To The Moon And Back

By Astramine

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When Harry Potter, the boy who lived defeated Voldemort. Only thing is missing in his life; the one and only... More

He loved her
He might strangle me
Ron's opinion
A cauldron full of hot love
The ones who love us never really leave us
Back to Hogwarts
Professor Potter
The lion and the serpent
Hinny vs. Garry
The whole universe
The Yule ball
The non-beating heart
The only Dumbledore
The duel in the woods
McGonagall's curious words
He thought he would never see
Minnie's new friend
'The time is always right, for a mother to meet her son.'
The woman claiming to be Nearly Headless Nick
The new arrival
The dog-man
Whole once more
The prank
Author's note: Thanks! And Help!
The Professor again
Flowers bloom beautifully
I am not a walrus
MidtΓ₯sen meeting with Big D
The horrible football
"Murder" at the pitch
Fleur's tears are silver

The Raven and the Lion

377 6 8
By Astramine

Today was the day. Harry could feel his hands were sweaty. What if she said no? What if she said yes? What if he couldn't do it?

Harry tightened his grip on the tiny golden ball, the golden snitch. It was the very first snitch which Ginny had caught. He would ask her after the game in a few hours, everything was planned out until the last detail.

He knew it was right, he just knew it. If anyone asked why he would do what he was about to do, he would answer that it was the only right thing to do.

He was walking down to the Great Hall looking for Ron. Ron had always been very protective towards his little sister so it was only right to ask him first, for his permission, or he would kill him.

He had asked for Ron to meet him by the Great Hall's door so they could talk, of course, Ron had wondered why, but Harry had just told him that it was urgent.

Before him, he could see a tall, freckled, ginger boy by the humongous door. He started walking faster, his grip still tight so he wouldn't lose the precious snitch. 'Hey.' said Ron as Harry approached him. 'Hi.' Harry replied as he took Ron's hand and then they were gone.

They were now standing by the tree they had always been by as Hogwarts students. 'H-How did you do that Harry? I thought you couldn't apparate within Hogwarts.' said Ron looking at his friend, wondering what the bloody hell was going on. 'Well, being me has its privileges.' Harry replied shortly. 'Okay, down to business,' said Harry, searching for others who could be listening to their conversation. 'you know I love Ginny, right?' he said a bit rushed. Ron nodded hesitantly, looking at him with curiosity. 'So I'm asking for your permission to —' Harry was cut off by Ron who had seen where this was going. '— marry her?'

Harry looked at Ron's ginger hair as he did not want to look him in the eyes. 'Yes ... and your answer is?' said Harry, praying to Merlin that Ron would approve. 'Aren't you ... a bit ... young to get married?' said Ron after a while. 'Age is just a number, mate.' Harry replied quickly. 'And you're not marrying her because she's pregnant or something like that, right?' said Ron, eyeing him. 'No, of course not!'

'Okay then,' said Ron as he gave Harry something invisible. 'Huh?' said Harry as the thing was neither existing nor invisible. 'That's my blessing.' said Ron like it was as obvious as the fact that Harry was the boy who lived (twice).

'Thanks, Ron!' said Harry, giving his best mate a big hug.

Everything was sorted out now, Ron approved, Mr and Mrs Weasley approved ... and Hagrid had given Harry rock cakes as something he could give Ginny if she said yes (he had shrunk them and put them together with the ring).


'The game is on! Weasley shoots to Hookley, Hookley passes the Quaffle to Gellandín and Gellandín SCORES! No doubt this will be an interesting game. The seekers are flying around the Pitch with no clue whatsoever that the snitch is right in front of THEIR FUCKING EYES! Some idiots —' roared the commentator, Holley Quafflin (a fifth year Hufflepuff), before she was interrupted by McGonagall, 'Quafflin, language!'

'Right, Professor. The seekers have now incredibly lost the snitch, even though it's flying right under the nose of Robinson, the Ravenclaw Seeker. OH! Harolds just shot a bludger at the Gryffindor keeper, MiLoyd! He falls and he falls and hits the ground. This will without a doubt make the game easier for Ravenclaw! Oh, my holy Quaffle! The seekers still haven't found the fucking snitch! It's so obvious where it is! It's sitting on the fucking bludger! Come on —'

McGonagall was now attempting to take the megaphone away from Quafflin but was unsuccessful as Quafflin started running towards the Slytherins with the megaphone.

Quafflin was now panting slightly as she roared into the microphone, 'It's — now ... 50 - 10 to Ravenclaw. Oh come on, the seekers really can't do their job, can they? It's still fucking sitting on top of the FUCKING BLUDGER —'

This time Quafflin was interrupted by a Slytherin who threw its scarf on top of her head to shut up. She took the scarf off, of her fast and continued running as McGonagall was closing up on her.

'The Ravenclaw team just shot!! But in the wrong fucking goal hoop!' she said as she ran by the angry Ravenclaws at the tribune. 'Oh, my holy Quaffle! The Gryffindor seeker actually saw the snitch! He's flying ... fast towards ... the bludger where ... the snitch merrily ... sits.' She said panting, while she was running towards the Gryffindor tribune where she felt safe, for now.

'The Gryffindor seeker, Cartney, is closing up on the snitch, but so is, Robinson, the Ravenclaw Seeker. And they ... FUCKING COLLIDED IN EACH OTHER! WOW! FUCKING IDIOTS!' she said as she ran away from the Gryffindors who were very angry at her, throwing their scarves after her. She had now reached a safe-zone by her fellow Hufflepuffs.

'The seekers are now searching once more after they're collision. The score is now 100-20 to Ravenclaw. Gellandín shoots to Weasley and Weasley scores! Finally! Harolds sends a bludger towards Weasley, but Devon hits it with his bat and it flies towards Harolds! And Harolds is down! Oh, the snitch is finally located by the Gryffindor seeker, Cartney, she's closing up, with Robinson right behind her, and she got it! Gryffindor wins 170-100, after sucking the whole game! Yay!'

McGonagall had now summoned the megaphone and roared, 'DETENTION AT MY OFFICE, 5 O'CLOCK, MISS QUAFFLIN!'


Harry was waiting for Ginny by the Gryffindor wardrobe after McGonagall had announced Quafflin's detention to the whole school.

After five minutes or so, Ginny walked out of the wardrobe door in a light blue dress, which was very unlike her, her hair was in an untidy braid and her freckled face was slightly pink after the game. 'Hey, Harry.' She said happily.

'Hello, milady, would you mind accompanying me to the Black Lake?' said Harry, trying to sound posh. Ginny laughed at his new accent and nodded, taking his hand to hold.

They were walking together silently, enjoying each other's company, until they reached the Black Lake. The sun was glowing like a light bulb, but it was slowly trying to escape the day.

When they reached the place where Harry had stood in the second task in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry stopped. He searched his pocket for the tiny snitch, fished it out and placed it visibly in his right hand.

Slowly he got down on one knee. Ginny was shocked beyond measure, her hands found its way to her mouth, her face changing from a bit darker than pale, to pink. 'Ginny, I know you started out as just Ron's little sister, who I later saved, but now you're so much more, you're my world, my life, the puzzle piece I need to be mine, to finish it. You're the meaning of my life, my sun, my everything ... Will you marry me?' said Harry, looking up at the love of his life.

Ginny soon got out of her trance and without a shadow of doubt she replied to him, 'Yes!'.

Harry smiled from ear to ear when he placed her hand on top of the snitch; it opened only to reveal a silver ring with three tiny diamonds on top of it.

Carefully Harry placed the silver ring on Ginny's ring finger. Harry stood up on his legs and did the one and only thing that was right at the moment; he kissed her.


'Want a rock cake?' said Harry, they were sitting together looking at the sunset, it was probably after midnight.

'What's that?' said Ginny, she had been very lucky not to have tasted Hagrid's rock cakes before.

'Exactly what the name says, it's a rock disguised as a cake, Hagrid's speciality.' said Harry. 'No thanks.' said Ginny chuckling slightly. Harry could not take his eyes off her, his fiancée, the love of his life, the most beautiful girl in the world.

Breaking news! I just removed 'On hold' from the title! Happy? I think I have a couple of ideas that might, might get me until the very end of the story.
But if you do have any ideas, it would be very cool if some of you actually gave me some, cause I've asked, with no luck ...

Did you like the way I wrote the Quidditch match, I think it's so much better than the one I made in the early days, do you think so too, or not?

What do you think about me ending this book at thirty chapters or do you want more? (This is chapter 26, I'm not counting the A/N's)


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