Carlisle's Diary

By CarlislesDiary

207K 3.9K 2.3K

This diary starts off after the events post our battle with the Volturi and us moving to Hanover, NH so that... More

Wattpad Awards
Carlisle's Diary
Looking Back (First Entry)
Looking Back Part II ~The Date
The Beginning
New World Scary Existence ~ The Storyteller in Me
Just Another Day at the Office
The Shooting
The Shooting (Nessie's POV)
The Aftermath
I'm Bringing Sexy Back
An Unexpected Unbelievable Miracle
The Watchers (Rogue's POV)
Stories and Pestering
Moving In
Planning a Wedding (Alice's POV)
The Big Day
Mother's Day
Charlie Knows Everything
Decisions Decisions (Charlie's POV)
Quiet Times
Rogue Rage
Flew the Coup
Strange Vision
Kate and Garrett's Wedding
New Hires
Gone with the Wind (Alice's POV)
Off Kilter
Ski Party
Never a Dull Moment
No Trespassing
Secrets Revealed (Rogue's POV)
Isle Esme
The Secret (Michelle's POV)
Trying Something New
Unlovable (Tanya's POV)
Pleasant into Unpleasant
The Trial
My Turn (The Trial Part 2)
Closing Arguments
The Verdict
Simply Green
Yee-Haw! (Alice's POV)
Independence Day ~ Cullen Style
Blast From the Past
Through My Eyes (Esme's POV)
She's Gone
Soul Searching and Finding (Esme's POV)
A Nerve Racking Welcome Home
Shopping and Packing
Bon Voyage
What a Trip!
The Trip (Part II)
Complete (Leah's POV)
Tying Up Loose Ends
Hollywood Glam (Nessie's POV)
My Wife, The Poet
Uncomfortable Questions
Operation Movie
Where's My Phone?
What If? (Bella's POV)
Do Not Interfere
Getting to Know You
Soap Opera
Pre-Wedding Day Jitters (Emily's POV)
Emily's Wedding (Leah's POV)
The Sorceress
I Shall Rise (Hestia's POV)
Battle Ground Atlantic
Happy Holidays!
The Proposal (Charlie's POV)
Happy New Year 2014!!!
From Beyond The Grave
Formulate A Plan
A Coward Wants to be A King
Flowers Galore
Unstable Dimensions
Leah & Keith's Wedding (Alice's POV)
Honeymoon in England (Leah's POV)
The "Other Side"
The Bully
A Day in the Life of a Puppy (Sparkles POV)
A Day in the Life of the Cullen Patriarch
Kim and Michelle's Wedding (Esme's POV)
Killing an Immortal
A Whole New World
100th Entry & 1 Year Anniversary of the Diary
Welcome to the Underworld
Boundaries (Alexander's POV)
Final Last Words
Invisible Illness
The X-Files
Our Woodsy Wedding (Sue's POV)
The Meeting
Altheia (Rogue's POV)
Bacchus & Barachus
Leah's Pregnant
A Baby (Leah's POV)
Leah's Baby Shower
Mother May I...(Seth's POV)
Happy Halloween!
Seth's Conquest For A Yes
Seth & Corin Say I Do
It's All My Fault (Nessie's POV)
Semi-Shotgun Wedding (Alice's POV)
The Legend of Daihok (Rogue's POV)
Epilogue (for now)
Election (Extra Entry)
Interdimensional Mergence (Post Completion Plot)
Time Warp
Reassemble the Sky
Thoughts (Ronan's POV)
Medusa's Island
War in the Heavens
The End of the Diary


1.3K 27 35
By CarlislesDiary

Dear Diary:                                                July 18, 2014


          It's been a week since that dinner party from the Twilight Zone. Since then we've been in research mode. Rogue and Alexander got their demonology books and things out of their attic to bring us up to speed on the Sloulah demons and just other demons. A lot of the books were very graphic and just unbelievable. You'd expect to see something like this in Buffy the Vampire Slayer; not middle of nowhere New Hampshire. Still this was our reality now and we had to make it work so the best way to do that was to read up and get as knowledgeable as possible about our new adversaries and to see if they had company.

          Rogue once again walked around the backyard and our living room like a Darwin Candidate with pencils sticking out of her hair and ears and with maps and ancient dialects on scrolls in her hands. I looked over her shoulder at one point and it looked like she was playing connect the dots when in reality she was trying to decipher a Sloulah demon text. Marcus called us from Alaska and volunteered his help if we were to need it. He said that he remembered some ancient texts on the Sloulah and had some in Alaska which he could dig up if we needed it; Rogue said that she may take him up on his offer.

          As we spent days, pouring over notes, it was like opening a portal to another dimension completely away from planet earth. To make matters more annoying; one afternoon we were sitting in our backyard and heard a loud noise. We walked around to the front yard and saw that those demon bikers had returned to our town and were riding up and down the road that leads to all of our driveways. They were stinking up the air with their exhaust fumes and loud rumbling bikes. You couldn't see what they looked like because they were wearing helmets and bandanas around their faces. I guess considering they were demons, that was a good thing as showing those mugs to humans would have set off a panic.

          I was right because later on I looked into one of Rogue's demonology books and saw what those real demon bikers looked like and man were they ugly. Only a face a mother would love as Jacob said. So even though they weren't hiding their presence per say, they were at least hiding what they looked like. Soon after they left, we were hit by yet another earthquake that registered about 6.0 on the Richter scale. This was getting out of hand. The national news was coming up here again as well as the international. What did this mean? Why were we suddenly getting earthquakes? And how did all these new demons tie in?

          We just held on to our house and then went to check for any damage to the foundation of all of the houses. Thankfully all was fine. We decided that once this was all over; given that every house would still be standing, we would revamp (no pun intended) the foundations to withstand great earthquakes and other natural disasters. We have just found out that anything is possible. Never a dull moment. Ever.

          So as we continued with our research two days after that earthquake, Rogue's phone rang and she went to field it; it was Scott Kramer.

"Hiya Mulder. Whatcha got for me? Anything good?" She said with all of her pencils sticking out every which way.

"Hello my friend, nothing good. Plenty weird though which is right up your ally." Scott sighed on the other end of the phone.

"Peachy. Well I'm ready to use my Scully-mind so spill, what's doing?" Rogue rolled her eyes.

"Well it seems that all of those earthquakes have destabilized Ossipee."

"Come again? Who or what is Ossipee?" Rogue frowned.

"Ossipee is one of the two extinct volcanoes here in NH."

"Are you fucking kidding me?? A volcano??? You're saying we may have a possible eruption on our hands??" Rogue gasped and shuddered as did Alexander, Amy, and Corin.

        No doubt they were remembering what Thera had done to their homeland thanks to Hestia's temper tantrum and now another something or other was threatening to bring another volcano to life. Edward's nod meant I had guessed correctly. This was not good and getting worse by the minute. We had to figure out exactly what was going on and fast before all this exploded into our faces. As Rogue concluded her phone call, the rumbling sound returned and with it the bikers just driving every which way. We walked outside and they were driving up and down the side of town and screaming something. We couldn't make out what they were yelling over the din of their bikes. Finally, one came close enough to our house to yell:

"Ta'atla! Ta'atla! Ta'atla!"

          I saw Rogue's eyes narrow as she heard what they yelled and she raced back into the house with a pencil in her mouth and grabbed for one of her books under a huge pile of papers on our dining room table which had become command central for all things weird. She started frantically leafing through the book until she leapt up and jammed her finger into the book.

"Ta'atla means rise or wake in the language of the Sloulah! So the bikers and the Sloulah are definitely connected somehow! Now what are they trying to awaken or have arisen?"

          She started pacing back and forth on our floor as we watched her with worried expressions. She was mumbling something under her breath and then she suddenly stopped, whirled around and looked very closely at the translation and then at her cellphone which was laying nearby and she gasped.

"The volcano....Ossipee.....the Sloulah.....the demons....are trying to destabilize the volcano to erupt!!! We have to get there ASAP!! It's in Laconia. We have to hurry!!"

          With that last phrase she grabbed her jacket and flew out the door. The Watchers picked us up and we flew to Laconia where we could see smoke in the distance. This was NOT GOOD! The volcano was coming to life right before our eyes! But how would they ultimately make the volcano erupt or awaken? You needed a supernatural catalyst to work an extinct how? My answer came as we touched down near the volcano. The ground was shaking so we had to try and be stable. Rogue ran up the volcano and pointed up to the rim where we saw the demon bikers' one right after the other, ride their bikes into the volcano! Each time another biker would fly in there, the earthquakes would increase in magnitude. Rogue looked at the whole thing with wide eyes as it finally hit her:

"Sacrifice. The demons are a sacrifice to awaken the volcano! Stand back everyone who does not want to become lava pudding!" Which meant us vampires as fire didn't faze Watchers. The demons continued to jump into the volcano and as the Watchers watched, they tried and were only able to catch one. We hadn't gotten there in time; deciphered the message too late. But what did all of it mean?

"What does this mean though? What's going to happen?" I yelled over the roar of the very close to erupting volcano.

"Mean? Does it have to always mean something to you?"

          As we heard that voice, all of our heads spun around to the mouth of the crater and we all gasped as we saw who was standing up there. She smiled looking straight into my eyes and I got the biggest urge to vomit ever.

"Hi honey......did you miss me?"

I couldn't believe my eyes......


To Be Continued........

~Carlisle Cullen

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