Mystery Life

By ShelbyWinds

9.6K 724 49

Dave is chasing after someone that has crossed him when he runs into a car. The man is killed but the female... More



186 17 0
By ShelbyWinds

Eve feels satisfaction from having slipped out of Dave's watchful gaze. She knows that he'll eventually find her destination, but for now, at least she is truly on her own. For the first time in her life.

The bus driver is kind and makes sure that she is able to get food and whatnot when they stop and he makes sure that she is on the bus before it leaves. If it weren't for him Eve is sure that she would end up calling for Dave to come and get her.

She hadn't realized just how protected she was at the estate. Everyone there cared for her or at least tolerated her. They always made sure that she had everything she needed.

On her few outings away from the estate she always had Dave or one of the others as her escort to make sure that she was fine.

Now she has to use her cane to make sure she doesn't trip and fall. She isn't used to using it extensively like she now has to and finds it irritating. Although she knows that without it, she wouldn't be able to walk at all.

When they reach Seattle the driver helps her out and then asks her if he can do anything else for her.

The noise is more than she had been expecting. She'd forgotten that about big cities. "Could you help me get a cab?" Eve asks the bus driver who answers her in the affirmative before escorting her over to where the cabs are.

She thanks him before talking to the driver, "Can you take me to a decent hotel please?"

"Which one?" The driver asks irritatedly.

"I don't know any of them. Which one has the best reputation?" Eve asks biting her lip nervously and tears start welling in her eyes. Perhaps she should have allowed Zander to come with her.

"I'm sorry lady, I shouldn't take my bad mood out on you. The Wiltshire and Hayesmore compete for the best accommodations here in Seattle. But they are five star hotels, is that what you wish?"

The Hayesmore is the name of Dave's hotel chain. She's stayed there before and liked it very much. But that was in his penthouse and she wouldn't be able to stay in something so expensive. But she likes the idea of staying there just to piss him off.

"Take me to the Hayesmore  then. How would I go about looking for an apartment and a job here?"

"When you get your room have the receptionist get you a listing of apartments for rent..." the driver forgot that his passenger is blind. "I'm sure that they will be happy to help you find something. As for job, there are various employment agencies around. Once you get settled find a cab and they can take you to one."

"Can we go now? I can check in at the hotel later," Eve asks nervously. Being on her own is far more nerve racking than she expected.

"I'm sorry, but almost all the agencies close by five, it's nearly nine now." The cabbie says to the dejected lady. "I'll tell you what, I'll pick you up tomorrow at ten and take you to the nearest one. How does that sound?"

"Thank you, you are being very kind." Eve says softly, she doesn't entirely trust him, but she is thankful for his help.

The cabbie pulls into the drive for the hotel and the doorman rushes to open the door for her. Eve gets out and takes a deep breath and relaxes.

Eve pays the cabbie, "My name is Eve."

"My name is Mark, nice to meet you Eve." The driver waits for the doorman to assist Eve inside before pulling away from the hotel. He has the weirdest feeling that something in his life has just changed. He's not sure if that is a good thing or not. What he does know is that he's going to do his best to help Eve find a place to live away from the hotel. He doesn't think that she has much money since she only has one bag.

 The doorman escorts her to the front desk, "Thank you for your assistance."

"My pleasure, Miss Eve, hope you enjoy your stay here. Let us know if there is anything we can get for you." 

"I will," Eve tells him before turning her attention to the lady at the desk.

"I'd like a room please," Eve says pleasantly, but she's beginning to feel weary and wants to eat and sleep.

Eve misses the contemptuous look the receptionist gives her, "Of course, I'll need a name, a card and a length of stay."

Eve curses herself, of course they'll want a card. She shrugs to herself, there is no helping it now. "Eve Saunders," Eve states as she digs through her bag for her wallet. She takes out her bank card and hands it to her.

She doesn't notice the decided change in the demeanor of the receptionist as she looks at the card. Dave has his name on the card as well. Eve didn't know that, she hardly ever used the card.

"How long will your stay be, Miss Saunders?" 

"I'm not sure yet, it will depend on how quickly I'll be able to find an apartment." Eve says and bites her lips.

"I'll put your stay down for a week and if you need longer you are certainly welcome to do so. If you need any help finding an apartment don't hesitate to ask and we'll have someone assigned to escort you around." The receptionist is quick to add.

Now Eve is suspicious. This is very unlike how the lady was acting before. Damn, her name must somehow be linked to Dave's. Now it's imperative to find another location.

"Thank you, I'd appreciate that, but now I'd really just like to go to my room and relax." Eve hints to the now loquacious woman.

"I'm sorry, it's not ready just yet. If you would like to rest for a bit while we finish it up? Have a drink on the house." Now Eve is beyond suspicious but she is too tired to argue. 

"Whatever, have someone take me to the bar. When my room is ready come and find me." Eve wants to lash out, but holds back. It's not the lady's fault that there is likely some sort of directive on how to deal with her.

Soon she feels the presence of another person at her side and smells his cologne. "This way miss if you please." She needs to pay more attention, she hadn't heard the receptionist give the man instructions.

That isn't good. She needs to be more alert.

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