He's Mine...I Think. {Namjoon...

By ArtsyGrace101

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Namjoon and Noir go to the same school. He's...perfect. So what's the problem? She's too shy to ever make a m... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
Part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22

part 5

276 13 1
By ArtsyGrace101

I frowned as Namjoon and I made eye contact, and his face dropped but I didn't wait to see what else he did as I slammed my locker shut and stomped towards my class, dragging Mia by the arm.
"O-Ow! Aish that hurts!" She exclaimed and I quickly let go of her, mumbled an apology, and continued on. She rushed behind me, trying to keep up with my brisk pace.
"Noir, it probably isn't what it looks lik-"
"Don't. " I cut her off as we entered the classroom doorway. I wasted no time getting to my desk and getting situated. Mia sat in her desk next to mine and slowly set her backpack on the floor next to her feet.
"Noir, he probably-"
"I said, don't. " I opened up my notebook and flipped to my doodle page, where his name was written several times with hearts. I felt my face flush as Mia watched me erase the centers of the hearts and draw cracks instead. I dug my pencil into the paper as I scribbled out his name, causing the paper to rip. I growled and closed my notebook, resting my chin on it. 
"Noir..." I recognized his voice before I even saw him. I turned away and buried my face in my arms.
"I don't want to hear what you have to say right now." I mumbled, and Mia took the hint.
"Namjoon, maybe you should just give her some space to cool down.." she said, and I praised the high heavens for my best friend.
"KIM NAMJOON, PLEASE TAKE A SEAT. CLASS HAS STARTED AND I WILL NOT TELL YOU AGAIN." I heard the professor's crisp voice cut through the room. I didn't look at him as he walked away.

I glared at his back for most of the class. He turned to look at me once and I shot him a glare of daggers. He turned around and didn't look back again.

~Mia's POV~

Eek. I feel bad for this kid. Kim Namjoon is gonna have to work overtime to get her trust back. Seeing him win her over will be like watching unicorns fly. Speaking of fly, there's one now. *rests chin on arm and watches fly* hello, little fly. I'm Mia.
I wonder if when I kill a fly, their Mama is sitting up at home waiting for them but they don't come home because I killed them!! *cries silently and shelters fly* don't worry fly mamas I ain't a murderer!!

~Back to Noir's POV~

I watched in confusion as Mia whispered to herself and made a cup out of her hands, suffocating a fly that was currently on her desk. I raised my eyebrows and turned back to my drawing.
It was of a girl pushing away a man with one hand, her arm outstretched and her face turned down and away from him. The man's face was a look of complete devastation.
I studied his face for a moment, then looked up to look where Namjoon sat in his desk in front of me. I blinked when I discovered him watching me, before he turned away.
I froze. The room went silent around me. It was like I had tunnel vision, my main focus pointed towards him. I slowly looked down and let out a small sound, almost like a silent sob.
His face matched the one of the man in the drawing.
Pure devastation.
Hellooooooo again my loves!
Sorry this chapter is shorter, and sorry for it having taken so long to be updated. I would make an excuse, but I have none. I apologize again.
Also, I just wanted to say that I LOVED writing this chapter. The drama, the goofiness, the romance..
I also wanted to tell you guys that Mia (the fly weirdo) is based off me, and Noir is based off @ArtseyCJ, my best friend. Go follow her and read her Jin FF!!
Your annoying author,

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