CROSSFIRE •|L.H fanfic|•

By sierram09

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*disclaimer* my username has changed but this is still the same story thx I hope you like it. Jessica's lif... More

In the Beginning (INTRODUCTION)
Chapter 1 The New Me
Chapter 2- bedrooms and homeroom.
Chapter 3- quiff it baby
Chapter 4- This Means War.
Chapter 5- Was I wrong?
Chapter 6- Milkshakes
Chapter 7- Official hand holder?
Chapter 9- stealer
Chapter 10- your delusional
Chapter 11- Honour **
Chapter 12- Like a Rock
Chapter 13- undercover
Chapter 14 Rings And Room Keys
Chapter 15- Cornered
Chapter 16- Confessions
Chapter 17- phone calls
Chapter 18- I just don' t know anymore
Chapter 19- The beginning of the end...
Chapter 20- Shes fine
Chapter 21- I Tried.
Chapter 23- Whipped
Chapter 24- Find her.
Chapter 25- He'll pay
Chapter 26
Chapter 27-
The End
new book

Chapter 8- people are rude.

79 4 3
By sierram09

Luke came over for dinner, we made home made pizza. Jonah, Luke and I enjoyed icecream sudaes after dinner while we watched MTV. Bethany was out with some friends and Samantha was in her room. She said she wasn't hungry. Samantha would be leaving on Monday to go back to the states and leave us to live our new lives. Samantha's been so nice to us. No one knew Samantha was here except the family, I think she wanted to keep it that way. I don't know why, though.

I kept getting the feeling that we wouldn't be here long. I don't know why. But I just get that feeling.

Jonah had gone to bed early. Which I apriciated. Luke and I lied down on the sectional and cuddled under a blanket. We were watching Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, my favortie. Luke kept playing with my hair during the movie, and I just held his hand. And we were happy. Nothing could be better than this. Nothing could ruin this moment.
"One Direction emailed us yesterday." Luke said twirling one of my tight curls around his finger. I sat up and looked at him.
" What?" I asked not beleiving him. "Your joking right?"
"No, They asked us to be their opening act on the last part of their Take Me Home Tour." He sat up to taking my hand and squeezing it.
"Oh my god! That's great!" I said hugging him. "I'm so happy for you guys! See, I knew you would make it big." I said nodding my head at him. He smiled his amazing smile that made my heart flutter every time I saw it. But it slowly disappeared. "Whats wrong?" I asked
"If we take the gig, we leave next week." He said looking down at our fingers that were now laced together. And then a torpedo hit me in the stomach. That moment we just had was flushed down the porcelain pee hole.
"Next week?" I looked away not wanting him to see the tear that I quickly blinked away. He took my face in his hand leaning in for a kiss. He quickly touched his soft lips to mine before speaking again.
"The remaider of the tour is only like 3 weeks. And I want you to come with us. At least for a little while."
"I don't know if my mom will let me." I looked at him. How was I supposed to go 3 weeks without seeing him? Right now Luke is my everything. I don't know what I'll do. I heard the garage door open and my mom walked in. She was wearing her pink scrubbs and tennis shoes. Her hair in a ponytail. She walked into the lounge and leaned over one side of the sectional.

"Hey Ana, hey Luke. What'd you all make for dinner?"
"Pizza, leftovers in the fridge." I mumbled. She walked to the other side of the sofa and sat down, putting her arm around me.
"What's wrong honey?" She asked in the sweetest voice. I was already mad at her because I knew she would say no, but I told her anyway.
"5 Seconds of Summer is going on tour with One Direction next week." I said trying my best not to let a tear fall out of my watery eyes. I was going to say someting else, but Luke finished for me.
"Mumma James, I was just wondering if Ana would be able to come on tour with us, not the whole tour, just for a little while." He said looking at her with his hopeful blue eyes, but I knew what my mother would say, and I was right.
"I don't know Luke, we've only been here a couple of weeks, soon to be a month, I don't know if I want my daughter going across the world with a bunch of teenagers." She said
"Well it wouldn't just be me and the boys, my mother, Liz, She'll be coming along as well. But she'll be there for the whole 3 week tour."
"You're mother is going, well that changes things a bit. If I could get a scheduel of the places you'll be going I'll see which week works best." My eyes got wide in disbeleif.
"Really mom?"
"Yes. Really. We'll talk more about it tomorrow." She said. I hugged her and she went Into the kitchen and reheated some pizza. She must've looked at the time on the microwave because she called from the kitchen,
"Luke you can stay a little while longer, then it's time to head home okay?"
"Alright mumma James," he called back. We continued to cuddle on the couch and watch small segments of movies because Luke had the remote and apparently couldn't decide on a movie. But I didn't mind, I wanted to spend as much time with Luke as possible before next week. After about another hour Luke went home and I went upstairs to my moms room to talk to her.
She was sitting in bed watching tv. I knocked on her open door as a silent 'can we talk?' She looked up and pulled back the space of covers next to her. I climbed in and snuggled next to my mom.
"You mean I can go right?" I asked looking up at her.
"I'm planning and hoping that they aren't going to America for a week. I don't want to tip them off by saying you can't go. If none of this happened I would've let you go for the whole 3 weeks."
"I understand. I think they're touring in Europe for a few days." I said
"What will most likely happen is you'll either leave the first week with them or fly to wherever they're going to be and meet them there. And then after a few shows you'll fly home." She said stroking my hair. I know it sounds like she's petting me like a dog, but it's actually really relaxing. "Sound good to you?"
"Yea. Sounds great. And I'll do my best to make sure they don't post any pics of me on the internet. I don't want my face out there for the world to see. For him to see."
"Good looking out Hun. But I have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep." She said. But I wanted to watch tv, I didn't want to go downstairs though.
"Is it okay if I just watch tv in here. I promise not to bother you."
"That's fine." She said already drifting off into sleep. I was soon leaving reality an heading straight for dreamland.

:-:-:-:-:-:-:Monday at school-:-:-:-:-:-:

Luke and I sat in homeroom, we both were being rather quiet for no reason. Luke was scrolling through twitter and so was I. I didn't post a lot on twitter but today I did.
'Today's going to be a good day. I can tell.' Is what I tweeted. Luke must've read it because he retweeted it. The bell rang and we walked in the direction of our classes. I took his hand for the short walk down the hall. I pecked his cheek before walking into creative writing.
"See ya at lunch?" I said
"Yea lunch. Bye babe." He said returning my peck. I let go of his hand and walked into creative writing and sat next to Calum. My phone started to buzz like crazy. So I took it out and looked at it. Kayla replied to my tweet. I didn't even know she followed me.

'@luke5sos I don't know why you waste your time with that bimbo of a girlfriend. When you could have me.'

She must follow Luke. That's how she knew about the tweet. But why would she tweet something so mean? Oh yeah. She's queen bitch. Thats why.

"Look at this!" I said shoving my phone at Calum.
"Huh?!" His eyes popped open he must've been asleep.
"Late night last night?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"No... maybe." He took the phone from my hand and read the tweet. "Kayla again. I thought she backed off?"
"Luke said he would take care of it. And tell her to back off. But all I've gotten for the past two weeks is death stares and her all over my boyfriend." I scoffed.
"So you two are official now?" Calum asked with a grin.
"Yes Calum, but that's not our focus right now."
"Right sorry. Well I guess Kayla never really got over Luke after they broke up last year." My eyes got wide when Calum said this. I had no idea that she was his ex. It all made sense now. But Luke lied to me.

Why would he lie? I asked myself.

Then I thought about our conversation, he never really said that she was his ex. But I never asked about it either. So technically he didn't lie. But I was going to say something to him.
"I didn't know she was his ex." I said to Calum.
"Oooh.." he dragged out the word. "Well she was a real bitch to him. Your way better than her. None of us liked her all that much anyway."
"Well that makes me feel better." I said with a smile.
"Woah." Calum said his eyes growing wide.
"What?" I asked leaning over the desk to look at my phone.
"Your mentions is blowing up! 47 in the last 5 minutes!" he handed me back my phone and I read through them.

'@Ana_bonana98 You aren't worth Luke's time. He should dump you!'

'@Ana_bonana98 Luke should dump your ugly ass! You don't deserve him! go die.'

There were at least 100 more just like that. Or worse.

How would she even know what I look like?!

My profile pic was Luke an I. But we were standing pretty far away from the camera. The point is, you can barely see my face because the wind was blowing and my hair got in the way. And Luke was just laughing. So in reality it was a pretty terrible picture.I wanted to tweet every single one them and ask what I did to make them hate me. But I knew if I did that Luke wold see it and he would get mad. And I didn't want him upset, after all we only have a week together before he goes on tour. And I don't know when I'm going to get to see him again during the tour.

I'll just let it roll off my back. They're just fans and they want to protect Luke. That's all. And Kayla. Well she's just a bitch. I said this to myself a few times. Before starting to work on my assignment.

Eventually the bell rang and I headed off to my next class. My phone was still buzzing about every 10 minutes, but eventually I just turned it off. Those people weren't worth my time or my thoughts, or my tears.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Lunchtime!! (om nom) x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

I put my tray down next to Luke's and just sat there and poked at my spaghetti. I wasn't that hungry. Everyone was laughing and talking about random things, but I just sat there quiet.

"Ana what's wrong?" Luke whispered in my ear. "I know you probably don't want everyone to know about what's bothering you. Text me" I took out my phone and turned it on. Luke had already texted me a few times, since I turned it off this morning.


Hey, what's up? You were kind of quiet in homeroom. Everything ok? xx

I'm so sorry about Kayla! I had no idea she was gonna say something like that. I'll set her straight I promise babe. xx

I'm really sorry xx

After reading through some of his texts I texted him back.

Hey, Kayla is rude. And I accept your apology. Everything was fine this morning until Kayla replied to my tweet.

I'm sorry babe. I'll talk to her today.

Why didn't you tell me Kayla was your ex?

He didn't text back, so I looked up at him. He was already looking at me. He took my hand and walked me out of the lunchroom and out to the quad. We sat at one of the picnic tables.

"I didn't tell you because I thought after I talked to her she would back off." Luke confessed. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad at you or anything, I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me. And now I know," I said squeezing his hand. "You didn't tell me because she's a crazy bitch who is totally in love with you, but you don't love her."

"Exactly, yes. She is crazy and I don't know why. She's been a lot crazier lately though."

"It's because your becoming more famous. And she wants to be in the spotlight with you." I explained. But for me I would have to stay out of that spotlight as much as possible. Hopefully it wouldn't be that hard.

"Yeah it makes sense. We'll talk to her after school. Are you coming to band practice?" He asked

"Yeah, I'll be there. Are we all going to squeeze into my car again?"

"Most likley." He laughed.
People started to flood out of the lunch room crossing the quad. Which means Lunch must've ended. Mikey and Calum walked out with our bags in hand. We took them and walked to music.

Mystery POV

"Have you found anything yet?" His deep voice echoing through the room. There were several men working on computers and searching for anything that might lead to him. Half of them were searching him. The other half was searching the family.
"Sir, we've been searching for two weeks and haven't found anything." I said as we walked out the door, and down a long hallway.
"There has to be some kind of slip up somewhere." He said shaking his head.


Okay guys. This chapter was kind of suckish. And short. Sorry!!! But I just finished summer school so I will update more often!!

Who do you think the mystery POV is?? That POV will come up more in the next couple of chapters, so stay tuned!!

Thank you all so much for almost 80 reads. You have no idea how much that means to me!!!!!:)
Hope you enjoyed. Comment and vote.

Bye lovelies<3

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