We're The Back Pocket Believe...

By keep_the_secret

501K 10.7K 4.5K

Hazel Reede was average. Actually, she was a little below that. She is fifteen when her family dies and leave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 29

8.7K 233 139
By keep_the_secret

“You never told me Alex was in hospital” I shivered , and Rian rolled his eyes .

“Oh , relax , Hazel” He said , pulling the car into the parking lot . “You'll see for yourself , he's fine .”

Rian ignored the receptionist and walked straight to the elevators . “He's on the fifth floor ,” Rian told me .

Obligingly , I pressed the button then watched as the glowing digits flicked slowly from G to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 … and to 5 .

The elevator dinged as the doors opened slowly , leading onto the kind of pristine hallway that you only ever get in hospitals . Doctors hovered around with their clipboards , nurses with medication and visitors with gifts . I plunged my hands into my pockets and looked at the floor guiltily . It was my fault that Alex was in here .

The rockstar had a private room all to himself , down at the very end of the corridor . Jack , Sam and Pommie sat on the plastic chairs outside his room , and they looked up when they saw us coming .

“Found her” Rian said , taking a seat next to Sam .

“The hill ?” Jack guessed , and Rian nodded .

“It's official , I'm a genius” Jack crowed .

“I wouldn't go that far” Sam laughed , hitting her adoptive father lightly . Immediately , Jack counter-attacked with a headlock .

“Is Alex okay ?” I whispered to Pommie , and she smiled at me and nodded .

“Don't worry” She told me , “He's fine .”

Once Alex's parents came out , I was told to go in . Peter and Isobel kept me outside for a few mintues beforehand , though .

“Oh , sweetie” Isobel said , “How are you holding up ? We heard about … everything – and we're coming to the trial on Saturday , of course .”

“Thanks” I said awkwardly , as she pulled me into a hug .

“We're behind you all the way , Hazel” Peter told me sincerely , “Supporting you one hundred per cent .”

I looked up at Peter , and for the first time realised that – in a way – they were my grandparents .

“Thank you so much” I replied honestly , “That means a lot , really . More than I can explain .”

Alex's room looked almost as personal as his bedroom at home did . Some band members must have tweeted about his fall , as GET BETTER SOON cards were overflowing off the windowsill . Either Rian or Isobel must have brought some of his clothes , and one of his acoustic guitars .

“Halo !” Alex said when he saw me . His face split into a relieved smile , and he let out a sigh . “Thank God you're okay . You scared the balls off of me .”

“You're not mad at me ?” I asked in surprise . His thick eyebrows flew off his face .

“Mad at you ? For what ?”

“Well” I paused , frowning . “First of all , in case you hadn't noticed I'm kind of the reason you're in here .”

Alex laughed . “You mean – in this hospital ? You're not worried about that , are you ? I'm fine , Halo . Just a few scrapes and bruises .” He stopped suddenly , and bit his lip .

“Alex ?” I asked , worried . “Alex , what is it ? What's wrong ?”

“When I fell” He began awkwardly , “I kind of … smashed ...”

My mind was sent into a frenzy of worry . “A bone ? Tissue ? Wait , you can't smash tissue ...”

“Halo” Alex said , catching my attention . “Your guitar .”

I looked at him blankly . “What ?”

“I smashed your guitar , Halo . I'm so fucking sorry , I'll buy you a new one and -”

“No” I interrupted , “I … I don't want a new one .”

Maybe I was overreacting . But it had always felt like that guitar connected me with Steven , my dead brother . And now it was destroyed , just like him .

“You okay ?” Alex asked carefully . I looked at him , but I could neither nod nor shake my head . Alex pursed his lips .

“Come here” He said , patting the space in the bed beside him .

Obligingly , I climbed onto the bed beside him . When he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug , I didn't protest .

“I'm sorry I yelled at you” He said softly .

“I'm sorry too” I whispered .

We were quiet for a moment , until Alex spoke again .

“You said … earlier … about why I adopted you” He said , sounding out each word carefully . “And … you were right . When you asked me that day we went shopping I wasn't completely honest with you . I said that I liked you best , and that you stood out . Which was true , I swear !”

I looked up from his chest to meet his eyes . “But ?”

Alex looked at me , his face carrying an expression I'd never seen it wear before . It was soft , and caring and … loving .

“When I was about your age” He began slowly , “Younger , actually , my brother died .”

I gasped quietly . He'd never mentioned this .

“And it hit me hard” Alex continued , “Like you'd expect it to . But I got through it . You know how ?”

I shook my head .

“My family . My friends . And – since I started learning guitar that same year – my music .”

“And then – more than ten years later – I met you . And you reminded me of myself , because you'd lost a brother too . Not only your brother , but your mom . Only you didn't have family or friends . You had a guitar , but you didn't know how to play it . So I figured ; I can adopt a kid who can sing like an angel . Who can play ten different instruments , and still have time to be the funniest person I ever met .”

“Or I could adopt – well , myself . Or someone who reminded me of myself anyway . And I could help that person , help them cope with their grief . I could give them the friends , family and music that they never had before .”

“And you did” I told him . He looked at me in surprise , as if he'd forgotten that I was here . “You did help me , and I for that I can't thank you enough .”

Alex hugged me tightly , and I did the same to him . I knew in that moment that it wouldn't matter what the judge decided , because Alex would always be my dad .

After what seemed like hours , the doctor in charge of Alex came in and said hat visiting hours were over .

“See you Friday , Halo” Alex said softly .

“Bye Dad” I replied , and his face lit up like a Christmas tree .

Outside Alex's room , two people were waiting for me . The first , the woman who'd come this morning to bring me to a foster home , and the second ; our lawyer , Mr Sullivan .

“Um , hey” I said awkwardly .

They both stood up . “Hazel , my name is Ms Lawrence” The woman said , “It occurred to me earlier that you would be living with me for the next few days , at least , and you have yet to learn my name .”

I nodded . “Right .”

“Hazel , I'm just here to let you know that I saved your ass today” Mr Sullivan said .

“Huh ?”

“Have you forgotten already ? The judge specifically instructed that after this morning you were to have no more contact with Alex until the next trial . You two disobeyed the judge , and could have lost yourselves some serious brownie points .”

“But we didn't” I pieced together , “Because of you . Thanks .”

Mr Sullivan shrugged .”That's what you hired me for . But please , Hazel , be careful .”

“I will” I promised .

Mr Sullivan persuaded the doctor to let him see Alex to repeat to him the message , while Ms Lawrence led me to her car .

“We already have all of your belongings at the house” She said , “I'm afraid you have a very small room , but you'll only be here temporarily so that should be alright .”

I nodded politely . “Yeah , that'll be fine thanks .”

My new room was basically a cupboard , with a bed , a lamp and a window . My bags were piled high on one side of the room , but despite the things that I had all I could think about were the things that were missing . My guitar … and Alex .

A/N - Shorter chapter today guys , but still important ! Hope you liked it :) Vote , fan and comment !

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