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Amy and jack walking up and down trying to find the torn pages but they don't find anything except for their broken hope. While taking huge gasp , Amy phone rings , she holds the phone tight and looks for some kind of miracle and she answers .

"What ....what are you saying she was right there , what you mean you dont know....." while speaking on phone she realise that witch leaded her to her mom , she cut's the phone staring at the sky .

"Amy...What happen ? " he asks .

Amy gets angry at herself and said " I jus....got call from hospital saying my mom is missing .....and its all my god damn fault ".

" Amy.....dont blame yourself......this is not your fault nor anyone's trust me this has to happen !".  He says

"At this point it is very easy to blame you but I  agree that its my fate and you jus wanted to help me. This is really getting into my nerves , I just wanted a father ,now I have lost both but why me !"

Amy breaks down.

"Hey......hey listen your mom is missing not dead and...... wait what made you sure that it is your fault?." (Sigh'ed) jack with a doubtful voice .

Amy says " when the witch looked into my eye I saw my mom dressed as a queen answering to quns , I got so much excited that I didnt get the whole picture ".

" what whole picture ". Asks Jack

"That something evil was right beside to kill her " Says Amy bursting the tears.

Jack says "that bitch played a game with us, now its our turn , now if u ask a human what did a theif do ,they would have answered you , that is a spirit thats why they dont know what happened in the hospital , to know what a spirit did you gotta ask a spirit , can u see any spirits now?"

She knods her head slowly and said "since I got to know that I am a princess I cant see a thing, not even the sprit which followed me!"

Jack says " its ok Amy , things happen now we gotta solve this and we dont have much time , hey have you ever played "ouija the game board ?"

"Jack I trust you on this but I am not in a mood for games , dont you realise my mom is gone and I am in serious situation....so please lets focus". Says Amy in a angry voice.

" ok.....I am not being silly here alright , this is a board game you play with spirits ,which cant be separated as good or bad spirits  .some dead people who don't know why they are dead ,wander in this world for answers, they can help us."  Jack says in slow voice.

Amy with a guilt felling she says "I am so sorry , I didn't know that , I shouldn't have said that. Im sorry jack . Anyways I think it is a brilliant idea and we can still work it out . "

They both hold their hands and said "together...... forever"

"lets do it"

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