with a pop. Her long blonde hair tickles Regina's stomach as she descends, lazily kissing the brunette's tight abdomen along the way. Emma's right hand continues to fondle Regina's needy breast while she nips her lover's hip.

Emma wants Regina to be so consumed in this moment, that she begs for Emma's touch. The blonde wants to make sure she leaves a lasting impression that Regina will never be able to wipe from her memory. Emma's teeth graze along the tanned hip bone. Her tongue pokes out to lick away the red lines she caused, but then Emma sucks the wet patch into her mouth. Regina bucks off the car and groans as her grip tightens around messy blonde locks. Emma continues sucking the tender flesh, making sure she marks this flawless woman below. The harder Emma sucks the tighter Regina tugs on golden tresses.

Emma pulls away, just enough to examine her artwork. She studies the way Regina's flesh is red from the abuse and slowly turning purple. Emma licks the inflicted area before showering the area with loving kisses. She travels across Regina's bikini line with short sweet kisses that confirms her love and adoration.

Her fingers dip inside the lacy fabric and slowly drag them down Regina's warm thighs. Emma hardly pays attention to where she tosses the skimpy thong as her eyes take in Regina's center.

The woman Emma has loved for too many years is completely naked and vulnerable in this moment. Her legs are spread wide as she's sprawled across a classic 1967 cherry red Camaro. Emma's heart pounds erratically as she tries to memorize this moment. The hottest, most sexiest thing her eyes have ever laid upon.

Emma's lust filled eyes begin their journey at the top, where Regina's long raven locks are spread wildly across the hood of the car. Big brown cocoa colored orbs are staring right back at her, silently pleading for Emma to take her. Regina's cheeks are flushed, her lips are parted as she breathes through her suffocating desire.

Emma's eyes wander down, to Regina's chest that's rising and falling at an alarming rate. Her skin is burning red with a slick sheen of sweat. Her pink nipples are screaming for attention as Regina squirms against the car below. Her toned abdominal muscles clench tightly as she gasps for air.

Emma finally comes to the portion she's has too many erotic dreams about. Regina's legs are parted, trembling slightly as she keeps herself rooted to the car. Her center is bare, silky smooth and glistening for attention. The blonde can longer wait as her heart hammers harder and her mouth waters with excitement.

The messy blonde digs her fingertips into Regina's knees before she presses firmly into her thick thighs. She forces Regina's legs further apart and pushes them closer to the brunette's heaving chest. Slowly, Emma places each leg over her shoulders. Regina props herself up on her elbows needing to watch her favorite fantasy play out before her.

Emma dips down and just with the tip of her tongue lightly skims across Regina's wet folds. She never once applies pressure, for the simple fact she wants to tease Regina. She wants this woman to beg for her, like Emma begged for Regina to find her once again.

Regina's legs quake with yearning as she breathes out the sweetest sound of relief. The sound resonates in Emma's ears and encourages her to proceed. She swipes her tongues along Regina's entrance and hums in appreciation to the brunette's taste.

"Em," falls from plump lips and the blonde isn't quite sure if it's a plea of her name or maybe an enthusiastic chant.

She ignores the attempt of communication and drags her tongue against Regina's quivering hole. With more force Emma follows the path to Regina's bundle of nerves and presses firmly against the aching bud.

"Oh fuck," Regina croaks out as her body jerks and her hold tightens against Emma's scalp.

Emma hums, knowing exactly what she's doing, and presses further down into the trembling clit. Regina's hips buck in response inspiring Emma to suck the little bud into her mouth.

"Oh god Em-ma..." Regina screams while her hips gyrate uncontrollably into the air and her heels dig into Emma's bare back.

Emma takes control and slams Regina's frantic hips down against the car, making a loud thump boom through the garage. With one hand pinning Regina to the car, she uses her free hand to slip her index finger into the brunette's drenched center.

Emma moans her satisfaction against Regina's clit as her finger makes its acquaintance with the brunette's clenched walls. Regina's body involuntarily spasms forward as she screams out her pleasure. Emma decides Regina's screams are her most favorite sound ever, so she slithers another finger inside her tight walls.

"Oh god," Regina groans, her voice thick with desire and raspier than Emma has ever heard before. Regina pushes Emma's face further into her center and watches intently as blonde waves bob up and down.

Emma curls her fingers deep inside and twists her hand while her tongue works over Regina's clit. The brunette is unraveling, moaning and screaming incoherently as she climbs higher and higher toward her climax.

"Fuck Emma, fuck....I..." Regina's babbling as her thighs slam shut like a vise around Emma's head. Her frantic cries of pleasure are muffled, but Emma is too lost in her trophy to pay any attention.

Regina stiffens mid air, as she releases all around her lover. Emma doesn't waste a second as she licks Regina clean. She extracts her fingers and latches onto those sexy hips. She yanks Regina closer and connects their lips into a fiery kiss that has Regina chasing after her own taste upon Emma's tongue.

Emma breaks the kiss and drops her head to Regina's bare chest. Her lover runs her hands through her golden locks soothingly. Emma listens to the heavy hammering in Regina's chest as she gasps for air. A serene moment of tranquility washes over her body and in her mind she hums the softest tune that always settles her fears. She doesn't make a sound though, too frightened of ruining the moment.

"Emma," Regina croaks out through the driest throat. "Please come to New York with me. I am so in love with you."

Emma doesn't have to be looking into those enchanting eyes to know they are filling with tears. Instead of answering she lowers herself, needing to pleasure this woman one more time, but Regina stops her.

The brunette slides off the hood of the car and buries her fingers in wild golden waves. She brushes her lips against Emma's and holds her breath to keep any tears from falling. She slowly kisses the love of her life as she lays her across the hood.

Emma can feel the pain and heartache radiating off of her lover as Regina tenderly kisses her. She watches intently as raven strands sway across her pale flesh. She knows Regina is smothering her chest and stomach with sweet kisses, but she can't focus knowing what's to come. She's embarrassingly wet from watching Regina writhe and squirm through her orgasm and she knows her lover won't have to do much to push her over the edge.

Emma memorizes every second as Regina conceals herself between pale legs. Emma needs to take in every moment and store it in the back of her mind. The love of her life covers Emma's entire mound with her mouth, her teeth dragging teasingly against the desperate flesh.

Regina's warm silky tongue presses into Emma's waiting center. Emma moans her sweet pleasure of satisfaction as the muscle explores her walls. Regina's thumb presses down on Emma's clit, causing the blonde to buck her hips and scream out her gratification.

Emma recalls one of her favorite day dreams and decides she better make this become a memory instead. She begins slowly rocking her hips against Regina's face. She steadies herself on one elbow and palms the back of Regina's head.

Regina removes her thumb from the blondes aching clit, but replaces the digit with her tongue. She forcefully licks the bundle of nerves as she easily maneuvers two fingers inside of her lover.

"Yes," Emma breathes as she continues to fuck Regina's face. Watching this entire scene unravel before her is far too erotic. "Oh fuck yes," she cries out as Regina finds the perfect rhythm.

Only a few more thrusts and licks and Emma's tumbling over the edge and screaming through her mind blowing, Earth shattering orgasm. She falls back onto the cool metal and balls her fists into her eyes. She's a heaving, panting mess as she tries to float back down to reality.

When Emma opens her eyes, Regina is completely dressed, just finishing her zipper to complete her ensemble.

"What are you doing?" Emma breathes as panic rises to the surface. She pops right up like a jack in the box and slides off the hood of the car.

"I have to go," Regina coldly replies, refusing to make eye contact.

"What? No," Emma curls her fingers around Regina's dainty wrist. "You just got here."

"No, I can't stay any longer." Regina shakes her head in defiance. "You're with Neal. T-this, this was a mistake." Regina rips her hand away from Emma's clutches and stomps away, heels clicking against the pavement below.

"No, don't say that." Emma chases after Regina with determination. "Stop!" Against the brunette's better judgement she obeys Emma's request. The blonde brushes Regina's untamed hair to one side and kisses the back of her neck. "Please don't go," she begs and wraps her arms around her most favorite person in the world.

"I have to Emma," Regina strictly retorts, careful not to move one muscle.

"This was so perfect, don't run away now."

"Why? That's what you do best," Regina snaps causing the blonde to wince.

"I'm sorry Regina," Emma lightly presses her lips to the tan shoulder. She snakes her way in front of her secret lover and cups her cheeks. "I swear, I love you."

"Then leave him. Come with me to New York," Regina pleads one last time.

"I can't. You left. Five years Regina and Neal has been there every day for me. I love him too, I promised we could start a family."

"I don't see a ring Emma," Regina flatly quips.

"That's doesn't mean anything," the blonde defends as her face pinches together.

"Clearly neither does your relationship since you so easily betrayed him."

"Why are you being like this? I have loved you all my life, you know that. You know I could never say no to you. What we have is so special," Emma begins to explain, but Regina can't hear the words that would inevitably break her heart. Regina steps aside and begins walking away. "Regina! Please listen to me!"

Regina glances over her shoulder at the green irises that always seem to trap her in a world of love. "Promise me Emma you'll stay safe with him. Promise me that you'll give up stealing cars and start a new life. A better life. One where I can sleep at night knowing you are behaving and safe."

"Regina, please...just...stay here, let's talk," Emma cries as Regina turns back around, facing her new future. One without Emma.

"There's nothing more to say."

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