My Lost Diaries

By MarouenKouki

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Logan Had a Job across the country, He decides to take a shortcut , through a place humans rarely dare enter... More

Chapter 1 : A surprising encounter.
Chapter 2 : Those left behind.
Chapter 3 : First Impressions
Chapter 4 : Happy Birthday.
Chapter 5 : Last Wish
Chapter 6 : A New Start
Chapter 7 : The Berserk
Chapter 8 : Taking on the Impossible
Chapter 10 : Hellos and Goodbyes

Chapter 9 : Doing the Impossible

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By MarouenKouki

It was night, Lily was hiding behind a house, Two Bandits were close

" Hey, Did you know ? someone caught 2 Ladies wondering around in the woods, we might get lucky tonight." One of them said

" You know there's no chance of that happening, The boss won't let anyone lay a hand on them, He's definitely going to keep them for himself " 

" That fucking selfish bastard..." 

" He's keeping them locked in a room in his building, if he's not going to let us in the fun, What do you say we sneak in ? " 

" He'll kill us if he finds out. also, He always have people standing on guard in front of his house, I don't fancy our chances with that." 

" I swear one day everyone is going to turn on him, most of us are already getting tired of his shit."

The two kept talking about how unfair the group conditions were, But Lily stopped listening, She already got what she needed. Now, she just needs to locate what building they imprisoned them in.

" The boss house huh... It must be fancier than all others, from the way they talked about him, he sounded like a major prick, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a big neon sign with his name shinning on top of his house" Lily was thinking

As she expected, the boss place did stand out, It was big, loud music was coming out from it and 2 big guys were standing guard in front of the door.

" Logan isn't here... This is scary, being here alone is scary ...Whatever, I'll just have to do this myself." 

She took out a Hand grenade, and looked toward the big tent . 

" Here goes nothing..." She said after taking a deep breath 

She pulled the small ring, Aimed for the tent, and threw it. 

However, She missed... It didn't go far enough, She never used a hand grenade before, She rushed it when she pulled the ring, and she was panicking a little and hesitated while throwing.

Everyone looked her way, She was just standing there, Frozen in fear or in denial about her missed throw, She didn't know which one herself, The backbone of her plan was to explode the whole tent, creating a big explosion distracting everyone there and starting a chaos.

But she missed... her grenade just pulled all attention to her. She knew.. she screwed up, she's dead, along with those two she wanted to save... She's absolutely going to die.

" Everyone is on his own out here, getting involved in other people's shit will just get you killed, looking after your own back takes priority over everything else." Those were Logan words ....

They all were going through her head at that moment.


3 hours ago...

" I have a plan " Lily said with a determined face.

" You don't know when to stop, don't you kid ? " Logan was angry

" No, Not when Innocent people lives are on the line, Just listen to me, Please, If You don't like it, I'll stop " She didn't back down.

She was being so stubborn, Logan knew this could go on forever...

" Ok, let's hear it . "

" It's simple, all we need is a sort of Distraction. You've already done it in Candus city and it worked, I also tried the same thing to escape from there too" 

" Yes, But both times we were distracting the Infected. How many times do I have to tell you, It doesn't work the same way on humans" 

" I know, I know, that's why this time we're using a bigger one. remember the Big tent they had on the middle of the road... It was filled with big explosives, If we blow that up, I'm sure it will be a mess" 

" If you do that, They will immediately start looking for whoever started the explosion, and you have to be close when you blow that tent up, You're just asking to get caught ..." 

Lily had a confident smile on her face

" That's why we're doing it at night. An explosion that big, Will surely attract the Infected. If we don't make it about us against them. and bring another factor into the equation. we can have the results we want."

Logan crossed his arms and was looking down for a minute

" How do you plan on exploding the tent ? " 

" Well, I already saw you have 5 hand grenades on your backpack...we could use one of those."

"..." Logan raised his eyebrow and gave her a scary look

" Tehee--" Lily put her tongue out and made a small fist which she bumped into her head.

" I'll give it to you kid, I'm impressed. You did think this through..."

A big grin was showing on Lily's face

" But you missed one thing" He said

her face turned back to all its seriousness

" If they established a base there, Don't you think it was because they checked the area and made sure there wasn't that many Infected.."

She didn't say anything back, He kept talking :

" I mean the big explosion would attract some close ones, but I'm sure it will be a few and they can take care of it with the guns they have... and if it does manage to bring up more Infected from far away. They will take time to reach the base. Don't you think they would have taken care of it by then and started looking for whoever started it all... Us ? "

Lily was biting her thumb nail again, She went back to thinking

" Just give it up kid. I bet you already can tell by now, You can't save those two..."

" Still, I'm not giving up."

Logan could've sworn he saw a burning fire in her eyes when she said that. He felt Intimidated, there's no convincing her, She's going to win him over if this kept going... He looked sad a little and then he said it

" Well, Then. This is where we part our ways it looks like..." He looked down

" Yeah, Looks like it" She Lowered her head hiding all her face expressions.

He took out his backpack, Threw it on the ground and opened it .

" We didn't really spend that much time together, But I could already tell, You are a survivor, one of the best I've seen... I honestly thought you were smarter than this... Maybe I was wrong." He said

" Well, I guess we're both disappointed with each other then." she replied

" I wish you the best of luck out there. Kid " He threw her one grenade after turning his hand inside the bag for a couple of seconds

" Thank you. you too, Old man." She smiled painfully.

Logan then put back his backpack, and started walking, she just stood there watching him getting further and further away, Till he disappeared behind the trees.

" On my own again huh... Maybe this is how it's just meant to be for me " Lily had such a sad face, Tears were flowing her eyes.


Logan was riding Cookie, still heading west, It was as quiet as it used to be before he met Lily, other than his horse tapping on the ground, It was a complete empty silence.

Sun was about to set, He had this pain over his chest ever since he decided to walk away on her, He knew she's going to die, he knew her plan is never going to work.

" She must be on the move by now..." He was thinking

The guilt was killing him, Not being able to convince her to walk away, he's going to have to live with that for the rest of his life.

" I can still make it if I go back ... Go back for what ? To die ... I can still save her ... She made her decision ... It's not too late Logan..."

Voices were fighting inside his head, He's breaking every rule he followed and kept him alive if he goes back, If he doesn't, he's responsible for her death.

He pushed back the leading rope and made Cookie stop. He stood just like that, couldn't take any other step forward Nor take any one backward. His mind and body were stuck at that spot.



" I'm Dead. " lily thought

" I should've listened to Logan, I already knew there was no way this was going to work... why didn't I listen to him ...." she was full of regret.

How couldn't she, She threw her life away for nothing, after surviving through hell for all these years, All the running and hiding, The sacrifices that were made to keep her alive.

All of it, For nothing...

" Another girl is here, she threw a grenade !!"

" What !? is she with the other 2, Did she come to save them ?"

" She might have other weapons, It's not safe to try and capture her, Just shoot her dead !!" They were screaming

They all quickly held their guns and started shooting at her, She got hit... On her left shoulder, She quickly ran to the nearest wall to hide. 

She was shaking, Her whole body was, She wasn't breathing right too, She put her right hand on her shoulder, and saw blood all over it, She panicked even more.

" Ahh... This is it for me " She thought 

She looked up to the sky. She couldn't stop her tears from leaking out.

" I'm Sorry !!! Neil ... I'm sorry... " she screamed inside her heart...

BOOOOOM!! A big explosion, Lily felt the Vibration reaching her...

" What on earth..." She whispered to herself.

She peeked from the corner, The tent Exploded ! some were close and dropped dead on the ground, Others were facing the other way, They all lost Interest in her so suddenly.

She starred hard to see what's going on, Behind all the fire and smoke, She saw a Black Horse, A man was riding it and running toward the village so fast.

Loud screams were coming from behind him, In the forest trees . Once he started to get a little close, She recognized him, It was Logan .

A herd Of Infected came out from the woods after him, A large number of them, No less than 100. They were previously chasing him, But now they're all focused on the big pretty Fireworks that were set up in front of them.

Lily realized he must've gathered them from various places and made them follow him to bring them all the way here.

He didn't stop when he reached town. He kept running on his horse, And was firing his shotgun repeatedly at people on his way, he passed through them and reached the other side of the village, Where Lily was.

She waved for him and he stopped in front of her.

" I suppose You got some shotgun ammo right ?" He said while throwing her his shotgun

" Yes !!" Lily was whipping the tears off her eyes

" Good then, We meet at Owens lake, North from here..." 

He grabbed out his Axe and went back into the fray, It was a mess, People and Infected were fighting, The scene was horrible to look at, But Logan still went in to the big pile of smoke, Killing whatever was on his way, Be it a human or an Infected.

" This is my chance. " Lily said after reloading the shotgun

She went running to the Boss building, No one was guarding it, everyone was busy with what's already happening, So, She just took the front door and went in. 

Nothing was on the first floor, she took the stairs and then she heard someone talking.

" Everyone is busy with whatever bullshit is happening outside... Even the boss went out ... I can't believe he left me here alone with the keys... Lucky me!!"

Lily Knocked him out with the back of her shotgun.

" Not today you disgusting pig." She said

The 2 girls were locked inside a large animal cage. The little girl was shaking while the older one was holding her between her arms. She looked at Lily and asked.

" What's going on ? What's happening outside ?" she had a worried and serious look on her face.

lily opened the cage and reached her hand.

" let's go, We're getting you out of here" .

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