Bitten By The Past (Camren)

By luxurylolo

736K 16.7K 6K

They both have some bad pasts. Camila Cabello, a new freshman at Miami University, meets Lauren Jauregui, a b... More

1. Roomie
2. Clashing Paths
3. Like A New World
4. First Day
5. Eyes Take Me Away
6. Wrong About Being Wrong
7. Missed
8. Hi Again
9. I Wanna Know You
10. Let Me Kiss You
11. Might Be Better
12. Homesick
13. Party?
14. Not You Again
15. Taking Sides?
16. Stubborn
17. Carrion
18. Be Mine
19. Edge
20. The Thrill
21. Lost
22. Party Crasher
23. Just The Campus Psycho
24. Fix It
26. "Psycho-regui"
27. Back to the Norm
28. Them...
29. Together Pt. 1
30. Together Pt. 2
31. Yes
32. Only You
33. Admitting It
34. No Place Like Us
35. So Close...
36. The Plan
37. I Need You
38. Stay Ready
39. Calm Before The Stromberg
40. Revenge
41. Fight or Flight
42. Superheroes
43. Past Due
44. Girl Talk & Revelations
45. The Truth
46. Good Terms
47. Back At It
48. Real
49. Nerves
50. MMO

25. Not Letting Go

12.3K 301 21
By luxurylolo

Camila's POV

"What the fuck Mila? You didn't go after her?!" Normani yelled.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I see the other two girls gave the exact same expression on their faces as well. " She told me to go home. She was really broken you guys, she needed time. I just wish she'd let me in." I sighed. I felt a few light taps against my forehead as I look up to Dinah who had her hands fisted and and was pretending to knock on my head.

"Knock Knock Chancho. Hello? I don't care how broken she was...I don't think she meant to snap on you like she did. And I know for a fact that she'd more than likely love having you by her side right now, than you leaving her to sober up alone." Dinah says.

"Ugh, you're wrong there." I disagree while wiping another fallen tear from my cheek. "She exploded. She doesn't want me anywhere near her right now, and I can't say I blame her too much." I continue, looking down at my fingers which have gotten my full attention almost this whole conversation.

"Mila you know I love you...but that was a bit fucked up. Why didn't you say something to Austin when he kissed your cheek?" Dinah says seriously. "No no, why'd you not run after Lauren when she ran off? You're seeming to really hate this Keaton guy but you let him go comfort your girl." Ally points out. "More importantly, why did you not tell Austin that you kinda have this thing with Lauren, or tell him you're not interested...why are you just going along with this shit? He likes you obviously, but you're not emotionally available for tell him that. He seems like a decent guy to understand." Normani crosses her arms and stares me down.

Ah. Tough love at its finest. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment to actually take in all that's being thrown at me from these surprisingly wise girls sitting in front of me. I open them again to be met with the same faces...but softened expressions.

"You're right...I think I might've given up too easy." I shrug. "I'm gonna go to her room...BUT if I come back with a broken nose and some bruises because she actually wanted me to leave her alone, I'm suing you all." I joke. They chuckle and give me a pat on the back as I walk past them and to the door. I grab my keys and sweater as I fling the door open to reveal none other than...Lauren.

Lauren's POV


"Annnnnnd that's our cue to leave. We'll be next door." Dinah says before waving playfully and going to Ally and Normani's side of the suite.

"I was uh- I was just coming to see you." She said hesitantly. I smiled at her words, knowing how horrible I must have made her feel back at that frat house and she still wanted to come see me. Then I frowned. I really don't deserve someone like her.

"I don't see why, I kinda spazzed on you...I thought I might've scared you off." I say looking down at my feet nervously. I feel her hand wrap around my wrist and carefully pull me into her room as she closes the door behind us. She leads me to her bed where we sit facing each other and I still can't bring myself to look at her, even though I can feel her chocolate orbs burning into my skull.

"I can't bring myself to be away from you. No matter how angry you got back there, I just-I can't be without you. You're mine...or have you forgotten that?" She sighs and I can feel a small smile forming on

"I know that whatever you have going on, wasn't meant to come out the way it did. I know you probably just had a moment and you were drunk so...I can't really blame you, and I know what happened earlier at Lenny's, didn't really help either." She played with her fingers.

"I want to apologize for that by the way." She speaks again. "Based on my actions, I'm not too sure how you think I feel about you, but trust and believe when I say, I'm so head over heels. Tonight got a bit out of hand needless to say and once again my own inner conflicts stopped me from running after you like I should have." She sighed. "I should really work on that." She chuckles a bit. "When I had finally ditched Austin and went to your dorm to look for you and realized you weren't there, I got so worried about you." She then grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I was sad knowing you ran off and I didn't immediately go after you. I was pissed knowing that wherever you were, chances were so was Keaton." She grimaces as she rubs the pad of her thumb on the back of my hand.

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't get to you before...whatever happened...happened. And you don't have to explain anything to me now if you don't want to..or ever for that matter, I just-please forgive me Lauren." She pleads with glossy eyes.

I take a look into her eyes and find myself lost. Here we were, on her bed, and she was pleading for my forgiveness. The last person that needs forgiveness is her. I was the douchebag in this situation. I was the one who blew up on her made her feel like shit...yet here she was, asking for me to forgive her.

I shake my head and clear my throat before beginning. "Camz..." I start but I'm quickly cut off by her wrapping her arms around me tightly and sobbing. "Please...just forgive me. I can't let you go, I refuse." She cries. I rub her back gently and shh her. "Camz...please don't cry. I promise you, you don't have to let me go. I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sorry for blowing up at you and being a huge jerk. You didn't deserve that and I honestly thought...I thought you were done with me."

She pulls away from my embrace and wipes the tears that were profusely making a trip down her flustered cheeks. "I'd never-you're not getting away from me that easily." She giggles through sniffles. I smile and place my hand on her cheek. "You've been nothing but good to me and even when I push you away, you're still here. I could never let you go." I grin. "'re mine." I say as a face eating grin appears on her face. She once again pulls me into a warm bear hug and breathes easily as she melts into my body.

"So can we get back to normal? Before all of this crap happened?" She says as I hear the hesitation in her voice. I nod slowly as I loosen my grip on her and bring her face to face with me.

"...but I think I should tell you the real story of why I'm known as the 'campus pyscho' first..."

A/N: Feel like this chapter sucks, eh. Anyways thanks for the comments and reads. Next chapter will kind of be a flashback so you can see what happened to Lauren last year deeming her the "Campus Psycho"
I'll update later lovelies! 👋😘

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