The Melody We Make (Brallie F...

By megan_black

38.7K 988 274

What happens when "Someone's Little Sister" plays Outlaws at All Ages Night with the Foster Kids in the audie... More

1. A Distant Melody
2. Reverberations
3. You Can't Say That
4. The Morning After
5. Restraint
6. Everyday Adventure
7. Time
9. Fabric
10. Her Fire
11. Fair
12. Hope
13. Happiness
14. Fault
15. Lies
16. I Shouldn't Be Here
17. The Conversation
18. Fear
19. The Playlist
20. Your Person, Your People
21. Somebody
22. Home
23. Right Where You Belong
24. Epilogue: 15 YEARS LATER

8. Not What I Asked

1.7K 47 11
By megan_black

"Brandon went to get Lou?" Wyatt asked. They were sitting in the backyard and Callie was practicing guitar while he listened.

"Yeah, she's perpetually late though so, I wouldn't hold your breath on them getting back anytime soon" Callie went back to her playing,

"So what's the plan?" Wyatt asked, he was nervous about this. He didn't want to let on that he was nervous but being around Callie and Brandon made him nervous and insecure in a way that he hated to feel insecure.

"Bowling? I think," Callie's eyes stayed on the strings as she began plucking artfully,

"You're getting really good," Wyatt said nodding toward the guitar, Callie shook her head,

"I keep messing up this slide," she shook her head, "Doesn't matter, I'm going to go put this upstairs,"

Brandon pulled into the driveway of his house with Lou in tow and pulled out his phone to text Callie that they were here.

"Wait-- I need to go to the bathroom," Lou said unbuckling herself and then getting out of the car. Brandon followed her inside and took a quick look around.

"Callie! Let's go" Brandon yelled, Wyatt came in from outside,

"She's just putting her guitar away," Brandon nodded,

"She get the slide yet?" Wyatt shrugged

"According to her no, but she's sounding good," Brandon nodded,

"She practices a lot," Brandon responded,

"Who practices a lot?" Lou said to Brandon coming out from the bathroom, and sliding herself under his arm,

"Callie and her guitar" she nodded and a second later Callie came downstairs,

"Sorry Mariana was having a "crisis of clothing" whatever that means" she took a cue from Lou and latched herself onto Wyatt, "We ready to go?"

"Let's do this" Brandon said pointing towards the door,

Brandon held the door open for Lou, then Callie, and finally Wyatt.

"You sure you don't mind driving?" Wyatt asked as they walked to the car, he started towards the backseat before Lou stopped him,

"No Wyatt, you get the front, longer legs and all. Callie and I will be taking the back," Wyatt and Callie raised their eyebrows at each other and with a smile and a shrug Callie took the seat behind Wyatt and Lou took the seat behind Brandon.

Brandon plugged in his music and while they would have been fine to ride without talking... that's not how Lou rolled.

"So how did you guys meet?" Lou said gesturing toward Wyatt and Callie. Wyatt tilted his head at Callie as if prompting her to tell,

"Um," she tought back for a minute, "When I first got to Anchor Beach he was the only person who wasn't like entirely freaked out by me," Lou looked confused, "Mariana let slip I'd been in juvie," Lou looked surprised,

"I never would have guessed," Lou said now nodding her head as if giving a new found approval to Callie

"Yeah, I caught her interest with a stellar pick up line about her rap sheet and tattoos," Wyatt said now smiling at Callie,

"So yeah, um we started hanging out a lot,"

"But not actually dating," Wyatt clarified, Callie rolled her eyes,

"Pardon my hesitation, but The first time he took me out," Callie said now turning to Lou, "The cops were called on us for breaking and entering, and Brandon had to pick us up,"

"Aw, Brandon," Lou said smiling, "Always the boy scout," Brandon sat up a little straighter and half smiled as turned on his blinker and changed lanes

"Anyway we dated for a half second, broke up but stayed friends, he moved to Indiana," Wyatt put his hand on the shoulder of his seat and Callie put hers on top, "He moved back the week that Jude and I were getting adopted, and we officially got back together the day Jude was adopted," Lou nodded,

"Thats the day you found out about your dad? Right? That's why you weren't adopted that day?" Lou asked seemingly checking with Brandon through the mirror that her information was correct.

"Its the day I found out about my biological dad, Robert Quinn, yes,"

"It's been a crazy few months to say the very least," Wyatt said smiling at Callie then turning to the front,

"So where do you go to school Lou?" Wyatt asked

"I dropped out to focus on my music, there really wasn't a whole lot for me in the public education system," Brandon rolled his eyes which apparently made Lou laugh, "Brandon is not impressed by my lack of education,"

"But her musical talents trump her lack of formal education" Brandon said peering in the rear view and winking at Lou, who nodded her approval.

"How's the band working out?" Wyatt asked turning towards both Brandon and Lou.

"It's good," Brandon said raising his eyebrows slightly,

"Some of us have been bit by the muse and are writing excessively awesome songs and others of us are... struggling to find their voice" Lou said looking at Brandon in the rear view, Brandon smiled and shook his head,

"That song you guys played at that one show we went to, Rebels?" Wyatt said

"Outlaws," Lou corrected, Callie felt her eyes get slightly bigger and she let out an audible breath,

"Yeah that was a good one," Wyatt said nodding at Brandon

"Aren't you like always playing stuff in your room?" Callie looked at Brandon skeptically, he took in a breath and shook his head,

"Its all just old stuff" Brandon said shaking his head and turning into the Bowling Alley parking lot.

They got out of the car and headed towards the door. Wyatt and Brandon walked ahead so they would be able to pay and get shoes.

"I'm glad we're doing this" Lou said walking next to Callie,

"Me too, this should be fun," Callie said smiling with her lips pursed together

When they walked in the boys were already at the shoe/concession counter. They picked up their shoes, placed their dinner order, and walked to the lane they had been assigned.

"I'll get us setup here," Wyatt said sitting down at the computer,

"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick," Callie said as Lou sat down, She walked away taking deep breaths. This was fun. Lou was cool. She shouldn't be having this level of anxiety about the whole situation. She walked into the bathroom and took a few deep breaths. Have fun. When Callie walked out she saw Brandon at the concession stand waiting for their order. She walked over to him,

"Hey" she said with a semi forced smile,

"Hey," Brandon said slightly startled to see her, "You okay?" Callie nodded eyebrows raised in a way Brandon knew meant she was brave facing the situation,

"Yeah, this is fun. Lou is really nice and cool," Brandon let out a small laugh,

"She can be a bit of an interrogator, but she doesn't mean anything by it,"

"How are you holding up?" Brandon shrugged but smiled,

"I was sent to pick up the food when Lou took over picking up out our respective names, I think we are playing guys against girls... which should be interesting,"

"What? You don't think I'll play nice with Lou?" Brandon laughed and looked up at the menu board,

"I just never thought I would have to play nice with Wyatt," the drinks were dropped off followed by a tray of food. Callie took the drinks and Brandon took the tray and they walked over to their lanes.

"Thanks guys," Wyatt said, he had been watching them since he noticed they were walking over together, standing if he really wanted to go there, a little too closely together,

When Callie sat down Wyatt draped his arm around the back of Callie's chair.

"So," Brandon said in attempt to make conversation, "Guys versus Girls?"

"Yeeeee-aaah" Lou said taking a french fry, "Do you guys have a lot of experience bowling?" she had one eyebrow up,

"I used to bowl a lot when I was little, but not for a while" Wyatt said sipping his drink, "What about you?" he said looking at Callie

"I think I've been to a Birthday party where we bowled, but I'm very ill-experienced. Brandon?" he looked startled at Callie saying his name,

"I mean I've been a few times on social outings such as these, but I'm assuming I'll have rely on Wyatt's experience to rake in a win here," Wyatt tilted his head toward Brandon then nodded,

They ended up playing three rounds and it went pretty well. Everyone laughed and had fun. The competition was light but the guys smoked the girls. Both couples engaged in mild public displays of effection including a rather impressive moment when Lou jumped on Brandon's back and he spun her around a few times. It was fun and by the end both couples walked out draped in each others arms. Callie was relieved getting into the car. The night had gone well, and she could begin to succumb to her exhaustion.

It seemed Lou was all talked out because when they got in the car she asked Brandon to simply turn the music up. They rode with out speaking, and it was almost perfect until the familiar chords Callie had come to know so well began to play. Callie sat back further in her seat and looked out the window. Lou put her hand on the top of Brandon's seat and he reached back to squeeze her hand once then put it back on the steering wheel.

"I took you at your word, when you said you would steal my heart, yeah this might sound absurd but would you be my thief take all of me, every part," Callie found herself mouthing the words,

"This that song from the club right?" Wyatt asked,

"Written by our very own Brandon Foster," If Callie didn't know any better she might have thought Brandon was embarrassed by her remark, but in reality he was nervous,

"Oh yeah, when did you write this?" Wyatt was trying to play it cool but Callie could tell what he thought he knew

"A while back," Brandon responded in what he tried to project as nonchalant

"About your moms, right?" Lou verified,

"Yeah," Brandon confirmed

Callie sat up a little straighter in the back seat. Wyatt was looking ahead, and nodding with the song.

"I think we might be Outlaws, I think I might be in love, I'm all out of reasons, like seasons, winter, summer, fall they're all washed up, if you're still way over there," Callie felt Brandon's eyes before she saw them. It was a glance and a moment, "Baby slide on in by my side, 'cause I'm just an Outlaw," out of habit, Callie continued to mouth the words, "wanted if you want me," her eyes made contact with Brandon's there was a sad smile exchanged. And they went back to listening. She had heard the song a number of times in Brandon's car, but this moment it felt like a secret or maybe more closely, a betrayal, as it played here with Lou and Wyatt. Neither of them knew where the song came from, yet it played. Callie tilted her head back and closed her eyes.

As the last of the song played they were pulled into the driveway,

"Alright, I have to take Lou home," Wyatt and Callie got out of the car, Wyatt nodded at Brandon,

"Thanks for driving," Callie said smiling before following after Wyatt up the driveway,

"Hey! Slow down" Callie said picking up her pace, when she grabbed Wyatt's hand he turned to her. his face was distorted, his hands were shaking,

"Its about you isn't it?" he said looking at her earnestly, "Outlaws, that song that night at the club," Callie didn't say anything, her bottom lip rolled up into her mouth, he smiled and shook his head in away that conveyed a realization mixed with anger, "You weren't really sick that night?" tears started forming in Callie's eyes

"Wyatt, I-"

"He told Lou it was about your moms because she doesn't know about you guys," Wyatt hit his fist against the fence, he closed his eyes and swallowed hard, "Are you guys like together?"

"What?" Callie said her eyes searching his, "No, no of course not, Brandon is my brother," Wyatt brought his fist up to his mouth and slowly drew it back

"Are you in love with him?" Wyatt asked looking at Callie, unsure if he wanted the answer

"I love you," Callie said sucking in her breath and fighting back tears, Wyatt shook his head

"That's not what I asked," he responded as he leaned up against the fence, and drew his hand to his face, and then let out another laugh, "You know I believe you do love me, and that is almost enough,"

"Wyatt," Callie gasped, she put her hand on his chest, he took her hands gently and put them in his,

"I saw you look at him in the car, during that song," Callie shook her head,

"No, I--"

"Callie-- I need some space from this," he lifted their hands up to his forehead, "I'm not breaking up with you, I just-- I need to think this over,"

"Brandon is my brother," Callie repeated

"That's the thing though, he's not, and I need-- I need some space," he dropped her hands and walked to his car, "I'll call you in a week"

Callie's jaw tightened, she wouldn't cry out here. She sucked in her breath and went inside. She bypassed Stef and Lena in the kitchen and proceeded up to her room where she shut the door. She sat on her bed. trying to process what just happened. There was a knock, then the door opened and Mariana came in,

"Are you okay?" Callie started to nod and then shook her head,

"I-- I don't know," her feet were hanging off the bed one knee bouncing up and down,

"What happened?" Mariana asked sitting next to her,

"I think Wyatt is going to break up with me," she was looking at the floor and shaking her head, "I can't even blame him,"

"Not to sound like a broken record, but what happened?" Callie lifted her eyes to Mariana bit her lip and shrugged.

"I-- I can't, I just, I need some time," she looked at Mariana, "Its not that I don't want to tell you, I just can't even process right now,"

"Do you want me to get moms, or Brandon?" Mariana asked growing concerned

"No!" Callie said a little louder than she needed to, she shook her head, "No I just, do you mind giving me some privacy for a little bit?"

"Uh, sure," Mariana closed the door behind her.

Callie sat on the bed her eyes closed. She was in love with Brandon. That had never gone away, she fought it but Wyatt had helped her push over the hump to ignore it. She loved Wyatt though and it killed her to see him hurting like he was. She didn't want to hurt him. He was good. He helped her. He loved her. She couldn't be with Brandon. That was never going to happen. It wasn't good for her. She need this family. She needed this family more than she need him. She still didn't know what to tell Wyatt.

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