Broken [naruto fanfic]

By azurebluesugar

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Beginning of a new journey.
Strong will.
New year, new traits.
Best moment.
Love. (🍋)
New person.
Love, again (🍋)
The End!
Special Chapter.


358 13 0
By azurebluesugar

Kouri dozed off after waiting for Itachi and Yui too long yesterday. She was too tired and she didn't know why. It was as if something had sucked her chakra out and all she could think was sleeping.

She scratched her head as she sat up, feeling familiar softness below her. She looked down to see she was sleeping on a futon that night. She frowned, she remembered sleeping close to a wall since she was waiting somewhere before and not laying down on a futon.

She shook her head and quickly took a shower. It became a habit of her to take a shower right after waking up. She now couldn't stand not taking a shower.

After finished cleaning herself up, she went to the kitchen to see her mother was cooking breakfast. She smiled at her sight and slowly went to her mother. She then hugged her from behind which startled Yui. 

"Good morning, dear." Yui greeted softly while wrapping her fingers on her small limbs.

"Are you okay, kaa-san ?" Kouri asked worriedly after releasing her mother from her hug. Her mother smiled before crouching to her level.

"I'm perfectly fine now! Now go sit at the table and wait for the breakfast okay ?" she said smiling and it makes Kouri relieved. She quickly made her way to the table and wait for the breakfast to be served.


She walked at the side of the lake where the Uchiha always train themselves with Sasuke and dangos with them. Kouri seemed to be zoning out a lot after last night encounter. She didn't know why but that night, she felt an immense power went through her body and still didn't know the reason behind it.

"Kouri, watch me." Sasuke called her, snapping her out of her thoughts. She did what he asked her to do and saw him blew out a fire out of his mouth: Fireball Jutsu. Kouri smiled at that.

"You're so good, Sasuke!" she chimed as she skipped to his side. She watched how Sasuke clicked his tongue and his face was filled with disappointment.

"That wasn't as good at all. I need to get stronger." Sasuke pouted angrily. Kouri stared at him before a smile went to her pink lips, shoving her dango towards Sasuke.

"Hold my dango." she said before making a similar hand-sign Sasuke did earlier. Sasuke watched in awe when Kouri performed the jutsu perfectly. His eyes were as round as a ball and froze there like ice.

"H-how did you do that ?" Sasuke stuttered, receiving a proud grin from the girl.

"My father taught me that!" she exclaimed, claiming Obito as her father which not at all, but she couldn't tell him who he actually was, her mother told her to keep it a secret.

"Your father must be strong, then." Sasuke pushed his hair back with a smirk, Kouri nodded in agreement. Kouri then took her dango back and ate them happily. Sasuke loves watching her eating, it makes his stomach in content. 

Both of them then decided to sit at the edge of the deck side by side. Kouri being cheerful she was, pointing at anything that moved at the lake or in the air, and Sasuke would just watch her silently. Suddenly, she turned around making him quickly look away so he wouldn't get caught staring at her. 

"Do you like any of your fangirls at the academy ?" a random question suddenly came out from her mouth, making Sasuke choked on his saliva. He quickly turned to face her with a disgusted look.

"No, ew why would I ?" he said from the bottom of his heart. He really dislikes how the girls all fawning over him every day. It's true when he said he could only tolerate Kouri who never fangirling over him but being the cheerful and dork she was. He admired how she always smiles when talking to people and how kind she was towards others. 

"Well, how about this, do you have any girl you like ?" she asked again, and Sasuke tried to think of an answer to her question. Slowly, his heart beat faster as he kept on thinking while his eyes were staring straight at her. It became crazy and his thoughts already became a mess when the only thing he saw was the girl he likes right in front of him.

"N-No, I don't have one." he quick to avert his eyes and closed his red face with his hand. Kouri looked at him weirdly with her little brow raised up a little before a toothy smile made it ways to her lips.

"Don't worry! You will eventually." she said, being an airhead she was while looking straight to the lake. Sasuke watched as she stares off to the empty lake up front, admiring her side view. He just smiled and joined her admiring the nature. 


Days have gone progressively. Kouri has become like a child that's been born there, a total Konoha ninja, whilst Yui at the other hand had gain recognition from the higher ups. Her loyalty has been proved in the missions she has gone to, and the Hokage was very much satisfied having her in Konoha.

Unfortunately, a tragic news has spread throughout Konoha. The night Yui had told Kouri, Kouri couldn't stop crying in her mother's lap.

Uchiha Itachi had slain a whole Uchiha clan, leaving Sasuke alone behind. 

Kouri was so worried about Sasuke but Yui told her to rest assured. She wanted to meet Sasuke but it was late at night, so she followed her mother and went to sleep with tears stain on her cheeks. 

Early in the morning the next day, Kouri woke up early and took a shower quickly with the thought of giving Sasuke a visit as soon as she could. Her mother who woke up by the shuffles heard around her just shook her head seeing how her daughter was so worried despite being a little kid. 

Kouri has been pulling her mother to Sasuke on their way there. Her mother told her to slow down but she wouldn't. She felt so scared and worry over of Sasuke and she wanted to make sure he's alright with both of her eyes. 

When they reached there, they were greeted by Sasuke who just stare blankly at the wall. His face looked terrible which broke Kouri heart. She went close to him and tried to gain his attention but to no avail. 

"How could Itachi-niisan do that." Kouri grumbled silently as she buried her face on the mattress where Sasuke on. Yui watched silently as her daughter sat griefly by Sasuke side before leaving them alone.

Soon enough, Kouri drifted to sleep by his side. Thinking of absurd things tire herself. She was still young to take in how the one who was like a big brother to her do such things and left his younger brother alone. Itachi was so kind towards her, even she felt the pain when she heard the news. 

Sasuke gaze slowly went down to his lap, he couldn't think of anything anymore. The effect it has on him was too much, he even stops thinking. To watch his parents being sliced, stabbed by his older brother that he loved most with his own two eyes was tragic. The pain was unbearable, his heart was as if sank into somewhere that he couldn't grasp anymore.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of red strands from his side. His eyes followed the hair and saw a beautiful girl laying her head on the bed, eyes closed and her breath was calm, indicating that she was sleeping.

Sasuke watched her sleeping peacefully as if nothing could wake her up. His fingers were playing her hair softly as he did so. His heart felt soft only by taking in her beautiful features. Right after, he taught about his brother again, which made him stop what he was doing and his face tightened.

Right there, he swore to himself that he will have revenge. He will kill Itachi no matter what and restore his clan. His heart burning with the thoughts swirling in his head, his brows almost knitted together as seconds passed.

He will avenge his entire clan, no matter what.

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