The Third Arrow

By Unicorn_Island95

1.2K 79 31

This story is about a shy girl who lived her whole life under the bridge with her sick mom without knowing he... More

chapter 1: The Kingdom
chapter 2 : Stranger
chapter 4 : Let It Go
Chapter 5 : A Hint
chapter 6 : Secret Unrevealed
Chaptered 7 : A Glimpse of future
chaptered 8 : Half blood prince
Ouija part 2
spirts and spirt world
Jack is what?
My dad is not a person ?
Nightmare's Reality

chapter 3 : Friendship

70 8 1
By Unicorn_Island95


   Streets filled with snow , people covered with thick clothes enjoying their hot chocolate, while poor Amy crying hard sitting at the school stairs .

"How will I face him again ever in my life , he would have listen to my conversation with Rita .....he...he would have thought I am a looser....even though it's fact , I wouldn't want him to think that.......ohh god why is my  life so terrible.......he is the only person who spoke without judging me, now he is also gone , I .....I ......I should avoid him , thats good for me, I won't be able to bare if he starts behaving like others" Amy says weeping

She cries hard that her mascara comes out leaving her alone with black coloured tears , she gets up decides to move on . Holding her breathe and squeezing her lungs , she steps inside the class , the first thing she see's is Rita sitting on Jack , her eyes gets filled up again with tears , she hides herself with her hands and tries to get out but it was late.

professor Danny stops and says " where are you trying to escape miss Amy , remember u have already flunked in my subject! "

"No sir , I was not trying to run away from you or the subject , I was jus.....Hidding"   Amy says dropping a tear. Then she bunks the school and runs to her mom's working place. Annabeth was called out , she comes out and finds Amy crying .......Amy jumps on her , hugging hard and says " mum.....I hate my life , why am I such a looser .....! "

Anna says " dear stop .....please stop know yourself as loser and shy  girl because no one gave you a chance to be a strong one saw you get angry dont know Amy, you are totally a different person when you get angry...... she smiles and says...."Just like your father!! "

" I dont know whether she is saying to console me by lying or  saying the truth but I felt good , strong to face rita.....I decided to hide my weakness away and show my strength , it is now or never".

She was waiting for tomorrow , while counting the minutes today but it was already late for her job so she leaves the place quickly and starts to work.

"I cant afford to loose my job for him or Rita , I need money to save my mom, she already got two strokes , I cant let her have the Third one....."

As a waitress was been AWOL , Amy had to do both the jobs as a punishment for being late. she see's a hand above all customers,  calling a waitress, she looks around for other waitresses but apparently all waitresses where busy doing their job and manager stares at her meaning " Its your time " , so she left the desk to ask , she gets stoned by shock as she saw Rita in her prefect red dress , hair flat ironed , looking flirty.......then Amy says "Perfect timing"

Rita says "Suprise......did u like it.....dont worry my friends are not here to flush you under the toilet.......Im here for a date......guess who?"

......."as if I care , anyway he will be your new toy!" Amy mutters to herself and smiles

Rita says " You will care now , cause it is Jack ......remember my new toy.....actually I told him we will go to movies but  then he said no, I will take you to a fast food shop where Amy works..............afterwards we will talk to amy about how much we love each sweet ...huh  and then .......guess what he is staying in my place......we are going to have lots of fun!! " She whispers at the end.

Jack enters during Amy and Ritas conversation , he says " Excuse me ladies , am I interrupting  ?"

Rita races with her words before amy does "No, no jack , I was alone waiting for you ,so Amy was just giving me a good company also Im ready for the talk , are you ready Amy....? " then gives a evil smile.

Amy out of frustration and trying not to be weak she says " Rita....I dont think you are ready" Amy stammers

Rita says "and what makes you think that , Iam not ? " with confidence in a heavy voice.

Amy looks around and brings up her guts.....then pours a glass of water on her and says "cause you're all wet"

she then gives the evil smile back......!

Rita says...."uhhh.....what the fuck....., you are so going to die tomorrow.......and you Jack.....this why u called me make fun of me...........!"  then she walks away

Jack says "Iam so sorry I didn't know she will react this way" Jack says Surprised

Jack turns and shouts at Amy " Whats wrong with you"

Amy shouts back " Whats wrong with you , youre a good guy, why are you hanging out with this shameless low life creature! "

Jack says " what....whats for you , you're not even my friend , infact we have only met twice remember?"

"uhhhh.....phh......just forget " Amy says and leaves the place.

Jack runs after her to explain, but she was gone........." I like you Amy but I.......cant say that to you........even though we are near to each other......I cant get you and you cant get me.......its will  I explain to you that I have been stalking you from past six months.......if I didnt pretend would have never seen me........I love you Amy.....please gimme a  chance"...... Jack says...with a very depressed slow voice.

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