.Rise And Fall.

By takenbyshawnbut_

1.9M 66.3K 10.6K

Highest ranking: #1 in Rise. #1 in Fall. #1 in... More

.Rise And Fall.
.Rise and Fall. (1)
.Rise and Fall. (2)
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.Author's Note And Cast.
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.Bonus Chapter.
.Bonus Chapter.

.Rise and Fall. (46)

19.6K 746 85
By takenbyshawnbut_

|Chapter: 46|

"Hey, can you get me a glass of juice?", Sasha asked, her eyes never leaving her phone.

"Sure", I said pouring it in a glass.

"Hey Serena", Ian called out.

"Yeah?", I said from the kitchen.

"We are short on one player. Can you convince Black to play?"

Before I could answer, my eyes landed on Nick with Stella in his arms. He craddled her with care as he walk towards a room without sparing the boys a glance. Thats where he has been? With her?

The flashing sound of a camera, peeled my eyes off them. I turn to see on my side, Sasha grinning with her phone that she just used to click a picture of them.

"Perfect! I always knew they are so much more than childhood friends. I'll make sure to put this photo in the yearbook", she excitedly announced.

I was a burning mess. Never have I ever thought this kind of feelings even  existed in me until now. Ignoring her cheeky grin, I quickly rush out and directed to the room we were together.

I folded my arms and sat down on the bed thinking what could they possibly  be doing alone in that room now.

Shaking my head several times I stood up and walked to the small bookshelf. I was surprised to see it this morning, and how I didn't notice last night. I picked out, "A walk to Remember", by Nicholas Sparks. I miss watching the movie with Sarah.

I took my shoes off before I climbed on the bed, rest my back on the hardboard and started reading the book.

Not after too long, the door was harshly opened. I didn't look, already knowing who it could be and pretended reading the book.

Out of nowhere he came and hugged me from the side. I was too shocked to react so I just stayed like that for a while. Until it hit me.

"Are you okay?", I asked as softly as I could. He didn't say a word. And I was worried. Did something happen to him? "Is there something you want to tell me?", I tired again.

"You tell me", he said still hugging me.

"What?" I didn't know what he was getting to.

"The story you are reading."

Then suddenly I remembered I'm still mad at him. Slowly I pushed him away. And he made that annoyed face which was enough to melt my anger away, its too cute for his own good. I brought my eyes back to the book.

"Even the book is luckier than me", he groaned and get off the bed. He walked towards the self before running his hand through the books. "I had no idea what kind you prefer reading. So I took mom's help in finding a list of good books to put here. Hope you like them", he sighed.

That's it. I just cannot stay mad at this guy.

Quickly climbing out of the bed, I ran to him and wrap my hands around his waist from behind. I took him by surprise at first but then he held my hands.

"Will you do something if I ask you to?", I asked, my voice muffled.

"Anything except leaving you." His voice was promising.

"Play soccer with the boys, they are short on one player."

The knock on the door made me pull away from him. He turn around and kissed my forehead before walking to get the door.

"Six on six. You coming?", was the first thing Zac asked as soon as Nick opened the door. He looked over his shoulder at me. I smiled.

"Be there in a minute", he said and closed it.

Suddenly, he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and hands around his neck as he pushed my back against the wall beside the bookshelf.

"Listen to me Rena. Don't ever smile that smile for someone else but me", he demanded resting his forehead on mine.

"Why?", I asked breathlessly due to the way his minty breath was fanning on my face.

"Because I know what I see when you smile and I don't want others to look at you the same way I do. You are mine."

His eyes were closed. I felt so happy that my heart was ready to burst out. I bit my lower lip to stop the grin threatening to play on my face. Not knowing how to reply to that, I just hugged him tight to me.


"Alright team buckle up. Six on six. Jason, Trent, Lucas, Black, Andre and Zac on the left to right. While me, Mason, Salvor, Alex, Josh and Dean on right to left", Ian announced. Nick was on the side stretching to warm up. Gosh! He even looks hot in that long sleeved Jersey. He smirked when he noticed me checking him out. I just rolled my eyes at him mouthing 'cocky bastard'.

Wrong choice of words, he came running to me. "What did you just call me?", he asked with his annoyingly handsome smirk.

I shook my head and faked chattering my teeth. His face immediately changed to concerned. "Are you cold?"

"Nope", I said popping the 'p'. He smiled, "If you are tell me, alright?" I nodded.

"Let the game begin", Jason yelled.

"Good luck! Now go", I said pushing him.

He kissed my forehead and started walking away but then he look behind only to say, "Eyes on me." I rolled my eyes again.

"Good luck Sal", I screamed to him. He just gave me a small smile and averted his eyes away from me. What happened to him?

Nick's team first started with the kick off. Dean was the lanky goalkeeper who awaited on the right side. He was Fallon High's goalkeeper too. Nick was playing on attack. The ball was being passed around the players of his team. Somehow he managed to make the run to the penalty box, while Sal and Alex came running to tackle the ball from him. Nick was faster than any other player. He passed the ball to Jason and with a swift it was passed to Trent, meanwhile Nick placed himself in between the defenders, the ball was passed back to him, then a strong kick it spinned before hitting inside of the net. GOAL!

"Whoa... on your face motherfuckers", he jumped with his fist in the air while the boys from his team jumped on him. This guy really needs a filter in his mouth.

"First two minutes of the game and Nick already scored", Sasha clapped her hands like a cheerleader which she is.

"Always the sneaky one", Kathleen said beside her.

"Alright we resume to kick you pussies' ass", Jason said running around to take his defending position. This guy need one too. The ball started to get passed again. But this time Ian had it. He made straight run and then to Josh. He duck by the defenders and passed it to Sal, he made a run to penalty box. Nick left his attack position and came to tackle the ball from Sal, in the process Nick kicked his leg and the next thing I know he was yelling out in pain.

"That hurts", he groaned, his body crawled on the ground. Nick had a smirk on his face as he stood with his hands on his hips watching Sal groaning in pain. He didn't do it on purpose, did he?

Ian helped him stand up. I felt bad for him. "Chill, its just a game. Good thing I didn't break your leg", Nick said without any emotion.

"Dude can you continue?", Ian asked. He nodded. Then they were again back in the game.

It was half time. Nick's team was winning with 3-1. He had the ball again, this time he made a straight run followed by another hard kick. ONE MORE GOAL!

He is great, will actually be an understatement. He could run over the whole team alone. I know this is a bit exaggerating. But I'm sure with him in the team, Fallon Foxes wouldn't have lost a single game. Unfortunately, he don't play for the team. And I still wonder why?

"Wondering why he don't play for the Foxes?", Ian asked suddenly as he sip some water from the sipper.

"How did you know?", I asked playing with my fingers. 

"From the look on your face. We wonder too", he shrugged.

"Oh", is what I managed to say.

"Today's the first time he looked cheerful playing the game and actually looks like he cares for the goals as if he want to win. Before he never gave a crap about winning, just played like a lifeless person", Ian said with a content smile.

"Maybe he is finally enjoying the game", I said looking at him. He jumped for another victory goal. Now, they are winning by 5-1.

"Or maybe because you're watching", Ian said before running off to continue. Leaving me with a confused mind.

"If you don't mind can I sit here?", a familiar brown haired girl asked pointing the space next to me.

"Of course Sar", I said happily.

"Look, I don't know to put this into words and apologise. But I'll just try", she awkwardly started.

"No its okay Sarah. I was rude too. I shouldn't have snapped at you", I said hanging my head low. She quickly turn me around and I could see her teary eyes. Was she really going to cry?

"If you think I support Nick and not you. You are wrong. I just want to see you happy. You were sulking and it hurts me too. Ser, from last seven years we are together and all you did was complain about this place. But now you don't, you don't overthink things and live in the moment. And you know who brings that side of you? Nickel Black does. He makes you happy. So I want you guys to be together. Then again, if he dares to hurt you I'd personally cut his balls", she blurted out. Stopping to catch her breathe.

"I know you are ri...."

She cuts me off, "I'm not done yet. And I was a bit jealous of that Mary girl. Because she managed to make you smile which I failed even after being your bestfriend for years. So I was kinda mad too. But believe me I missed you like crazy. I know I don't deserve it but its worth a try, will you forgive me?"

"Yes if you promise to forgive me", I said.

She hugged me in return.

"Can I get a hug too?", Zac approached with his arms wide open. Sarah and I pulled away.

"Yucks! You stink", Sarah tired to push his hands away.

"You don't really mean it babe. C'mon", he pulled her into a tight hug while she kept on pushing him. "Jerk Jones I'm warning you let go or else I will chop chop your balls."

He carried her away with him ignoring her threats, "Lets go take a shower together."

I laughed at them. I was really happy because I finally feel complete. No more conflicts.

"Now you owe me", Nick said with his smirk as he walk towards me.

"For what?"

"For playing... and winning."

"But you said you'd do anything", I narrowed my eyes at him as I fold my arms.

"Still you owe me", he stated with a straight face.

"Alright what do you need?"

The smirk was back again.

"Go on a date with me."


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