Bitten By The Past (Camren)

By luxurylolo

735K 16.7K 6K

They both have some bad pasts. Camila Cabello, a new freshman at Miami University, meets Lauren Jauregui, a b... More

1. Roomie
2. Clashing Paths
3. Like A New World
4. First Day
5. Eyes Take Me Away
6. Wrong About Being Wrong
7. Missed
8. Hi Again
9. I Wanna Know You
10. Let Me Kiss You
11. Might Be Better
12. Homesick
13. Party?
14. Not You Again
15. Taking Sides?
16. Stubborn
17. Carrion
18. Be Mine
19. Edge
20. The Thrill
22. Party Crasher
23. Just The Campus Psycho
24. Fix It
25. Not Letting Go
26. "Psycho-regui"
27. Back to the Norm
28. Them...
29. Together Pt. 1
30. Together Pt. 2
31. Yes
32. Only You
33. Admitting It
34. No Place Like Us
35. So Close...
36. The Plan
37. I Need You
38. Stay Ready
39. Calm Before The Stromberg
40. Revenge
41. Fight or Flight
42. Superheroes
43. Past Due
44. Girl Talk & Revelations
45. The Truth
46. Good Terms
47. Back At It
48. Real
49. Nerves
50. MMO

21. Lost

12K 285 104
By luxurylolo

Lauren's POV

Nothings really changed since the last time I've been to one of CeCe's parties. They're just as wild, rambunctious and packed as I once remember them.

I walk in with Keaton and see the same thing I had come accustomed to last year. The same people, doing the same things. Luckily for them, nothing changed anything for them. Their partying remained the same. The red solo cups, and bottles were all over the place. Some being knocked over as they were stepped on and over by the drunken people dancing sloppily with one another in the middle of the frat house.

Couples had paired off, some in groups of three or four on couches, the floor, and pulled into secluded rooms as they did who knows what. One guy ran into the house with a water gun and began to spray it all over the crowd, making them even more wild.

"Hey, I see one of my suite mates over there. Wanna come with me or are you good here?" He asks. "I'm fine here." I nod with a small smile. "Alright...I'll be back in a minute, okay?" He says patting my shoulder once and heading off into the crowd of rowdy students.

I look around and somehow I'm handed a drink. I actually have no clue as to how it got into my hand, but what the hay? I take a sip, and sense the burning sensation rush down my throat as I swallow a huge gulp. It was utterly disgusting, but it brought back the same feeling from last year. The feeling before everything came crashing down...the feeling of freedom. So I take another sip, then a large gulp, and somehow make my way to another cup.

Bad idea...

Camila's POV

I finally came up with a good enough excuse to ditch Austin and run straight to Lauren's dorm. I told him that I needed to go back because my mom would be picking me up in an hour and I still hadn't packed anything. He seemed to buy it and almost pleaded to walk me back to my dorm room but I rushed off before he could finish his sentence.

I had called Lauren about four times on the run to her dorm, but had gotten no answer. I know she must feel horrible about what she saw at Lenny's, and I just let it happen. Oh I'm a damn stupid for letting it happen, and not saying a word about it. I hurt her...again.

I rushed inside her building as I ran up the stairs not wanting to wait on an elevator. I finally get up to her floor, almost passing out from lack of oxygen and I run to her door.

I pound on it furiously. I call out her name multiple times as I plead for her to open the door. I knock and knock and knock rapidly. I stop for a moment running a hand through my hair as I pull my phone out and try dialing her again. This time, I was sent to voicemail.

"What the fuck?" I huff out. I close my eyes and lean against her door sighing heavily.

"Um Camila?" I hear a voice call out. I open my eyes to see Demi peeping out of a secluded room down the hall at me, before slowly walking over looking confused. "What's wrong?" She asks obviously noting my distress. "I really need to speak to Lauren, and she isn't opening her door." I gesture to the door in front of me.

Demi looks a bit confused and tilts her head a bit. She shrugs and pulls out her keys. "Well hey, that's what these are for." She dangles them before reaching down and unlocking Lauren's room door. She flings it open and realize the lights are out. When she turns them on we see an empty dorm room. We both walk in and check the room to make sure if she's actually there or not.

"Ugh, great." I mutter to myself before sitting on the edge of her bed. "What's going on?" Demi asks a bit worried. I sigh and look up at her sadly. "Well, she saw me out with Austin tonight-" "Deli Truck guy?" She cuts me off. I nod before breathing in deeply to continue. "She already knew I was out with him, but we're still kind of..." I motion my hands around signaling that we were still 'together' in a way. "...yeah. And he kissed my cheek. She ran off and I came here because she told me to before this all happened, I just hoped that she'd ACTUALLY be here." I explain with another sigh.

Demi takes out her phone and presses a few times before lifting the phone to her right ear and tapping her foot lightly on the floor and waiting.

"...Laur? Where are you?" She says. I sigh at the fact that she finally answered someone's call, but what I heard next made my breath hitch right in my throat. "...Cece's party? Lauren why are you there alone---Keaton? ...Camila is here going crazy---wait wait...what? Are you...drunk? Laur....LAUR, don't do this right now. Lauren? ...shit." She sighs as as hangs up the phone. She shoves it in her pocket and begins to run for the door.

"Wh-what's going on?" I ask innocently scared. I had a feeling I knew but I refused to believe it was true. "Lauren. Just I have to go get her...she can't do this again." She says fidgeting with her keys to get ready to lock Lauren's door behind her. "Do wh-" "No time to talk just...come with me!" She yells. I hop off of Lauren's bed and run outside behind Demi as she locks her door and runs down the hall and downstair heading out of the building with me following closely behind.

"Here get in." She says before hopping into her car quickly as I follow suit on the passenger side. She hurriedly starts the engine and zooms off.

"Where are we going?" I ask her quietly, not knowing if I should be talking right about now. She taps her fingers on the wheel impatiently as she looks both ways and pulls out into the road.

"Um the frat house about a mile away. Lauren's there. She's there. Gosh, why did I ever bring up Cece's parties to her again." She smacks herself in the side of the head and clenches the wheel tightly as she takes a sharp turn down a dirt road.

I'm still trying to decipher what was going on exactly, but from what I'm getting, Keaton dragged Lauren to some party and got her drunk, and I swear that asshole better not be there when I show up, because he will more than likely be getting hell from me if I lay an eye on him.

Lauren's POV

I don't know how I ended up taking so many drinks...honestly. It was one innocent sip, all it was, was one tiny sip. I didn't think it'd transpire into three cups. I was glad I got that phone call from Demi a while ago, but luckily for me, my phone decides to die in the middle of my conversation. Not like she could really hear me that well over my drunken slur and this fucking idiotic music in the background.

I lay with my back against the brick wall by the fireplace and look out into the party that hasn't died down one bit. My vision is a bit blurry as I groan from the music pounding in my ears, starting to cause a slight headache.

"Oh look...its Jauregui the Psycho. Back to push more people off of rooftops already?" I hear a voice say. I look towards the source but hardly see anything as my vision is only getting worse at this point. "Fuck you." I spat out. "Woah...calm down Laur, I wouldn't want to end up in the same place you sent Carly." Another voice falsely pleads.

I stand to my feet and stumble towards the voice as I groan at the sound pounding into my ears. "Shut the fuck up." I scream holding both sides of my head tightly and gritting my teeth. I try to block out all the comments but they kept coming in. More and more at a time.

"Be quiet or she'll fling you off a bridge..." "Better hush or Lauren Psychoregui will put you in a mental institution." "Never thought she'd show her face at one of these parties again." "Who let that crazy bitch back on campus?"

It all kept coming, I was yelling for it all to stop. I was screaming and pleading for it to stop...but it only increased. It only kept going and all went black.

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