Akatsuki Orphan

By mangareader90

243K 8.6K 5.1K

Akimichi Tukiko was found in the forest a few miles outside of the Akatsuki's base. Konan and Pein decided to... More

Akatsuki Orphan
Chapter 1~ The Beginning
Chapter 2~ Age Six Part One
Chapter 3~Age Six Part Two
Chapter 4~ Age Seven Part One
Chapter 5~Age Seven Part Two
Chapter 6~ Age Eight part One
Chapter 7~Age Eight part Two
Chapter 8~ Age Ten
Chapter 9~ Age Eleven
Chapter 10~Age Twelve
Chapter 11~ Sasu-nii? Naru-nii? Is it really you?
Chapter 12~ Who's Kakashi?
Chapter 13~Shinako's on her period....someone save me
Chapter 14~ Sasuke-nii? You....love me?
Tukiko's Theme Song
Shinako's Theme Song
Chapter 15~ Deidara is a possessive boyfriend...
Chapter 16~ New members and The bell test
Chapter 17~Who's the Drunk Old Man?
Chapter 18~ Zabuza Momochi
Chapter 19~ Surprise Visits and Flirts
Chapter 20~ It's been a while.....aniki
Chapter 21~ I had a sister?
Chapter 22~ It ends here
Chapter 23~ Four Days Passed?
Chapter 25~ The true feelings of Akatsuki's kunoichis.
Chapter 26~ Chunnin Exams Part One
Chapter 27~ Chunnin Exams Part Two
Chapter 28~ Chunnin Exams Part Three
Chapter 29~A Change In Plans
Akatsuki Orphan Finale Preview (Not a Joke)
Sam and Manga Real Talk

Chapter 24~ Gaara of the sand and secrets of the Akimichi clan

4.2K 157 101
By mangareader90

[Sam= Samanthauchiha]

[Lucy= LucilleElena]

Me:Where should we go now guys?

Sam: Cupcake shop?

Lucy: Make Manguke cannon?

Me: Shut up Lucy.

Sam: So is that a yes to the cupcake shop then?

Itachi: Hn.

Lucy: Why nooooot Manga?

Me: Because of many many many reasons.

Sam: Okay, let's go to the cupcake shop.

Me: No Sam.

Sam: Why noooooot?

Lucy: Because she hates cupcakes.

Me: No I don't, I'm dieting.

Sam: And we have to suffer?

Itachi: She has a point.

Me: Do whatever you want! I'm going to a library or something.

Lucy: Where one of us goes we all go!

Sam: Lucy's right, so let's go Manga!

Me: I'm on a diet!

Lucy: You don't have to eat anything!

Itachi: It will help you learn willpower.

Me: You're all evil.

Lucy: Hey Manga, have you ever noticed that you're the only one of us without their actual name in their account name?

Sam: Holy s***. I didn't even notice that.

Me: Because Haley is a well known name. And I really can't make my name sound cool. Plus I like my name.

Sam: You've had it for a year now.

Me: And it still works.

Lucy: Sure it does.

Sam: Oh hey, it's the cupcake shop! *runs towards the shop*

Itachi: Enjoy the story.


*Shinako pov*

"So to get this straight, Leader wanted you to compete in this chunnin exam thing?" I asked this girl called Hakai. She nodded and smirked.

"So, where's this famous Tukiko person that Elena and I have heard so much about?' Hakai asked, pointing at a small blonde haired girl who nodded.

"Any talk of me too?" I joked. Hakai laughed and Elena giggled.

"But of course,"Hakai nodded.

"All good things I hope," I giggled.

"Yup! Although, we have a few questions," Hakai started out.

"Are you permanently 18 and are you really pregnant with Hidan's child?" Elena asked.

"Well, yes I am permanently 18 from now on. That jutsu was permanent so I can't change back. Not that I want to. As for being pregnant.....I don't know yet," I shrugged and smiled.

"Are you healthy in every way?" Hakai asked.

"Not in the mind obviously," I snickered and Hakai laughed while Elena smirked.

"But other ways?" Elena asked. Why was this important?

"Yeah. There's never been any problems in my family that I know of," I told them. The looked at each other and Elena was about to say something, but Hakai shook her head and whispered something.

"Never mind," Elena muttered. everything was quit for a while, which mad me mad. Silence was the most annoying thing in the universe.

"Sheesh, Tukiko spent the night at a friend's house. She'll be here in a few minutes to get ready for whatever mission she has to do today," I yawned. I had stayed up all day worrying about me being pregnant or not. Than I thought, screw it, and finally went to bed.

"Friend's house? She has other friends besides the blonde kid and the emo b******?" Hakai asked.

"Yeah, there's Chouji, Shikimaru, who I think either has a crush on Tukiko or really needs friends, and the one she's currently with, Sakura," I told her, locking Masato's cage when I saw Elena's cat looking at Masato hungrily.

"That pink haired whiner who can't do anything right?" Elena asked, picking her cat up when she realized that he was about to either eat Masato or get clawed at by Masato.

"Hm?" I raised an eyebrow at Elena. She hasn't even met this Sakura girl in person, why think that low of someone you don't know? Hakai rolled her eyes and nudged Elena.

"Ignore her. She's jealous that the pink kid gets to spend time with the blonde kid and she doesn't," Hakai snickered.

"Whatever," Elena muttered. At that moment we heard the door open and then slam shut.

"SHINAKO, I'M HOME!!!!!" Tukiko yelled. She came into the room and stopped once she saw Elena and Hakai.

"Hm, so you're the famous troublemaking twerp huh?Nice to finally meet you in person. The name's Hakai," Hakai gave a toothy smile and half wave as she stared at Tukiko.

"Hello Tukiko-san. It's good to finally meet you in person. I also brought my cat Oreo, I hope you don't mind," Elena smiled and held up her cat who immediately hissed when it saw Tukiko. Tukiko glared at it, so I guess the feeling was mutual. Hakai started laughing and Elena looked at Tukiko and her cat weirdly. Suddenly Tukiko lit up and smiled, pointing to Elena and Hakai.

"Oh yeah! You guys are the people who I dreamed about! The one who thinks Itachi-nii is hot and annoying and the one with the demon cat," Tukiko smiled and I snorted. That sure was blunt. She's starting to act like Sasori. Elena frowned and Hakai started laughing even more.

"D*** kid, you really do hate cats," Hakai laughed.

"I'm sure you'll get along in the future Tukiko-san! Oreo is adorable and nice and and and I know you'll like him!" Elena pouted, still holding her cat who wanted to be put down.

"Sure Elena...," Tukiko smiled, but it was very wearily as she stared at the cat.

"I'm sure glad this chunnin exam thing is here now though. I really want to hang out with you and Shinako here. You two sound insane, which is fun," Hakai smiled and Elena nodded.

"I have a few questions about the Uzumaki kid if you don't mind Tukiko-san," Elena cut straight to what she was thinking about, making me snort. Another Sasori maybe?

"Go ahead. Only three though because I'm on a tight schedule. If I show up later than Kakashi for my mission, whatever it may be, my team will never let me live it down," Tukiko smiled and I could tell she was tired.

"Finally, you have no idea how hard it is to find information on that boy. Okay, so does he have a kekkei genkai? What's he like? Does he like anyone?" Elena asked all at once. Hakai and I both widened our eyes at the personal questions, but Tukiko shrugged it off.

"Naruto-nii doesn't have a kekkei genkai that I know of. Oh, by the way Shinako, apparently Sasuke has the sharingan now. Anyways, as for his personality, he's funny, sweet, a little stupid, very loyal, brotherly, protective, cheap, eats a lot, loves ramen...too much actually, determined, inappropriate, and a bit of a pervert. He says he likes Pinky, but anyone can tell that he just thinks of her in a brotherly love way," Tukiko explained, before rushing into the bathroom.

"You really like that kid, don't you?" Hakai asked. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah actually, she's like a sister to me. To be honest, a long time ago my mom was pregnant with a girl. I was so happy, I was going to be a big sister. And then Tukiko's brother killed them. It still hurts today. I really f***ing miss them, they were good parents. so, when Tukiko came into my life and offered me a family, I was thankful. i never thought about it, but Konan is like a mom to me, Kakuzu is my older brother, Tobi is like another older brother, leader is like a stepdad, Hidan is my boyfriend...and now you two are my other sisters. And to me, family matters. So if anyone were to kill or even mess with Tukiko, or any Akatsuki member the wrong way, including you two, I will kill them slowly and painfully," I explained.

"Really ?" Hakai asked, serious. I smiled and nodded.

"Really," I responded.

"Yeah, you guys are officially a part in our lives. Even you demon cat," Tukiko came out of the bathroom and stared at Elena's cat who was now walking to the kitchen. Instead of hissing at Tukiko it purred this time.

"Thank you," Elena smiled and Hakai smiled too, nodding.

"Yeah, thanks. By the way twerp, shouldn't you get going now?" Hakai nodded at Tukiko who face-palmed herself.

"Crap! Thanks! Bye Shina-nee! Hakai-nee! Elena-nee! Elena don't you dare call me Tukiko-san anymore," Tukiko grabbed Daisuke and her bag and ran outside.

"Hm, I got upgraded," I smiled and looked at Hakai and Elena who were surprised.

"She's quick to take people in," Hakai commented. Elena nodded.

"She's always been like that. Ask anyone. It's contagious too, so watch out," I explained, joking a little.

"Riiiight," Hakai sighed and slid down the couch, already bored.

"Shinako, I'm going to turn the tv on," Elena told me.

"That's fine, you guys want some sake?" I asked them.

"One bottle please," Hakai shot a finger in the air to emphasis her point and I rolled my eyes.

"You do know that we're too young to drink and so are you, right?" Elena peeked over the couch and I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want any then?" I asked.

"Oh no, I want one," Elena told me and I snickered.

"One alcoholic beverage or one underage hypocrite," I sing-songed.

"I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just stating facts that I'm not afraid to overlook," Elena sing-songed back.

"So you guys are staying here for the chunnin exams and it's okay with the hokage?" I asked from the kitchen.

"Yep, you're stuck with us," Hakai called out.

I have a feeling I'm going to like these two.


*Tukiko pov*

I started to run out of the apartment building when I saw something in the corner of the doorway. I picked it up and saw that it was a letter. Oh yeah! A week and so many days had passed when I was in the land of waves....it was called the land of waves right? Or was it village of waves? Or maybe something else entirely? Oh who cares. I folded the letter and put it into my bag.

"I thought you would be here," Naruto-nii's voice sounded behind me and I jumped.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I put a hand over my heart and tried to control my breathing. I hated it when Kisame-nii and Hidan-nii did it to me when I was younger, and I still hate it when Naruto-nii does it to me now.

"Yeah, yeah, scold me later! I came back to get you Tukiko-chan, Kakashi-sensei might show up soon and I started to worry. Now come on," Naruto-nii grabbed my wrist and began running to our meeting point, leaving me to try to catch up so I didn't have to be dragged.

"Naruto-nii! Stop going so fast!" I yelled, trying to get my wrist back, to no avail.

"Shh! I can't run and listen to you at the same time! I might run into something, dattebayo," Naruto-nii shushed me and it took me five seconds to fully process what he just said.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I yelled. No one was that single minded. Not even Obito-nii when he acted like Tobi.

"We're here!" Naruto-nii stopped instantly and let go of my wrist as he was stopping. Which caused me to fly into the air and collide with Kakashi who was just coming to make some lame excuse about why he was late.

"Dobe. You threw Tukiko-chan!" Sasuke hissed at Naruto-nii who grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.

"Whoops, dattebayo," Naruto-nii nervously laughed while Sasuke and I glared at him.

"Naruto that is insanely rude to do to someone. Even to someone like Freak," Sakura scolded.

"Gee, thanks Pinky. Gomensai Kakashi-sensei," I apologized as I got up and dusted myself off.

"You know, the polite thing to do when you knock someone down is to help them up," Kakashi said from where he was on the floor.

"Oh, gomensai....wait a minute, are you really going to just stay there until I help you up?" I asked.

"Bingo," Kakashi replied. Sakura face-palmed herself, Naruto-nii laughed, Sasuke just hned, and I sighed.

"You are the weirdest sensei I have ever seen," I told him, offering my hand which he took.

"I can say the same to you. A girl with green hair who disappeared for about eight years who loves to fight people? You don't see those everyday," Kakashi smiled and pat my head as I twitched.

"Touché," I gritted out.

"Right, now that the whole running into someone and being rude to not consider helping them up even though it was their fault-"

"I get it," I hissed.

"Okay, anyways, now that that's out of the way, I have very important tasks for you four to do today," Kakashi-sensei smiled at us and Naruto-nii became excited.

"Ooh! Is it another b-ranked mission?" Naruto-nii asked.

"Even better," Kakashi-sensei said.

"Yeah, dattebayo!!" Naruto-nii pumped a fist in the air and I smiled. If it's better than a b-ranked mission than it must be pretty fun.

*Two hours later*

"How is doing chores better than going on a b-ranked mission again?" I calmly asked Kakashi.

"Because you're doing something good for the citizens of Konohagakure. Not everyone can be a ninja and they need help," Kakashi told me.

"Right, but why aren't you doing anything?" I calmly asked again, my calmness wearing off.

"Because there needs to be a supervisor," Kakashi replied. As soon as he said that I lifted the weed that I had been struggling with right out of the ground. Everyone looked at me with their eyes widened.

"You okay Freak?" Sakura asked.

"Yes Sakura, I am very happy right now very happy and calm," I smiled at her, causing her to flinch.

"You didn't call me Pinky, you're p***ed aren't you?" Sakura asked.

".....Yes," I sighed.

"Tukiko-chan kind of has a right to be p***ed dattebayo. First we walked dogs, than we got groceries for that woman, and after all of the other tasks we ended up pulling these weeds," Naruto-nii defended, holding up what he had just pulled. Wait, that wasn't a weed.

"Well yeah, but those two large dogs that you had to walk after Naruto ended up losing them loved you Freak! Plus- wait a minute. Naruto, what are you doing?" Sakura asked, pointing to what he had been pulling this whole time.

"Pulling weeds?" Naruto-nii answered.

"Naruto you baka!! Those are vegetables! Not weeds!" Sakura yelled.

"Wait, what dattebayo?" Naruto-nii asked, looking at the vegetables he had been pulling to the weeds that everyone else had pulled.

"Dobe, you can't do anything right," Sasuke sighed. At that moment the lady who was paying us came out with lemonade.

"I thought you guys could use some-WHAT ARE YOU DOING PULLING MY VEGETABLES OUT OF THE GARDEN YOU BRAT?!" the lady dropped the lemonade and started chasing Naruto-nii. Sasuke and I stared at them and just went back to work.

"Uh, shouldn't we-" Sakura started to ask, pointing to Naruto-nii and the lady who was currently chasing him. She almost had him too.

"No," Sasuke said.

"He's going to have to learn from his mistakes sometime" Kakashi spoke up. I looked over to see that he was reading that stupid Icha Icha book. Pervert. I escaped Hidan-nii's pervertedness and now my sensei was a major pervert. What were the odds?

"You too Freak?" Sakura asked. I shrugged.

"When I was four years old Naruto-nii pushed me into a river because I told him that I thought pocky was better than ramen, this is my payback," I explained.

"Okay then," Sakura shrugged and she went back to picking weeds too. We heard Naruto-nii screaming his head off the whole time. Oh revenge is so sweet. And if anyone doesn't believe in revenge, than getting what he deserves is sweet. It's totally different when you view it like that.....totally.

*One hour later*

"I can't believe you didn't even help me, dattebayo!" Naruto-nii whined at me. I shrugged.

"Payback is a b****," I smiled. Naruto-nii glared at me.

"No, the person doing the payback is a b****," Naruto-nii muttered.

"What was that?" I hissed.

"N-n-n-n-nothing," Naruto-nii stammered. I smiled.

"Good," I nodded.

"So Sasuke-kun, I was wondering if you wanted to do some team bonding? Just the two of us?" I heard Sakura ask Sasuke.

"Hmph. You're annoying, I have things to do and you'd just get into my way," Sasuke replied icily, jumping into a tree and leaving us.

"D*** Sasuke. That was cold even for you," I muttered.

"I'll bond with you Sakura-chan!" Naruto-nii volunteered.

"Go away Naruto! I like Sasuke, not you!" Sakura yelled at him. Naruto-nii looked depressed and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"She doesn't mean that Naruto-nii, she's just sad right now," I tried to encourage him, but he still looked depressed. I shrugged. I tried.

"Why doesn't she like me?" Naruto-nii anime cried.

"Naruto-nii, I'm gonna go that way okay? I'll see you later I guess," I started to walk backwards and I noticed that Naruto-nii's little friend showed up. Konohamaru was it? Ah well, I didn't have tie to stay, I had to get the answers I wanted about my real clan.

I was just aimlessly walking for two minutes when I saw Konohamaru and two others run past me with Naruto-nii. I looked behind me to find a very p***ed off Sakura. Even though I wasn't in trouble I started to run too. I turned a corner and stopped in my tracks. And that was when I saw Konohamaru being picked up by some guy that looked like a cat. I also noticed that there was a girl behind him with spiky blonde hair.

"Hey! What're you doing man?" I asked the guy. He didn't even look at me.

"Teaching this little punk some respect!" he answered. He raised his fist and in that moment I snatched Konohamru out of his hands and set him down behind me.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size," I told him. It wasn't a question, it was a command.

"You little- huh? A girl? And one with green hair too? Well aren't you special?" the guy smirked and I twitched. WHY WAS EVERYONE MAKING A BLOW AT MY HAIR TODAY?!

"Considering you're wearing more makeup than me right now, I can say you're special too," I snorted, causing his smirk to falter.

"You little brat, maybe I should teach you respect instead," he hissed, making a grab for me. I was about to hit him when out of nowhere rocks were thrown...and one hit my hand.

"F***!" we both cussed. We ended up glaring at each other until a voice that was all too familiar came from the tree.

"Beat it," Sasuke said from the tree. He tossed a rock into the air and caught it, crushing it. Sakura, the spiky haired girl, and Konohamaru's little friend were all blushing, but I was ticked off.

"HEY UCHIHA! YOU GOT ME TOO!!" I yelled at him.

"I know. Punching people from other nations isn't a good idea," Sasuke told me. I twitched.

"I have been itching for a fight since Zabuza, don't-" I started, until I was rudely interrupted.

"You think you're so cool huh? I'll show you," the cat guy growled. I turned my glare to him.

"Don't you ever interrupt me when I am talking!" I hissed at him, turning my attention back to Sasuke.

"Anyways, don't tell me what to do Uchiha! Besides, I didn't know they were from a different nation. I was a little P***ED OFF that he was bullying a seven year old," I told him.

"I'm eight!" Konohamaru yelled behind me.

"Gomensai. Okay cat guy, now you can talk," I told him. He stared at me like I was weird.

"Yeah, I'm going to pretend that you didn't talk just now," the cat guy removed the thing that was on his back and his sister looked mad.

"Really Kankuro? You're going to use that now? Fine, but if Gaara finds out it's your funeral," the girl shrugged and I raised an eyebrow. Gaara of the one tailed beast?

"Kankuro, stop or I'll kill you," a voice said from the tree. Everyone looked to see a red head standing upside down on a tree branch. He kind of looked cute. Wait a minute....I'm dating Deidara! I can't think like that! Sasuke leapt off of the tree and landed right beside me. In a flurry of sand Gaara transported next to the other two that he had come with.

"Why are you guys here anyways?" Sakura asked.

"Because of the chunnin exams, duh" Temari stated.

"What are those, dattebayo?" Naruto-nii asked. I tuned them out and started to think about the questions I was going to be asking my 'uncle' in a few minutes. I tuned back in when I heard the red head talk.

"You, what's your name?" he asked Sasuke.

"It's rude to ask someone their name without first giving yours," Sasuke retorted.

"I am Gaara of the Sand," Gaara told him.

"Hn, Uchiha Sasuke," Sasuke told him.

"Hey! Don't you want to know my name?" Naruto-nii asked him.

"No, let's go Temari, Kankuro," Gaara turned to leave, and I looked over at Naruto-nii who looked sad. I got to thinking how bad this day must have been for him with the dogs dragging him throughout the whole town, getting beat up by that one woman because he doesn't know the differences between vegetables and weeds, and everything else that happened to him and I got mad.

"Hey you! Red headed brat! His name is Uzumaki Naruto! You better not forget it either!" I yelled after him. He stopped and turned his head to look at me. And then he turned his head back around and left.

"Hmph. Rude," I sighed.

"Freak! I'm seriously starting to think that you have a death wish!" Sakura hissed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Relax Sakura. I can stand up for myself, but when someone talks to my friends like that, I don't care what happens," I smiled at her and she glared at me.

"You're so stupid sometimes!" Sakura sighed.

"I know, but that's what makes me fun," I laughed and Sakura rolled her eyes.

"I really didn't look that cool did I?" Naruto-nii asked. Konohamaru shook his head.

"No offense boss, but Tukiko and Sasuke kind of out did you," Konohamaru told him and I felt bad.

"Sorry Naruto-nii," I apologized. He grinned at me.

"No way dattebayo! You yelled my name at him! I'm sure he won't forget it now, you're a pretty awesome sister Tukiko-chan," Naruto-nii closed his eyes and gave a thumbs up.

"Hn, Tukiko-chan, do you need me to walk you home?" Sasuke smirked and I twitched a little.

"No thank you Sasuke, I'm not going home. I'm getting answers and, no offense, I need to be alone when I get them," I smiled and he nodded.

"Then I'm going," Sasuke leapt into the trees and vanished again.

"He must be a freaking squirrel or something, he really likes jumping into trees," I muttered.

"I'm heading home. Bye Freak," Sakura smiled and waved and I waved back. I turned to look at Konohamaru and bent down to his level, looking at him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Konohamru asked. I smiled and I saw him blush a little. Kids are so cute.

"Just making sure you're okay," I ruffled his hair and got back up.

"Thanks about earlier," Konohamaru avoided looking at me and I giggled.

"You're so cute. Of course, any friend of Naruto-nii, is a friend of mine," I nodded at Naruto-nii and he grinned. Konohamaru blushed even more before shaking his head.

"These two are my friends! Moegi and Udon!" Konohamru smiled as he gestured to them. I smiled and waved.

"Nice to meet you two!" I noticed that all three of them were wearing goggles and I raised an eyebrow at Naruto-nii.

"Miss Tukiko, that was awesome!" Moegi complimented and I smiled.

"Thank you! So, um, why are you three wearing goggles like Naruto-nii used to do?" I asked, pointing my thumb at Naruto-nii.

'"We wanna be like Boss!" Konohamaru explained.

"That's actually really cute. Hey Naruto, next week is October right?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I guess so," Naruto-nii yawned.

"Baka, your birthday is October 10. Don't think I forgot," I smiled and he returned it.

"Gotta go! Bye Naruto-nii! Konohamaru-kun, Moegi-chan, Udon-kun!" I waved at all of them and left. I really needed those answers, and I needed them right now. I started to run towards Chouji-kun's house and I stopped when I heard someone behind me.

"Tukiko-chan? What are you doing here?" I turned around to see Chouji-kun and I sighed.

"Chouji-kun, I have a lot of things to say right now, but this is not the place. We need to go to your house," I told him. he nodded.

"Yeah, ok. I don't know what you're being so weird about, but if something is bothering you, I want to be there to help you," Chouji-kun then motioned me to follow him and so I did.

*Ten minutes later*

"Eh? Tukiko-chan? Is that really you?" Uncle Chouza picked me up and hugged me with all of his strength. I swear I heard something pop when he did.

"U-Uncle, I n-need air!" I tapped him on the back and he finally set me down.

"Right, right gomensai," Uncle Chouza apologized and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"As much as I love your bear hugs, I have questions about my clan," I told him.

"Anything! We're family after all," Uncle Chouza pat my head and I frowned.

"Are we really? I talked with my aniki before I killed him, he told me we are separate clans. I want the truth Uncle Chouza," I looked over at Chouji-kun who looked confused.

"Ah, that little brat's finally dead then? Good. Okay Tukiko-chan, we aren't really related by blood. That was a lie to protect you two," Uncle Chouza admitted, pointing to Chouji and I.

"So, Tukiko-chan and I aren't related?" Chouji-kun asked, confused.

"Not by blood, but....just keep quiet so I can explain things. I suppose you two are old enough to know by now, so here goes," Uncle Chouza sighed and motioned for us to follow him, so we did.

"Hey Tukiko-chan....we'll still consider each other as family though right?" Chouji-kun asked. he sounded worried.

"Of course! Nothing's going to change Chouji-kun. You'll still be my awesome cousin, Uncle Chouza will still be my awesome uncle who hugs like he wants to kill you, and Aunt Chikako will always be my awesome and a little scary Aunt Chikako," I smiled at him and he smiled back.

(A/N: Chouji's mother was actually called Chouji's mother. There was no freaking name! I couldn't believe it, so I decided to give her a name. Aren't I generous?)

"Okay, sit down here," Uncle Chouza pointed at the couch in the living room. Chouji-kun and I sat down on either end and Uncle Chouza sat in one of the two armchairs in the living room. Aunt Chikako was already in the other one.

"Quite a while ago there were two Akimichi clans. We hated each other. The other Akimichi clan were always competing against us, saying that their kekkei genkai was better. This caused jealousy and anger to emit from our clan. We don't take lightly to being underestimated. There was soon a fight that broke out between our clans that lasted for a full year before a treaty was created. We didn't like each other, but we got along. Until five months passed and two rouge Akimichis from our clan attacked and killed your sister Tukiko. To protect the future generation, you and Chouji, we agreed that we would pretend to be one big clan. That was nine months before you were born Chouji. After the war there were only three families left in your clan though Tukiko-chan. We all know what happened to Tukiko's family. A family of six went into hiding, still in fear that there are other rouges. The last family was last seen leaving Konoha to live in Suna. However, on the way there they were ambushed and the parents died. The oldest took the younger sibling and they moved to Suna as planned, but no one has seen or heard from them since," Uncle Chouza explained.

"There are others?" I asked, standing up.

"Tukiko-chan, you don't want to meet them. They aren't like you. They take to heart the term 'ninjas are only tools'," Aunt Chikako warned.

"But there are kids! Like me! I can't abandon them, I just can't!" I panicked. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to see Chouji-kun looking at me.

"Tukiko-chan, please just let it go for now," Chouji-kun begged.

"We really like having you as family Tukiko-chan, don't think we were lying about that," Uncle Chouza smiled.

"Tukiko-chan, I want you to do what you want, but I want you to know this: Your past will only affect your future if you want it to. No one can tell you what to do now Tukiko-chan, it's all you," Aunt Chikako told me. I sighed.

"Thanks Aunt Chikako, Uncle Chouza," I smiled, but I really wanted to meet the others immediately.

"Please don't let this affect anything," Chouji-kun hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I promise, nothing between us will change," I hugged Chouji-kun tightly and then let go.

"You better go before it gets too late dear. It's already night. Do you want Chouji-kun to walk you home?" Aunt Chikako asked me. Auntie was always protective and sweet.

"No thank you Aunt Chikako. I like night, it's pretty. I promise that nothing will change between us though. As far as I'm concerned, you two are my Aunt Chikako and my Uncle Chouza," I smiled. Aunt Chikako got up to hug me, but Uncle Chouza just smiled. Which was okay with me because I like breathing.

"And as far as we're concerned, you're our niece....our weird niece," Uncle Chouza replied and I laughed.

"Goodbye guys," I waved and left after Aunt Chikako let go.

I started to wonder around Konoha when I ended up noticing that there were so many stars. I stopped to look at them. They were so close to each other and so far away from me. They were beautiful, yet they were dead. I didn't even know that until Aunt Chikako told me. It's weird isn't it? Something dead takes so long to come into view. And when it does, it's very beautiful because it's very unique.

"It's dangerous to be outside at night, didn't your parents teach you that?" a voice spoke from behind me. I turned to see that red head crossing his arms standing behind me.

"My parents never cared for me enough to warn me about any dangers," I retorted, beginning to walk away.

"I guess they also didn't care enough to tell you it's rude to walk away when someone is having a conversation," Gaara spoke from my left side now. I turned to see he was walking with me. Great.

"My parents are dead okay?" I told him, speeding up a little.

"So is my mother," Gaara told me. I stopped and turned to look at him.

"I doubt you came here to tell me about your past. What's up Gaara?" I asked.

"It's dark out. You're a girl walking alone. Shouldn't I escort you back home?" Gaara asked.

"I don't need it," I started to walk, but he grabbed my wrist.

"I didn't say you did, and I don't care if you do. I want to walk you home," Gaara retorted.

"Fine. Why are you doing this anyway?" I yanked my wrist from his grip and I cradled it. Gaara is stronger than he looks.

"I've never had anyone meet me and call me a brat. It's crazy and stupid of someone to do," Gaara told me.

"I don't care. You acted like a brat so I called you one," I started to walk and he did too.

"And you acted like an insanely stupid or crazy person," Gaara replied.

"Being crazy isn't half bad. Besides, I'm not afraid of you Gaara," I smirked and I glanced over to see he was unfazed.

"Then you truly are crazy. I've killed people before you, I'll kill you too if I find you to be a threat," Gaara threatened and I snorted.

"I killed my brother, don't think I won't be able to defend myself," I warned.

"Killing family? I've done that too, when I was younger I killed my mother when she gave birth to me," Gaara told me.

"That wasn't your fault," I sighed.

"You and me are both monsters. We don't belong in this world," Gaara went on, ignoring what I had said.

"A monster is someone who shows no emotion and kills without pain, remorse, or guilt. They don't show mercy or pity while they kill someone and after they kill they just go through life unhappy until that moment when they can kill again," I explained.

"Then I am a monster like I said," Gaara smirked.

"No you're not. A monster doesn't display feelings. You're walking me home. You obviously are curious," I corrected.

"Curiosity isn't a feeling," Gaara retorted.

"But it is an emotion," I responded.

"Since when?" Gaara asked. I noticed that we were nearing my apartment.

"Since people like you and me were born," I responded.


*Gaara pov*

This girl is so annoying. Yet I feel oddly drawn to her. This weird girl who has no idea what a threat I am to her life is making me actually feel something more than hate.

"You're a strange girl, talking to an enemy," I replied to her.

"You're not an enemy," she responded.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"It's Akimichi Tukiko," she told me.

"That's the name of the girl who isn't afraid of a killer?" I smirked.

"I could say the same thing to you Gaara," Tukiko glanced at me and I continued smirking.

"I doubt you could kill someone. You look innocent and weak," I replied. She looked mad, but she surprisingly didn't blow up like I thought she would.

"I would respond, but my apartment is right there," Tukiko pointed at the apartment complex that was right in front of us.

"That wasn't a long conversation at all," I complained. My curiosity wasn't filled yet.

"Goodnight Gaara," Tukiko smiled and was about to leave before I grabbed her wrist again. She looked confused. I was a little confused too, but this was something I knew I had to do. I didn't want to do it, but I had to.

"Do not interpret anything from this. I still hate you, but I need to do this for myself," I told her.

Before she could respond I kissed her. And to both of our surprise, she kissed back. I let go and left without even saying goodbye. D*** this girl. She has me feeling things I don't want to feel.


*Tukiko pov*

What the h*** just happened?! I had a boyfriend for f***'s sake! Kissing Gaara back is the f***ing worst thing I can do! And what the f*** is with everyone kissing me?! First Deidara (which I loved), then Sasuke (which was creepy), and now Gaara (which I liked)?! I remembered that I was wearing the origami flower that had a built in camera somehow.

"F***!" I cussed. It'd be pointless to apologize or say something else right no. I was already screwed. I sighed and ran into the apartment complex.

"Tukiko-chaaan! You're hoooome!" Shinako came running to the door and hugged the crap out of me.

"Can't b-breath," I tapped her on the shoulder and she dropped me onto the floor.

"Whoopsie! Gomensaiiiii," Shinako giggled. Her cheeks were flushed and I twitched, my anger rising.

"You're drunk aren't you?" I asked.

"Yuppers!" Shinako giggled and fell on the floor.

"Great. HAKAI! HELP ME DRAG SHINAKO TO HER ROOM!" I yelled. Hakai came out of the living room and started swaying a little.

"I can't right now, I'm too drunk," Hakai laughed and then passed out.

"F***ing perfect. ELENA!" I yelled, crossing my fingers that she wasn't drunk too.

"Coming," Elena's voice came from the living room.

"Please don't be drunk," I begged. Elena started walking and I let out a breath of relief.

"I'll get Hakai and you'll get Shinako?" Elena asked.

"I'll try," I sighed and we started dragging their bodies to their rooms. Well, since there were only three rooms, Hakai got to sleep on the couch.

"We got a letter Shinako. But now we have to wait until tomorrow to read it because you're drunk," I complained, knowing very well that she couldn't hear me. I made my way into the living room to let Elena know that I was going to bed. This day was so freaking exhausting, I just wanted it to end.

"We're getting back at them in the morning right?" Elena asked. I nodded.

"Oh f*** yeah we are. I'm heading to bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow about Naruto-nii if I can," I yawned and went into my bedroom, waving goodnight. I'm pretty sure you can do that.

I lied down in my bed after I took off my ponytail holder thing, my weapons pouch, my origami flower, etc., and I sighed. I am the worst girlfriend ever. But right now, as much as i wanted to apologize to Deidara and hug him and everything to make up for the s*** I did, I couldn't get my mind off of the fact that I'm not the last in my clan.

I need to find them. I don't know when or how, but I know I need to. So I'm going to.


Me: I hate you all.

Sam: Look! Chocolate Fudge cupcakes!!! *runs over to display of cupcakes*

Lucy: Oh my gosh! OREO CUPCAKES!! *runs over to the other cupcake display.*

Me: I feel like I'm some designated driver.

Itachi: Hn *walks over with a vanilla cupcake*

Me: You too Itachi?

Itachi: It's a cupcake store.

Me: Good point.

Sam: Manga! *runs over with thirty cupcakes*

Lucy: Guys! *runs over with twenty cupcakes*

Itachi: I'm not paying.

Me: Ugh. *gets out one hundred dollars*

Lucy: Thank you!

Cashier: Your change is $30.46.

Me: Thanks.

Cashier: I'd go out of business without you guys. Mostly that one *points at Sam*

Sam: I help people!

Me: You help people go broke.

Sam: Shut up Manga.

Lucy: Read Konoha College and it's sequel,

Sam: And Gaara's Twin Sister

Me: Which has finally reached 10,000 reads! (Congrats to you Luc!)

Itachi: Thank you for continuing to read this story. We have reached up to 23,000 views.

Me: Please keep reading! I'd be nowhere without you!

Lucy: You're nowhere now!

Me: Thank you Lucy -_-

Sam: We love you :)

Me: I don't feel it.

Lucy: Remember to comment, vote, share, and follow if you want.

Sam: Peace!

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