Azure Saiyan (Blazblue X Saiy...

By HudsonDemon

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A/N: ...So I Been waiting for someone to make a Blazblue X Dragon ball Z or Super fanfic and there was an ok... More

The Beginning: A parents farewell and a new life begins!
Chapter 1: A new fatherly bond and Tragedy strikes
Chapter 2: A legendary Power Awakened and an Emotional Reunion!
Chapter 4: Small Farewells and Future Vision?
Chapter 5: Arriving at Kagutsuchi and Familiar Faces?!
Chapter 6: Encounters and a "Friendly Dinner"!
Chapter 7: Kaka Village and the Sewers!
Chapter 8: Attack from Liquid Seithr and A Doctor!
Chapter 9: Alucard Castle and 3rd trait?!
Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!
Chapter 11: The White Void, Ragna and Y/N Vs Hakumen!
Chapter 12: Successor of the Azure and an Old Enemy Returns!
Chapter 13: Revelation and The Incident!
Chapter 14: Memories and a Full House!
Chapter 15: Behind the Senses and Hot Springs?!
Chapter 16: Wanted and Kids these Days!
Chapter 17: Meeting Sector 7 and a Vigilante of Love and Justice!
Chapter 18: Setting up a Path of Forgiveness and The Wings of Justice!
Chapter 19: The Mad Puppeteer and Saving a Friendship!
Chapter 20: A Demon Within!
Chapter 21: The Mechanical Soul!
Chapter 22: The Plot Thickens!
Chapter 23: God slayers Cocoon!
Chapter 24: Awakening!
Chapter 25: Against the Godslayer!
Chapter 26: Unexpected Rebel!
Chapter 27: A difference in opinion!
Chapter 28: Ikaruga Arrival!
Chapter 29: Kagura Mutsuki!
Chapter 30: Guided and Cautions!
Chapter 31: A Fight Between a Saiyan and the Crused Demi-God!

Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!

2.4K 37 13
By HudsonDemon

3rd prospective

After Jubei knocked Ragna out, Y/N saying some sympathetic words and Jubei cracked a smile, he then said.

Jubei: Most kids these days. No respect. Still... Ragna doesn't remember what happened.

???: There's no helping that, I'm afraid. After all, what more could one expect of a inferior manservant?

As you heard that your heart spiked of not seeing that coming! After you recovered from that, you look at the one who gave you that near heart attack. And it appears to be a girl in a black dress with a red ribbon bow tie near her neck . She has red eyes and blond hair her hair style is twin tall with the bows sticking out like rabbit ears. She also has 2 companions with her a fat, flying, red bat and a big black cat. And you get the feeling she is older than she looks.

When you looked back at jubei, he seems to also got felt the same thing as you did when she came out of no where.

Jubei: Goddammit Rachel. Ya scared half to death. Ya can't be doing that to an old man. Pretty soon you'll scare me all the way.

Y/N: Ya please don't, you got me too. And...Ow, when my heart spiked that actually hurt.

Rachel: If you say so, oh One-Eyed Lotus and Unknown One.

Jubei: Quit, callin' me that.

Y/N: Why call me an Unknown?

Rachel: Because when Jubei was doing his missions he told me about you, when you first met him all the way to last saw each other and It got me curious, especially 10 days ago, you remember don't you about what happened.

You stayed silent for a minute remembering all that happened that day.

Y/N: ...yes I do remember...

Rachel: Now, would you be kind to enlighten us on what happened?

Y/N: alright, it all started like any normal day.....

You then told them all the events leading up right before the one sided beat down. Their eyes widened when you mentioned Terumi. Then Jubei said in a worrying tone.

Jubei: Did he do anythin' to you?

Y/N: Only that he kick me back, and then ordered Jin to kill Ragna. After that happened, I...I snapped. When I saw my friend looked motionless, I was getting so angry at the time I didn't know but when I was getting angry the environment around me started to torn apart. The wind blew harder then they ever did thus destroying the trees, bolts of lightning came crashing down and the ground cracked and crumbled as I continued to get even angrier. And then, I yelled with powerful force that rivaled more than a thousand lions. Once I finished yelling, I felt changed as I was transformed then I hit him with a couple of powerful blows then knocked him into some trees. I felt as my energy was drained then I passed out. And that is all I can remember.

As they heard everything, Jubei's eye widened the fact that you managed to knock away Terumi by pure anger alone. Wile Rachel was surprised on how nice and honest your being despite, when you had that amount of rage when fighting Terumi.

Rachel: Well is there anything else you like to share about this power you obtained?

You hesitated to answer the question. You thought to your self.

Y/N's thoughts: Should I tell them? Rachel seems she can be trusted, Jubei however will be worried, but I know I can trust him.

After what seems like been a minute you answer with a surprising fact.

Y/N: I...I knew about this power ever since I was born for being who I am, but it is my first time experiencing that power.

Jubei: Then what are you?

Y/N: ...I'm....I'm the son of 2 gods of destructions, my appearance and strength I take from my father side, my intelligence I got from mother and traits from both of them. For what I can do is that, for being the same race as my father I can get immensely get stronger for every time I get to near death, that trait is called a Zenkai boast, wile also use energy known as ki to preform many kinds techniques I can do in battle. And mothers trait is that being born from a devil I can enhance any kind of magic I can obtain wile also be immune to brain washing and curses, that trait is called devil's favor. But most of all I came from another dimension!

After you said that, they where shocked beyond what of all the information you just informed them. Rachel was speechless of your potential of being the most powerful being to ever come across in such a young age.

Jubei however sat right next to you taking all the information, then said.

Jubei: Wow kid, I never thought yer that strong.

Y/N: I thought you never believe me even if I told you about it.

Jubei: Of course I would be ya kid, ever since I left ya at the church, your words made me smile that you would give me a chance to be a father again and to tell you the truth Y/N, I always wanted a son.

Rachel: Well in any case, your power has limits to even surpass the gods themselves. Unlike Jubei his own power is a burden to him from time to time. Nevertheless, without that power, he could not have saved that petulant child.

Jubei: It seems I can't runaway from my past forever. Ya sure ya want me to do this?

Rachel: Perhaps you know someone better qualified?

Jubei: Yeah, yeah, yer right. Reckoned it's time to pay fer my sins anyway... Ah hell maybe this is fate... At any rate, ma'am you got me, I'll look after Ragna.

Rachel: Take care Jubei till we meet again(created a portal and left).

Jubei: Alright then, rest up and tomorrow morning both of you and Ragna will be trained by me.

Y/N: Wait, Ragna still doesn't know about my power!

Jubei: That's why when I send Ragna on some missions that's when yer real training will begin, in the meantime you two will be trainin' together. But soon one of these days he'll want to know. Now get some rest tomorrow is it's goin' to be a long training session.

Y/N: Alright, good night...father...

You said that last part silently but Jubei heard that and smiled as you fall asleep.

Time skip

A/N: Play the music at this point.

You are at the middle of a field practicing your hand to hand combat, meanwhile Ragna was having a tough time with his Ars Magus wile Jubei is giving him advice and Ragna is still falling.

Jubei: No! Wrong! How many times I gotta say it, son?! Stay focused! Don't let yerself get distracted!

Ragna: I'm not distracted! Damn it all! HAAAAAAAAAA!

Jubei: Hittin' something real hard ain't the same as focusin' on it, kid. Now pay attention... Usin' ars magus is all about bein' aware of it. Just tell yerself it's natural, and let it happen. Don't doubt yerself!

Ragna: I wish I knew what the hell you were talking about! I've never been able to use ars magus before and why is Y/N not using an ars magus?!

Jubei: Well he prefers use hand to hand instead of an ars magus but ya can use it. Listen, ya got to stop givin' yerself excuses! Look, don't think too hard on it. You can sense it. I know ya can. The Azure Grimoire'll take care of the rest.

Ragna: Stop being such an unreasonable ass!

Jubei: The power of the Azure Grimoire ain't yer power, not yet. Ya gotta CONTROL it! It ain't yer friend, but it's a part of yer body! Ya just gotta learn how to use it.


Jubei: (sighs) You just ain't got the talent for this, son. Ya must've been jokin' when ya want to fight the folks what did this to ya...

Ragna: Damn it! Fine, one more time!

Rachel: My oh my, Ragna. Aren't you energetic.

Y/N: Hey Miss Rachel.

Ragna: Oh, it's you... again. Leave me alone!

Rachel: Ah, you can recognize my voice now? I'm touched, truly I am.

Ragna: You're the only person I know that'd ever bother to show up around here.
Evil little Bunny girl.

Rachel: Now what on Earth could you possibly mean by such a thing? I am simply here to enjoy my picnic. If you think my choosing to dine here is somehow related to YOU... Well I fear the truth may harm your delicate ego.

You saw Rachel was sitting on a colorful ground cloth which you find cute, demurely drinking her tea wile the bat and cat were sleeping.

Ragna: Stop with your infernal squeaking! It's breaking my concentration.

Y/N: Says the one who is actually squeaking.

Ragna: Quiet You!

Rachel: Oh my. You've quite a nerve to say such things to me. Are you sure you can afford to?

Ragna: And what is that supposed to mean?

Ragna turned around looking at Rachel, while you saw Jubei about to do something with a big log. You then realize what he is about to do.

Rachel: You would have me explain myself? How delightfully common of you. I am simply asking if you can afford to converse with me while training.

Y/N: ...umm Ragna you may want to look behind you.

Ragna: What? Behind me?

Jubei: Hey, Ragna. Let's see ya dodge this, ya smart-mouthed little whippersnapper!

Ragna: Huh? What the Hell....A log?! Hey, that's not even remotely funny! If that thing hit me, I would have died! Hey!...OW!

You then saw Ragna got hit with a log taking lot a damage.

Rachel: My goodness. I had no idea a living creature could sustain such damage...

Ragna: You evil little... I'll get you back for this...!

Ragna falls to the ground and it looks like he fell unconscious.

Y/N: Man, he needs to learn how to dodge!

Jubei: Ya well, still worin' on that.

Y/N: Well sense he's knocked out I can get serious on training now. And if you want miss Rachel I can converse with you while I fight myself?!

Rachel: Fight yourself?

Y/N: It's one of the techniques I can do here watch this. Ha!

Y/N powers up his ki then began to split making 2 Y/N's, after it was done both Rachel and Jubei saw 2 Y/N's.

Y/N: This is called the multi-form technique it allows me to create clones of myself to fight against outnumbered or a really strong enemy's. However the draw back is that it splits my speed and power for each clone I make, but at least it can make a great training partner.

Both Rachel and Jubei were impressed by the demonstration and explanation of your technique.

Y/N: Alright with that done, I can begin training. So Miss Rachel what do you want to talk about?

And so for the rest of the day you were fighting a clone of yourself while talking to Rachel about your past and the techniques you can do.


A/N: And that does it for this chapter, by the time this chapter published this fanfic would be at 150 Views (I think anyway) so thank you so much for reading this fanfic and remember if you have any ideas on this fanfic let me know, on the conversation board that I posted! And until then this is A/N signing out.

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