Life With Superman (Completed)

By iam_adrianaj

66.4K 2.3K 233


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

2.7K 91 7
By iam_adrianaj

*next morning*

Last night was good. I had finally gained enough confidence to talk to Cash. He wasn't like most guys. Normally guys would be quick to throw themselves on me and quick to bring up that sex question but Cash wasn't like that. He had actually listened to me and got to know me a little more and I got to know him as well. I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Saige and I decided to get up a little early to go shopping. We wanted to get all the cute stuff before it was gone. The boys were still sleep so we didn't bother waking them up. I got dressed in a light washed denim button up shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch, a pair of white shorts, and a pair of grey sandals. I decided to french braid my hair in the back into a bun. I didn't feel like putting on any make-up so I went with the natural look for the day. I grabbed my purse and the hotel key and met up with Saige in the elevator. She was glowing and only one thing came to my mind but I didn't say anything until with got to Crystal Courts.

"You're glowing," I said with a big smile on my face.

"I am?" Saige asked pulling back her hair.

"Yes bitch. Did y'all do it?" I asked with widened eyes.


"Oh my God. How long have y'all been dating? What made you lose your virginity to him?"

"We've been dating for like eight months now and I love him. I wanted him to be my first so we did it,"

I started jumping around making everyone focus their attention on us. Saige widened her eyes and told me to calm down. I was happy that she lost her virginity to the person she wanted to lose it to but I was also jealous because my first time was with someone that I hated. I knew it was a sin to hate someone but I literally hated that man. I held back my tears and continued shopping. One day I was going to find me someone who really care about me to show me how special sex was suppose to be. We shopped for about twenty more minutes before going to get something to eat.

Once we sat down at the cafe, the boys walked in. I looked up at Cash and he looked so sexy. He wore a white Hollister v-neck shirt, tan cargo shorts, and a pair of Jordan 11 White Varsity Red Concords. Quez took a seat beside Saige giving her a kiss on the lips. Jr took a seat beside me while Cash sat in front of me. We exchange looks at each other but didn't saw anything.

"So y'all wasn't gon tell us were y'all was going this morning?" Quez asked.

"We went shopping," Saige responded.

"Yea y'all could've told us. We don't need Chaz coming to kick our asses over y'all," Jr said.

"What you mean our? The first ass he gon kick is Quez," Cash said making me laugh.

"Fuck you," Quez responded.

"Nah. I ain't gay," Cash replied.

We received our food and it was amazing. Jr had us cracking up the whole time because he started talking about everybody that walked in the cafe. He even started talking to people in the cafe and started messing with little kids making them get in trouble with their parents. After were finished eating it was time to do some activities together. The first activity was the Stingray Experience. We all changed into the clothes that the director gave us then followed the director to the Waters' Edge Lagoon.

"Okay this is the proper way to feed the Stingrays," the woman directing the whole thing said. "Now y'all give it a try."

"Y'all not gon feed the Stingrays?" I asked Cash and Jr who were just sitting down looking at us crazy.

"So them motherfuckas can sting my ass? You got me fucked up. I don't even know why the fuck y'all asked me that shit," Jr said so seriously.

"Cash come one," Saige begged.

"Yea. Jr you just stay where you at crybaby," I said.

"Don't worry. I am." Jr said making us laugh. Cash came and stood beside me to feed the Stingrays. I felt butterflies form in my stomach cause he was that close to me. Quez and Saige were all up on each other feeding the Stingrays together. Jr began flirting with the director but she wasn't giving him no play at all which was funny as hell. The next activity was snorkeling. Jr didn't participate with us because he wanted to go talk to females so him and G went together. I was surprised that Cash didn't go with them since he didn't have a girlfriend back home but I was glad that he didn't go. My day was going good and I was hoping that the night turned out even better.

*later that night*

We were all getting ready for a night out at the club. We only got in because Chaz was cool with the owner of Atlantis and he let us get in underage. The club was super pack and live that I got a little afraid with all the people that was bumping into me and all of them drinking. Saige took my hand and lead me to the dance floor as the DJ started mixing into the next song.

I had one, two, three too many
I’m fucked up, four chicks with me
I’m loud, took about five shots
Six bottles I just copped
Twisted, turnt up, 24/7
That's more bad bitches I’m getting
They know I hit 'em and quit 'em
And go past what they came here for

Baby can I see you make yo ass drop?
I’mma let the Rose bottles pop
I’mma sip this 'Roc, baby don’t stop
Cause yo body on fire, you too hot

I can’t feel my face
I’m so numb
I’m so wasted
So dumb
I’m shit faced-ed
Just in case I don’t make it

Take my drink, nigga I’m buzzin'
Take my trees, nigga I’m gone
Take my keys, nigga it’s nothin'
One of these chicks is taking me home

Foreign people really knew how to turn up but maybe I was just saying that because I didn't go to parties much. I had only been to one party my whole life and that was my tenth grade year with Saige. I was getting tired from all the dancing we was doing and it was getting very hot. We made our way to the bar while Quez, Jr, and Cash went to backroom to handle "business" as they say. I didn't drink much and I refused to drink with all these people in the club. Saige on the other hand had a strawberry daiquiri. A man had came up to the bar beside us and ordered a drink. After taking a sip  of his drink he looked at me in a perverted way.

"You are a very pretty girl. You should come back to my room tonight," He said grabbing my left arm.

"Let me go," I said slapping him in he face with my right hand. Out of no where he punch me in my face making me fall to the ground telling me to shut up and be good girl. Everything was happening all over again. Only thing that was rushing  in my head was my mother's boyfriend raping me. Saige took a champagne bottle and bust it across his head making him fall to the floor. Everyone in the club started screaming and rushing out of the door while Quez, Jr, and Cash came running from the back room. Jr and Quez started beating on the man while Cash picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the club back to the hotel suite. My head was banging from the fall and my face was stinging from that punch. All I wanted to do was get to the suite and go to sleep. Tonight was not the night.

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Thugs need love too ya know.