Hidden 8th | BTS

By lIDayDreamerIl

1.3M 49K 23.8K

There were always 8 members. From the beginning till now, it was always the lucky 8 number. You were hiding i... More

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10
Stage 11
Stage 12
Stage 13
Stage 14
Stage 15
Stage 16
Stage 17
Stage 18
Stage 19
Mission Stage I
Stage 20
Stage 21
Stage 22
Stage 23
Stage 24
Stage 25
Stage 26
Stage 27
Mission Stage II
Stage 28
Stage 29
Stage 30
Stage 31
Stage 32
Stage 33
Stage 34
Stage 35
Stage 36
Stage 37
Stage 38
Stage 39
Stage 40
Mission Stage III
Error II
Stage 41
Stage 42
Stage 43
Stage 45
Side Quest I
Stage 46
Error Code
Stage 47
Stage 48
Error Code II
Stage 49
Stage 50
Stage 51
Stage 52
Stage 53
Quest Reward
Error Code III
Error Code IV
Stage 54
Last Stage
Game Over
Next World

Stage 44

12.5K 467 222
By lIDayDreamerIl

I never said you chose wrong. There are no wrong choices.

Well, our viewpoints of 'wrong' varies, doesn't it?


You kept walking, after all, you did choose this route.  


It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's all your fault.

It's all your-

"Y/N! Look at Yoongi hyung's rings! Aren't they pretty?" Tae yelled while grabbing said hyung's arm to put it right in front of your face.

Your gazed focus back onto reality when you saw Yoongi's shiny black ring that he had on, you could even see your own reflection in it.

And for awhile, you stopped shaking.

Everyone had noticed your attention had been drawn away from your thoughts for a moment. With one look, everyone else had scattered for their own jewellery.

"Look Y/N! My bracelets are sparkling!" Jimin said while waving his arms next to you.

"Bracelets? My earrings are much more prettier!" Tae stated while stroking his dangling earring.

"They aren't even earrings! They're freaking chains and safety pins!" Jimin protested and Tae was about to rebuttal back until he noticed that you were once again shaking.

Yoongi and Jungkook, who was still carrying you, glared at the two same age members.

Jin, who had been observing the whole situation, had decided to take you from your brother's arms and into his.

"Let's go for a ride, ok?" Jin spoke while smiling reassuring you. At first you were confused on what he meant by a ride, was he going to take you outside? But soon you found yourself being placed on a seat.

A kiddy car ride seat.

You blinked for a moment and looked at the Elmo statue sitting right beside you. You then proceeded to look back at your hyungs.

Who were laughing their asses off once Jin had pushed the start button.

What the actual fu-

You couldn't even finish your thought before the machine started rocking while releasing the theme song for Sesame Street.

"This is gold." Hobi said while the whole room had pulled out their phones.

"Definitely going to be on the Bangtan Bomb." The camera man nodded at his idea.

And now you were on camera.

All thoughts of past events had momentarily faded away from your mind, and now being replaced with thoughts of contemplating life.

But, you were on camera. So, without further ado, you let out the most baby boyish smile you could muster and enjoyed the ride.

"Aw~ is baby boy Y/N enjoying the ride~" Jin cooed.

You kept on your innocent cute smile as you turned towards your hyung,

"I'm going to kill you, hyung." You said in the most babish high pitch voice you ever had.


You had specifically told Kookie to sit you down right beside Namjoon in the van. Just so you could stare at your leader like he was the most precious, handsome and adorable thing in the world.

And when you meant stare, you meant really stare, like high key not even blinking and just watching his every move.

"Y-Y/n, I'm fine, you don't have to keep staring." Namjoon had said with an uneasy smile, he was getting quite uncomfortable.

You shook your head in protest as you pointed towards his bandaged palm. You frowned at the events that had caused it to happen, so without thinking, you had grabbed the wrapped palm into yours so that you could caress it.

"Y/N, it's only a little scratch. It'll heal in less than 2 weeks." Yoongi said behind your sit. He didn't say anything but he was getting just a bit jealous that you haven't been paying much attention to him lately.

Namjoon nodded in agreement at his hyung's statement, while slowly pulling his hand back.

"You can caress my hair though! Like how you used to!" Hobi inputed in with his heart smile once he noticed the small frown you head.

You had smiled a little at the actions your hyung was trying to comfort you. You nodded at the idea but soon kind of regretted it once you saw Hobi climbing his way towards your seat.

"Yah! At least take off your shoes!" Jin yelled while Hobi successfully managed to make his way onto your lap. He grinned at you and began snuggling onto your chest with his head laying on your shoulder.

You chuckled at the tiny tickling feeling you had when Hobi started giving kisses all over your neck, so you had to pull his head back onto your shoulders in order to ruffle his hair.

"Being this cute is illegal." You heard Tae whisper to Jimin behind you but you decided to ignore it.


"Cute!" Tae yelled in excitement as he bounced around the Line Store.

"This is Kook." He said as he pulled a Cony from the shelf.

"This is Namjoon-hyung." Jimin said, joining Tae, as he pulled a Brown plush.

"And this is Jimin-ssi!" Kookie laughed as he took out a Sally.

You laughed along with the rest as Jimin started chasing Kookie around the store. You were currently being carried by Hoseokie. And you were really curious on how strong could Hobi be because he had been carrying you for awhile now.

"Hyung, aren't I heavy?" you questioned him as you looked up at his eyes.

He shook his head in response, "Nope, pretty light actually, are you sure you have been eating?" He questioned suspiciously before starting to eye at every part of your body while lightly gripping you for good measure.

"It's alright hyung, I'm still eating." You responded back, and you could see that he had relaxed a bit.

"Now then everyone, if you could please sit over here." The staff said as he gestured towards a cafe like table full of pillows for comfort with markers and drawing pads placed on the tables.

Everyone had slid into a seat with Hobi placing you down in between him and Jungkook.

"Alright, you guys can start drawing anything you want as your Line Character and in the end we would have you guys discuss it with our professional drawers here." The staff instructed.

You and everyone else started flipping open to a blank page before grabbing a marker in the basket.

"Hm, I think I'll draw a horse. Do you guys know how to draw it?" Hobi said as he looked up at the professionals that were there.

"Hyung, just look in a mirror." Jungkook teased.

Everyone laughed at the comment while Hobi scolded your twin. You had to secretly tap his knee under the table to calm down because they were still on camera.

20 minutes had passed since then, you had continued to watch the other members draw their own character while your own paper remained blank. Heck, even Yoongi had something, even though it looked like he copied off from Jimin's, still you knew better that it was actually his precious Holly.

You held a black sharpie in your hand but your paper was empty. The staff, noticing your blank paper had decided to help you.

"Why don't you draw something you like? If not, you could have your character similar to Jungkook's since you are twins." She suggested while she looked at her watch, "We don't have much time left."

You nodded your head in response. You felt guilty that you were taking so long. You looked over at your twin's drawing and saw that he actually made a self-portrait.

"Bunny muscles?" You chuckled at his drawings. Meanwhile, Kookie had nodded in response, proud of his drawing.

After a few more glances at the buff bunny, you went back to your own sheet of blank paper.

Still nothing.

You let out a sigh. Maybe you could just draw a rabbit as well. ARMYs might like twin bunnies after all, but wouldn't that be too cliche?

Wouldn't they even consider that you had just copied it off your brother? Would they call you lazy? A copycat? Fake?

You pondered for any ideas for a moment while glancing all over the room for some inspiration.

Joonie was drawing a koala with his right hand, thank goodness that the one he injured was his left hand, nonetheless still guilty as charged.

Jinnie had drawing an alpaca with a suit on. You awed at its cuteness.

Yoonnie had kind of gave up on his Holly doggie last minute but at least he had something.

Hoseokie's horse somehow had wings on it. Was it suppose to be a unicorn?

Jiminie was drawing various facial expressions of his dog that lowkey looked like his dad. You thought that it actually was his dad.

Taehyungie had hearts upon hearts for days on his paper with different body shapes all around. You couldn't believe how creative your hyung was, and you wished he shared some of his creativeness with you because you had none apparently.

And Jungkookie was already on the shadowing for his bunny abs.

Was there anything else...?

You looked around the room once more and saw a mini TV at the corner of the wall.


That might work.


"And this is RJ. R for the Korean spelling of Alpaca and J for Jin." He said proudly of his character that he had been drawing for 2 years now. (Also if you turn the Korean word 'Jin' sideways it reads as RJ.)

"Alright, your turn Y/N." The staff said. You nodded in response and held your board up.

"This is Jwi the mouse. I drew a mouse because Tom and Jerry was playing on that TV over there, so I thought ok." You said as you showed everyone your blue and pink drawing.

"It's blue and pink because he's made out of cotton candy." You explained while pointing towards its colours.

You smiled happily at your cute drawing as you finished and placed the paper down.

Once everyone was done introducing their characters, the staff nodded and collected the papers from them.

"We will give them to our professionals and make minor adjustments on them. It should be finished by next week." She said.

And with the camera being shut down, today's work was over. 


So here's your BT21 Character, I know there's actually a long process to get to the final outcome but I couldn't bother, 

Cotton Candy Mouse
Don't be fooled by that smile, it's deadly. 
Tail shows everything.

- Jwi because it's the Korean pronunciation of mouse.
- Loves cuddles.
- Tail shows his emotions.
- Scared of Cheese, because once there's cheese, there is traps. 
- Is made out of cotton candy.

Mouse because it's known for its ability to survive in tough conditions. It also can symbolises innocence to dark magic. And many other factors.

I apologise for the terrible drawing and hand writing.

^This was the original one on paper then I thought that it didn't suit the BT21 theme so I changed the colours. 

I'm sorry to those who wanted something else, but you can replace it with your own if you want to.  

I also thought of using a bunny similar to Cooky cuz twins and all but it just didn't feel right to me. So, I chose an animal that was compatible with rabbits (according to google).

Once again, I'm sorry if you wanted something else and I'm sorry that you had to see how horrible my drawing and hand writing skills are. 

Idk, tell me your thoughts if you think that I made a terrible mistake on choosing a mouse. Or you wanna add more characteristics for Jwi. 

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