My Luna

By KahnaKahn

93.4K 2K 318

"Get out." A voice suddenly boomed coming down the stairs, Rachel. What is she doing here? I thought Hunte... More

Mark Me
Who are you?
Pending Heat
Author's Note
Book Completed
Tears of Blood
Alpha Conrad
Good Bye
Internal Battle
On no Man's Land
My Luna

Mate Bond

3.6K 91 7
By KahnaKahn


This is ridiculous!  How could he use his alpha voice on me.  You'd think he'd feel pain since the lost of his pup.  No, that crazy bastard is sitting across from me with a smug smile on his face as I sat on his bed in his room.

His pack doctor Lisa discharged me yesterday pending on my healing abilities.  Damn wolf.  Couldn't Mia just left me injured even for a little while.  All the while thoughts plague my mind.  Thoughts of if my gender came to light.  Fortunately I think the pack doctor hasn't mentioned any thing, neither did Hunter nor did his pack.  In fact they treat me like, well like a guy.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing really.  Makes me wonder if I even resemble more like a guy than a girl.  None the less I wasn't going to say anything.

During that time the stupid alpha had all my things transferred into his room.  I could only glower at him while I sulk in my place.

I refuse to make eye contact.  "How bout we go down stairs and eat something?"  The big oof spoke with a smile on his face.  What's with that smile anyway.  Gives me the creeps.

Remaining silent I looked away.  He forced me here and now he's acting like everything is cool with us.

How, why?  When I entered his pack house, all I received were cold glares and snarky remarks.  Did he not hear his pack?  Or was he just plain oblivious.

"Come on TY, you haven't eaten since last night."  Sighing he continued, "Are you going to ignore me the whole day."

I can, and I will!  Just then my stomach started to grumble.  Traitor!

"I can see you are hungry."  He chuckled, "Well more like hear it."

Turning my body away from him, I crossed my arms.  Sure we maybe buds but there is in no way I would eat with his pack.  Who knows what they could've done with my food.  Probably laced it with wolf's bane or something. 

Without realizing, I felt my body being lifted up off his bed.  "Put me down."

"Finally he speaks, if you will not walk to eat with me, I will carry you to eat with me instead."

"Fine."  I glared at him ordering him to put me down.

"Awe come on TY.  Why the frown?"

"Really, you're going to ask me that.  Your actions and words confuse me."  Setting me down he led me to the dinning hall where all his pack members are awaiting his arrival.  All except one, Rachel.  I wanted to ask where she is and how she is doing but I kept quiet.

"Stupid bitch, should've just died."  I stared at one of the she wolf who decided to make a snarky insult.  "It's because of her we lost our future alpha."  I could only cast my eyes on the floor.  What they said is true.  

Hunter just growled warning his pack to shut the hell up.  Even though I am mad at him, I was a bit happy knowing he stood up for me.

I watch Hunter took his seat at the head of the table while glaring at the she wolf seating next to him, "Get up.  That's seats taken."

"But alpha I always sit here."  She timidly spoke.

"Now you will seat else where."  Looking towards me, "Come TY."

I watch the she wolf take another seat while I feel like I was walking through doomsday.  I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be anywhere else but here.  Cold sweat was running down my skin as with each step I took made me nervous.  Why does it feel like I would be attack from behind if I am not careful.

Taking a seat next to Hunter in silent, I watched an observed.  Why isn't anyone eating?  The food here looks delicious but it just stood there as everyone waited.  Why?  Again my stomach grumbled.

Well if he brought me here to eat than eat I shall.  Grabbing my plate first and placing food, I was stopped by another wolf, "We don't eat until our alpha eats first."  He snarled.

How should I know.  "I am allowing my mate to eat first."  Hunter's voice spoke with authority, "I do not like how you all are treating my mate and your Luna."  I could almost hear a pin drop in this dining hall.  That is how quiet it got all of a sudden.  "What she says goes, so if she want's to have your head, I will have no qualms about that."

Again my hand shook nervously.  He's giving me that much power among about 40 wolves.  Wolves again from all over come in all sort of sizes in packs.  The most you can have in a pack is about 45.  Well that's what I was told.  As I finally got my food, the wolves in this room only stared at me.  Fuck it.  "Eat."  I ordered quietly.

Soon the room was filled with loud plates chatter as I smiled, hmm I could get use to this.

Things hasn't gotten better since my sudden move to the alpha's quarters.  His parents for instants well more like his father refuses to eat at the dinning hall while I'm there.  As for his mother well she is sweet but she eats with his father too.  Hunter tried hard for his father to like me but in the end men usually has one track mind.

Well that's too bad for Hunter because I made him sleep on the floor.  Though Mia was upset she understood.  What is his game anyway?  He treats me like he did before, his buddy, not his mate.  Not once has he touched me or at least tried to touch me.  Maybe he's still grotesque by me being a guy.  Oh wells, its his problem.

At school my popularity dropped drastically.  I don't give a fuck.  I for one am thankful I don't have the same class as Hunter.  Before maybe I would've die to be in the same class as he, now its just easier to avoid him.

Walking through the empty halls I entered the locker room.  The men's locker room.  I entered it with ease.  All the chatter and laughter that was heard was now quiet and silent as I watch most of the men here with nothing but a towel on stare at me in shock.

Why are they looking at me like that?  Suddenly I heard a low growl as my arm was snatched pulling me into an empty stall only to be met with a angry looking alpha, "What the fuck are you doing here?"  Hunter barked at me.

Pulling my arm back harshly, "What the hell?  I'm here to change.  What the fuck is the matter with you?"

His eyes soon casts down lowering his voice, "Sorry I was just surprise, you are here after all there are," he paused before clearing his voice, "Men in this locker room."

Okay, it's nothing I haven't seen before. "I always changed in the locker room."

Hunter eyes widen as if realization had hit him, "Well...I mean since..."  Is he stuttering.  Since when does this big bad alpha stutter.

"Well what Hunt?"  I threw him back a glare.

"Since I found out you're my mate..."

"Are you jealous?"

Soon Hunter pulled me out of the locker room and shoved me outside, "Wait till this room is empty then changed."  He left locking me out of the locker room.  What the hell is his problem?

Since I couldn't change, I wondered through the hall towards my next class where I accidentally bump into my least favorite person, Rachel.  I admit I was a bit glad to see her.  I wanted to apologize for the lost of her pup and explain it was not my intention.  Instead she had other ideas when she had pinned me up the wall along with her lackey's.  

"This is all your fault." She shed a tear.  I may not have had a pup of my own but knowing you had to bare the lost of ones pup must feel terrible.

"You should've died."  Her friend coldly spoke.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I didn't...."

"No, you didn't think.  Because of you I lost my pup.  Now you will pay."

Pay?  How much....taking out my wallet, "Okay, I don't have much but..."

Rachel snatched the wallet out of my hand and threw it on the ground, "You fucking bitch, I'm not talking about money.  You took my pup, now give me Hunter."

Is she serious.  Hunter is not an object.  "I can't, do you see this mark on my neck."

Rachel stared at the mark, "Reject him."

"Again I can't.  He ordered me not too."

I heard her and her friends sigh, "Fine, just know this Hunter loved me once before, I will make him love me again.  This I promise you."

Laughing, I watch Rachel and her friends walk away while I only could blink, "Unless she knows a witch, then it's unlikely for Hunter to fall back into her arms.  After all the mate bond is strong right?"  Why do I have a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach non the less I ignored it.

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