My Lost Diaries

By MarouenKouki

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Logan Had a Job across the country, He decides to take a shortcut , through a place humans rarely dare enter... More

Chapter 1 : A surprising encounter.
Chapter 2 : Those left behind.
Chapter 4 : Happy Birthday.
Chapter 5 : Last Wish
Chapter 6 : A New Start
Chapter 7 : The Berserk
Chapter 8 : Taking on the Impossible
Chapter 9 : Doing the Impossible
Chapter 10 : Hellos and Goodbyes

Chapter 3 : First Impressions

42 2 0
By MarouenKouki

" AHH! This is so boring, This old man is sooo fucking Boring..." Lily said so with an irritated look on her face

She's been following him for hours now, and he hasn't done a thing, He's just walking through town.

" Well, at least I found this cool radio thanks to walking around after him, Otherwise, This was a complete waste of time..."

She was holding it between her hands, she found it in an alleyway and picked it up to check it out, Surprisingly, its batteries weren't dead, It was still working just fine.

She threw it in her backpack, And took a look at what the old man was up to, He just stopped randomly behind of an old ruined building, She couldn't see him after that, the building was blocking her vision. 

" That's it, I'm done here, I'd rather get eaten by an Infected than keep following this guy, That would be at least more thrilling...It's starting to get a little late too, I'll just head back home"

She went down from the rooftop taking the emergency staircase, reaching the second floor she stopped walking down.

some Infected were running through the alleyway under her, Heading toward where the old man just stopped, About 7 of them passed by, So Lily just waited them out, And then came down the staircase.

" Weird, Those things don't usually go in groups... Unless something is attracting them... Could it be the old man, Did he do something..." 

She was so intrigued, She wanted to see what was going on, Her curiosity almost won her over, However, She decided against it...
It's stupid to run after a group of Infected, No matter what reason she had.

So she took a step back, Turned the other way, And decided to walk away... Unfortunately, She soon realized it was already late, She didn't even take 1 step to see how bad the situation she just got into was...

2 Infected were on the alleyway exit, Looking right at her, At that split second, Lily quick thinking lead her to two options, One, was to grab her gun, Shoot them both and run as fast as she can.

But she didn't even know what was on that street behind them, 7 infected already passed through the tiny alleyway she's in and 2 are standing in front of her right now, There is going to be most likely even more around the block .Plus, she could miss and the gunshots are surely going to get her in more trouble than she is already in now.

So she took option number 2, She started to run the same way as the previous group of infected, She decided to basically run toward even more Infected waiting on the opposite direction.

Taking the staircase back up was never an option, She has nowhere to hide on the roof, and she would just be getting herself cornered since the infected will surely follow her up.

The 3 of them, Lilly and the 2 Infected started simultaneously running at the same time, She got out on the street, Took a look at her left and she was shocked for a second, She saw at least 50 infected just standing in the middle of the street.

However, She didn't have time to be standing there, Taking a look to her right, It was clear, Or almost, Only 1 Infected was standing on that way and he was at some distance away too, So she ran right.

The Infected on her way soon noticed her and started charging toward her, The other 2 also just got out of the alleyway, and were still chasing her.

Lily was going to get cornered, But she saw another back street in front of her and took it, as soon as she took the turn, She started looking for anywhere to hide, She can't keep running forever, Her backpack was starting to get heavy, and she needs to shake them off otherwise she would be leading them back to her home along with her. 

nothing was on the little passage, But luckily for her, She saw a broken window, She jumped in, Hid down under it, And put both her hands on top of her mouth, She was breathing heavily and didn't want to make that much noise, She was shaking a little but it was ok, She's used to this kind of fear.

She heard the Infected running right next to her of the other side of the wall, They were making some weird excited screams as they ran by, It was more than 3, Some more must have caught up and joined the chase.

After a minute, the running and squeaking stopped, They all passed by, Lily took a sigh of relief, She miraculously lost them... She got up after feeling a little safe, And didn't dare step back outside.

The infected are unusually active for this time of the day for whatever reason, she needed to inspect what was happening outside before going back out.

So she went to the top of the building she broke in, Reaching the roof Lily was overwhelmingly in shock, She only said two words:

" That Motherfucker." 

She saw a campfire in front of the old bank, Just where the old man stopped, and The infected were just Running in circles around it, Trying to touch it, But every time one does they get burned and give off a loud scream, thus attracting more Infected to them.

This was clearly the old man's doing, She saw that strategy before, using some form of distraction somewhere and go the other way to avoid the Infected. But this time, In the process of saving himself from the trouble, Someone else was screwed.

Lily was in big trouble and she knew it, She also knew it was not getting any better by the time, The more she stays there, The more she is screwed, The Infected were still gathering even more, and the sun is going to set soon.

So if her situation right now is described as desperate, It will be impossible when night comes, Once the Infected get more active.

Their Numbers Noticeably increased since her little run away from The couple of Infected half an hour ago. And looking from the rooftop, There was approximately about 20 or more on her area.

If she somehow manage to get through them, She is safe, She can run toward home with no trouble, That is ,if she does it now, and not after sunset.

Lily was walking in circles on the rooftop, Trying to think of a way out of this hopeless situation. Then she stopped.

" Using a distraction huh... I can probably do the same... I already have that and that... All I need is that now and I can do it!!" 

Then her eyes glowed, as like she was struck by lightning, She ran down the building and come back up with an old pillow

" I knew I saw this on my way up earlier... Now it's all ready!! I just need to do that one thing now. It's fucking crazy, I Know Lily... But I have to do it, no other way around it." She was psyching herself up at that point.

Lily grabbed her backpack, She took out the walkie-talkies she had, She put one inside the pillow, Grabbed the other and put it next to the radio.

then she threw the pillow to the street on one side of the roof, Went back in front of the radio 

" OK Lily , It's do or die time" 

She took a deep breath and turned on the radio as loud as she could, All the Infected down on the street started randomly running and screaming. It was a complete and utter mess.

Some of them ran to the walkie-talkie she dropped inside the pillow, Some of them rushed toward the Radio itself, They went inside the building and started running up the stairs.

Lily started running to the other side of the roof, Opposite to the one she threw The pillow from, And stood on the edge

" This is it.. don't chicken out now.. Ahhhhh! I'm so fucking dead"

She took a couple of steps behind and started running and jumped.

Her plan was to distract the Infected to her building and the street on one side of it and jump to the next building on the other side, where she could make a run for it since it would be an open path back home after distracting everyone away.

But it all depends on That one jump, If she falls she dies, If she stays on the current rooftop She dies, She had to jump to the balcony of the building next to her. It was the only plan she could think of.

Lily didn't even look down mid-air of her jump, She was tunneling all her focus to the balcony right in front of her, Bracing herself for the fall she's going to take.

She covered her body with her arms and broke through the glass door, Then she let off a very painful and loud scream as she fell on the floor inside the room.

She Fell on the broken glass with her left arm and she got seriously injured, Some pieces of the shattered glass entered her arm, one was considerably bigger went through her left shoulder.

She Cut off some of her shirt, Put a little piece in her mouth and another on her hand. Then she pulled out the big piece of glass out of her shoulder. It was extremely painful, but she didn't scream a second time, she bit off the little cloth between her teeth and just cried out silently of the pain.

All the while tearing another piece from her shirt and wrapping it up on her shoulder to stop the bleeding... She then laid back on the floor and took a minute to catch back her breath.

She didn't waste much time, Every second before sunset counts, she couldn't afford to waste anymore precious time. So she tried to swallow the fact of how painful it was. And stood up, Tried to take out the small pieces out of her arm too.

Each one was Beyond painful but she kept taking them out one by one, Letting off a little silent scream each time she does.

She cleaned up her wounds as much as she can, Her left arm was all wrapped in white clothing, that turned red from the blood.

Lily whipped out the tears from her eyes, and looked over the windows, The building she was in, was full of infected , and she heard loud Infected screaming coming from behind the building too.

Her plan worked, Everyone around her area went to the other side.

She took a look from a window on the right side of the building , It was basically clear, She can definitely get out of this hell now taking the path she opened up.

Lily didn't waste a second she ran downstairs, took the backdoor, and ran for it, as fast as she possibly could...

It was dark, The sun has set about 20 minutes ago, But it was ok, Lily escaped the town, She just got out of the city outskirts and reached the forest right next to it, The forest were her little home was.

All what was going through her head, was just jumping on her bed, closing her eyes and get this day over with.

Lily was kind of stomping around and leaning left and right as she was walking, She could fall off any minute, However, She finally reached her little cabin.

To her surprise, A strapped horse was eating grass in her yard, It was the old man's horse. She also saw someone turning on his flashlight inside from the windows.

" This ..This fucking day.. Is it ever going to end..." She was breathing heavily between every word she said, She was barely standing on her feet. 

She took out her gun and kept stomping her way to the cabin, She was walking as if she was drunk, Her face was already turning yellow, and her sight was getting all blurry.

She bumped into her room door, And saw a big shade in front of her

" It's got to be him " Lily was thinking 

" Who are you and how the fuck did you get here !?" Lily said while trying to keep a straight face to not show how tired she was.

He was talking back, But Lily was barely hearing anything...

" Hands behind your head, Don't you try anything funny... or I'll blow a fucking hole through your head !!" She was getting agitated, She could barely move at that point...

" Calm down... Listen to... " This was all Lily caught up from his words

"Don't tell me to calm down. What are u doing here, How did you--..."

She couldn't get another word out, She was slowly passing out, She didn't even had it in her to move another inch.

She kept standing as long as she could with her gun pointed at him, Then she fell off head first to the ground, She lost all consciousness, Her left arm was bleeding so badly, She lost too much blood.

Logan walked up to her and crouched down to check her pulse, She was still alive, Her heart was still beating. But only barely...      

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