Mystery Life

By ShelbyWinds

9.6K 724 49

Dave is chasing after someone that has crossed him when he runs into a car. The man is killed but the female... More



200 24 2
By ShelbyWinds

Zander calls Eve telling her they are on their way. Dave doesn't hesitate and leaves the room his face blank. Zander hopes that it's hiding a shitload of guilt. He's never before felt so disgusted by Dave as he does right this moment.

Antonio and Zander follow their boss out the door.

After a heavy silence filled car ride they finally arrive at the estate. Zander steps out and takes a deep breath. He feels strength returning to him. He just hopes this doesn't take the turn he fears.

He rushes to catch up to the other two and so enters just after Dave. 

Dave sees Eve sitting on the stairs waiting for him and he stops cold. Zander and Antonio aren't able to stop in time and run into him.

"I see that you aren't as hurt as you came off yesterday," Eve says coldly.

"Eve," Dave says but is unable to say anymore. 

"I was angry yesterday, as I imagine you were. But I figured that like adults we could talk about things and move on. You moved on alright." Eve is angry and Dave knows that she knows about the woman.

"Leave," Dave orders everyone in the hall. Everyone scrambles out of the hall as fast as they can go. No one wants to be between those two if they fight.

"Eve, why is there a suitcase next to you?" Dave asks fear rising in him.

"I asked before about you being with other women and you promised you wouldn't be. Yet, last night when you should have come home and talked to me, you spent it dancing and whoring. Tell me, how that is keeping your promise, Dave?" He's never heard Eve's voice so cold before.

"First, I never promised, I only said I wouldn't be with others." Dave tries desperately to find a way out of this.

"Semantics and you know it. You meant it as a promise and that's how I took it. You lied to me. Never in all my life, with all the hell I've gone through have I ever had such a betrayal as you gave me last night. I thought you loved me, that's what you told me. Was that another lie too?" Eve demands no longer able to hold back the tears and she just ignores them.

"I do love you, Eve. You have to believe me when I tell you that." Dave says desperately. He's losing her he can tell. He can't lose her. He's finding it hard to breathe.

"How can I believe you when you just spent the night in the arms of another woman? How does that show that you love me?" Eve demands and Dave can't speak. He can't justify this and he knows it. There is no way what he did shows his love for her. It actually shows how much he doesn't love her.

Eve gets off the steps and goes over to him. She takes off her ring, "I told you I would marry you because I trusted you and believed you when you said that you loved me. I don't trust many people and you know why. Last night you broke my trust. I can't trust you anymore." She forces the ring into his hand. 

"We are still betrothed by the alliance." Dave says panicking. He holds the ring so tight into his hand he can feel the diamond cutting his skin.

"You know, the Italians stole the ring from me after they took me. That's what I was retrieving from D'Nozzio. I should have just left it.

"As for the other, there are two ways for the alliance to end, at least the marriage portion. If I am dead or if I'm no longer pure. You know the double standards held by the mafia make me sick. I think I'll enjoy being out of this atmosphere." Eve takes her gun out, takes the safety off and chambers a bullet.

"Your choice, Dave. Take my gun and kill me now." Eve takes his hand and encloses the gun in it and lifts it her her heart. She hopes that he pulls the trigger. The pain she feels hurts more than anything she's ever suffered. She doesn't want to feel it anymore.

"Or, I walk out of here and you never try to find me again. I'll let you know when I'm no longer pure so you can start hunting for a new wife."

"You can't leave, Eve," Dave says hoarsely. He feels as if his heart is being ripped out of his chest.

"I leave either alive, never to meet with you again, or I leave in a body bag. I can't stay here any longer. I can't live in a place where I no longer feel safe. Make your choice, Dave." Eve demands tears falling unchecked down her face, but none evident in her voice.

"I can't kill you," Dave says letting his arm fall that's holding the gun.

"Then I need one last thing from you before I leave, I need some money to start over and a ride to the bus station. Preferably given by someone other than you." Eve says returning to the stairs and her suitcase.

"Eve why is there a bandage on your neck?" Dave demands when he notices the white cloth.

"I had the fucking tracker removed you placed there without permission. I meant it when I said that we wouldn't meet again. I'm ready to leave now." Now Eve's voice is filled with anger and Dave concedes defeat.

"I'll get you some money. Will Zander be alright to drive you?" Dave asks beyond sick at what his actions have caused him.

"Yes, I don't have any problems with him."

"Why are you only taking one small case, Eve?"

"I don't want anything from you except the money and my weapons, I'm leaving everything else behind."

Dave winces at her words, "Take your cane, please?" 

Eve thinks about it and nods, "Yes, I guess I'll need that now more than ever."

Dave goes to his study and goes to his safe and takes out a large sum of money. He makes sure that it is marked as he and Eve had figured out some time ago. He'd prefer her taking her bank card, but he knows that she's doing this so that he can't trace her.

After he does that he calls Zander and has him pull a car around for Eve.

"Eve, this should last you for some time. I hope that you find someplace safe. Let Zander go with you until you are settled?" Dave begs even as he hands her the money.

Eve counts the money and her eyes widen in surprise. "That's more than I expected. Thank you, Dave. No, I just need the ride to the bus station and then I won't need anything else."

Outside the car comes to a stop, "Goodbye, Dave. I do thank you for all you've done for me. I'll get word when you can start looking for someone that you can actually love to marry."

"Eve, please, don't leave like this." Dave begs her one last time.

"I'm sorry, Dave, you made this choice not me." Eve says returning to her suitcase and picks it up. "Don't look for me. Have a good life. Goodbye."

Dave watches helplessly as Eve leaves without looking back. He doesn't even notice the tears falling down his own face.

He lost her and by his own actions. There isn't anyone to blame but himself.

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