Lost and Found-1

By Vampirediaries1996

355K 9.2K 2.3K

Becoming the fastest man alive has opened so many doors for me but the one it couldn't was something I needed... More

First Comes Thunder
Superhero In Training
Sharing Secrets
Good Things Come to an End
Something New
Standing Up to Bullies
Not Having It All
Electricity Is In The Air
Beginning of Truths
Another Team Up
The Reverse Flash
Merry Christmas
Giving Romance A Shot
Crazy for You
Burning Up
Figuring Things Out
Casino Royale
Tricking Your Way Into Love
The A.T.O.M.
Killer Bees
Who is Dr. Wells?
From the Beginning
Set Up
Gorilla Power
Bringing Joe Back
Snart Team Up
Win or Lose
Is This the End?
Wormholes and Departure
Getting Anna Back
Remembering Why I Love You
Starting Over Is Hard
Back to Central City
Family of Snarts
New F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M
Wells and Patty
Blind Dates
Trying to Fool Zoom
What the Grodd?
Facing New Enemies
Reincarnation and Fate
Holiday Spirit and Ex's
Turtle Time
Loosing Speed
Earth 2 or No?
Evil Doubles
King of the Ocean
Clubbing and Thief
What the Jay?
Celebratory End
So Much for Tomorrow
New Timeline
Lots of Firsts
Making it Work
What's Wrong Now?
Understanding and Mirror Images
H.R. Wells
Crashing Down
Alien Fight
Secret Flings
Double The Lies
Harsh Reality
Team Switch UP
How it All Started
This is Where it Ends
Holiday Blues
Merry and Bright
Nightmares Coming Alive
Changing The Future
Come Inside the Mind
Vibe vs Gypsy
Touch of Death
Gorilla Power
Friend's Day
Gorilla in the City
Engagement News
Savitar is Coming
Winning Your Heart
Visit from the Future
Tough Choices
Fate of the Future
Figuring it Out
Two Steps Ahead
Fighting to Remember
Getting Help from a Thief
Is This the End?
This is Only the Beginning

Team Up

5.8K 167 57
By Vampirediaries1996

What do you think about Anna and Oliver? How do they know each other?

I have this mixture of emotions that are forming in my mind as I see the person who I once thought was dead and came back. I've changed since he last knew me and I fear that he will ruin everything I've worked for.

"Anna." Is all he can say and it baffles me why he's even in Central City.

"I see that you're not dead." I state with no emotion.

"I know why you're mad..."

"Mad? I'm furious Oliver. I heard you were alive from the news and every time I called or made an effort to see you, you what blew me off and said you had no time to see me? I made an effort to try and salvage what little of a relationship we had Oliver and you treated me like I meant nothing."

"I know I should have taken your calls or seen you when you came to town, but I wasn't ready to face you."

"And what makes today different? How did you find me?"

"I honestly didn't know you lived in Central City. I'm here visiting a friend and I saw you and I knew I had to come and talk to you."

"Oliver, you can go to hell."

"Anna." He grabs my hands and stops me. "I took you for granted and I knew I should have done more to fight for us and I'm sorry."

"Why did you when I came to see you that you sent me away? You had security escort me off the property telling me I wasn't welcomed." He lowers his head. "I thought I meant more to you than that."

"You meant everything to me Anna, but I've been dealing with a lot of demons and I'm still dealing with them. I had to isolate myself from my old life."

"So opening a nightclub and throwing parties and getting arrested as part of your plan of isolating yourself from your old life?"

"I've changed Anna, I'm not the same guy you once...that you once..."

"Loved? From what I can tell Oliver you haven't changed. Don't try and fool yourself. You're still the same guy ass I knew before you went missing." I take my drinks and exit Jitters not wanting to talk to Oliver any longer.


Barry's POV

"Did you know that Oliver knew Anna?" I ask Felicity as we watch their interaction.

"No...no I didn't."

"What do you think they're talking about?"

'How amazingly beautiful she looks in that dress."

"Yes, she does" Felicity gives me a look. "I mean she looks uh...not good."

"It's fine. Anna is extremely beautiful with her perfect hair, and beautiful clothes. Why would I even try and compete with her and..." She stops talking. "Never mind."


Oliver for some reason wants to meet in this abandoned building and as usual, I'm late. He's not pleased when he sees me show up. He already has an arrow ready in his hands.


"You're late. Barry, how can you have super-speed and still not be on time?"

"Sorry, I guess the super-tardiness kinda neutralizes it." I look around his training ground he's laid out for us. "So, how do we catch Bivolo here?"

"Oh, n, we don't here. We're here to rain."

"What? Like Rocky?" He's not amused by my reference.

"I read your friend Iris' blog post on the Flash. And I visited all the crime scenes you fought at."

"Don't' you sleep?"

"Last month, you took on a man named Leonard Snart."

"We call him Captain Cold." I say with a smile but Oliver is less than amused.

"We'll talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later."

"You mean like over coffee with Deathstroke and the Huntress?" His face hardens but I know I'm right. He's no better at this than me. No matter how much he thinks he is.

"The point is that you engaged Snart on a commuter train, which he derailed."

"Okay, there may have been some damage, but I got the job done. I was the hero."

"Barry, when you approach a new environment, do you case every inch of it?" I think for a split second and I realize the answer is no.

"You could. You have the time. But you don't. You just run in blind." Oliver walks away from me and heads to something he has set up. "There's a difference, Barry between having powers and having precision." I follow after him.

"When I came to you thinking about going out and helping people, you said I could be an inspiration." I state as I watch him load his bow with the arrow.

"Living this life...well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am..."

"What is that for?" I ask pointing my finger at his now loaded bow and arrow.

"You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and you're going to get hit with an arrow."

"No, I'm not." I laugh at Oliver's statement. There's no way that is going to happen.

"Yes, you are."

"Okay, fine. I will humor you. And then you can tell me how you know Anna."

"Who I know and how I know them is none of your business."

"When they're my friend it is."

"Barry do what I say." I nod and run where he wants me to run at him from.

"Ready?" I call out to him. Oliver releases the arrow and I easily catch it.

"Nice try." I smirk at him. "Gah! Ah!" I cry out in pain as I feel two things pierce my back. "Wait, you shot me?" I ask through painful cries."

"I hear you heal fast." Oliver rips the arrows out and I let out a painful cry as he dies so. "Oh, and that's the last time you ask about my personal life." Oliver walks away while I'm still in agonizing pain.


Anna's POV

All I wanted was to get some sleep but the whooshing and a flash of red caught my attention. I looked up to see Barry in his suit standing in the middle of my apartment.

"Hey, Barry. What are you..."

"I thought I would take you up on us hanging out more." His voice seems oddly calm and not like him.

"Uh...I'm sorry Barry tonight's not a good night." I go back to the door but Barry races in front blocking it.

"Why because you're expecting someone else?" The amount of venom in his voice is evident.

"What are you talking about?"

"Is it because I'm not like the other guys you've screwed around with." Barry takes off his cowl and I can see the anger on his face. "What am I not good enough for you Anna?"

"Barry, you're one of my closest friends. I care about..."

"But instead you want guys like Snart or even Oliver. Guys who aren't good for you or aren't me!" Barry's in my face.

"What is with you? Why do you care about Snart? I told you things between us were done. And what do you know about Oliver?"

"I saw you two talking at Jitters."

"What you saw was nothing!"

"Don't tell me it's nothing!" The way Barry is in my face right now worries me on what's going on with him. "You're selfish Anna. You keep your whole life a secret and never let anyone in! I wish you would wake up and realize that you are damaged!" I slap Barry across the face.

"I don't know what's going on with you but you have no right talk to me like that. You think you know things but you're so wrong. Now get the hell out of my place."

"Going to kick me to the side like every other person who comes into your life. You're always going to be alone Anna and I hope you realize that no one will want you!"

"Get out! Get the hell out!" Barry doesn't move and I go to shove him but he blocks me and eventually has me pinned underneath his arms but I get the best of him by side kicking him.

"Just call Oliver like I know you want to and keep breaking my heart."

"Why would I want to speak with Oliver?" I push him off me and closer to the door.

"You want all the wrong guys and fail to see that the one guy who is right for you is..."

"Barry, I don't know what's wrong with you but you need help."

"I've never felt better." Barry is seething with anger and I have no idea why.

"You're being a dick right now and..." I look around and he's nowhere to be seen. Why is he so pissed and keeps asking about Snart and Oliver? I swear when he was ranting to me his eyes glowed.


"I'll call you back later. That was the Arrow. He says Barry is acting strangely." Felicity informs us.

"Strangely how?"

"He's been whammied." We turn to see Joe enter out of breath. "He was acting angry. It was scary. And his eyes...they glowed."

"It's possible that his body is fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower. When it comes to rage." Caitlin says and it clicks on what's happening to Barry. I stand up and everyone looks at me.

"Joe's right. Last night Barry came by visibly upset to me and he was fuming with anger that I've never seen before in him."

"What was he saying to you?"

"He was yelling at me about Snart and other things." The rest of the group doesn't need to know about Oliver and my past even when I'm not ready to discuss it myself. "The anger he had in the words he said scared me a little." I inform everyone.

"That is not a good thing." Dr. Wells has worry laced in his voice as he takes in all of the information. "The longer you suppress your emotion..."

"The bigger the explosion." I finish.

"Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?"

"A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now." I smack Cisco upside the head.

"Don't' bring that up again."

'I agree with Anna."

"I'm just saying, none of us can stop Barry." Cisco states. I glare at him.

"Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can. I think you better call back Oliver Queen." I drop the tablet I'm holding as I hear this. Oliver's the Arrow. "We're gonna need the Arrow's help. We all look to Felicity who is shocked and is lost for words. Cisco is fangirling really hard next to me but is trying to keep his level of excitement to a minimum.


Apparently, Oliver works with Felicity and a man named John Diggle. He came in to join us with helping to bring Barry in before causes damage to anyone else.

"I just hope they can turn Barry back before he kills Oliver." Caitlin states and I look at her.

"Me, I'd be more worried about what Oliver might do to Barry."

"Let's stop worrying about what they can do to each other and just get them both back here safe." I exclaim.

"Yeah, sounds good but Barry has superpowers. Oliver has a bow and arrow." I can't believe what Cisco, Caitlin, and John are arguing about.

"Do you have any idea how many people, Oliver has killed with that bow and arrow?"

"I can tell you how many people I'm going to kill with my bare hands if we keep talking about this." Everyone stops debating who is going to kill who in Barry vs Oliver. Dr. Wells and Joe were able to get Barry to see the right colors and make him turn back to the same fun-loving Barry we know and love. He even worked with Oliver to catch the meta.

"My identity is a closely guarded secret known only to a few, and if it were to get out, will endanger my family, my friends. And it would embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them." Oliver is lecturing us about keeping his secret. Not like we have our own superhero we are protecting.

"What Oliver is trying to say, is that he had a lovely time working with you. And getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon." Felicity jumps in for Oliver.


"You know, it didn't sound like that's what he was saying." Cisco mumbles to me and I laugh at him. Oliver keeps looking at me and I avoid his gaze.

"I may not agree with your methods, but thank you." Joe walks up and shakes Oliver's hand.

"You're welcome."

"Mr. Queen, I met your father once. Charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you. I think he would be very proud of the man you've become." Dr. Wells says to Oliver.

"Thank you, and please call me Oliver."


I ran after Oliver, stopping him from leaving just yet. "Oliver!"

He turns back to me and he seems to have a look of relief on his face. "Anna, I'm sorry for..."

"So, you're the Arrow?"

"When I was on that island I changed. I realized I needed to be a better person than I was before and..."

"Killing people and torturing them is the way to do it?"

"I only kill those who are bad and are..."

"Ollie, you're not a god. You don't decided who get's to live and die."

"You don't get to lecture me on how I should live. You're living a lie and no one knows it but me and you."

"You know nothing."

"I know for one that no one in there knows your real name or where you come from. I know that you're hiding but I don't why." I hang my head low not wanting to look at him. "What happened to you, Anna?"

"You died Ollie. You broke my heart and I thought you were dead. I went down a dark path and I've been slowly regaining control of my life."

"But why hide who you truly are?"

"I'm not the same girl you left all those years ago Oliver. I've done horrible unforgivable things. Things you can't know about or that I even want to talk about."

"If you're in trouble let me help you." He pleads but I shake my head.

"I'm far from being helped, Oliver. It will only be a matter of time before my past catches up with me and as long as I can offer some good to the world that's all that matters."

"Why are you speaking like you know you're going to die?"

"We're not gods Ollie. We're all going to die at some point, I'm just going to leave more good in this world than the pain I've caused it."

"Anna, this isn't you."

"You don't know me anymore Oliver."

What did Anna do?

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