Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

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"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 13 ~Angel~
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 30 ~Demons~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?

Ch. 20 ~Youth~

894 33 6
By Maclue

After the 'incident' — which Y/N wants to erase in his mind — he entered the tallest building in the avenue. His heart still pounding, but not as fast as earlier when he woke up.

Maybe Ally did help, He thought for a second before shivering. Then again that was something I can never erase

"Uhm, " Y/N cleared his throat as he nervously drum his fingers on the receptionist desk. "I, uh, was recommended by Sarah? "

The young receptionist turn her attention away from her computer before focusing her warm brown eyes towards a nervous Y/N.

"Your name is Y/N — am I correct? " She asks kindly.

Y/N nodded with a strain smile, "Yes I am. "

"Please wait a moment, " She smile once before typing away at her computer.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The sound of Y/N heartbeat started rising again. It's only natural since this interview is his big chance to regain some honor to his name; but it still doesn't ease his nerves seeing the well off people in their $1000 suits compares to his knock off ones.

"Please follow me, Y/N, " The young receptionist stood up from her seat and made her way towards the double set of elevators with Y/N in tow.

"Uh thanks... "

"Call me Elizabeth, " Elizabeth said with a bright smile as she press the top most button in the elevator's console.

"Thank you, Elizabeth, " Y/N said, a little grateful at his luck. His heart started to relax at the kind and easy going aura surrounding the young woman.

She shook her head still smiling, "It's not a problem. "

The elevator started going up, and so's Y/N heartbeat. One of these days Y/N is sure he's gonna need a new heart.

A few times before reaching their designated floor; the elevator stop to collect it's everyday visitors, before releasing them back to their everyday routine.

Few years ago: Y/N hated that. Having an ordinary job while wearing tight suits and pants. The whole concept of it just makes Y/N feel trap like a bird in it's unbreakable cage.

But things change. He changed. What's important now is not having a cool job or an adventurous one; but a job that supports him and his needs.

Even if it means putting aside his dreams.

The elevator release a loud 'ding' before stopping smoothly.

"This is it, " Elizabeth said as the elevator doors open soundlessly. "Just head straight through those double set of doors. "

"Thank you, " Y/N nodded his head towards Elizabeth gratefully before exiting the elevator with his cane as his new guide.

"Oh Y/N, " Y/N turn back around and saw a smile on Elizabeth's lips. "Good luck, "

Somehow those words have more meaning than Camila's 'Good luck'.

Y/N wave back once towards Elizabeth before the elevator close once more.

Taking a deep breath Y/N gave himself a pep talk as he slow walk towards the huge set of mahogany doors.

"I need this job. No, I want this job. This job gives out more money then any job I had combined. I need this. I got this. The hours isn't even that bad compared to the late hours Mr. Anderson gives. "

If people saw Y/N walking slowly while muttering to himself crazily while his eyes held a insane, anxious look: then without a doubt he would be place in an asylum within an hour.

"This is nothing. " Its everything.

"This is in the bag. " If only it was.

"I am ready. " Not even close.

Taking a deep breath, clenching and unclenching his stiff fingers, listening to the loud 'ta-dum' of his heartbeat; he knock.

"Good morning- " Y/N froze. Not because of his anxiety or nervousness — even if he could practically feel it in his veins like the blood flowing there — No, its because of the person sitting in front of him.

"Its the lazy ditching ungrateful slacker! " The young man stood up from his seat with his arms spread open as if to great an old pal. "Your here for the job as my assistant, right? "

Kyle Warren. Y/N ex boss. The man who — few months ago got his house trashed by Dinah and; a tiny bit by Y/N.

Flashbacks of Y/N falling of the roof entered his mind causing him to shiver unintentionally.

Kyle smirk, "Let's get started, "


"What's wrong babe? "

Lauren fake smiled at the young, handsome man in front of her. The tips of her fingers tap restlessly against the glass table.

Both of them are in one of Miami's new and upcoming restaurant; by Harry's choice (truth be told; All Lauren wanted was to spend their day at her apartment).

For one particular reason.

"I need to ask you something important, "

Harry raise his eyebrows at his girlfriend's unusual serious expression, "uh, sure, you can always ask me anything, "

"What do you love me? " Lauren ask as she stared straight at Harry's eyes.

Harry scratch his cheek as he twisted his head away from the piercing stare of his girlfriend.

"I... I just love you — that's all there is to it, "

"But, " Lauren persisted. "What exactly made you love me? What part of me that entice you the most? What part of me does your heart go crazy for? Just how much do you love me? "

"I.... " Harry open his mouth but closes as if lost for words.

"Why do you love me, Harry? "

Harry shook his head, "Why are you asking these kinds of questions anyway? "

"That's because- "

Because I don't even know why I love you, This thought is what haunted Lauren since her.... 'Night' with Camila.

"Isn't it normal for couples to know why they love each other? "
Harry sigh once he heard Lauren's answer, "I thought.... Never mind. "

"What's wrong? " Lauren ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"Nothing, " Harry said before smiling. "I can't explain it... But I know deep inside I love you with everything in me. I would sacrifice all that I have if it means you'll continue smiling that beautiful smile until the end of days. "

"I... " This time it was Lauren that is left inaudible. Her fingers weren't anymore drumming instead they clawed at the sides of her jeans.

"Thanks you, " Lauren whisper as she look down.

"Anytime babe, " Harry grin, thinking he made his cute girlfriend blush but in reality it was far from it.

All Lauren felt was guilt and disgust at herself.

Ring. Ring.

Lauren pulled out her phone on the second ring. Anything to distract herself from her unstable feelings is welcomed.

(11:08 am) Dj: Its an emergency! Y/N needs help!!!

In a millisecond Lauren had her bag in one hand and the other type a quick reply to Dinah.

"Babe? Where are you going? " Lauren heard the scrape of Harry's chair but she didn't turn around as she prepared her things to leave.

"A friend of mine needs help. I'm sorry babe. " Lauren said as she finished typing a reply and a request of an Uber.

"Help? Why? What happened? "

Lauren threw on her signature jacket over her white blouse before facing Harry, "I don't know the details but I need to help him if he's in trouble. "

"Him? "

"Yes, you know the guy that saved me against those thugs one night, "

"O-okay.... I guess I'll see you later then, "

Hearing the dejected tone of Harry; Lauren sigh, "I'm really sorry Harry, "

"It can't be helped. " Harry smiled. Most people would have been fooled with that superstar smile — but not Lauren. She used that the same smile when something bad affects her.


Hearing her phone ring Lauren tries to smile reassuringly to Harry as she said a 'see you later' before leaving the restaurant.


Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Y/N tap the sole of his shoe on the carpeted floor as he grip his cane tightly.

Right now he is sitting a few feet away from Kyle. A table is the only thing that separates them: but even so; it doesn't stop his nasty remarks of Y/N.

"I was surprise when my cousin: Sarah cash in her favour. " Kyle said as he lean back on his Black leather swivel chair. His eyes shining with arrogance every time its directed at Y/N. "Its not everyday when someone of my caliber owes something; but to think she would waste on a good for nothing slacker. "

Y/N bit back his tongue from saying anything that could jeopardize his chances — well what's left of it anyway, "Can we please start the meeting? "

"But a favour is a favour — no matter how wasted on it it was. " Kyle sigh as if a great burden was place on him. "Sarah could have asked anything from me. A Ferrari could have been delivered to her house in less than an hour. Two plane tickets to France could have been within her grasp in less than an your. A new beach house next to the famous white sand in Miami would have been hers by the end if the day. "

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Y/N inhaled and exhaled in time with the clock behind Kyle. It was the only sound in the room that was pleasant enough to listen.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Y/N doesn't know how many minutes pass before finally something useful came out of Kyle's mouth.

"So to keep my word of a man, I am willing to give you a fair chance to impress me. "

Y/N raise his eyebrows, "A fair chance? "

Kyle nodded his head but the smirk on his lips says otherwise, "Of course, a man's word is vital — well its not something you would understand though, "

Y/N eye twitch but before he could say something a knock on the door was heard.

"He's here, " Kyle said happily.

"Who's here? " Y/N ask warily. Seeing that man happy doesn't do right for Y/N instinct.

"Your competition, " Kyle said smirkingly as the door opened.

A man — no a teen entered. His fit body and striking gray eyes fit well for his pristine suit. But his silver hair was the thing to catch everyone's attention.

"Mr. Warren " The teen nodded his head towards the still smirking Kyle. "Its a pleasure to meet you. "

"Mr. Lucas Evans! " Kyle said joyously. "Its a pleasure. It would have been more if Mr. Y/LN had the same manners as you. "

This time Y/N fist twitch. He has manners. But the surprise he got earlier was enough to forget about everything.

"Please take a seat Mr. Evans. " Kyle said as he pointed at the seat next to Y/N.

Lucas nodded and silently sat next to Y/N.

"Soooo, " Kyle's eyes shined with mischief as he stared at both of them. "Let us begin, "


"Are you kidding me!? " Lauren shouted as she shook Dinah's shoulder.

Now Lauren wouldn't manhandle her best friend/ band mate/ sister in the world without a good reason. And a reason she has...

"I'm not, " Dinah shrug her shoulders ignoring the violent shakes of Lauren. "I lied. "

"Why!? "

"I lied about the danger Y/N was in, but not the part where I need your help for Y/N, "

Lauren took deep breaths. Behind her she could feel the gazes of her two other best friends/ band mates/ sisters.

"We need your help Laur, "

"Its for Y/N! "

Hearing Normani's and Ally's voices she finally calm herself down — at least enough to stop herself from slapping some sense into Dinah.

"Fine. What do you need? "

Dinah grin as she clap her hands, "We need you to go to Camila'a apartment and invite Y/N to our surprise party for him. We would have asked him ourselves but were banned cause of.... an incident. "

Lauren counted 1 to 10 in her mind to calm her rising anger, "You do know we have cellphones that posses the power to send messages, right? "

Dinah rolls her eyes, "Of course Ralph. But a certain somebody used your phone to send some disturbing messages to Y/N which caused him to shut his phone off. "

"Wait what? "

"I already said I'm sorry! "

Lauren raise her eyebrows at a guilty looking Ally.

"This is getting good, " Normani said from beside Ally at the island. She was munching on some popcorn as she watch the interesting scene in front of her.

"When and why Ally? "

"I did it when you were changing upstairs for your date. I was busy tidying up the place and I saw your phone bing and I thought it was an emergency but I saw Y/N name and things just.... went downhill when Allysin came out. " Ally look down at her lap with sad eyes.

Lauren sigh, "I'm not angry Allycat. Just surprise that's all. "

"I love you Laur! "Ally stood up and hug Lauren tightly.

"I love ya too Allycat! " Lauren hug Ally as tight as the latter did.

"Hey! When I last used your phone for a prank you almost killed me! " Dinah complained.

"That's because you acted as me and told my parents I was pregnant! " Lauren stuck out her tongue. "And plus, Ally is cuter, "

Dinah gasp in offense while Normani laugh loudly.

"Now that everything is resolve, " Normani said as she put aside the bowl of popcorn. "Will you help us? "

"Of course I would, "


"How's everything? " A soft and sweet voice ask through the cellphone.

"The woman is still playing with everyone while Y/N is currently in an interview with Kyle Warren. "

"That's troubling, " The voice sigh as if in conflict. "Come back for now Mirielle, "

"Why? I thought we were bringing back Y/N now. " Mirielle said as she lean back against her parked motorcycle.

"We are. " The voice said calmly. "But not now. "

There was no use arguing with her boss. What her decision is its always final.

"Okay. " Mirielle said as she held the phone in one hand and the other rev up the sleeping motorcycle. "I'll be back there by tomorrow. "

"Good. " The voice muttered. "Until then, see you "

The call ended. Mirielle kept her phone as she took one last glance at Camila's and Y/N shared apartment.

"Running away from your past isn't possible anymore, " Mirielle muttered.

With one last glance the woman in black disappeared.

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