chapter 4 : Let It Go

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"Amy what are you doing , come its time to sleep , you have work and school to go tomorrow. .."

"Mom you just spolied my introduction ...I was about to start it many times to say ,I dont wanna sleep......I will sleep , if I am able to.....I cant , thats the problem.....first thing comes to mind , when I close my getting dumped in toilets . "

Anna says " Do you want me to come and talk with your teacher or principle about it? "

"About what getting dumped in mum I can take care...I dont want you to baby sit me".

"ok fine then do what you wanna do , but I want you to lie down now , If you want I can say a story" Anna says.

" I guess that is a good idea , until and unless it is not about my great grand father's history". says Amy with a sad face.

so Amy and Anna after a long time they talk to each other, getting their bond stronger and happier. Next day she gets out of the bed with a heavy heart ..... while stepping out her house she see's Jack, she  wasnt able to say anything to him she gives him a little smile and fear gets gets worried and turns away from him . she goes slowly step by step  and Jack calls her , amy turns saying....

"I am so sorry ....for what happened yesterday....I didnt mean to hurt you..She got into my nerves. I wasnt able to control my anger.....

"Amy...Amy...control....I didnt call you ,to hear your apology instead I came here to apologies to you . " says jack .

"what....? "

Jack says " yes heard it right.....Iam sorry . I shouldn't have bought Rita , I heard what happen , your manager told me apparently he was behind you the whole time as it was your first experience as a waitress. FYI im not her boyfriend , I wasnt planning to go to her house and I bought her to apologies to you for what she did in school so what ever you saw until now was just an illusion. "

"so it was all lie, is it ? "

"yeah , it can we both let it go and..... " He raises his hand for the second time , well this time it wasnt for help....cause he said  "Friends?"

Amy starts laughing to her heart content and relaxes from all emotional part of her life , she then says "  Friends ......and is that gonna save me from Rita ?"

"Hahaha.....well we will face her together......okay?"

Amy says "okay"  in clear and happy voice

she takes a day off from the morning work and walks with Jack to show her friends and her favourite hangout. They walk closer with a inch gap with sweet words filled in .Before she says where it is , Jack makes the move . Amy gets Suprised and says "How did you know that I was taking you here? "   Jack says " umm....I thought this a beautiful place , so we can take a min here ! " but jacks says Thinking to himself that " since I started to follow you I saw the beautiful side of the world with you, how will I not know this place."

They both sit together putting their legs under the cold water and feeling the fishes touching their feet. They both look at each other and smiled.

Then Amy says " I will remember this day till my heart beats , this day is special to me because , I am living a noraml life like others, for the first time.....and I want to live like this everyday ".

"me too, you know what I will make it even more interesting, lets share  something thats not shared.....yh a secret , lemme start first....I hate to say this but I live with my foster parents......! " Says Jack

Amy gets shocked and says " ohh, Im sorry.....I didnt see that coming....anyways everything about me is a secret.....I guess im a mysterious girl...hmmm I dont know where to start..... "

"Haha....mysterious girl...dont be sorry......just start from anywhere but I want one thats weird or out your control or something interesting". says Jack

Amy says hesitating....."umm...I never thought I would share this but yeah , I....I can see spirts ! "

Jack gets up and says "gimme a min " then walks away from her.....

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