He's Mine...I Think. {Namjoon...

By ArtsyGrace101

6.2K 302 72

Namjoon and Noir go to the same school. He's...perfect. So what's the problem? She's too shy to ever make a m... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
Part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22

part 11

237 13 1
By ArtsyGrace101

Mia's way of contraceptive.

I groaned as I rolled over onto my side, then blinked and went to check my phone. I furrowed my brows in confusion upon realizing both
1) I couldn't find my phone and
2) this was NOT my bed.
I sat up quickly, then hesitated before doing anything else as the blood rushed to my head. I looked around and my hands went to my mouth as I gasped.
Holy Fadoodle cake I just slept with KIM NAMJOON.
I turned my head slowly to look next to me. His figure was slowly moving up and down as he breathed. I bit my lip to keep from reaching out and embracing him. I shook my head to snap out of it and took on a determined mood.
Ok. I am going to s l o w l y make my way off the bed...
I slowly inched towards the side of the bed, moving the blanket aside and setting one foot on the floor. I winced as the bed creaked, and he stirred next to me. I quickly threw myself off the bed, ducking behind the side of it to hide. I heard the bed creak again as he sat up and looked around. I bit my lip, hoping he couldn't hear my heart racing.
Holy moley
Holy moley
I yelled in my head, and felt my face flush as I watched him walk by in his boxers.
I need to get out of here....now
Sjdhf b djsodbdndksidbdh!
I felt my brain spasm as I watched Namjoon shrug through his floor length mirror, then pull off his boxers to change.
I prayed silently and turned away, hiding my face in my hands.
"Contraceptive?" I jumped three feet in the air as Namjoon seemed to appear right next to me, crouching and holding a pill and a glass of water. He chuckled softly and I blushed, taking the pill and water from him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"Of course you didn't. I am hiding from you right now after all..." I mumbled, swallowing the pill without the water but taking a sip anyways.
"What was that?" He asked, tilting his head. I shook my head.
"N-nothing." I answered, and he stood up, sighing.
"Right. Well, I'll be downstairs making breakfast. You change." He said, holding out a hand to help me up. I took it and nodded shyly, remembering I'm in my bra and underwear. He winked ad smiled at me before leaving the room. I looked around, searching for my clothes. I finally found them tossed around the room, and winced as I held up my torn apart shorts.
Oh good lord above..
Hoi! Sorry it's so short.

Rn I'm working on another story, and I'm just putting it here so I have it somewhere. You guys should go check it out. It's quote interesting.

I promise.

Your annoying author,

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