Solid GrounD (MxM)

By TheoryKierei

128K 10.8K 1.4K

This is the second book of the MiMiC series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but old characters will likely... More

When the Ground Shifts
When Your Thoughts Shift
When Your Heart Shifts
When Your Sight Shifts
When the Rules Shift
When the Storm Shifts
When Your Mind Shifts
When the Words Shift
When Your Understanding Shifts
When the Music Shifts
When the Leaves Shift
When the Steaks Shift
When Priorities Shift
When Emotions Shift
When Time shifts
When You Shift For Him
When Your Life Shifts
When the Shifting Ends

When the Odds Shift

6.3K 557 96
By TheoryKierei

A shiver running down Austin's spine awoke him sometime during the early morning. It took him a minute to force his tired eyes open, then another two for them to focus enough to read his alarm clock.

Two... the power came back on, with the air conditioner.

Yawning, he started to sit up, intent on reaching his blanket that he could feel somewhere around his feet, but a weight kept his shirt from being able to move with him, forcing him to stay lying down and refocus on what exactly had a hold on him. 

At first, his half-asleep mind couldn't make sense of the young man cuddled up to him like a cat starved for attention. He knew that he hadn't brought anyone home. His memory filled itself in after several quiet moments, specifically bringing up their second kiss, then Roh-Ahn asking to spend the night with him. 

He was about to shake him awake so that he could return to his room, because honestly, he hadn't really been thinking clearly last night, obviously, but when he felt Roh-Ahn shiver against him, then give a nearly silent whine, Austin clamped his mouth shut and slowly moved his feet so that he could lift the blanket with one. 

It was close enough to grab after a few tries, allowing him to pull it up and over them both. He made sure, however, to tuck Roh-Ahn in snugly before tossing it lazily over his own shoulder. 

I could have sworn that last night was a dream. Austin thought as he hugged the guy a little closer, secretly loving the fact that he responded immediately, even though he was definitely asleep, and snuggled in right up against him.

The faint brush of Roh-Ahn's damaged leg, the pajama pants covering it having gotten pushed up while he'd slept, against his own, had Austin's thoughts darkening. He hugged the man tighter and lifted one hand to press against the back of his head. 

How dare someone hurt such a sweet person. How dare they. 


If anyone hurts him ever again, I'm going to-"Austin, you're hurting me."


"Austin, please..." 

Shoving himself away abruptly, Austin pushed too hard and off-balanced himself, making him fumble to the floor with a thud. He remained with one leg up on the bed and his body on the carpet, rubbing at the back of his head with one hand. 

"Dammit, that was smart." He grumbled to himself as he heard a faint sound coming from up on the bed. 

Opening his squinting eyes, he saw the outline of Roh-Ahn looking down at him. The almost-silent sound of a chuckle met his ears, making Austin scowl. 

"You are not laughing at me." 

Roh-Ahn immediately disappeared from the edge of the bed, spurring Austin to swing his leg off, then jump back up and grab the guy before he could manage to slip back under the covers completely. With little effort, he dragged him backward and into his lap, bringing some of the blanket with him. 

Even in the darkness, his mouth easily found Roh-Ahn's, silencing any possible protests. The kiss was hungry, but still close-mouthed and careful. He didn't dare nibble at his lips, nor did he try to use his tongue at all. It just didn't seem necessary as they enjoyed each other's attention. 

When their mouths finally released each others', Austin grinned and pressed another kiss to Roh-Ahn's forehead. "We should get some more sleep. Your uncle will be getting here pretty early, right?" He asked as he carefully guided Roh-Ahn to lay down, then followed him so that he could pull him back into his arms. 

"Yes. He will be here sometime in the morning. Probably around six or seven." Roh-Ahn replied as he squirmed as close as he could get, making Austin give a quiet laugh. 

"Why are you so sweet?" He whispered. 

Roh-Ahn tilted his head up, replying with a grin in the dim light from Austin's alarm clock. "My students wouldn't think such a thing." 

Rolling his eyes, Austin nudged his head forward with one hand, then rested his chin atop his hair. "Ruining the moment." 

He could feel Roh-Ahn's shoulders moving with laughter, but when the guy calmed down, then didn't respond, Austin noticed that his breathing had evened out again. 

Back to sleep, then. 

Austin remained awake for another thirty minutes or so before his eyes refused to stay open any longer. It didn't feel like even an hour had passed when he heard the front door opening. 

Roh-Ahn doesn't go into work today...

He tightened his arms a little to confirm that the young man was still secure in them. 

Then who...?

The second he heard someone talking to someone else in Korean, he realized how screwed they both were. 

"Roh-Ahn! Your uncle is here!" He whispered as loud as he could against the guy's ear. 

Thankfully, he didn't have to try again as Roh-Ahn grumbled quietly but opened his tired eyes. It did take him a minute to process what was said, but the voices just outside the bedroom door cleared up his mind quite quickly after he realized who exactly was talking. 

"Oh shit!" He whisper-shouted, fumbling toward the edge of the bed. 

Austin turned, swinging his own legs over the edge. "What do we do?" He asked, knowing that it was likely not a great idea to just walk out of his bedroom, together. 

"How am I supposed to know!" Roh-Ahn replied in Korean, again. 

"Wrong language." Austin noted, getting a scowl from Roh-Ahn as the guy stood up, then promptly dropped. Thankfully, Austin was paying attention and caught him before he could hit the floor, settling him back on the edge of the bed. 

"Okay, I've got an idea. You've been having a few good days and a few bad days recently, and I've heard you calling your uncle every other one." Austin said, getting a hurried nod from Roh-Ahn. 

"So, let's say that you stayed in here and I slept on the floor to watch over you? Your medicine is still in your room, but that's not far if I'd need to get it, so I think it might still work as an excuse." 

They were both silent for a moment as Roh-Ahn considered the idea, then lifted a finger to tap against Austin's bare chest. He could have sworn that he'd fallen asleep with a T-shirt on, but who knows, maybe he'd woken up just enough to toss it since the air conditioning was out for part of the night and he normally slept without one. 

Not wanting to waste time dwelling on it, Austin reached down and picked up the shirt on the floor by his feet and tugged it on. He was just reaching down to pull it into place when he felt Roh-Ahn's arms wrap around his upper body in a hug. 

Austin didn't hesitate to return it, pressing a kiss to his soft hair before helping him stand. 

"We'll be fine. We didn't do anything to be worried about, anyways, just slept." Austin said as he offered Roh-Ahn his arm so that he could walk by himself but still had some support. 

He took his proffered arm, carefully using it to balance so he could limp to the door and grab his cane. After a quick once over for each of them, to make sure that none of their clothing looked odd, Austin took a step back and let Roh-Ahn open the door. 

The person Austin saw in front of them when the door slid open definitely wasn't old enough to be Roh-Ahn's uncle. He also didn't look Korean, at all. When he noticed them, his eyebrows rose, a smirk slipping across his lips as he looked between them both several times. 

"Hey grandpa! I found them. They were just banging in the guy's room." 

Jesus Christ. 

There were five more people crowding the door seconds later, making Austin fidget. He didn't like people in his place, and hadn't known that Roh-Ahn's uncle was going to bring the whole group along with him. He'd hoped that they'd just stay at the hotel they had booked. 

"Roh-Ahn, what are you doing in his room?" An older man, looking to be around thirty or so, asked. 

That guy fits the uncle category, and even though I don't understand what he just said, the tone of voice makes it pretty clear that he's talking about us being together. 

Roh-Ahn took a few careful steps forward to put himself close enough to the man to give him a half-hug, still needing his cane for support on his right side. 

"Hello, uncle. I was having a pretty bad night yesterday. Austin said he wouldn't mind if I stayed in his room just in case." 

The man looked up at him, making Austin do his best not to look nervous. When the guy's eyes scanned over what he was wearing, then returned back to his face before finally refocusing on Roh-Ahn with a hesitant smile, Austin gave a silent sigh of relief. 

"You look like you're feeling better. Sorry we came so early, it was the only flight that wasn't full." He said, making Roh-Ahn shake his head slightly. 

"It's not a problem, uncle." He said before turning his attention to the group of people staring at them. 

"Ah, right, hello Austin, my name is Wan-Nu. I'm sure my nephew has mentioned me a few times?" The older man said as he stepped slightly to the side and offered a hand to shake. 

Glad that he could finally understand something, Austin gave a small smile and grasped the man's hand. "Nice to meet you, and yes, he has talked about you quite a few times." 

"All good things, I would hope?" The man said with a heavy accent. 

Austin chuckled and walked into the kitchen to get the coffee pot started. He wasn't the biggest fan, but he definitely needed some right then. 

"Of course. All good things, and bad things, and some in between." He said before the guy he'd first seen walked past him to look in the fridge. 


"Ike, we're going to eat in a few minutes. Leave their food alone." Wan-Nu warned, getting a frustrated grumble from the guy as he shut the door and wandered out of the kitchen just in time for another person to step inside. 

The new guy was shorter and had a messy head of dark hair and innocent but mischievous eyes. 

Not sure how those two things go together, but they definitely show well on him. 

"Hello, my name's Teller." He said in greeting, smiling sheepishly. 

Austin returned his smile after getting down a mug from the cabinet to set beside the coffee maker. "Name's Austin." 

Teller nodded, then continued. "Wan-Nu told us that you're a professor at the university nearby?" 

Austin was just opening his mouth to respond when another guy appeared behind Teller, reaching an arm around his shoulders to tug him backward against his chest. 

"Wan-Nu went over all of this already. I think he might just want to be able to relax before Wan-Nu likely drags him, and his nephew, out for lunch or dinner later before the show."  The taller man said as he leaned down to partially whisper his words. 

Teller's eyes widened for a moment, but then he seemed to realize something and promptly bowed his head slightly. "I think we might head out to get some breakfast. We'll have to talk later?" 

Confused, but glad that he was going to be left alone, Austin nodded. "Yeah, sure." 

He noticed two others, whom he hadn't met yet, just toss him quick glances before darting out the door. One of them looked like he had enough energy to power the sun, while the one he was chasing after appeared more like a tired, frightened animal. 

Strange group. 

"It seems that you two still need to wake up. We will meet with you both later before the show?" Wan-Nu asked after he shoved Ike out the door. 

Roh-Ahn slipped into the kitchen, turning to his uncle once he was balanced. "Yes, uncle. We'd be glad to meet you all later. Just let us know." He said with a smile. 

His uncle nodded, and, after Teller and who Austin could only assume was his very possessive boyfriend left, he bowed slightly and took his leave. Austin couldn't close and lock the door fast enough. He sighed and thumped his forehead against the worn wood afterward, letting the stress drain from body. 

"You really don't like people around." He heard Roh-Ahn say from a few feet away, prompting him to turn around. 

Shaking his head, Austin walked back into the kitchen and poured himself half a cup of coffee. He wasn't sure if Roh-Ahn drank it, since he hadn't seen him do so since he moved in, but he left enough for another half cup if he wanted it. 

"Does me being here bother you?" Roh-Ahn asked, making Austin pause the sip he'd been about to take of his hot drink. 

Setting the cup aside on the counter, Austin slowly walked up to Roh-Ahn, stopping only a few inches away from their toes being able to touch. 

"Honestly? I thought that I'd be going crazy having to deal with another person in my space, because frankly, I can't stand it when people come over here for more than an hour or two every few weeks. I like my space. I like to be alone..." 

He paused for a moment and sighed, shaking his head as he stared slightly down at Roh-Ahn's wide eyes. 

"But, I think that I could live with you forever and never say that I needed space." 

The look that Roh-Ahn gave him in response to his words had Austin closing the small gap between them and pressing his lips to his. 

I think I'm becoming addicted. 

He intended to kiss Roh-Ahn senseless, until he needed to be carried to his room so that he could finally start getting ready for the day, but not even a minute had passed when he was suddenly yanked away from him, then promptly shoved out of his own apartment door by Roh-Ahn's uncle. 

How the hell did I not hear his spare key in the door? Austin thought as it slammed in his face, then he heard the lock click shut. 

Wait. He just locked me out of my own apartment...

Knowing that knocking likely wouldn't accomplish anything except to piss off his elderly neighbor two doors down who had the hearing of a bat and a vicious cat named Fido, Austin turned around and leaned back against the door, then slid down it to sit and wait on the cold, dirty, tile floor. 

Great start to the morning. First impression. Aced it. 

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