The Music We Make ✔️

By greyfarrell

290K 12.1K 3.3K

Cora Steele is a girl with talents to die for. Drew Bates is a guy with talents he would die to get rid of. ... More

1. Stupid Rich School
2. Are You A Treble Clef?
3. Baboons
4. The Perfect Pair
5. Math Disturbs Me
6. Operation Jody
7. The Performance
8. It Wasn't An Accident
9. Nightmares And Hustling
10. Corey VS Andrew
11. Apologies
12. I Meant To Say That Out Loud
13. We're American
14. Dinner With The Bates
15. Accusations
16. You're The Prettiest Ogre I've Ever Seen
17. Corey VS Andrew Part Two
18. Answers And Promises
19. Mini Putt
20. Down By The Bay
21. He Noticed
22. Panic Attacks And Snowball Fights
23. I'll Always Protect You
24. Serious Talk
25. Carpool And Karaoke
26. Peter Bryerson
27. Wake Up
28. All About Us
Bonus Chapter: Introductions
Other Books!

Bonus Chapter: Wake Up

6.7K 332 15
By greyfarrell

Drew's P.O.V.

"Run!" I yelled over my shoulder to Cora as I made a grab for the gun.

I couldn't let her get hurt.

I couldn't let him win.

I heard her frantic steps get fainter and fainter, and I relaxed the slightest bit when I couldn't hear them anymore. I still had to worry about myself, but at least Cora was safe.

"What the hell are you doing?" Peter demanded.

I finally got a hold on the barrel of the pistol and pulled as hard as I could. I just needed to get it away from him.

He tried to push my away with the hand that wasn't holding the gun, but I didn't budge.

"I'm bigger and stronger than you, just give up." He growled, pulling on the gun so hard that I stumbled forward.

I grabbed his arm to steady myself and he pulled the gun out of my hand when he noticed that I was distracted trying not to trip.

He ripped his arm from my grasp and took a few steps back, aiming the pistol at me. His whole body was shaking in anger as he spoke again, "You made a big mistake Drew."

I was paralyzed in fear as he switched off the safety on the gun.

"I really am disappointed that you got involved in this. I warned you to stay away from Cora. If you had just listened to me you wouldn't be in this mess."

He was right. He did tell me to stay away from Cora after she accused my parents of her parents death. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I guess somewhere deep down, he cared about me.

"Don't do this Rufus." I begged, using the name I knew him by.

There was two different people in him; Peter and Rufus. One being a killer and the other a friend. If I could break though to Rufus, I had a chance.

He violently shook his head, "Don't call me that! My name is Peter Bryerson!"

"Not to me. I know you as Rufus, my friend. The only one that supported me with my music." I reasoned, taking a slow step forward.

His eyes softened but he still held the gun up to me.

I was getting to him.

"Let's just forget this happened and you can go back to being Rufus." I continued, taking another step toward him.

His shoulders relaxed and he began to lower the gun, but then sirens started blaring in the distance.

"You traitor!" He yelled, raising the gun again.

I opened my mouth to tell him that I didn't call the police, but I didn't get the chance.


I looked down at my chest in shock.

My white shirt was turning red as blood flowed from my wound.

A wound made by a bullet.

Then reality struck and I fell to the ground, sharp and burning pain starting in my chest and spreading throughout my whole body.

I screamed in agony as black spots filled my vision and the pain intensified.

I vaguely noticed the sound of sirens close by, and commotion all around me, but I couldn't lift my head to see what was going on.

I laid helplessly on the ground as I tried to call for help, but no sound came out. I didn't have the energy.

My last thought before everything went dark was I hope Cora is safe.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by bright light.

"What the hell?" I croaked.

Damn my throat hurt.

I blinked a few more times and my eyes finally adjusted to the light.

White walls, weird smell, beeping machines.

That could only mean one thing; what I thought was a nightmare about Peter Bryerson, Rufus, and being shot, was actually real.

I quickly sat up when I remembered that Cora was also in danger.

My body ached in protest as I swung my legs over the side of the bed to get up.

I needed to find Cora.

"Woah there, you need to sit back and rest." Someone said, coming into my line of view a moment later.

Sky gently pushed me back until I settled into the bed.

"I need to see Cora. I need to know she's okay." I explained, panic making my heart race.

What if he got to her? What if I couldn't save her?

The beeping machine started going crazy and a moment later three doctors rushed into the room.

"You need to calm down sir, you were shot, you need to rest." One female doctor said, while the other told Sky to leave the room.

"I need to see her!" I argued, struggling against the male doctor, who was trying to restrain me.

"Listen, I promise we'll figure everything out, but you need to calm down and rest." He said.

My body screamed in pain as I thought of what to do next. I could continue to struggle against them and hurt myself further, or calm down and be reasonable.

"Cora Steele, she was in the woods with me when I was shot, I need to make sure she's okay." I told them, relaxing into my bed so they didn't have to hold me down anymore.

They nodded and the male doctor spoke up, "We'll talk to your friend in the hallway and see what we can do."

I relaxed a bit and when they were sure I wasn't going to freak out again, they left.

I closed my eyes as a wave of fatigue washed over me. I used all of my energy fighting against the doctors. I was just dozing off when someone walked into the room.

My eyes shot open and I was met with disappointment when they landed on Sky. I was hoping it was Cora.

"She's fine and on her way. You don't need to worry." She reassured me.

That was great news but it did nothing to calm me down. The only way I'd believe Cora was okay was if I saw her myself.

"I just wanted to come in and tell you that, I'm going to wait in the hallway." Sky continued when I didn't say anything.

I nodded to let her know that I heard her, and she left without another word.

As I waited for Cora, my mind went back to that night. What happened after I was shot? Was Peter caught? Did he find Cora?

What if the police didn't find him and he was still out there, waiting for his moment to hurt Cora.

What if she was in danger right now?

My heart started to race again as I feared the worst, causing the heart monitor to beep faster.

I huffed out an annoyed breath before focusing on calming myself down so the monitor would go back to normal. The last thing I needed was doctors coming back in here.

Suddenly the door burst open and a familiar brunette stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

My whole body relaxed as relief washed over me. She was really okay. He didn't get her.

The sight of her beautiful green eyes, looking right back into mine, warmed my heart. I'd never been happier to see her.

"You're okay." She whispered, and stood there for a few seconds longer before rushing over and wrapping her arms around me.

I buried my face in her hair and held her close. It felt so good to have her in my arms. I didn't know what I'd do if I never got to hold her again.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." She mumbled into my chest.

I smiled as I replied, "I don't plan on it."

She started to pull out of the hug and I held her tighter. I wasn't ready to let her go just yet.

We embraced for a while longer and this time when Cora pulled away I didn't stop her.

She surprised me by only pulling back enough to look me in the eyes, and I was even more surprised when she planted a quick peck on my lips before completely pulling away and taking a seat on a chair beside my bed.

She never ceased to amaze me.

"If I knew getting shot would earn me a kiss from you, I would've gotten shot way sooner." I joked, earning myself a scoff and playful slap from Cora, but I didn't miss the light blush on her cheeks.

As I looked at the beautiful girl beside me, I realized something. I'd do whatever it took to make her happy and keep her safe.

She deserved only the best, and I was going to give her that.

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