By ninahessels

74.8K 2.5K 1.7K

Zach Herron, a seventeen year old boy, who's scared to go to school. He's the victim of bullying and a anorex... More

{0} prologue
{A} {Anorexia}
{B} {Bullies}
{C} {Confrontation}
{D} {Doomed}
{E} {Excuses}
{F} {Friends}
{I} {Inane}
{J} {Jewel}
{K} {Killing}
{L} {Laughing}
{M} {Memory}
{N} {Nonah?}
{O} {Oops}
{P} {Photo}
{Q} {Quick}
{R} {Ready?}
new book
{S} {Scars}
{T} {Thinking}
{U} {Ugly}
{V} {Victim}
{W} {Waiting}
{X} {XOXO!}
{Y} {YEET!}
{Z} {Zachary Dean Herron}

{H} {Halloween}

3K 98 55
By ninahessels

- Zach -

'We have thirty dances,' Britt explains. 'We dance the first one, number twelve, number fifteen, number twenty one, number twenty eight. You guys dance more of course, cause you have a roll.'

'Okay, that's clear,' Jack says.

'Then i'll see you guys next week, I hope you guys liked it.' Britt says.

'It was amazing!' I say. 'Especially the...- eh-'

'Padebureau,' Nina helps me.

'What she says,' I laugh. Britt smiles.

'I see you guys next week,' Britt says. 'Zach, do you have the list for me?'

'Eh, yea, here,' I give her the list. 'I hope that's okay,'

'If you fill it in honestly, then it's fine,' Britt says. 'See you,'

'Bye!' I walk out the dance class.

'Hey! Zach,' Daniel walks to me. 'So, are you coming to the Halloween party or not?'

'I guess,' I sigh. 'But Jack is coming to,'

'Jack?' Corbyn asks. 'Jack as in, Jack Avery?'

'Yea,' I say. 'He's actually nice! I didn't knew that, but he's so nice.'

'If you say so!' Jonah laughs. 'I don't care, if you come to Halloween, fine!'

'We see you tonight,' Daniel says. 'I think it would be busy at your house, cause Jamie, Christel, Indy, Kim and Sabrina are coming.' I sigh.

'I didn't knew that!' I laugh.

'Well, please come alive!' Corbyn laughs.

'See ya Zach!' Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel walk away. I grin and walk to my locker.

'Herron,' I close my locker and turn around. Like i thought, Madison, Ethan and Matthew stands behind me. But.. Someone else is with them.

'Fleur?' Fleur stands next to Ethan. He putted an arm around her. 

'Herron,' she says. What the..- 

'A- Are you with him?' I ask suprised. Fleur smiles. 

'I am,' she says. 'I realized that he is much better than you.' Madison and Matthew burst out laughing.  

'Come on, Fleur,' Ethan says. 'Let's leave him alone, for once...' They walk away. I look after Fleur. She's with Ethan. Ethan Brown. The bully of the school, has a relationship with my best friend. Well, my ex-best friend. It takes two seconds before i realize what this means. My old best friend is gonna be a bully. 

I slam the door shut. Everyone in the hallway looks at me. I run out the door and run away. I step into my car and drive away. I drive way to fast. I shouldn't drive so fast, but I really don't care. I drive to the park, I pass it. Then i realize where i am. I stop the car and step out. I look at the wall. I'm curious if i can climb on it when I'm alone. I jump and grab the wall. My hands are cold. It hurts when i grab the wall. I hold it tightly. I try to climb up, but my hands hurt to much. Without knowing, I let go the wall. I fall backwards on the ground. I hit my head on the ground. 

'Cheez! Zach! Are you okay?' I look up. Jack runs to me. 

'What the hell are you doing here?' I ask. 

'I followed you,' He says. 'You where so angry. I know you, you're never this angry and i wanted to make sure that you're okay. Are you?' I sigh.

'You don't know me,' I say. Jack looks confused. 'You only know what i allow you to know...' Jack lost his words. 

'Come on, get up,' Jack grabs my head and pulls me up. 'Do you want to tell me what's wrong?' 

'No,' I say. 'Cause it's the fault of your friends..'

'Which friends?' Jack asks.

'Ethan and his minions.' I say. 'Oh, and his new girlfriend, Fleur.'

'Fleur is one of your friends, right?' Jack asks. 

'Was one.' I correct him. 'She isn't one of my friends anymore.' 

'You think that,' Jack says. I look confused. 'The reason why we can't let go to someone is because deep inside we have still hope.' 

'I really don't care about her! Jack!' I yell. 'I don't care about anyone. This is why i shouldn't trust people! This is why I shouldn't bound myself to people! Because they don't fucking care about my feelings! Just like everyone, Fleur was like; I don't care about your feelings. And then i'm like; "My Feelings? Oh, don't worry about those, nobody else does!" Nobody does! This is why I fucking hate my life! I-'

'Zach stop!' Jack interrupts me. 'Stop talking, stop thinking! You're overthinking! I can name some persons that care about you. That loves you!'

'Who does?' 

'Your mother,' Jack begins. 'Reese, Ryan, Nina.' When he says Nina, I almost break. Just the thought that Nina would ever leave me, Is to much. 'Do you have a phobia?' 

'What?' I ask surprised.

'Do you have a phobia?' Jack asks again. I shrugs my shoulders. 'Maybe you have a phobia that you're scared that people would leave you. I know that that exists, only I don't know the name.' 

'I don't know if i have a phobia,' I say. 

'Well, we know it in a few days,' Jack says. 'Then you have the results right?'

'I do,'

'Well, Then we see it,' Jack says. 'Should we go home? Making ready for Halloween?'

'I don't know if i want to go to the party,' I say. 'I-'

'Don't want to see Fleur, I get it,' Jack says. 'But you already told you friends, and you promised me!' I sigh.

'Fine...' I say. 'Come on, let's go home.' Jack grins.

When we're home, I immediately see that's damn busy. All Nina's friends are in the living room.   
'Mom and dad are with Reese and Ryan to a restaurant,' Nina says. 'Food's in the fridge and we're going to make ready for Halloween.' I grin. 

'Thank you for the recap, Nina,' i laugh. 

'Zach, how are you going?' Jamie asks. 

'I don't know yet,' I say. I take my seat in the chair next to Nina. Jack already walked up the stairs.

'Can i dress you up like a vampire?' Sabrina laughs.


'Dang.' Sabrina laughs. Nina starts to laugh.

'I told you that i don't know how i wanted to go,' I say. 

'I have something for you!' Christel says. 

'What do you have?'

'Only if you promise me that you will wear it!' Christel says.

'Oehh..' Nina laughs. I slap Nina on her arm. 'Oh, back off!' Nina slaps me back.

'If it's not "girly, girly" or something ridiculous, I'll wear it,' I say. Kim, Indy and Sabrina burst out laughing. 

'I'm sorry,' Sabrina laughs. 'But i already see you with a pink ribbon in your hair and with full make-up on!'

'With a pink dress!' Indy says. Everyone burst out laughing, even I. 

'It's not like that,' Christel says. 'It has something to do with werewolves.'

'Oh okay,' I say. 'Then there is a chance that i like it,' 

'big chance,' Nina says. 

'Indeed,' Christel shakes her head.

'But you have to wear it!' She says. 'But it are only accessorises, so the clothes are your problem.'

'I help you chose,' Nina says immediately.

'Thanks honey.'   

'No thanks sweety,' 

Christel laughs. She search in her bag and throws some things at me. 

'What are these?' I ask. Nina snatch one of the things out of my hand. 

'It are werewolf ears!' She laughs. 'Oh my god! Yeah! Zach, sit still!' She leans to me and puts the ear in my hair. 'Oh my god, Christel, this is hilarious!' Christel begins to laugh. 

'Can I make you a real werewolf?' Sabrina asks. 'With werewolf scars and things?'

'Sure,' I laugh. 

'Yes!' Sabrina yells. 

'She's gonna make me up like red riding hood,' Nina says to me. 

'Cool,' I laugh. 

After I ate, I walk upstairs, to my room. I open my closet and search good clothes. 

'Zach, can I come in?' I hear Nina asking. 

'Yea! Some in!' I say. Nina opens the door and walks in. 

'I was going to help you to search clothes,' She says. 'I already helped Jack, zo now i'm gonna help you, Zach. When i think about it, that rhymes. Jack, Zach. You don't spell it like that, but it does rhymes.' 

'Nina,' i say. 'You mumble nonsense again.'

'I always mumble nonsense,' She laughs. 'Here, you put this on,' She grabs black jeans with holes on the knies and throws it on my bed. 'When I don't mumble nonsense, I'm sick.' I start to laugh.

'Why do you keep mumbling nonsense?!' I yell. 

'Because if you don't mumble nonsense, there is a awkward silence!' Nina yells. 'Try this on,' Nina throws a black, ripped shirt on my bed.

'Why black?' I ask.

'Because black is cool,' She says. 'If you look at Jack's closet, there are only black clothes.' I grin. 'Just put your black shoes on and everything is alright. I go down, I see you in five!' Nina runs out my room and slams the door behind her. 

I change my clothes and look in the mirror. It's funny. This shirt is quite long, what the intention is, and there are some rips in the shirt. It's... black. I shake my head and walk out my room. I walk down the stairs and walk to the living room. 

'Guess who's back!' I laugh when i walk in. 

'Back again!' Jamie laughs. 'He's back,' 

'Back again,' I laugh. Jamie laughs. 

'Zach, how do I look?' Nina asks me. 

'Like red riding hood,' I laugh. Her blonde hair hangs over her shoulders, she has a red cape with a hood on, the dress of red riding hood, and Sabrina made werewolf scars on her face. 'Like a red riding hood who failed her mission.' Nina rolls her eyes. 'Aye! You asked me how you looked, I told you how you looked!' Nina laughs. 

'Sabrina, you can make him up right now!' Nina says. She pushes me to Sabrina. 

After a while, Sabrina is done. She made a, real looking, werewolf scar in my neck, like i got scratched or something. 

'Can we go?' Jamie asks. I look to the others. Jamie looks like a devil, she always is, Sabrina and Christel look like twins, Indy looks like a vampire, Kim looks like Mal form Descendants and Nina as red riding hood of course.

'and Jack?' I ask. 

'Oh, he's in his room,' Nina says. 'Are you going with him or with us?'

'Him,' I walk to the stairs and walk up the stairs. 

'W..-  Zach, wait a minute!' Nina runs after me. 

'Since when are you and Jack friends?' She asks me. 

'Since he's really nice,' I say. 'Nina, you have to know the real Jack better. You know the old Jack, I know the new Jack, Okay?' Nina nods.

'I want you to be safe, hear me?' She says. 

'I will be safe,' I say. 'I'm going with Daniel, Corbyn, Daniel and Jack. Okay?' Nina nods. 

'If you are not safe, I will beat the shit out of Jack,' She says. 'And he know i'll do it!' I grin.

'Fine,' I laugh. 'Have fun, okay?'

'You to,' Nina laughs. 'Bye!' Nina runs down the stairs. I laugh and walk to Jack's room.

'Jack?' I ask when i knock on the door. 'We're going, are you coming?' 

'Coming,' I hear Jack saying. After a couple of seconds, Jack walks out. He looks like a vampire. Just like me, he hasn't done much to his appearance. He grab some black clothes and putted some makeup up or something. He looks a tittle paler then normal and he made some fake blood by the corners of his mouth. He closes the door behind me and looks at me.

'Hey,' he says. 'You look funny,'

'Thank you i think?' I laugh. 'You to,' Jack grins. 

'Come on! Let's go!' Jack says.

After five minutes, we arrive at the Halloween party. There are a lots of attractions. Many people who dressed their self up like all the creatures we know. I even see someone who tried to dress herself up like a mermaid. What the heck? 

'Hey! Zach!' Daniel, Jonah and Corbyn walk to us. 

'Hey guys!' I laugh. Jack stands next to me, quite uncomfortable. 'Guys, this is Jack. My..- eh- Stepbrother..' It's weird to introduce him like that. Really weird. It feels like i want to call him different. I want to call him my friend. I want to cal him.- W-what?! No! No! No! He's my stepbrother. Nothing more, nothing less.  

'I'm Corbyn,' Corbyn says. Corbyn has always been the one who is best able to deal with strangers, even though he had heard a strange past of that person. 'How are you?' 

'Fine,' Jack says. 'How are you guys?'

'Fine,' Daniel says. I think Daniel has overcome his pride and decided to talk to him. 

'I don't want to interrupt your conservation,' Jonah says. 'But please, can we go somewhere?' 

'He is the eldest,' Corbyn says. 'But he has the youngest mind.'

'I'm gonna hit you,' Jonah says. 'I swear.' Corbyn grins. 

'Should we go in there?' Jack asks. He points at a rollercoaster. 

'You guys can go in there,' I say. 'I'm not a fan of rollercoasters.'

'What do you want to do?' Jack asks. 

'No, you guys can go,' I say quickly. 'I'll wait.' 

'You're sure?' Daniel asks. I nod. 

'Just go! I wait for your return.' 

After a hour, the guys decided to drink something. I walk after them. 

'What do you want?' I look up. Jack looks at me. 


'What do you want?' He asks again. 

'I don't need anything,' I say. 'No thank you,' 

'You have to drink something,' Jack says. 'I know your scheme. You have to drink every hour, remember?' 

'Yea, but i'm not thirsty,' I say. 'I really aren't.' 

'But you have to drink!' Jack says again. 'You have a choice now; Or you chose by yourself what you want, or I chose for you. It's your choice.'

'Jack, I don't need anything!' I say again. 'I-' Before I can finish my sense, Jack turns around and walks to the stall. He buys something and walks back to me. 

'Drink,' He holds a bottle with cola before me.

'I'm not your dog,' 

'You are my brother,' Jack says. 'Drink!' 

'Fine!' I grab the bottle, turn it open and take a zip. I only wanted to do it, so Jack saw that i drunk something. But i'm suprised. It's delicious. 

'You like it, don't you?' Jack laughs. 

'How long did i didn't drink this..' I say suprised. 'It's to long ago.'

'Well, then we go to the cinema,' Jack says. 'We buy cola, popcorn and- Well, watch the movie! Just have some fun together. Just the two of us. We haven't done that yet.'

'I like that,' I say. 'Yea, that would be fun.' Jack smiles.

'Hey guys!' Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel walk to us. 'The haunted house is there!' Jonah laughs.

'We found it!' Daniel says. 

'We should go in there!' Corbyn says. 

'Let's go then,' I laugh. Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel run in front of us to the haunted house. Jack and I walk after them.

When we're there, I look at the rules of the house. You can go in there, four by four. You can't take any stuff with you. 

'Hey! Zach!' I look around. Nina walks to me. 'Are you going into the house?' she asks. 'We have already been in there, it's amazing!' 

'Cool,' I laugh. 'Aye, could you wait here for me and keep my stuff for a while?'

'Of course,' Nina says. I give her my phone and cola. 'Since when do you drink cola?' She asks suprised.

'Since Jack bought for me,' I laugh. Nina grins. 

'Have fun,' She says. 

'Thanks Nina,' I walk with the others to the entrance and we wait before we can go in there. First, four people go before us. Then we can. 

'You four,' the guy says. 'You can go in there.' 

'Seriously..' I sigh. I'm the one who's left. I am right at the back.

'I'll go with him,' Jack says, pointing at me. 

'Fine,' the guy says. 

'Sorry Zach!' Daniel says.

'It's fine, just... try not to get eaten by some monster or something like that!' Daniel laughs. Then Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel walk into the house. 
'Thank you,' I say after a while. Jack looks at me. 


'Thank you for staying with me,' I say. Jack smiles.

'Your welcome,' He says. 'I think.. Wel, I hope, that you would do the same for me.'

'Of course i would,' I say immediately. 

We talked for some minutes, then the guy comes to us.

'You can go,' he says. 

'Fine!' Jack says. The guy opens the door. Jack grabs my hand en pulls me into the haunted house. Just like always, his hands are warm. I don't even feel the roughness on his hands. 

It's really dark. Jack pulls me through the long hall and then we stop. 

'W-what? Why are we stopping?' I ask. 

'The door won't open,' Jack laughs. A black door stands before us. 'It won't open, Hahaha!' Then we hear a click. Jack steps backward, really quickly.

'Haha! You're scared!' I laugh. 

'I'm not scared! You're scared!' Jack defends his self. 

'Yes, that's true!' I laugh. We both burst out laughing. We walk into the room and the door slams behinds us.

'You're a painter..' A creepy voice says.

'No i'm not,' Jack says. I grin. 

'You try to paint the perfect painting, but you can't make it,'

'No, I don't try to make that.' Jack says. I laugh. 

'You try to find the perfect things for your painting, but there happen crazy things in house..' 

'I'm not trying to-'

'God, shut up!' I laugh. 

'I'm sorry, i'm sorry..' Jack laughs. 
After the voice stopped, another door opens. 

'Let's go!' Jack laughs. We walk to the door and walk through the hall. 

'This is dark...' I say. After I said that, a loud sound echoes through the hall. 'Okay.. Do that never again!' I laugh. Jack begins to laugh. There are a lot of flashing lights. A lot of loud sounds. 

'We have to walk into this room!' Jack says. He runs into a room, but before I can walk after him, the door slams behind him. 

'Jack?' I ask. 'Jack?! You're still there?' The door opens again. I walk quickly into the room. The door closes behind me. I look around me. 'Jack?! Jack?! Where are you?! Please! Don't leave me!' A lot of flashes. 'JACK!' One light shines. I see three doors. I walk to the door in front of me and try to open it, but it won't open. 'JACK!' I pull on the door handle. I try another door, this one opens. I run to the door and look around. 'JACK!' I yell. 'PLEASE! COME BACK!' I don't know why, but being alone here, in this haunted house, is scary. I never had a panic attack, and i don't want it to. But what if i get a attack here? What would happen? I run through the hallway. 'JACK!' I run around the corner and run further. Behind me a door slams. I look behind me. The lights fall out. 'NO! JACK!' I run to the end of the hall and pull on the door. It opens and i run through it. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, but i'm not calmed at all. I'm really scared.
I turn around, I stand in a living room. It looks quite normal. I walk through the living room. 
Suddenly a loud scream and a lot of flashes. I scream of the shock. I shrink back and stumble over something. I fall, for the second time today, on my head. 'NO!' I shrink back, so far, that I hit the wall. I crawl into each other and close my eyes.

The sweat is on my forehead, my heart is racing in my chest and it feels like I'm going to suffocate. When i look at my hands, I see that their are shaking. I can feel it starting at the tips of my fingers, a numbing sensation that would soon spread across my skin like wildfire, goosebumps rising along my pale skin. Every breath I took began to shallow into sharp, and desperate, gasps for air as my lungs threatened to collapse as my mind and heart raced against time— time that never stopped, that kept ticking away. The sound of the clock hand twitching over the numbers echoed in the corners of my skull, my eyes widening; but see nothing but complete darkness. There was a certain pain overwhelming me, but it wasn't something I could wish away— it was there, it would always be, there to haunt me, to take me from any source of happiness. I was doomed, and there was no hope, and those were the very last thoughts that she could perceive before her body succumbed to the breakdown.

'ZACH!' I look up. Nina runs to me. She has red eyes, like she cried. 'Oh my god, I found you!' I jump up and run to her. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.

'I was so scared!' I say. 'Y-you don't want to know w-what happend. I-I thought that i could trust him. Why did i trust him Nina? Why did i do that?!' 

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